

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Robert Schwartz Director 58 未披露 未持股 2020-09-30
Dave Girouard Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Chairperson of the Board 54 36.00万美元 未持股 2020-09-30
Paul Gu Co-Founder, SVP, Product and Data Science, Director 29 80.00万美元 未持股 2020-09-30
Mary Hentges Director 61 77.11万美元 未持股 2020-09-30
Oskar Mielczarek de la Miel Director 47 未披露 未持股 2020-09-30
Ciaran O'Kelly Director 52 未披露 未持股 2020-09-30
Hilliard C. Terry III Director 50 32.89万美元 未持股 2020-09-30
Sukhinder Singh Cassidy Director 50 未披露 未持股 2020-09-30



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Dave Girouard Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Chairperson of the Board 54 36.00万美元 未持股 2020-09-30
Sanjay Datta Chief Financial Officer 46 94.85万美元 未持股 2020-09-30
Anna M. Counselman Co-Founder, SVP, People and Operations 39 未披露 未持股 2020-09-30
Paul Gu Co-Founder, SVP, Product and Data Science, Director 29 80.00万美元 未持股 2020-09-30
Alison Nicoll General Counsel 48 未披露 未持股 2020-09-30


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Robert Schwartz

Robert Schwartz,2008年6月起成为我们董事会成员。2000年6月,Schwartz先生成为Third Point LLC风险投资部门Third Point Ventures管理合伙人。1984-2013年9月,Schwartz先生是私人通信半导体制造商代表公司 RF Associates North, Inc.总裁。Schwartz先生目前任职于太阳能逆变器制造公司Enphase Energy, Inc.和一些私人公司董事会。Schwartz先生持有加州大学伯克利分校工程学士学位。

Robert Schwartz has served as a member of our board of directors since June 2015. Since June 2000 Mr. Schwartz has been Managing Partner of Third Point Ventures, the Menlo Park, California based venture capital arm of Third Point LLC, which is a registered investment adviser based in New York and the investment manager of the Third Point Funds. He previously served on the board of Apigee and the board of Enphase Energy until 2016. Previously, for 23 years, Mr. Schwartz was the President of RF Associates North, a privately held communications semiconductor manufacturer’s representative firm. Mr. Schwartz holds a multi-discipline engineering degree from the University of California, Berkeley.
Robert Schwartz,2008年6月起成为我们董事会成员。2000年6月,Schwartz先生成为Third Point LLC风险投资部门Third Point Ventures管理合伙人。1984-2013年9月,Schwartz先生是私人通信半导体制造商代表公司 RF Associates North, Inc.总裁。Schwartz先生目前任职于太阳能逆变器制造公司Enphase Energy, Inc.和一些私人公司董事会。Schwartz先生持有加州大学伯克利分校工程学士学位。
Robert Schwartz has served as a member of our board of directors since June 2015. Since June 2000 Mr. Schwartz has been Managing Partner of Third Point Ventures, the Menlo Park, California based venture capital arm of Third Point LLC, which is a registered investment adviser based in New York and the investment manager of the Third Point Funds. He previously served on the board of Apigee and the board of Enphase Energy until 2016. Previously, for 23 years, Mr. Schwartz was the President of RF Associates North, a privately held communications semiconductor manufacturer’s representative firm. Mr. Schwartz holds a multi-discipline engineering degree from the University of California, Berkeley.
Dave Girouard

Dave Girouard是我们的联合创始人之一,自成立以来一直担任我们的首席执行官和董事会成员。从2004年2月到2012年4月,吉拉德曾在谷歌(Google)担任多个职位,最近的职位是谷歌企业(Google Enterprise)总裁,他在该公司帮助谷歌在全球建立了云应用业务,包括产品开发、销售、营销和客户支持。他的职业生涯始于硅谷,担任Apple公司(技术公司)的产品经理,此前曾担任Booz Allen公司的信息技术实践咨询公司的助理。Girouard先生的职业生涯始于埃森哲(Accenture)波士顿办事处的软件开发,这是一家咨询公司。他毕业于达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College),获得工程科学学士学位和计算机工程学士学位。Girouard先生还以优异的成绩持有密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的工商管理硕士学位。

