

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Darwin Dornbush Director 93 12.60万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Joel Levy Director 83 13.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
William Nicholson Director 77 12.60万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Jarett S. Levan Director 49 11.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
John E. Abdo Vice Chairman 79 537.11万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Alan B. Levan Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President 79 537.11万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Lawrence A. Cirillo Director 84 12.60万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Mark A. Nerenhausen Director 69 11.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Arnold Sevell Director 75 12.95万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
James R. Allmand, III Director 74 11.35万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Orlando Sharpe Director 64 11.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Norman H. Becker Director 85 12.60万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Seth M. Wise Director 53 11.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-27



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Raymond S. Lopez Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 48 221.93万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Chanse W. Rivera Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer 53 未披露 未持股 2023-11-27
Jorge de la Osa Executive Vice President, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer 53 未披露 未持股 2023-11-27
Dustin Tonkin Executive Vice President, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer 50 382.15万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Alan B. Levan Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President 79 537.11万美元 未持股 2023-11-27
Susan J. Saturday Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer 64 未披露 未持股 2023-11-27


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Darwin Dornbush

Darwin Dornbush是私人执业律师。他从1964年到2015年1月担任Dornbush Schaeffer Strongin&Venaglia,LLP律师事务所合伙人。他也曾担任Cantel MedicalCorp.公司(梦百合公司)的秘书(直到2010年),以及该公司的董事(直到2009年)。Dornbush先生于2020年10月21日被任命为BlueGreen董事会成员。此外,Dornbush先生从1995年到2005年以及从2009年到2012年1月再次担任Benihana董事会成员。从1983年到2008年,他担任Benihana及其前身的秘书。

Darwin Dornbush,is an attorney in private practice. He served as a partner in the law firm of Dornbush Schaeffer Strongin & Venaglia, LLP from 1964 until January 2015. He also served as Secretary of Cantel Medical Corp., a healthcare company, until 2010 and as a director of that company until 2009. In addition, Mr. Dornbush served as a member of the Board of Directors of Benihana from 1995 through 2005 and again from 2009 through January 2012. From 1983 until 2008, he served as Secretary of Benihana and its predecessor.
Darwin Dornbush是私人执业律师。他从1964年到2015年1月担任Dornbush Schaeffer Strongin&Venaglia,LLP律师事务所合伙人。他也曾担任Cantel MedicalCorp.公司(梦百合公司)的秘书(直到2010年),以及该公司的董事(直到2009年)。Dornbush先生于2020年10月21日被任命为BlueGreen董事会成员。此外,Dornbush先生从1995年到2005年以及从2009年到2012年1月再次担任Benihana董事会成员。从1983年到2008年,他担任Benihana及其前身的秘书。
Darwin Dornbush,is an attorney in private practice. He served as a partner in the law firm of Dornbush Schaeffer Strongin & Venaglia, LLP from 1964 until January 2015. He also served as Secretary of Cantel Medical Corp., a healthcare company, until 2010 and as a director of that company until 2009. In addition, Mr. Dornbush served as a member of the Board of Directors of Benihana from 1995 through 2005 and again from 2009 through January 2012. From 1983 until 2008, he served as Secretary of Benihana and its predecessor.
Joel Levy

Joel Levy是Adler Group,Inc.的副董事长,这是一家商业地产公司。从1984年到2007年,他担任Adler Group的总裁兼首席运营官。Levy先生还担任JLRE Consulting,Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官,并且是一名注册会计师。他于2020年10月21日被任命为BlueGreen的董事会成员。

Joel Levy,is the Vice Chairman of Adler Group, Inc., a commercial real estate company. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Adler Group from 1984 through 2007. Mr. Levy also serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of JLRE Consulting, Inc. and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Joel Levy是Adler Group,Inc.的副董事长,这是一家商业地产公司。从1984年到2007年,他担任Adler Group的总裁兼首席运营官。Levy先生还担任JLRE Consulting,Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官,并且是一名注册会计师。他于2020年10月21日被任命为BlueGreen的董事会成员。
Joel Levy,is the Vice Chairman of Adler Group, Inc., a commercial real estate company. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Adler Group from 1984 through 2007. Mr. Levy also serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of JLRE Consulting, Inc. and is a Certified Public Accountant.
William Nicholson

William Nicholson自2010年起担任Heritage Capital Group(一家投资银行公司)负责人。他目前是Heritage Capital Group的首席合规官。从2003年12月到2009年3月,Nicholson先生还担任Heritage Capital Group的负责人。此外,自2004年以来,Nicholson先生担任WRN Financial Corporation的总裁。从2009年3月到2010年4月,他也是BSE Management,LLC的董事总经理。此外,Nicholson先生于2020年10月21日被任命为BlueGreen董事会成员。

William Nicholson,has served as a principal of Heritage Capital Group, an investment banking firm, since 2010. He is currently Chief Compliance Officer of Heritage Capital Group. Mr. Nicholson also served as a principal of Heritage Capital Group from December 2003 through March 2009. In addition, since 2004, Mr. Nicholson has served as President of WRN Financial Corporation. He was also the Managing Director of BSE Management, LLC from March 2009 through April 2010.
William Nicholson自2010年起担任Heritage Capital Group(一家投资银行公司)负责人。他目前是Heritage Capital Group的首席合规官。从2003年12月到2009年3月,Nicholson先生还担任Heritage Capital Group的负责人。此外,自2004年以来,Nicholson先生担任WRN Financial Corporation的总裁。从2009年3月到2010年4月,他也是BSE Management,LLC的董事总经理。此外,Nicholson先生于2020年10月21日被任命为BlueGreen董事会成员。
William Nicholson,has served as a principal of Heritage Capital Group, an investment banking firm, since 2010. He is currently Chief Compliance Officer of Heritage Capital Group. Mr. Nicholson also served as a principal of Heritage Capital Group from December 2003 through March 2009. In addition, since 2004, Mr. Nicholson has served as President of WRN Financial Corporation. He was also the Managing Director of BSE Management, LLC from March 2009 through April 2010.
Jarett S. Levan

