

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
David Rooney Director 65 11.50万美元 未持股 2024-01-25
Kemper Isely Chairman, Director and Co-President 62 62.55万美元 342.11 2024-01-25
Zephyr Isely Director and Co-President 75 58.10万美元 336.09 2024-01-25
Heather Isely Director, Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary 58 87.01万美元 114.85 2024-01-25
Elizabeth Isely Director and Executive Vice President 69 86.53万美元 127.03 2024-01-25
Sandra Buffa Director 71 4.53万美元 3.06 2024-01-25
Richard Hallé Director 59 11.00万美元 3.34 2024-01-25
Edward Cerkovnik Director 66 11.00万美元 3.08 2024-01-25



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Todd Dissinger Chief Financial Officer 66 133.70万美元 1.25 2024-01-25
Kemper Isely Chairman, Director and Co-President 62 62.55万美元 342.11 2024-01-25
Zephyr Isely Director and Co-President 75 58.10万美元 336.09 2024-01-25
Heather Isely Director, Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary 58 87.01万美元 114.85 2024-01-25
Elizabeth Isely Director and Executive Vice President 69 86.53万美元 127.03 2024-01-25


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David Rooney

David Rooney自2020年8月5日起担任董事。在德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte&Touche LLP&8220;Deloitte&8221;)的40年职业生涯中,他担任审计合伙人并担任许多领导职务。在从Deloitte退休之前,Rooney先生担任丹佛审计实践的主管合伙人,担任科罗拉多州消费者&工业产品行业服务的实践领导者,并担任顾问合伙人,为公共和私人公司提供关键业务问题的建议。Rooney先生在会计和金融、风险评估、内部控制、公司治理、并购和公开发行领域有着丰富的经验。

David Rooney,has been a director since August 5, 2020. During Mr. Rooney's 40-year career with Deloitte & Touche LLP ("Deloitte"), he served as an audit partner and held numerous leadership roles. Prior to his retirement from Deloitte, Mr. Rooney served as partner-in-charge of the Denver audit practice, as Colorado practice leader for services to the Consumer & Industrial products industries, and as an advisory partner, advising public and private companies on critical business issues. Mr. Rooney has extensive experience in the areas of accounting and finance, risk assessment, internal controls, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and public offerings.
David Rooney自2020年8月5日起担任董事。在德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte&Touche LLP&8220;Deloitte&8221;)的40年职业生涯中,他担任审计合伙人并担任许多领导职务。在从Deloitte退休之前,Rooney先生担任丹佛审计实践的主管合伙人,担任科罗拉多州消费者&工业产品行业服务的实践领导者,并担任顾问合伙人,为公共和私人公司提供关键业务问题的建议。Rooney先生在会计和金融、风险评估、内部控制、公司治理、并购和公开发行领域有着丰富的经验。
David Rooney,has been a director since August 5, 2020. During Mr. Rooney's 40-year career with Deloitte & Touche LLP ("Deloitte"), he served as an audit partner and held numerous leadership roles. Prior to his retirement from Deloitte, Mr. Rooney served as partner-in-charge of the Denver audit practice, as Colorado practice leader for services to the Consumer & Industrial products industries, and as an advisory partner, advising public and private companies on critical business issues. Mr. Rooney has extensive experience in the areas of accounting and finance, risk assessment, internal controls, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and public offerings.
Kemper Isely

Kemper Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers联席总裁。他于1977年加入Natural Grocers成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、仓库经理、市场总监、采购总监、运营总监和财务总监等职务。

Kemper Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Warehouse Manager, Director of Marketing, Director of Purchasing, Director of Operations and Director of Finance.
Kemper Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers联席总裁。他于1977年加入Natural Grocers成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、仓库经理、市场总监、采购总监、运营总监和财务总监等职务。
Kemper Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Warehouse Manager, Director of Marketing, Director of Purchasing, Director of Operations and Director of Finance.
Zephyr Isely

Zephyr Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage公司的董事兼Natural Grocers公司的联席总裁。他于1969年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage,Inc.任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、验收主任、仓库经理、运营主任、采购主任、会计主任、工资和报酬经理以及信息系统主任等职务。

Zephyr Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1969 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Director of Receiving, Warehouse Manager, Director of Operations, Director of Purchasing, Director of Accounting, Manager of Payroll and Compensation and Director of Information Systems.
Zephyr Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage公司的董事兼Natural Grocers公司的联席总裁。他于1969年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage,Inc.任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、验收主任、仓库经理、运营主任、采购主任、会计主任、工资和报酬经理以及信息系统主任等职务。
Zephyr Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1969 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Director of Receiving, Warehouse Manager, Director of Operations, Director of Purchasing, Director of Accounting, Manager of Payroll and Compensation and Director of Information Systems.
Heather Isely