Dave Girouard is one of our co-founders and has served as our Chief Executive Officer and a member of our board of directors since our incorporation. From February 2004 to April 2012 Mr. Girouard served in various roles at Google, a technology company, most recently as President of Google Enterprise, where he helped build Google’s cloud applications business worldwide, including product development, sales, marketing, and customer support. He started his career in Silicon Valley as a Product Manager at Apple, a technology company, and previously served as an associate in the consulting firm Booz Allen’s Information Technology practice. Mr. Girouard’s career began in software development with the Boston office of Accenture, a consulting firm. He graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Engineering Sciences and a B.E. in Computer Engineering. Mr. Girouard also holds an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan with High Distinction.
Dave Girouard是我们的联合创始人之一,自成立以来一直担任我们的首席执行官和董事会成员。从2004年2月到2012年4月,吉拉德曾在谷歌(Google)担任多个职位,最近的职位是谷歌企业(Google Enterprise)总裁,他在该公司帮助谷歌在全球建立了云应用业务,包括产品开发、销售、营销和客户支持。他的职业生涯始于硅谷,担任Apple公司(技术公司)的产品经理,此前曾担任Booz Allen公司的信息技术实践咨询公司的助理。Girouard先生的职业生涯始于埃森哲(Accenture)波士顿办事处的软件开发,这是一家咨询公司。他毕业于达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College),获得工程科学学士学位和计算机工程学士学位。Girouard先生还以优异的成绩持有密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的工商管理硕士学位。
Dave Girouard is one of our co-founders and has served as our Chief Executive Officer and a member of our board of directors since our incorporation. From February 2004 to April 2012 Mr. Girouard served in various roles at Google, a technology company, most recently as President of Google Enterprise, where he helped build Google’s cloud applications business worldwide, including product development, sales, marketing, and customer support. He started his career in Silicon Valley as a Product Manager at Apple, a technology company, and previously served as an associate in the consulting firm Booz Allen’s Information Technology practice. Mr. Girouard’s career began in software development with the Boston office of Accenture, a consulting firm. He graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Engineering Sciences and a B.E. in Computer Engineering. Mr. Girouard also holds an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan with High Distinction.
Paul Gu

Paul Gu是我们的联合创始人之一,自2012年4月以来担任过各种职务,包括最近担任我们的高级副总裁,产品和数据科学。2015年4月以来,他也曾一直担任我们的董事会成员。顾先生拥有量化金融背景,20岁时在盈透证券API上构建了他的第一个算法交易策略,此前于2011年在对冲基金D.E.Shaw Group从事风险分析工作。在大学期间,顾先生领导了美国两家非营利小额贷款机构的承销业务。顾先生在耶鲁大学学习经济学和计算机科学,然后加入Thiel Fellowship。

Paul Gu is one of our co-founders and has served in various roles since April 2012 including most recently as our Senior Vice President, Product and Data Science. He has also served as a member of our board of directors since April 2015. Mr. Gu has a background in quantitative finance, built his first algorithmic trading strategies on the Interactive Brokers API at the age of 20 and previously worked in risk analysis at the D.E. Shaw Group, a hedge fund, in 2011. During college, Mr. Gu led underwriting for two non-profit microlenders in the United States. Mr. Gu studied economics and computer science at Yale University and then joined the Thiel Fellowship.
Paul Gu是我们的联合创始人之一,自2012年4月以来担任过各种职务,包括最近担任我们的高级副总裁,产品和数据科学。2015年4月以来,他也曾一直担任我们的董事会成员。顾先生拥有量化金融背景,20岁时在盈透证券API上构建了他的第一个算法交易策略,此前于2011年在对冲基金D.E.Shaw Group从事风险分析工作。在大学期间,顾先生领导了美国两家非营利小额贷款机构的承销业务。顾先生在耶鲁大学学习经济学和计算机科学,然后加入Thiel Fellowship。
Paul Gu is one of our co-founders and has served in various roles since April 2012 including most recently as our Senior Vice President, Product and Data Science. He has also served as a member of our board of directors since April 2015. Mr. Gu has a background in quantitative finance, built his first algorithmic trading strategies on the Interactive Brokers API at the age of 20 and previously worked in risk analysis at the D.E. Shaw Group, a hedge fund, in 2011. During college, Mr. Gu led underwriting for two non-profit microlenders in the United States. Mr. Gu studied economics and computer science at Yale University and then joined the Thiel Fellowship.
Mary Hentges

Mary Hentges自2019年12月起担任我们的董事会成员。Hentges女士目前担任Shotspotter(一家精密警务解决方案公司)的临时首席财务官。Hentges女士曾于2012年至2014年担任金融服务公司Yapstone,Inc.的首席财务官,2010年至2012年担任媒体公司CBS Interactive的首席财务官,2003年至2010年担任PayPal,Inc.的首席财务官。她也是一名不活跃的注册会计师。Hentges女士拥有Arizona State University会计学士学位。