Jarett S. Levan, 自2007年1月起,他曾担任本公司总裁。2007年1月至2012年7月完成BankAtlantic给BB&T的销售期间,他担任首席执行官和BankAtlantic的总裁。自2009年9月起,他还担任BFC和BFC的执行副总裁;自2011年4月,担任董事。他目前担任Broward艺术的企业主席和Broward表演艺术中心、Fort Lauderdale艺术博物馆、Broward社区基金会、大Fort Lauderdale 联盟、Broward Workshop和Broward County文化委员会的董事。

Jarett S. Levan,served as President of the Company until the completion of the spin-off of BBX Capital on September 30, 2020. In connection with the spin-off of BBX Capital, Mr. Jarett Levan became Chief Executive Officer and President of BBX Capital. He is also a director of BBX Capital, and he has served as a director of Bluegreen since August 2017. From December 2015 to February 2017, Mr. Jarett Levan served as Acting Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Commencing in 1999, he was a director of, and in 2015 he became the Acting Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of, BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016. Further, Mr. Jarett Levan was the President of BankAtlantic from 2005 to 2007 and was the Chief Executive Officer of BankAtlantic from January 2007 until July 2012 when BankAtlantic was sold to BB&T. Mr. Jarett Levan also serves as a director of Business for the Arts of Broward, the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, the Broward Workshop, the Broward College Foundation and the Ambassadors Board of Nova Southeastern University.
Jarett S. Levan, 自2007年1月起,他曾担任本公司总裁。2007年1月至2012年7月完成BankAtlantic给BB&T的销售期间,他担任首席执行官和BankAtlantic的总裁。自2009年9月起,他还担任BFC和BFC的执行副总裁;自2011年4月,担任董事。他目前担任Broward艺术的企业主席和Broward表演艺术中心、Fort Lauderdale艺术博物馆、Broward社区基金会、大Fort Lauderdale 联盟、Broward Workshop和Broward County文化委员会的董事。
Jarett S. Levan,served as President of the Company until the completion of the spin-off of BBX Capital on September 30, 2020. In connection with the spin-off of BBX Capital, Mr. Jarett Levan became Chief Executive Officer and President of BBX Capital. He is also a director of BBX Capital, and he has served as a director of Bluegreen since August 2017. From December 2015 to February 2017, Mr. Jarett Levan served as Acting Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Commencing in 1999, he was a director of, and in 2015 he became the Acting Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of, BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016. Further, Mr. Jarett Levan was the President of BankAtlantic from 2005 to 2007 and was the Chief Executive Officer of BankAtlantic from January 2007 until July 2012 when BankAtlantic was sold to BB&T. Mr. Jarett Levan also serves as a director of Business for the Arts of Broward, the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, the Broward Workshop, the Broward College Foundation and the Ambassadors Board of Nova Southeastern University.
John E. Abdo

John E. Abdo, 自1994年起,他担任本公司副董事长。1987年至2012年7月,曾任BankAtlantic的副主席,2012年7月完成BankAtlantic给BB&T的销售。1984年,他获委任为BankAtlantic董事会董事,并于1994年当BankAtlantic改组为控股公司,成为公司的董事。自1988年以来,他曾担任BFC的董事,并自1993年以来,他一直担任BFC的副主席。他也是Bluegreen的副主席。此外,1990年他担任Benihana 的董事,包括担任副董事长,直到2012年8月Benihana被Safflower收购。他也是Abdo 公司的总裁,一家演艺中心管理局(PACA)的董事会成员和Broward表演艺术基金会财务委员会的前总裁、现任董事及主席。2001年至2009年9月当它被合并到BFC的全资附属公司时,他担任Woodbridge控股股份有限公司的副主席。

John E. Abdo,has served as Vice Chairman of the Company since 1993 and was Vice Chairman of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016. He also served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen since 2002. In addition, from December 2015 until August 2017, he served as Acting Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen. Mr. Abdo is also the Vice Chairman of BBX Capital. Mr. Abdo served as Vice Chairman of BankAtlantic from 1987 until the completion of the sale of BankAtlantic to BB&T during July 2012. Mr. Abdo is also President of Abdo Companies, Inc. ("Abdo Companies"), a member of the Board of Directors of the Performing Arts Center Authority ("PACA"), and the former 20-year President and current member of the Investment Committee and the Finance Committee of the Broward Performing Arts Foundation.
John E. Abdo, 自1994年起,他担任本公司副董事长。1987年至2012年7月,曾任BankAtlantic的副主席,2012年7月完成BankAtlantic给BB&T的销售。1984年,他获委任为BankAtlantic董事会董事,并于1994年当BankAtlantic改组为控股公司,成为公司的董事。自1988年以来,他曾担任BFC的董事,并自1993年以来,他一直担任BFC的副主席。他也是Bluegreen的副主席。此外,1990年他担任Benihana 的董事,包括担任副董事长,直到2012年8月Benihana被Safflower收购。他也是Abdo 公司的总裁,一家演艺中心管理局(PACA)的董事会成员和Broward表演艺术基金会财务委员会的前总裁、现任董事及主席。2001年至2009年9月当它被合并到BFC的全资附属公司时,他担任Woodbridge控股股份有限公司的副主席。
John E. Abdo,has served as Vice Chairman of the Company since 1993 and was Vice Chairman of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016. He also served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen since 2002. In addition, from December 2015 until August 2017, he served as Acting Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen. Mr. Abdo is also the Vice Chairman of BBX Capital. Mr. Abdo served as Vice Chairman of BankAtlantic from 1987 until the completion of the sale of BankAtlantic to BB&T during July 2012. Mr. Abdo is also President of Abdo Companies, Inc. ("Abdo Companies"), a member of the Board of Directors of the Performing Arts Center Authority ("PACA"), and the former 20-year President and current member of the Investment Committee and the Finance Committee of the Broward Performing Arts Foundation.
Alan B. Levan