Heather Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers副总裁执行总裁兼公司秘书。Heather Isely女士于1989年加入Vitamin Cottage,Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过产品协调员、商店经理、质量控制经理、营养教育总监、运营经理、薪酬经理、培训经理和人力资源总监等职务。

Heather Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary since 1998. Ms. Heather Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1989 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Produce Coordinator, Store Manager, Manager of Quality Control, Director of Nutrition Education, Manager of Operations, Manager of Compensation, Manager of Training and Director of Human Resources.
Heather Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers副总裁执行总裁兼公司秘书。Heather Isely女士于1989年加入Vitamin Cottage,Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过产品协调员、商店经理、质量控制经理、营养教育总监、运营经理、薪酬经理、培训经理和人力资源总监等职务。
Heather Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary since 1998. Ms. Heather Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1989 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Produce Coordinator, Store Manager, Manager of Quality Control, Director of Nutrition Education, Manager of Operations, Manager of Compensation, Manager of Training and Director of Human Resources.
Elizabeth Isely

Elizabeth Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers执行副总裁。Elizabeth Isely女士于1977年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、区域经理、运营总监、培训经理和新店开业总监等职务。

Elizabeth Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President since 1998. Ms. Elizabeth Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Regional Manager, Director of Operations, Manager of Training and Director of New Store Openings.
Elizabeth Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers执行副总裁。Elizabeth Isely女士于1977年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、区域经理、运营总监、培训经理和新店开业总监等职务。
Elizabeth Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President since 1998. Ms. Elizabeth Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Regional Manager, Director of Operations, Manager of Training and Director of New Store Openings.
Sandra Buffa

Sandra Buffa,自2008 年当她加入Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc.以来,她担任Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc.的首席财务官。在加入Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc.之前的2005 年至 2007 年,她担任QCE, LLC(Quizno的连锁餐厅的母公司)的首席财务官。从 2001 至 2005 年,她担任Mrs. Fields’Original Cookies, Inc.的首席财务官。从 2004 年至 2005 年她担任其母公司的高级副总裁、首席财务官兼司库。从 1998 年至 1999 年,她担任 Crabtree & Evelyn, Ltd,的总裁兼首席运营官并于1998 年担任首席财务官。从 1993 年至 1998 年,她担任Vista Optical的首席财务官,高级副总裁和司库。她的职业生涯始于普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers),最近她担任高级审计经理。她是一名注册会计师。

Sandra Buffa,has been a director since August 2023. She served as Chief Financial Officer of the Company from 2008 to 2017. Prior to her role with the Company, Ms. Buffa previously served as Chief Financial Officer at QCE, LLC, the parent company of the Quizno's restaurant chain, as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Mrs. Fields' Original Cookies, Inc., and as President and Chief Operating Officer of Crabtree & Evelyn, Ltd. She began her career with PricewaterhouseCoopers, including as a senior audit manager.
Sandra Buffa,自2008 年当她加入Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc.以来,她担任Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc.的首席财务官。在加入Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc.之前的2005 年至 2007 年,她担任QCE, LLC(Quizno的连锁餐厅的母公司)的首席财务官。从 2001 至 2005 年,她担任Mrs. Fields’Original Cookies, Inc.的首席财务官。从 2004 年至 2005 年她担任其母公司的高级副总裁、首席财务官兼司库。从 1998 年至 1999 年,她担任 Crabtree & Evelyn, Ltd,的总裁兼首席运营官并于1998 年担任首席财务官。从 1993 年至 1998 年,她担任Vista Optical的首席财务官,高级副总裁和司库。她的职业生涯始于普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers),最近她担任高级审计经理。她是一名注册会计师。
Sandra Buffa,has been a director since August 2023. She served as Chief Financial Officer of the Company from 2008 to 2017. Prior to her role with the Company, Ms. Buffa previously served as Chief Financial Officer at QCE, LLC, the parent company of the Quizno's restaurant chain, as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Mrs. Fields' Original Cookies, Inc., and as President and Chief Operating Officer of Crabtree & Evelyn, Ltd. She began her career with PricewaterhouseCoopers, including as a senior audit manager.
Richard Hallé

Richard Hallé,自2012 年 10 月 17 日以来,他担任董事职务。自 2011 年以来,他担任科罗拉多州恩格尔伍德的The Berry Company, Inc.的首席财务官负责财务,包括会计、财政部、税务、规划、预测、预算编制和财务报告。此前从 2003 年到 2008 年,他担任内布拉斯加州奥马哈的DTN Holding Company, Inc.的首席财务官和秘书。从 2002 年至 2003 年,他在FTI Consulting, Inc.担任董事总经理负责业务拓展和战略重建。