Mary Hentges has served as a member of our board of directors since December 2019. Ms. Hentges currently serves as the Interim Chief Financial Officer for ShotSpotter, a precision-policing solutions company. Ms. Hentges previously served as the Chief Financial Officer of Yapstone, Inc., a financial services company, from 2012 to 2014 the Chief Financial Officer of CBS Interactive, a media company, from 2010 to 2012 and the Chief Financial Officer of PayPal, Inc. from 2003 to 2010. She is also a Certified Public Accountant inactive. Ms. Hentges holds a B.S. in Accounting from Arizona State University.
Mary Hentges自2019年12月起担任我们的董事会成员。Hentges女士目前担任Shotspotter(一家精密警务解决方案公司)的临时首席财务官。Hentges女士曾于2012年至2014年担任金融服务公司Yapstone,Inc.的首席财务官,2010年至2012年担任媒体公司CBS Interactive的首席财务官,2003年至2010年担任PayPal,Inc.的首席财务官。她也是一名不活跃的注册会计师。Hentges女士拥有Arizona State University会计学士学位。
Mary Hentges has served as a member of our board of directors since December 2019. Ms. Hentges currently serves as the Interim Chief Financial Officer for ShotSpotter, a precision-policing solutions company. Ms. Hentges previously served as the Chief Financial Officer of Yapstone, Inc., a financial services company, from 2012 to 2014 the Chief Financial Officer of CBS Interactive, a media company, from 2010 to 2012 and the Chief Financial Officer of PayPal, Inc. from 2003 to 2010. She is also a Certified Public Accountant inactive. Ms. Hentges holds a B.S. in Accounting from Arizona State University.
Oskar Mielczarek de la Miel

Oskar Mielczarek de la Miel自2016年11月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。Mielczarek de la Miel先生是乐天公司(Rakuten,Inc.)的执行官,是乐天资本(Rakuten Capital)的管理合伙人,该公司是乐天公司(Rakuten,Inc.)的企业风险投资部门,他在该公司管理金融科技,移动,数字媒体和其他投资。他也任职于Rakuten Europe S.A.R.L.、IXL Premfina,Ltd.、Cyndx Holdco,Inc.、Glovapp23S.L.、Feverlabs,Inc.和Contentidos y Marcas,S.L.的董事会。包括金融服务公司J.P.Morgan和Merrill Lynch的投资银行业务。Mielczarek de la Miel先生拥有西班牙ICADE的工商管理学士学位和哈佛商学院的工商管理硕士学位。

Oskar Mielczarek de la Miel has served as a member of our board of directors since November 2016. Mr. Mielczarek de la Miel is an executive officer of Rakuten, Inc. a technology company, and is Managing Partner at Rakuten Capital, the corporate venture capital arm of Rakuten, Inc., where he manages fintech, mobility, digital media and other investments. He also serves on the board of directors for Rakuten Europe S.a.r.l., IXL PremFina, Ltd, Cyndx Holdco, Inc., Glovapp23 S.L., FeverLabs, Inc. and Contenidos y Marcas, S.L. Prior to joining Rakuten, Mr. Mielczarek de la Miel served in various roles in the financial industry, including in investment banking at J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch, financial services firms. Mr. Mielczarek de la Miel holds a B.A. from ICADE in Spain and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
Oskar Mielczarek de la Miel自2016年11月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。Mielczarek de la Miel先生是乐天公司(Rakuten,Inc.)的执行官,是乐天资本(Rakuten Capital)的管理合伙人,该公司是乐天公司(Rakuten,Inc.)的企业风险投资部门,他在该公司管理金融科技,移动,数字媒体和其他投资。他也任职于Rakuten Europe S.A.R.L.、IXL Premfina,Ltd.、Cyndx Holdco,Inc.、Glovapp23S.L.、Feverlabs,Inc.和Contentidos y Marcas,S.L.的董事会。包括金融服务公司J.P.Morgan和Merrill Lynch的投资银行业务。Mielczarek de la Miel先生拥有西班牙ICADE的工商管理学士学位和哈佛商学院的工商管理硕士学位。
Oskar Mielczarek de la Miel has served as a member of our board of directors since November 2016. Mr. Mielczarek de la Miel is an executive officer of Rakuten, Inc. a technology company, and is Managing Partner at Rakuten Capital, the corporate venture capital arm of Rakuten, Inc., where he manages fintech, mobility, digital media and other investments. He also serves on the board of directors for Rakuten Europe S.a.r.l., IXL PremFina, Ltd, Cyndx Holdco, Inc., Glovapp23 S.L., FeverLabs, Inc. and Contenidos y Marcas, S.L. Prior to joining Rakuten, Mr. Mielczarek de la Miel served in various roles in the financial industry, including in investment banking at J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch, financial services firms. Mr. Mielczarek de la Miel holds a B.A. from ICADE in Spain and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
Ciaran O'Kelly