Alan B. Levan于2002年4月成为公司董事。2002年5月Levan被选为公司董事长。Levan自1978年起担任BFC及其前身公司董事长、首席执行官和总裁。Levan自1994年起担任BBX Capital Corporation “BBX Capital”董事长和首席执行官;1987年到2012年7月担任BankAtlantic(BBX Capital的前任银行子公司)董事长,BankAtlantic于2012年7月被卖给BB&T。Levan还从2009年7月到2012年8月担任Benihana Inc. (“Benihana”)董事,Benihana于2012年8月被Safflower Holdings Corp.收购。除了对公司的普通股很感兴趣之外,BFC还持有BBX Capital的控制股,并担任其在Benihana集团的重要投资职位,一直担任到2012年8月公司被收购。Levan还从1985年到2009年担任Woodbridge Holdings Corporation(2009与BFC合并)董事长和首席执行官。

Alan B. Levan,formed the I.R.E. Group (predecessor to the Company) in 1972. From 1978 until December 2015, he served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company or its predecessors. During February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan was reappointed as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and he continues to serve in such capacities. He has also served as President of the Company since the completion of the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020. From December 2015 until his reappointment as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer during February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan served as Founder and strategic advisor to the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Alan Levan is also the Chairman of BBX Capital. In addition, he served as Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen Vacations Corporation ("Bluegreen") since May 2017 and from May 2002 to December 2015, and as its Chief Executive Officer and President since January 2020. From May 2015 until February 2017, he served Bluegreen in a non-executive capacity. Bluegreen became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during May 2021 as a result of the statutory short-form merger effected at that time pursuant to which the Company acquired all of the approximately 7% of the then-outstanding shares of common stock of Bluegreen not previously owned by the Company (the "Bluegreen Merger"). Prior to the Bluegreen Merger, the Company owned approximately 93% of Bluegreen's outstanding common stock. From 1994 until December 2015, Mr. Alan Levan was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.), which merged with and into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during December 2016 (the "BBX Merger"). In addition, Mr. Alan Levan served as Chairman of BankAtlantic from 1987 until July 2012 when BankAtlantic was sold to BB&T Corporation ("BB&T").
Alan B. Levan于2002年4月成为公司董事。2002年5月Levan被选为公司董事长。Levan自1978年起担任BFC及其前身公司董事长、首席执行官和总裁。Levan自1994年起担任BBX Capital Corporation “BBX Capital”董事长和首席执行官;1987年到2012年7月担任BankAtlantic(BBX Capital的前任银行子公司)董事长,BankAtlantic于2012年7月被卖给BB&T。Levan还从2009年7月到2012年8月担任Benihana Inc. (“Benihana”)董事,Benihana于2012年8月被Safflower Holdings Corp.收购。除了对公司的普通股很感兴趣之外,BFC还持有BBX Capital的控制股,并担任其在Benihana集团的重要投资职位,一直担任到2012年8月公司被收购。Levan还从1985年到2009年担任Woodbridge Holdings Corporation(2009与BFC合并)董事长和首席执行官。
Alan B. Levan,formed the I.R.E. Group (predecessor to the Company) in 1972. From 1978 until December 2015, he served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company or its predecessors. During February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan was reappointed as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and he continues to serve in such capacities. He has also served as President of the Company since the completion of the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020. From December 2015 until his reappointment as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer during February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan served as Founder and strategic advisor to the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Alan Levan is also the Chairman of BBX Capital. In addition, he served as Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen Vacations Corporation ("Bluegreen") since May 2017 and from May 2002 to December 2015, and as its Chief Executive Officer and President since January 2020. From May 2015 until February 2017, he served Bluegreen in a non-executive capacity. Bluegreen became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during May 2021 as a result of the statutory short-form merger effected at that time pursuant to which the Company acquired all of the approximately 7% of the then-outstanding shares of common stock of Bluegreen not previously owned by the Company (the "Bluegreen Merger"). Prior to the Bluegreen Merger, the Company owned approximately 93% of Bluegreen's outstanding common stock. From 1994 until December 2015, Mr. Alan Levan was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.), which merged with and into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during December 2016 (the "BBX Merger"). In addition, Mr. Alan Levan served as Chairman of BankAtlantic from 1987 until July 2012 when BankAtlantic was sold to BB&T Corporation ("BB&T").
Lawrence A. Cirillo

Lawrence A. Cirillo于2003年10月成为公司董事。Cirillo从1979年开始担任Atlantic Chartering(一家游轮经纪公司)主要合伙人和总裁,一直担任到 Atlantic Chartering与Seabrokers, Inc.(Clarkson, Ltd.的子公司)并购。Cirillo还曾担任Seabrokers, Inc.副总裁,一直担任到2000年。Cirillo自2000年起担任Southport Maritime, Inc.游轮经纪人。

Lawrence A. Cirillo,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2003.Mr. Cirillo was Principal Partner and President of Atlantic Chartering, an oil tanker brokerage company, from 1979 until Atlantic Chartering merged with Seabrokers, Inc., a subsidiary of Clarkson, Ltd. Mr. Cirillo served as a Vice President of Seabrokers, Inc. until 2000. From 2000 until December 2021, Mr. Cirillo has served as an oil tanker broker with Southport Maritime, Inc. and he currently serves as a consultant for Southport Maritime, Inc.
Lawrence A. Cirillo于2003年10月成为公司董事。Cirillo从1979年开始担任Atlantic Chartering(一家游轮经纪公司)主要合伙人和总裁,一直担任到 Atlantic Chartering与Seabrokers, Inc.(Clarkson, Ltd.的子公司)并购。Cirillo还曾担任Seabrokers, Inc.副总裁,一直担任到2000年。Cirillo自2000年起担任Southport Maritime, Inc.游轮经纪人。
Lawrence A. Cirillo,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2003.Mr. Cirillo was Principal Partner and President of Atlantic Chartering, an oil tanker brokerage company, from 1979 until Atlantic Chartering merged with Seabrokers, Inc., a subsidiary of Clarkson, Ltd. Mr. Cirillo served as a Vice President of Seabrokers, Inc. until 2000. From 2000 until December 2021, Mr. Cirillo has served as an oil tanker broker with Southport Maritime, Inc. and he currently serves as a consultant for Southport Maritime, Inc.
Mark A. Nerenhausen