Richard Hallé,has been a director since October 17, 2012. Mr. Hallé has served as a managing director of Alvarez and Marsal Private Equity Performance Improvement Group since March 2023. From 2011 until its sale in 2021, Mr. Hallé served as the Chief Financial Officer of Vivial Inc. in Englewood, Colorado, overseeing finance, including accounting, treasury, tax, planning, forecasting, budgeting and financial reporting. Previously, Mr. Hallé served as the Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of DTN Holding Company, Inc. in Omaha, Nebraska from 2003 to 2008 and as a Managing Director of FTI Consulting, Inc. from 2002 to 2003 where he developed business restructuring strategies.
Richard Hallé,自2012 年 10 月 17 日以来,他担任董事职务。自 2011 年以来,他担任科罗拉多州恩格尔伍德的The Berry Company, Inc.的首席财务官负责财务,包括会计、财政部、税务、规划、预测、预算编制和财务报告。此前从 2003 年到 2008 年,他担任内布拉斯加州奥马哈的DTN Holding Company, Inc.的首席财务官和秘书。从 2002 年至 2003 年,他在FTI Consulting, Inc.担任董事总经理负责业务拓展和战略重建。
Richard Hallé,has been a director since October 17, 2012. Mr. Hallé has served as a managing director of Alvarez and Marsal Private Equity Performance Improvement Group since March 2023. From 2011 until its sale in 2021, Mr. Hallé served as the Chief Financial Officer of Vivial Inc. in Englewood, Colorado, overseeing finance, including accounting, treasury, tax, planning, forecasting, budgeting and financial reporting. Previously, Mr. Hallé served as the Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of DTN Holding Company, Inc. in Omaha, Nebraska from 2003 to 2008 and as a Managing Director of FTI Consulting, Inc. from 2002 to 2003 where he developed business restructuring strategies.
Edward Cerkovnik

Edward Cerkovnik,自2013 年 7 月 23 日以来,他担任董事职务。他是Breckenridge Holding Company的创始人并担任其总裁。他也是the Breckenridge Brewery & Pub 概念的所有人和运营者以及其他食品和饮料的概念。自 1994 年成立以来,他担任Breckenridge Holding Company的董事和官员。此外, 自 1994 年以来,他一直是其它餐馆和商业地产项目活跃领导人并且是MediaShift, Inc.的董事会一员。

Edward Cerkovnik,has been a director since July 23, 2013. Mr. Cerkovnik is a founder, a director and the Co- Chief Executive Officer of Breckenridge-Wynkoop, LLC, which owns and operates brew pubs, ale houses and other restaurant concepts. He was a founder, officer and director of Breckenridge Holding Company, the owner and operator of the Breckenridge Brewery, from its inception in 1994 until its sale in 2016. In addition, Mr. Cerkovnik has been an active principal in other restaurant and commercial real estate projects since 1994.
Edward Cerkovnik,自2013 年 7 月 23 日以来,他担任董事职务。他是Breckenridge Holding Company的创始人并担任其总裁。他也是the Breckenridge Brewery & Pub 概念的所有人和运营者以及其他食品和饮料的概念。自 1994 年成立以来,他担任Breckenridge Holding Company的董事和官员。此外, 自 1994 年以来,他一直是其它餐馆和商业地产项目活跃领导人并且是MediaShift, Inc.的董事会一员。
Edward Cerkovnik,has been a director since July 23, 2013. Mr. Cerkovnik is a founder, a director and the Co- Chief Executive Officer of Breckenridge-Wynkoop, LLC, which owns and operates brew pubs, ale houses and other restaurant concepts. He was a founder, officer and director of Breckenridge Holding Company, the owner and operator of the Breckenridge Brewery, from its inception in 1994 until its sale in 2016. In addition, Mr. Cerkovnik has been an active principal in other restaurant and commercial real estate projects since 1994.