CiaranO’Kelly自2018年4月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。O’Kelly先生自2020年8月以来一直是Square,Inc.的全职员工。O’Kelly从2009年到2013年在Nomura Securities(一家金融服务公司)担任多个职位,最近担任美洲高级董事总经理和股票主管。2009年之前,O’Kelly先生在两家金融服务公司担任过各种职务,美国银行(Bank of America),包括全球股票主管和股票资本市场主管,所罗门·美邦(Salomon Smith Barney),包括股票交易主管。他此前曾任职Square Financial Services,Inc.(技术公司)、Bank of America Securities和Nomura Securities International的董事会。O’Kelly先生拥有都柏林城市大学(Dublin City University)的商业研究B.B.S.。

Ciaran O'Kelly has served as a member of our board of directors since April 2018. Mr.O'Kelly has been a full-time employee of Square, Inc. since August 2020. From 2009 to 2013 Mr. O'Kelly served in various roles at Nomura Securities, a financial services firm, most recently as Senior Managing Director and Head of Equities, Americas. Prior to 2009 Mr. O'Kelly served in various roles at two financial services firms, Bank of America, including Head of Global Equities and Head of Equity Capital Markets, and Salomon Smith Barney, including Head of Equity Trading. He previously served on the board of Square Financial Services, Inc., a technology company, Bank of America Securities and Nomura Securities International. Mr. O'Kelly holds a B.B.S. in Business Studies from Dublin City University.
CiaranO’Kelly自2018年4月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。O’Kelly先生自2020年8月以来一直是Square,Inc.的全职员工。O’Kelly从2009年到2013年在Nomura Securities(一家金融服务公司)担任多个职位,最近担任美洲高级董事总经理和股票主管。2009年之前,O’Kelly先生在两家金融服务公司担任过各种职务,美国银行(Bank of America),包括全球股票主管和股票资本市场主管,所罗门·美邦(Salomon Smith Barney),包括股票交易主管。他此前曾任职Square Financial Services,Inc.(技术公司)、Bank of America Securities和Nomura Securities International的董事会。O’Kelly先生拥有都柏林城市大学(Dublin City University)的商业研究B.B.S.。
Ciaran O'Kelly has served as a member of our board of directors since April 2018. Mr.O'Kelly has been a full-time employee of Square, Inc. since August 2020. From 2009 to 2013 Mr. O'Kelly served in various roles at Nomura Securities, a financial services firm, most recently as Senior Managing Director and Head of Equities, Americas. Prior to 2009 Mr. O'Kelly served in various roles at two financial services firms, Bank of America, including Head of Global Equities and Head of Equity Capital Markets, and Salomon Smith Barney, including Head of Equity Trading. He previously served on the board of Square Financial Services, Inc., a technology company, Bank of America Securities and Nomura Securities International. Mr. O'Kelly holds a B.B.S. in Business Studies from Dublin City University.
Hilliard C. Terry III

HilliardC.Terry III自2019年2月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。目前,Terry先生是一家私募股权投资组合公司的顾问兼临时首席执行官。2012年1月至2018年10月,他担任多式联运海运集装箱管理和租赁公司Textainer Group Holdings Limited的执行Vice President兼首席财务官。在加入Textainer之前,Terry先生是安捷伦科技公司的Vice President和财务主管,他于1999年在该公司首次公开募股和从惠普公司分拆出来之前加入该公司。他此前曾担任Kenetech Corporation(替代能源公司)、Verifone,Inc.(支付公司)、Goldman Sachs&Co.(金融服务公司)的投资者关系和/或投资银行职务。他目前是Umpqua Holdings Corporation(一家银行控股公司)的董事,在那里他担任审计和合规委员会主席,并任职于金融和资本、提名与治理和战略委员会。Terry先生拥有加州大学伯克利分校(University of California,Berkeley)的经济学学士学位和金门大学(Golden Gate University)的工商管理硕士学位。