Mark A. Nerenhausen于2003年10月成为公司董事。Nerenhausen自2011年起担任Syracuse University Janklaw Arts Leadership Program教授和董事。此外,Nerenhausen自2010年8月起担任ZSP Consulting合伙人。Nerenhausen从2009年3月到2010年7月担任德州达拉斯AT&T Performing Arts Center总裁和首席执行官。他之前从1998年2009年3月担任PACA总裁和首席执行官。

Mark A. Nerenhausen,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2003. Mr. Nerenhausen serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hennepin Theater Trust. In addition, since August 2010, Mr. Nerenhausen has been a Principal of ZSP Consulting. Previously, he served as a professor and a director of the Syracuse University Janklaw Arts Leadership Program from 2011 through 2017. From March 2009 through July 2010, Mr. Nerenhausen served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the AT&T Performing Arts Center in Dallas, Texas.
Mark A. Nerenhausen于2003年10月成为公司董事。Nerenhausen自2011年起担任Syracuse University Janklaw Arts Leadership Program教授和董事。此外,Nerenhausen自2010年8月起担任ZSP Consulting合伙人。Nerenhausen从2009年3月到2010年7月担任德州达拉斯AT&T Performing Arts Center总裁和首席执行官。他之前从1998年2009年3月担任PACA总裁和首席执行官。
Mark A. Nerenhausen,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2003. Mr. Nerenhausen serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hennepin Theater Trust. In addition, since August 2010, Mr. Nerenhausen has been a Principal of ZSP Consulting. Previously, he served as a professor and a director of the Syracuse University Janklaw Arts Leadership Program from 2011 through 2017. From March 2009 through July 2010, Mr. Nerenhausen served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the AT&T Performing Arts Center in Dallas, Texas.
Arnold Sevell

Arnold Sevell于2002年成为公司董事。在15年时间里,Sevell一直担任Sevell Realty Partners, Inc.(一家全服务商业房地产公司)及其附属实体公司Sevell Realty Holdings, LLC, Sevell Family Holdings, LLC 和Sevell Residential Realty LLC.总裁。Sevell还担任佛罗里达州Boca Raton规划和分区董事会成员。

Arnold Sevell,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2002. Mr. Sevell has been the President of Sevell Realty Partners, Inc., a full-service commercial real estate firm, and its affiliated entities, Sevell Realty Holdings LLC and Sevell Residential Realty LLC, for more than 30 years. Mr. Sevell also serves as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board of Boca Raton, Florida.
Arnold Sevell于2002年成为公司董事。在15年时间里,Sevell一直担任Sevell Realty Partners, Inc.(一家全服务商业房地产公司)及其附属实体公司Sevell Realty Holdings, LLC, Sevell Family Holdings, LLC 和Sevell Residential Realty LLC.总裁。Sevell还担任佛罗里达州Boca Raton规划和分区董事会成员。
Arnold Sevell,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2002. Mr. Sevell has been the President of Sevell Realty Partners, Inc., a full-service commercial real estate firm, and its affiliated entities, Sevell Realty Holdings LLC and Sevell Residential Realty LLC, for more than 30 years. Mr. Sevell also serves as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board of Boca Raton, Florida.
James R. Allmand, III

James R. Allmand, III, 他于2011年7月被任命为公司的董事。他拥有超过三十年的度假村房地产和酒店运营管理经验,涉及豪华度假村酒店、码头和主计划住宅地产,包括超过25年的佛罗里达区域多产权职务。2008年以来,他曾一直担任Global Resort Development公司(一个国际度假村开发咨询公司)的高级副总裁,负责度假胜地和房地产业务。此前,他曾担任Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa公司的总经理,提供咨询服务(2007年至2008年)、IAG Florida公司(商业、住宅和酒店开发的公司)的咨询董事(从2004年到2007年)、Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six公司(位于佛罗里达劳德代尔堡)的总经理兼副总裁(1993年至2004年)。

James R. Allmand, III,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2011. Mr. Allmand has over 40 years of resort real estate and hospitality operations management experience in the United States, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Since 2008, Mr. Allmand has been the Senior Vice President for Operations and Real Estate for Global Resort Development, Inc., a development advisory group based in Dallas, Texas. His hospitality and real estate career began with the Sea Pines Company, a residential resort developer of Hilton Head Island, Amelia Island, Big Canoe and Palmas del Mar, Puerto Rico. Mr. Allmand previously served as General Manager and Area Senior General Manager for Embassy Suites properties in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from 1990-1993, and Regional Vice President of Operations in Florida for R & A Hotels, Huizenga Sports Holdings Executive Group and Florida Panthers Holdings from 1993-2004. His responsibilities included those relating to Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six, Bahia Mar Beach Resort Yachting Center, Oceanside Inn, Portside Marina and Grande Oaks Golf Club. He was also previously Director of Advisory Services in Fort Lauderdale for IAG Florida, a commercial, residential and a hospitality development-oriented company, and General Partner and General Manager of a subsidiary company of a New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE")-listed publicly traded REIT where he was involved in the successful turnaround of two bankrupt hotels in New Orleans and Jackson, Mississippi. He is a Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA), a Certified Food and Beverage Executive (CFBE). In 2000, he was named General Manager of the Year for the United States by the American Hotel and Lodging Association. In 2001, he was named General Manager of the Year by the Florida Hotel & Motel Association.
James R. Allmand, III, 他于2011年7月被任命为公司的董事。他拥有超过三十年的度假村房地产和酒店运营管理经验,涉及豪华度假村酒店、码头和主计划住宅地产,包括超过25年的佛罗里达区域多产权职务。2008年以来,他曾一直担任Global Resort Development公司(一个国际度假村开发咨询公司)的高级副总裁,负责度假胜地和房地产业务。此前,他曾担任Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa公司的总经理,提供咨询服务(2007年至2008年)、IAG Florida公司(商业、住宅和酒店开发的公司)的咨询董事(从2004年到2007年)、Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six公司(位于佛罗里达劳德代尔堡)的总经理兼副总裁(1993年至2004年)。
James R. Allmand, III,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2011. Mr. Allmand has over 40 years of resort real estate and hospitality operations management experience in the United States, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Since 2008, Mr. Allmand has been the Senior Vice President for Operations and Real Estate for Global Resort Development, Inc., a development advisory group based in Dallas, Texas. His hospitality and real estate career began with the Sea Pines Company, a residential resort developer of Hilton Head Island, Amelia Island, Big Canoe and Palmas del Mar, Puerto Rico. Mr. Allmand previously served as General Manager and Area Senior General Manager for Embassy Suites properties in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from 1990-1993, and Regional Vice President of Operations in Florida for R & A Hotels, Huizenga Sports Holdings Executive Group and Florida Panthers Holdings from 1993-2004. His responsibilities included those relating to Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six, Bahia Mar Beach Resort Yachting Center, Oceanside Inn, Portside Marina and Grande Oaks Golf Club. He was also previously Director of Advisory Services in Fort Lauderdale for IAG Florida, a commercial, residential and a hospitality development-oriented company, and General Partner and General Manager of a subsidiary company of a New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE")-listed publicly traded REIT where he was involved in the successful turnaround of two bankrupt hotels in New Orleans and Jackson, Mississippi. He is a Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA), a Certified Food and Beverage Executive (CFBE). In 2000, he was named General Manager of the Year for the United States by the American Hotel and Lodging Association. In 2001, he was named General Manager of the Year by the Florida Hotel & Motel Association.
Orlando Sharpe