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文
Todd Dissinger

Todd Dissinger自2018年1月1日起担任我们的首席财务官。从2015年8月到他被任命为我们的首席财务官,迪辛格先生担任该运营公司的财务主管Vice President。从1997年到2015年,他在TheBon-TonStores,Inc.担任高级管理职位,包括高级副总裁-财务主管、风险管理和信贷1985年至1997年,迪辛格先生在PNC银行担任管理职务,包括Vice President高级关系经理。

Todd Dissinger,has served as Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Chief Financial Officer since January 1, 2018. From August 2015 until his appointment as Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Dissinger served as Vice President, Treasurer of the Operating Company. From 1997 to 2015, he held senior management positions, including Senior Vice President – Treasurer, Risk Management and Credit, at The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. From 1985 to 1997, Mr. Dissinger held management positions, including Vice President – Senior Relationship Manager, with PNC Bank.
Todd Dissinger自2018年1月1日起担任我们的首席财务官。从2015年8月到他被任命为我们的首席财务官,迪辛格先生担任该运营公司的财务主管Vice President。从1997年到2015年,他在TheBon-TonStores,Inc.担任高级管理职位,包括高级副总裁-财务主管、风险管理和信贷1985年至1997年,迪辛格先生在PNC银行担任管理职务,包括Vice President高级关系经理。
Todd Dissinger,has served as Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Chief Financial Officer since January 1, 2018. From August 2015 until his appointment as Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Dissinger served as Vice President, Treasurer of the Operating Company. From 1997 to 2015, he held senior management positions, including Senior Vice President – Treasurer, Risk Management and Credit, at The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. From 1985 to 1997, Mr. Dissinger held management positions, including Vice President – Senior Relationship Manager, with PNC Bank.
Kemper Isely

Kemper Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers联席总裁。他于1977年加入Natural Grocers成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、仓库经理、市场总监、采购总监、运营总监和财务总监等职务。

Kemper Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Warehouse Manager, Director of Marketing, Director of Purchasing, Director of Operations and Director of Finance.
Kemper Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers联席总裁。他于1977年加入Natural Grocers成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、仓库经理、市场总监、采购总监、运营总监和财务总监等职务。
Kemper Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Warehouse Manager, Director of Marketing, Director of Purchasing, Director of Operations and Director of Finance.
Zephyr Isely

Zephyr Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage公司的董事兼Natural Grocers公司的联席总裁。他于1969年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage,Inc.任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、验收主任、仓库经理、运营主任、采购主任、会计主任、工资和报酬经理以及信息系统主任等职务。

Zephyr Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1969 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Director of Receiving, Warehouse Manager, Director of Operations, Director of Purchasing, Director of Accounting, Manager of Payroll and Compensation and Director of Information Systems.
Zephyr Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage公司的董事兼Natural Grocers公司的联席总裁。他于1969年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage,Inc.任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、验收主任、仓库经理、运营主任、采购主任、会计主任、工资和报酬经理以及信息系统主任等职务。
Zephyr Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Co-President since 1998. He joined the Company as an employee in 1969 and during his tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Director of Receiving, Warehouse Manager, Director of Operations, Director of Purchasing, Director of Accounting, Manager of Payroll and Compensation and Director of Information Systems.
Heather Isely

Heather Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers副总裁执行总裁兼公司秘书。Heather Isely女士于1989年加入Vitamin Cottage,Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过产品协调员、商店经理、质量控制经理、营养教育总监、运营经理、薪酬经理、培训经理和人力资源总监等职务。

Heather Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary since 1998. Ms. Heather Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1989 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Produce Coordinator, Store Manager, Manager of Quality Control, Director of Nutrition Education, Manager of Operations, Manager of Compensation, Manager of Training and Director of Human Resources.
Heather Isely自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers副总裁执行总裁兼公司秘书。Heather Isely女士于1989年加入Vitamin Cottage,Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过产品协调员、商店经理、质量控制经理、营养教育总监、运营经理、薪酬经理、培训经理和人力资源总监等职务。
Heather Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary since 1998. Ms. Heather Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1989 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Produce Coordinator, Store Manager, Manager of Quality Control, Director of Nutrition Education, Manager of Operations, Manager of Compensation, Manager of Training and Director of Human Resources.
Elizabeth Isely

Elizabeth Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers执行副总裁。Elizabeth Isely女士于1977年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、区域经理、运营总监、培训经理和新店开业总监等职务。

Elizabeth Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President since 1998. Ms. Elizabeth Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Regional Manager, Director of Operations, Manager of Training and Director of New Store Openings.
Elizabeth Isely,自1998年起担任Vitamin Cottage,Inc.的董事兼Natural Grocers执行副总裁。Elizabeth Isely女士于1977年加入Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.成为雇员,在Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage公司任职期间,曾担任过商店经理、区域经理、运营总监、培训经理和新店开业总监等职务。
Elizabeth Isely,has been a director and Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Executive Vice President since 1998. Ms. Elizabeth Isely joined the Company as an employee in 1977 and during her tenure with Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Company has functioned as Store Manager, Regional Manager, Director of Operations, Manager of Training and Director of New Store Openings.