Hilliard C. Terry III has served as a member of our board of directors since February 2019. Currently, Mr. Terry is an advisor and interim CEO to a private equity-backed portfolio company. From January 2012 to October 2018 he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Textainer Group Holdings Limited, an intermodal marine container management and leasing company. Before joining Textainer, Mr. Terry was Vice President and Treasurer of Agilent Technologies, Inc., which he joined in 1999 prior to the company’s initial public offering and spinoff from Hewlett-Packard Company. He previously held positions in investor relations and/or investment banking with Kenetech Corporation, an alternative energy company, VeriFone, Inc., a payments company, and Goldman Sachs & Co., a financial services firm. He is currently a director of Umpqua Holdings Corporation, a bank holding company, where he chairs the Audit and Compliance Committee and serves on the Finance and Capital, Nominating & Governance and Strategy Committees. Mr. Terry holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.B.A. from Golden Gate University.
HilliardC.Terry III自2019年2月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。目前,Terry先生是一家私募股权投资组合公司的顾问兼临时首席执行官。2012年1月至2018年10月,他担任多式联运海运集装箱管理和租赁公司Textainer Group Holdings Limited的执行Vice President兼首席财务官。在加入Textainer之前,Terry先生是安捷伦科技公司的Vice President和财务主管,他于1999年在该公司首次公开募股和从惠普公司分拆出来之前加入该公司。他此前曾担任Kenetech Corporation(替代能源公司)、Verifone,Inc.(支付公司)、Goldman Sachs&Co.(金融服务公司)的投资者关系和/或投资银行职务。他目前是Umpqua Holdings Corporation(一家银行控股公司)的董事,在那里他担任审计和合规委员会主席,并任职于金融和资本、提名与治理和战略委员会。Terry先生拥有加州大学伯克利分校(University of California,Berkeley)的经济学学士学位和金门大学(Golden Gate University)的工商管理硕士学位。
Hilliard C. Terry III has served as a member of our board of directors since February 2019. Currently, Mr. Terry is an advisor and interim CEO to a private equity-backed portfolio company. From January 2012 to October 2018 he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Textainer Group Holdings Limited, an intermodal marine container management and leasing company. Before joining Textainer, Mr. Terry was Vice President and Treasurer of Agilent Technologies, Inc., which he joined in 1999 prior to the company’s initial public offering and spinoff from Hewlett-Packard Company. He previously held positions in investor relations and/or investment banking with Kenetech Corporation, an alternative energy company, VeriFone, Inc., a payments company, and Goldman Sachs & Co., a financial services firm. He is currently a director of Umpqua Holdings Corporation, a bank holding company, where he chairs the Audit and Compliance Committee and serves on the Finance and Capital, Nominating & Governance and Strategy Committees. Mr. Terry holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.B.A. from Golden Gate University.
Sukhinder Singh Cassidy

Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, 自 Expedia推出到到网之后,她开始担任旅游顾问董事。2011年1月她创立 Joyus(视频电子商务网站)并担任董事长。 从2010年3月到2010年9月曾担任Polyvore公司(一家私人持有的社交商务网站)首席执行官兼董事长。在此之前,她从2009年4月到2010年3月担任宏基合伙企业(一家全球性的风险投资及股权投资公司)首席执行官。从2003年到2009年4月她在谷歌有限公司担任多个职位,最近职位包括销售与运营部全球副总裁。在此之前,她在Yodlee网、亚马逊网站、新闻集团以及美林投资银行工作;现任私人直接控股J. Hilburn销售公司董事;曾于2009年8月到2010年3月担任公开上市的J. Crew集团公司董事。她现在是普林斯顿计算机科学顾问委员会成员。

Sukhinder Singh Cassidy is chairman of theBoardlist, a premium talent marketplace she founded in 2015 that is aimed at connecting highly endorsed women leaders with board opportunities in the technology industry. Ms. Singh Cassidy is also a founding venture partner of the Diversify Capital Fund, a growth stage investment fund from Acrew Capital, since January 2021. From May 2018 to June 2020 she was President of StubHub, a ticket exchange and resale company, where she helped lead the company's $4.05 billion sale to Viagogo in February 2020. Ms. Singh Cassidy served as chief executive officer of Joyus, a video commerce platform she founded from January 2011 until February 2017. She has previously held various executive and managerial positions at companies including Google, Amazon, Polyvore, Inc., Accel Partners, Yodlee.com, News Corporation, and Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Ms. Singh Cassidy currently serves on the board of Upstart, Inc., a technology company in financial services, which she joined in February 2020 and has served on the boards of Trip Advisor, Inc., LM Ericsson Telephone Company, J. Crew Group, Inc., J. Hilburn, Inc., StitchFix, Inc., and Polyvore, Inc.
Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, 自 Expedia推出到到网之后,她开始担任旅游顾问董事。2011年1月她创立 Joyus(视频电子商务网站)并担任董事长。 从2010年3月到2010年9月曾担任Polyvore公司(一家私人持有的社交商务网站)首席执行官兼董事长。在此之前,她从2009年4月到2010年3月担任宏基合伙企业(一家全球性的风险投资及股权投资公司)首席执行官。从2003年到2009年4月她在谷歌有限公司担任多个职位,最近职位包括销售与运营部全球副总裁。在此之前,她在Yodlee网、亚马逊网站、新闻集团以及美林投资银行工作;现任私人直接控股J. Hilburn销售公司董事;曾于2009年8月到2010年3月担任公开上市的J. Crew集团公司董事。她现在是普林斯顿计算机科学顾问委员会成员。
Sukhinder Singh Cassidy is chairman of theBoardlist, a premium talent marketplace she founded in 2015 that is aimed at connecting highly endorsed women leaders with board opportunities in the technology industry. Ms. Singh Cassidy is also a founding venture partner of the Diversify Capital Fund, a growth stage investment fund from Acrew Capital, since January 2021. From May 2018 to June 2020 she was President of StubHub, a ticket exchange and resale company, where she helped lead the company's $4.05 billion sale to Viagogo in February 2020. Ms. Singh Cassidy served as chief executive officer of Joyus, a video commerce platform she founded from January 2011 until February 2017. She has previously held various executive and managerial positions at companies including Google, Amazon, Polyvore, Inc., Accel Partners, Yodlee.com, News Corporation, and Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Ms. Singh Cassidy currently serves on the board of Upstart, Inc., a technology company in financial services, which she joined in February 2020 and has served on the boards of Trip Advisor, Inc., LM Ericsson Telephone Company, J. Crew Group, Inc., J. Hilburn, Inc., StitchFix, Inc., and Polyvore, Inc.