Orlando Sharpe,他于2011年7月被任命为公司的董事。他于1990年创立Sharpe Project Developments公司(房地产开发公司),也曾担任其总裁。1986年至1990年,他曾任职Arvida/JMP Partners公司(住宅房地产开发公司),在那里他曾管理几个写字楼、零售中心、酒店、餐厅、仓库和混合使用的商业公园的设计、建设、开发和物业管理。此前,他曾任职the Weitz Co. General Contractors,担任多种商业项目的项目经理。他的背景还包括建筑和工程公司专业经验。

Orlando Sharpe,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2011. Mr. Sharpe founded Sharpe Project Developments, Inc., a real estate development company, in 1990 and has served as its President since that time. He is also the President of Sharpe Project Construction, Inc. and OLD, LLC. From 1986 to 1990, he was employed with Arvida/JMP Partners, L.P., a residential real estate development company, where he managed the design, construction, development and property management for several office buildings, retail centers, hotels, restaurants, warehouses and mixed Bluegreen Vacations Holding Corporation e commercial parks. Prior to that time, he was employed by Weitz Co. General Contractors as a project manager on various commercial projects. His background also includes professional experience with a number of architectural and engineering firms.
Orlando Sharpe,他于2011年7月被任命为公司的董事。他于1990年创立Sharpe Project Developments公司(房地产开发公司),也曾担任其总裁。1986年至1990年,他曾任职Arvida/JMP Partners公司(住宅房地产开发公司),在那里他曾管理几个写字楼、零售中心、酒店、餐厅、仓库和混合使用的商业公园的设计、建设、开发和物业管理。此前,他曾任职the Weitz Co. General Contractors,担任多种商业项目的项目经理。他的背景还包括建筑和工程公司专业经验。
Orlando Sharpe,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2011. Mr. Sharpe founded Sharpe Project Developments, Inc., a real estate development company, in 1990 and has served as its President since that time. He is also the President of Sharpe Project Construction, Inc. and OLD, LLC. From 1986 to 1990, he was employed with Arvida/JMP Partners, L.P., a residential real estate development company, where he managed the design, construction, development and property management for several office buildings, retail centers, hotels, restaurants, warehouses and mixed Bluegreen Vacations Holding Corporation e commercial parks. Prior to that time, he was employed by Weitz Co. General Contractors as a project manager on various commercial projects. His background also includes professional experience with a number of architectural and engineering firms.
Norman H. Becker

Norman H. Becker, 他目前并已担任十多年的注册会计师个体户。2012年6月期间辞去这些职位之前,他是Proguard收购公司的财务总监及司库,以及董事会成员。10多年来,他曾任Touche Ross公司(前身德勤会计师事务所)的合伙人。自2003年以来,他一直担任Bluegreen的董事。他还担任Benihana的董事,直到2012年8月Benihana被 Safflower收购。

Norman H. Becker,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2003. Mr. Becker previously served as a director of the Company from 2013 until September 2020 when he joined BBX Capital's Board of Directors in connection with the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital at that time. Mr. Becker continues to serve as a director and member of the Audit Committee of BBX Capital. Mr. Becker is, and has been for more than twelve years, self-employed as a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Becker was also the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Proguard Acquisition Corp., as well as a member of its Board of Directors, until 2012. He was previously a partner with Touche Ross & Co., the predecessor of Deloitte & Touche LLP, for more than ten years. He also served as a director of Benihana until August 2012.
Norman H. Becker, 他目前并已担任十多年的注册会计师个体户。2012年6月期间辞去这些职位之前,他是Proguard收购公司的财务总监及司库,以及董事会成员。10多年来,他曾任Touche Ross公司(前身德勤会计师事务所)的合伙人。自2003年以来,他一直担任Bluegreen的董事。他还担任Benihana的董事,直到2012年8月Benihana被 Safflower收购。
Norman H. Becker,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2003. Mr. Becker previously served as a director of the Company from 2013 until September 2020 when he joined BBX Capital's Board of Directors in connection with the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital at that time. Mr. Becker continues to serve as a director and member of the Audit Committee of BBX Capital. Mr. Becker is, and has been for more than twelve years, self-employed as a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Becker was also the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Proguard Acquisition Corp., as well as a member of its Board of Directors, until 2012. He was previously a partner with Touche Ross & Co., the predecessor of Deloitte & Touche LLP, for more than ten years. He also served as a director of Benihana until August 2012.
Seth M. Wise

Seth M. Wise, 2012年8月,他被任命为本公司执行副总裁。自2009年9月起,他还担任过BFC的董事和执行副总裁。自2003年9月担任伍德布里奇控股公司执行副总裁后,自2005年7月起,他曾担任伍德布里奇控股有限责任公司及其前身——伍德布里奇控股公司的总裁。在伍德布里奇控股公司的请求下,在2007年11月9日申请破产前,他担任Levitt and Sons有限责任公司的主席,伍德布里奇控股公司全资附属住宅建设子公司的前身。他还曾是Abdo 公司的副总裁。

Seth M. Wise,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger on in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2017. Mr. Wise previously served as Executive Vice President and a director of the Company from September 2009 until the completion of the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020 when he became Executive Vice President and a director of BBX Capital. He is also President of BBX Capital Real Estate LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of BBX Capital, and Chief Executive Officer of The Altman Companies, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of BBX Capital Real Estate. Mr. Wise was also Executive Vice President of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) from 2012 until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016.
Seth M. Wise, 2012年8月,他被任命为本公司执行副总裁。自2009年9月起,他还担任过BFC的董事和执行副总裁。自2003年9月担任伍德布里奇控股公司执行副总裁后,自2005年7月起,他曾担任伍德布里奇控股有限责任公司及其前身——伍德布里奇控股公司的总裁。在伍德布里奇控股公司的请求下,在2007年11月9日申请破产前,他担任Levitt and Sons有限责任公司的主席,伍德布里奇控股公司全资附属住宅建设子公司的前身。他还曾是Abdo 公司的副总裁。
Seth M. Wise,was appointed to the Company's Board of Directors in connection with completion of the Bluegreen Merger on in May 2021 after serving as a director of Bluegreen since 2017. Mr. Wise previously served as Executive Vice President and a director of the Company from September 2009 until the completion of the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020 when he became Executive Vice President and a director of BBX Capital. He is also President of BBX Capital Real Estate LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of BBX Capital, and Chief Executive Officer of The Altman Companies, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of BBX Capital Real Estate. Mr. Wise was also Executive Vice President of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) from 2012 until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016.


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Raymond S. Lopez

Raymond S. Lopez,2015年3月17日加入本公司,担任首席财务官。他还从2015年3月17日起,担任BFC的首席财务官、首席会计官。加入本公司之前,他是Bluegreen的一名主管;他于2004年加入该公司,担任财务总监;2005年,晋升为首席会计官、副总裁;2007年,晋升为高级副总裁。加入Bluegreen之前,他在Office Depot, Inc. 、Arthur Andersen LLP担任过各种职务。他是注册会计师。

Raymond S. Lopez,has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company since March 2015. In addition, Mr. Lopez has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Bluegreen since September 2019 and as Chief Operating Officer of Bluegreen since November 2019. He was appointed Chief Operating Officer and Treasurer of the Company in May 2021. Prior to joining the Company in March 2015, Mr. Lopez served as an officer of Bluegreen. He joined Bluegreen as its Controller in 2004 and was promoted to Chief Accounting Officer and Vice President of Bluegreen in 2005 and to Senior Vice President of Bluegreen in 2007. Prior to joining Bluegreen, Mr. Lopez worked in various capacities at Office Depot, Inc. and Arthur Andersen LLP. Mr. Lopez is a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Lopez also served as Chief Financial Officer of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) from March 2015 until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016.
Raymond S. Lopez,2015年3月17日加入本公司,担任首席财务官。他还从2015年3月17日起,担任BFC的首席财务官、首席会计官。加入本公司之前,他是Bluegreen的一名主管;他于2004年加入该公司,担任财务总监;2005年,晋升为首席会计官、副总裁;2007年,晋升为高级副总裁。加入Bluegreen之前,他在Office Depot, Inc. 、Arthur Andersen LLP担任过各种职务。他是注册会计师。
Raymond S. Lopez,has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company since March 2015. In addition, Mr. Lopez has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Bluegreen since September 2019 and as Chief Operating Officer of Bluegreen since November 2019. He was appointed Chief Operating Officer and Treasurer of the Company in May 2021. Prior to joining the Company in March 2015, Mr. Lopez served as an officer of Bluegreen. He joined Bluegreen as its Controller in 2004 and was promoted to Chief Accounting Officer and Vice President of Bluegreen in 2005 and to Senior Vice President of Bluegreen in 2007. Prior to joining Bluegreen, Mr. Lopez worked in various capacities at Office Depot, Inc. and Arthur Andersen LLP. Mr. Lopez is a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Lopez also served as Chief Financial Officer of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.) from March 2015 until the completion of the BBX Merger in December 2016.
Chanse W. Rivera

ChanseW.Rivera于2012年8月加入该公司。2012年12月,Rivera先生被任命为高级副总裁和首席信息官。2017年10月,他被任命为执行Vice President。在加入该公司之前,Rivera先生曾担任Russell Hobbs,Inc.的首席信息官、Vice President Citco的全球服务经理、Fresh Del Monte ProduceInc.的管理服务和Blue Martini Software的IT总监。Rivera先生拥有管理信息系统学士学位。

Chanse W. Rivera,was appointed Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. Mr. Rivera joined Bluegreen in August 2012. During December 2012, Mr. Rivera was appointed Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Bluegreen. During October 2017, he was appointed Executive Vice President of Bluegreen. Prior to joining Bluegreen, Mr. Rivera was Chief Information Officer of Russell Hobbs, Inc., Global Service Manager of CITCO, Vice President, Managed Services of Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc., and IT Director of Blue Martini Software. Mr. Rivera holds a B.S. in Management Information Systems.
ChanseW.Rivera于2012年8月加入该公司。2012年12月,Rivera先生被任命为高级副总裁和首席信息官。2017年10月,他被任命为执行Vice President。在加入该公司之前,Rivera先生曾担任Russell Hobbs,Inc.的首席信息官、Vice President Citco的全球服务经理、Fresh Del Monte ProduceInc.的管理服务和Blue Martini Software的IT总监。Rivera先生拥有管理信息系统学士学位。
Chanse W. Rivera,was appointed Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. Mr. Rivera joined Bluegreen in August 2012. During December 2012, Mr. Rivera was appointed Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Bluegreen. During October 2017, he was appointed Executive Vice President of Bluegreen. Prior to joining Bluegreen, Mr. Rivera was Chief Information Officer of Russell Hobbs, Inc., Global Service Manager of CITCO, Vice President, Managed Services of Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc., and IT Director of Blue Martini Software. Mr. Rivera holds a B.S. in Management Information Systems.
Jorge de la Osa