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Dave Girouard

Dave Girouard是我们的联合创始人之一,自成立以来一直担任我们的首席执行官和董事会成员。从2004年2月到2012年4月,吉拉德曾在谷歌(Google)担任多个职位,最近的职位是谷歌企业(Google Enterprise)总裁,他在该公司帮助谷歌在全球建立了云应用业务,包括产品开发、销售、营销和客户支持。他的职业生涯始于硅谷,担任Apple公司(技术公司)的产品经理,此前曾担任Booz Allen公司的信息技术实践咨询公司的助理。Girouard先生的职业生涯始于埃森哲(Accenture)波士顿办事处的软件开发,这是一家咨询公司。他毕业于达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College),获得工程科学学士学位和计算机工程学士学位。Girouard先生还以优异的成绩持有密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的工商管理硕士学位。

Dave Girouard is one of our co-founders and has served as our Chief Executive Officer and a member of our board of directors since our incorporation. From February 2004 to April 2012 Mr. Girouard served in various roles at Google, a technology company, most recently as President of Google Enterprise, where he helped build Google’s cloud applications business worldwide, including product development, sales, marketing, and customer support. He started his career in Silicon Valley as a Product Manager at Apple, a technology company, and previously served as an associate in the consulting firm Booz Allen’s Information Technology practice. Mr. Girouard’s career began in software development with the Boston office of Accenture, a consulting firm. He graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Engineering Sciences and a B.E. in Computer Engineering. Mr. Girouard also holds an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan with High Distinction.
Dave Girouard是我们的联合创始人之一,自成立以来一直担任我们的首席执行官和董事会成员。从2004年2月到2012年4月,吉拉德曾在谷歌(Google)担任多个职位,最近的职位是谷歌企业(Google Enterprise)总裁,他在该公司帮助谷歌在全球建立了云应用业务,包括产品开发、销售、营销和客户支持。他的职业生涯始于硅谷,担任Apple公司(技术公司)的产品经理,此前曾担任Booz Allen公司的信息技术实践咨询公司的助理。Girouard先生的职业生涯始于埃森哲(Accenture)波士顿办事处的软件开发,这是一家咨询公司。他毕业于达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College),获得工程科学学士学位和计算机工程学士学位。Girouard先生还以优异的成绩持有密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的工商管理硕士学位。
Dave Girouard is one of our co-founders and has served as our Chief Executive Officer and a member of our board of directors since our incorporation. From February 2004 to April 2012 Mr. Girouard served in various roles at Google, a technology company, most recently as President of Google Enterprise, where he helped build Google’s cloud applications business worldwide, including product development, sales, marketing, and customer support. He started his career in Silicon Valley as a Product Manager at Apple, a technology company, and previously served as an associate in the consulting firm Booz Allen’s Information Technology practice. Mr. Girouard’s career began in software development with the Boston office of Accenture, a consulting firm. He graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Engineering Sciences and a B.E. in Computer Engineering. Mr. Girouard also holds an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan with High Distinction.
Sanjay Datta

Sanjay Datta自2016年12月起担任我们的首席财务官。从2005年6月到2016年12月,他曾担任Google公司的多种职务,包括全球广告财务Vice President、公司收入和产品盈利能力财务总监,以及亚洲和欧洲的多种国际财务领导职务。在加入Google之前,Datta先生从2002年11月到2005年5月在Artisan Capital(一家私人投资集团)工作,采购和审查潜在的私人股本投资,从1996年6月到2000年7月在Deloitte Consulting(一家咨询公司)工作。Datta先生在蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGill University)获得经济学和金融学联合荣誉学位,并在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)获得工商管理硕士学位。

Sanjay Datta has served as our Chief Financial Officer since December 2016. From June 2005 to December 2016 he served in various roles at Google, including as Vice President of Finance for Global Advertising, Finance Director of Corporate Revenue and Product Profitability, and in various international finance leadership positions based in Asia and Europe. Prior to Google, Mr. Datta worked at Artisan Capital, a private investment group, from November 2002 to May 2005 sourcing and reviewing prospective private equity investments, and worked at Deloitte Consulting, a consulting firm, from June 1996 to July 2000. Mr. Datta has a joint honors degree in Economics and Finance from McGill University in Montreal and an M.B.A. from Stanford University.
Sanjay Datta自2016年12月起担任我们的首席财务官。从2005年6月到2016年12月,他曾担任Google公司的多种职务,包括全球广告财务Vice President、公司收入和产品盈利能力财务总监,以及亚洲和欧洲的多种国际财务领导职务。在加入Google之前,Datta先生从2002年11月到2005年5月在Artisan Capital(一家私人投资集团)工作,采购和审查潜在的私人股本投资,从1996年6月到2000年7月在Deloitte Consulting(一家咨询公司)工作。Datta先生在蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGill University)获得经济学和金融学联合荣誉学位,并在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)获得工商管理硕士学位。
Sanjay Datta has served as our Chief Financial Officer since December 2016. From June 2005 to December 2016 he served in various roles at Google, including as Vice President of Finance for Global Advertising, Finance Director of Corporate Revenue and Product Profitability, and in various international finance leadership positions based in Asia and Europe. Prior to Google, Mr. Datta worked at Artisan Capital, a private investment group, from November 2002 to May 2005 sourcing and reviewing prospective private equity investments, and worked at Deloitte Consulting, a consulting firm, from June 1996 to July 2000. Mr. Datta has a joint honors degree in Economics and Finance from McGill University in Montreal and an M.B.A. from Stanford University.
Anna M. Counselman

AnnaM.Counselman是我们的联合创始人之一,自2012年5月以来担任过各种职务,包括最近担任高级副总裁,人员和运营。从2007年2月到2012年5月,她曾担任Google公司的多种职务,包括高级服务和客户计划主管。Counsman女士在McMaster-Carr的管理发展计划中开始了她的工业运营职业生涯,该公司是一家硬件,工具,原材料和维护设备工业材料的供应商。Counsman女士以优异成绩毕业于波士顿大学(Boston University),获得金融与创业学士学位。

Anna M. Counselman is one of our co-founders and has served in various roles since May 2012 including most recently as Senior Vice President, People and Operations. From February 2007 to May 2012 she served in various roles at Google, including most recently as Head of Premium Services & Customer Programs. Ms. Counselman began her career in industrial operations at a management development program at McMaster-Carr, a supplier of hardware, tools, raw materials, and maintenance equipment industrial materials. Ms. Counselman graduated Summa Cum Laude from Boston University with a B.A. in Finance and Entrepreneurship.
AnnaM.Counselman是我们的联合创始人之一,自2012年5月以来担任过各种职务,包括最近担任高级副总裁,人员和运营。从2007年2月到2012年5月,她曾担任Google公司的多种职务,包括高级服务和客户计划主管。Counsman女士在McMaster-Carr的管理发展计划中开始了她的工业运营职业生涯,该公司是一家硬件,工具,原材料和维护设备工业材料的供应商。Counsman女士以优异成绩毕业于波士顿大学(Boston University),获得金融与创业学士学位。
Anna M. Counselman is one of our co-founders and has served in various roles since May 2012 including most recently as Senior Vice President, People and Operations. From February 2007 to May 2012 she served in various roles at Google, including most recently as Head of Premium Services & Customer Programs. Ms. Counselman began her career in industrial operations at a management development program at McMaster-Carr, a supplier of hardware, tools, raw materials, and maintenance equipment industrial materials. Ms. Counselman graduated Summa Cum Laude from Boston University with a B.A. in Finance and Entrepreneurship.
Paul Gu