Jorge de la Osa于2018年5月加入公司,担任执行Vice President,首席法律和合规官。de la Osa先生担任公司董事会和执行领导团队的首席法律顾问和顾问,并监督公司的日常法律运营和合规计划。从2010年到2018年5月加入公司,德拉奥萨先生曾在温德姆度假所有权公司担任多个高级领导职位,包括高管Vice President·and General Counsel。De La Osa从2004年到2010年担任Sol Melia Vacation Club(Melia Hotels International子公司)首席企业法律顾问。他从2002年到2004年担任Tempus Resorts International企业法律顾问。de la Osa先生在Baker&Hostetler LLP担任房地产集团助理开始了他的法律职业生涯,并且是佛罗里达律师协会的成员。他持有法学J.D.和工商管理、金融B.S.。

Jorge de la Osa,joined Bluegreen in May 2018 as Executive Vice President, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer and serves as chief counsel and advisor to Bluegreen's management and oversees Bluegreen's day-to-day legal operations and compliance program. He was appointed Executive Vice President,Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. From 2010 until he joined Bluegreen in May 2018, Mr. de la Osa served in various senior leadership roles at Wyndham Vacation Ownership, including Executive Vice President and General Counsel. From 2004 to 2010, Mr. de la Osa was Lead Corporate Counsel at Sol Melia Vacation Club, a subsidiary of Melia Hotels International. He served as Corporate Counsel to Tempus Resorts International from 2002 to 2004. Mr. de la Osa is a member of the Florida Bar. He holds a J.D. in Law and a B.S. in Business Administration, Finance.
Jorge de la Osa于2018年5月加入公司,担任执行Vice President,首席法律和合规官。de la Osa先生担任公司董事会和执行领导团队的首席法律顾问和顾问,并监督公司的日常法律运营和合规计划。从2010年到2018年5月加入公司,德拉奥萨先生曾在温德姆度假所有权公司担任多个高级领导职位,包括高管Vice President·and General Counsel。De La Osa从2004年到2010年担任Sol Melia Vacation Club(Melia Hotels International子公司)首席企业法律顾问。他从2002年到2004年担任Tempus Resorts International企业法律顾问。de la Osa先生在Baker&Hostetler LLP担任房地产集团助理开始了他的法律职业生涯,并且是佛罗里达律师协会的成员。他持有法学J.D.和工商管理、金融B.S.。
Jorge de la Osa,joined Bluegreen in May 2018 as Executive Vice President, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer and serves as chief counsel and advisor to Bluegreen's management and oversees Bluegreen's day-to-day legal operations and compliance program. He was appointed Executive Vice President,Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. From 2010 until he joined Bluegreen in May 2018, Mr. de la Osa served in various senior leadership roles at Wyndham Vacation Ownership, including Executive Vice President and General Counsel. From 2004 to 2010, Mr. de la Osa was Lead Corporate Counsel at Sol Melia Vacation Club, a subsidiary of Melia Hotels International. He served as Corporate Counsel to Tempus Resorts International from 2002 to 2004. Mr. de la Osa is a member of the Florida Bar. He holds a J.D. in Law and a B.S. in Business Administration, Finance.
Dustin Tonkin

Dustin Tonkin自2020年5月以来一直担任Bluegreen的执行副总裁,首席销售与市场营销官,并在2021年5月Bluegreen合并完成后被任命为公司的执行副总裁,首席销售与市场营销官。Tonkin先生于2019年11月加入Bluegreen,担任执行副总裁兼首席销售官。加入Bluegreen公司之前,他曾担任Wyndham Destinations公司的多种销售领导职务,在那里他曾任职(1995年以来),最近担任负责销售和营销的执行副总裁。

Dustin Tonkin,has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Bluegreen since May 2020 and was appointed Executive Vice President, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. Mr. Tonkin joined Bluegreen in November 2019 as Executive Vice President, Chief Sales Officer. Prior to joining Bluegreen, Mr. Tonkin held various sales leadership roles at Wyndham Destinations, where he was employed most recently as Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing.
Dustin Tonkin自2020年5月以来一直担任Bluegreen的执行副总裁,首席销售与市场营销官,并在2021年5月Bluegreen合并完成后被任命为公司的执行副总裁,首席销售与市场营销官。Tonkin先生于2019年11月加入Bluegreen,担任执行副总裁兼首席销售官。加入Bluegreen公司之前,他曾担任Wyndham Destinations公司的多种销售领导职务,在那里他曾任职(1995年以来),最近担任负责销售和营销的执行副总裁。
Dustin Tonkin,has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Bluegreen since May 2020 and was appointed Executive Vice President, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. Mr. Tonkin joined Bluegreen in November 2019 as Executive Vice President, Chief Sales Officer. Prior to joining Bluegreen, Mr. Tonkin held various sales leadership roles at Wyndham Destinations, where he was employed most recently as Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing.
Alan B. Levan

Alan B. Levan于2002年4月成为公司董事。2002年5月Levan被选为公司董事长。Levan自1978年起担任BFC及其前身公司董事长、首席执行官和总裁。Levan自1994年起担任BBX Capital Corporation “BBX Capital”董事长和首席执行官;1987年到2012年7月担任BankAtlantic(BBX Capital的前任银行子公司)董事长,BankAtlantic于2012年7月被卖给BB&T。Levan还从2009年7月到2012年8月担任Benihana Inc. (“Benihana”)董事,Benihana于2012年8月被Safflower Holdings Corp.收购。除了对公司的普通股很感兴趣之外,BFC还持有BBX Capital的控制股,并担任其在Benihana集团的重要投资职位,一直担任到2012年8月公司被收购。Levan还从1985年到2009年担任Woodbridge Holdings Corporation(2009与BFC合并)董事长和首席执行官。

Alan B. Levan,formed the I.R.E. Group (predecessor to the Company) in 1972. From 1978 until December 2015, he served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company or its predecessors. During February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan was reappointed as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and he continues to serve in such capacities. He has also served as President of the Company since the completion of the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020. From December 2015 until his reappointment as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer during February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan served as Founder and strategic advisor to the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Alan Levan is also the Chairman of BBX Capital. In addition, he served as Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen Vacations Corporation ("Bluegreen") since May 2017 and from May 2002 to December 2015, and as its Chief Executive Officer and President since January 2020. From May 2015 until February 2017, he served Bluegreen in a non-executive capacity. Bluegreen became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during May 2021 as a result of the statutory short-form merger effected at that time pursuant to which the Company acquired all of the approximately 7% of the then-outstanding shares of common stock of Bluegreen not previously owned by the Company (the "Bluegreen Merger"). Prior to the Bluegreen Merger, the Company owned approximately 93% of Bluegreen's outstanding common stock. From 1994 until December 2015, Mr. Alan Levan was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.), which merged with and into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during December 2016 (the "BBX Merger"). In addition, Mr. Alan Levan served as Chairman of BankAtlantic from 1987 until July 2012 when BankAtlantic was sold to BB&T Corporation ("BB&T").
Alan B. Levan于2002年4月成为公司董事。2002年5月Levan被选为公司董事长。Levan自1978年起担任BFC及其前身公司董事长、首席执行官和总裁。Levan自1994年起担任BBX Capital Corporation “BBX Capital”董事长和首席执行官;1987年到2012年7月担任BankAtlantic(BBX Capital的前任银行子公司)董事长,BankAtlantic于2012年7月被卖给BB&T。Levan还从2009年7月到2012年8月担任Benihana Inc. (“Benihana”)董事,Benihana于2012年8月被Safflower Holdings Corp.收购。除了对公司的普通股很感兴趣之外,BFC还持有BBX Capital的控制股,并担任其在Benihana集团的重要投资职位,一直担任到2012年8月公司被收购。Levan还从1985年到2009年担任Woodbridge Holdings Corporation(2009与BFC合并)董事长和首席执行官。
Alan B. Levan,formed the I.R.E. Group (predecessor to the Company) in 1972. From 1978 until December 2015, he served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company or its predecessors. During February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan was reappointed as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and he continues to serve in such capacities. He has also served as President of the Company since the completion of the Company's spin-off of BBX Capital in September 2020. From December 2015 until his reappointment as the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer during February 2017, Mr. Alan Levan served as Founder and strategic advisor to the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Alan Levan is also the Chairman of BBX Capital. In addition, he served as Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen Vacations Corporation ("Bluegreen") since May 2017 and from May 2002 to December 2015, and as its Chief Executive Officer and President since January 2020. From May 2015 until February 2017, he served Bluegreen in a non-executive capacity. Bluegreen became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during May 2021 as a result of the statutory short-form merger effected at that time pursuant to which the Company acquired all of the approximately 7% of the then-outstanding shares of common stock of Bluegreen not previously owned by the Company (the "Bluegreen Merger"). Prior to the Bluegreen Merger, the Company owned approximately 93% of Bluegreen's outstanding common stock. From 1994 until December 2015, Mr. Alan Levan was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BBX Capital Corporation (formerly BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc.), which merged with and into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company during December 2016 (the "BBX Merger"). In addition, Mr. Alan Levan served as Chairman of BankAtlantic from 1987 until July 2012 when BankAtlantic was sold to BB&T Corporation ("BB&T").
Susan J. Saturday

Susan J. Saturday于1988年加入公司。任职期间,她担任多个管理职位,包括首席财务官、区域总监和会计主管助理。1995年她被任命为副总裁、人力资源和管理主管。2004年Saturday被任命为高级副总裁和首席人力资源官。1983年到1988年Saturday在General Electric Company担任多个金融管理职位。Saturday持有会计文学学士学位和人力资源管理硕士学位。

Susan J. Saturday,has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer of Bluegreen since September 2019 and was appointed Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. Ms. Saturday also previously held various management positions at Bluegreen and the Company. In 1995, she was appointed Vice President and Director of Human Resources and Administration of Bluegreen. In 2004, Ms. Saturday was appointed Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of Bluegreen. During October 2017, Ms. Saturday was appointed Executive Vice President of Bluegreen. From April 2018 until September 2019, Ms. Saturday served as Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of the Company. She also performed the functions of Chief Human Resources Officer of the Company on a part-time basis from June 2016 through April 2018. From 1983 to 1988, Ms. Saturday was employed by General Electric Company in various financial management positions. Ms. Saturday holds a B.B.A. in Accounting and an M.S. in Human Resource Management.
Susan J. Saturday于1988年加入公司。任职期间,她担任多个管理职位,包括首席财务官、区域总监和会计主管助理。1995年她被任命为副总裁、人力资源和管理主管。2004年Saturday被任命为高级副总裁和首席人力资源官。1983年到1988年Saturday在General Electric Company担任多个金融管理职位。Saturday持有会计文学学士学位和人力资源管理硕士学位。
Susan J. Saturday,has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer of Bluegreen since September 2019 and was appointed Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer of the Company following the completion of the Bluegreen Merger in May 2021. Ms. Saturday also previously held various management positions at Bluegreen and the Company. In 1995, she was appointed Vice President and Director of Human Resources and Administration of Bluegreen. In 2004, Ms. Saturday was appointed Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of Bluegreen. During October 2017, Ms. Saturday was appointed Executive Vice President of Bluegreen. From April 2018 until September 2019, Ms. Saturday served as Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of the Company. She also performed the functions of Chief Human Resources Officer of the Company on a part-time basis from June 2016 through April 2018. From 1983 to 1988, Ms. Saturday was employed by General Electric Company in various financial management positions. Ms. Saturday holds a B.B.A. in Accounting and an M.S. in Human Resource Management.