Paul Gu是我们的联合创始人之一,自2012年4月以来担任过各种职务,包括最近担任我们的高级副总裁,产品和数据科学。2015年4月以来,他也曾一直担任我们的董事会成员。顾先生拥有量化金融背景,20岁时在盈透证券API上构建了他的第一个算法交易策略,此前于2011年在对冲基金D.E.Shaw Group从事风险分析工作。在大学期间,顾先生领导了美国两家非营利小额贷款机构的承销业务。顾先生在耶鲁大学学习经济学和计算机科学,然后加入Thiel Fellowship。

Paul Gu is one of our co-founders and has served in various roles since April 2012 including most recently as our Senior Vice President, Product and Data Science. He has also served as a member of our board of directors since April 2015. Mr. Gu has a background in quantitative finance, built his first algorithmic trading strategies on the Interactive Brokers API at the age of 20 and previously worked in risk analysis at the D.E. Shaw Group, a hedge fund, in 2011. During college, Mr. Gu led underwriting for two non-profit microlenders in the United States. Mr. Gu studied economics and computer science at Yale University and then joined the Thiel Fellowship.
Paul Gu是我们的联合创始人之一,自2012年4月以来担任过各种职务,包括最近担任我们的高级副总裁,产品和数据科学。2015年4月以来,他也曾一直担任我们的董事会成员。顾先生拥有量化金融背景,20岁时在盈透证券API上构建了他的第一个算法交易策略,此前于2011年在对冲基金D.E.Shaw Group从事风险分析工作。在大学期间,顾先生领导了美国两家非营利小额贷款机构的承销业务。顾先生在耶鲁大学学习经济学和计算机科学,然后加入Thiel Fellowship。
Paul Gu is one of our co-founders and has served in various roles since April 2012 including most recently as our Senior Vice President, Product and Data Science. He has also served as a member of our board of directors since April 2015. Mr. Gu has a background in quantitative finance, built his first algorithmic trading strategies on the Interactive Brokers API at the age of 20 and previously worked in risk analysis at the D.E. Shaw Group, a hedge fund, in 2011. During college, Mr. Gu led underwriting for two non-profit microlenders in the United States. Mr. Gu studied economics and computer science at Yale University and then joined the Thiel Fellowship.
Alison Nicoll

Alison Nicoll自2012年5月以来一直担任我们的总法律顾问。从2006年7月到2012年5月,她曾任职PayPal公司(金融服务技术公司)的法律团队,在那里她最终担任副总法律顾问,并管理北美法律团队,负责支持多个业务部门,涉及公司战略、一般商业事项,监管发展与合规,消费者保护,在线和移动支付以及商户支付接受。从2003年到2006年,她也曾担任TSYS Prefaid公司(预付款项处理公司)的总法律顾问。Nicoll女士拥有苏格兰格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)的法律学位和哥伦比亚法学院(Columbia Law School)的法学硕士学位。

Alison Nicoll has served as our General Counsel since May 2012. From July 2006 to May 2012 Ms. Nicoll worked on the legal team at PayPal, Inc., a financial services technology company, where she ultimately served as Associate General Counsel and managed the North America legal team responsible for supporting multiple business units on issues ranging from corporate strategy, general commercial matters, regulatory developments and compliance, consumer protection, online and mobile payments and merchant payment acceptance. From 2003 to 2006 she also served as the General Counsel of TSYS Prepaid, a prepaid payments processing company. Ms. Nicoll holds a law degree from the University of Glasgow in Scotland and a Masters of Law from Columbia Law School.
Alison Nicoll自2012年5月以来一直担任我们的总法律顾问。从2006年7月到2012年5月,她曾任职PayPal公司(金融服务技术公司)的法律团队,在那里她最终担任副总法律顾问,并管理北美法律团队,负责支持多个业务部门,涉及公司战略、一般商业事项,监管发展与合规,消费者保护,在线和移动支付以及商户支付接受。从2003年到2006年,她也曾担任TSYS Prefaid公司(预付款项处理公司)的总法律顾问。Nicoll女士拥有苏格兰格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)的法律学位和哥伦比亚法学院(Columbia Law School)的法学硕士学位。
Alison Nicoll has served as our General Counsel since May 2012. From July 2006 to May 2012 Ms. Nicoll worked on the legal team at PayPal, Inc., a financial services technology company, where she ultimately served as Associate General Counsel and managed the North America legal team responsible for supporting multiple business units on issues ranging from corporate strategy, general commercial matters, regulatory developments and compliance, consumer protection, online and mobile payments and merchant payment acceptance. From 2003 to 2006 she also served as the General Counsel of TSYS Prepaid, a prepaid payments processing company. Ms. Nicoll holds a law degree from the University of Glasgow in Scotland and a Masters of Law from Columbia Law School.