

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
苏姿丰 Chair of the Board,President and Chief Executive Officer 54 3034.83万美元 465.94 2024-11-18
Mark Durcan Director 63 44.74万美元 4.75 2024-11-18
John W. Marren Director 61 41.36万美元 5.26 2024-11-18
Abhi Y. Talwalkar Director 60 44.91万美元 4.88 2024-11-18
Nora M. Denzel Director,Lead Independent Director 61 49.92万美元 14.85 2024-11-18
Elizabeth W. Vanderslice Director 60 42.47万美元 7.30 2024-11-18
Jon A. Olson Director 70 41.24万美元 1.84 2024-11-18
Joseph A. Householder Director 68 44.74万美元 21.24 2024-11-18
Michael P. Gregoire Director 58 42.24万美元 1.16 2024-11-18



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
苏姿丰 Chair of the Board,President and Chief Executive Officer 54 3034.83万美元 465.94 2024-11-18
Forrest E. Norrod Executive Vice President and General Manager, Data Center Solutions Business Unit 58 1575.06万美元 41.19 2024-11-18
Jean Hu Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 60 3281.39万美元 5.95 2024-11-18
Darren Grasby Executive Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, President EMEA 54 844.80万美元 未持股 2024-11-18
Philip Guido Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer 62 2236.06万美元 0.01 2024-11-18
Jack Huynh Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Computing and Graphics Business Group 45 未披露 未持股 2024-11-18
Philip Carter Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer 46 未披露 未持股 2024-11-18
Harry A. Wolin Senior Vice President 62 281.58万美元 未持股 2024-11-18
Ava M. Hahn Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary 51 未披露 未持股 2024-11-18
Mark D. Papermaster Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Technology and Engineering 62 1054.92万美元 未持股 2024-11-18


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苏姿丰是AMD的董事长、总裁兼首席执行官。她自2014年10月起担任AMD董事会成员,并于2022年2月被任命为董事会主席。2014年10月以来,她一直担任AMD的总裁兼首席执行官。此前,从2014年7月至2014年10月,她担任首席运营官,负责AMD的业务部门、销售和全球运营团队。苏博士于2012年1月加入AMD,担任高级副总裁兼全球业务部门总经理,负责推动AMD产品和解决方案的端到端业务执行。在加入AMD之前,她曾担任Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.(一家半导体制造公司)的高级副总裁兼网络和多媒体总经理,负责嵌入式通信和应用处理器业务的全球战略、营销和工程。她于2007年加入飞思卡尔,担任首席技术官,领导技术路线图和研发工作。苏在IBM工作了13年,担任各种工程和业务领导职务,包括半导体研发中心副总裁,负责IBM硅技术、联合开发联盟和半导体研发业务的战略方向。在加入IBM之前,她从1994年到1995年担任Texas Instruments Incorporated的技术人员。她拥有麻省理工学院电气工程学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位。她发表了40多篇技术文章,并于2009年被任命为电子和电气工程师学会会员。2018年,苏博士当选为美国国家工程院院士,并获得全球半导体协会颁发的张瑞思博士模范领导奖。2020年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)将苏博士评为“年度商业人物”第二名,她还当选为美国艺术与科学学院(American Academy of Arts & Science)院士。2021年,她被IEEE授予最高半导体荣誉,Robert N. Noyce Medal,并被拜登总统任命为President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology成员。自2020年1月起,她一直担任Cisco Systems, Inc.的董事会成员,并担任半导体行业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association)的董事会成员。

Lisa Su,is AMD's Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer. She has served on AMD's Board of Directors since October 2014 and was named Chair of the Board in February 2022. She has been AMD's President and Chief Executive Officer since October 2014. Previously, from July 2014 to October 2014, she was Chief Operating Officer responsible for AMD's business units, sales, and global operations teams. Dr. Su joined AMD in January 2012 as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Global Business Units and was responsible for driving end-to-end business execution of AMD products and solutions. Prior to joining AMD, Dr. Su served as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Networking and Multimedia at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (Freescale) (a semiconductor manufacturing company), responsible for global strategy, marketing and engineering for embedded communications and applications processor business. Dr. Su joined Freescale in 2007 as Chief Technology Officer, where she led technology roadmap and research and development efforts.Dr. Su spent the previous 13 years at IBM in various engineering and business leadership positions, including Vice President of the Semiconductor Research and Development Center responsible for the strategic direction of IBM's silicon technologies, joint development alliances and semiconductor R&D operations. Prior to IBM, she was a member of the technical staff at Texas Instruments Incorporated from 1994 to 1995.Dr. Su has Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctorate degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She has published more than 40 technical articles and was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers in 2009. In 2023, Dr. Su was included in Forbes' and Fortune's Most Powerful Women lists and received the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Committee for Economic Development. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Science and is a recipient of the Grace Hopper Technical Leadership Abie Award. She holds the highest semiconductor honor, the Robert N. Noyce Medal, and in 2021 was appointed by President Biden to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Dr. Su continues to serve on PCAST and is a member of the board of directors for the Semiconductor Industry Association.
苏姿丰是AMD的董事长、总裁兼首席执行官。她自2014年10月起担任AMD董事会成员,并于2022年2月被任命为董事会主席。2014年10月以来,她一直担任AMD的总裁兼首席执行官。此前,从2014年7月至2014年10月,她担任首席运营官,负责AMD的业务部门、销售和全球运营团队。苏博士于2012年1月加入AMD,担任高级副总裁兼全球业务部门总经理,负责推动AMD产品和解决方案的端到端业务执行。在加入AMD之前,她曾担任Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.(一家半导体制造公司)的高级副总裁兼网络和多媒体总经理,负责嵌入式通信和应用处理器业务的全球战略、营销和工程。她于2007年加入飞思卡尔,担任首席技术官,领导技术路线图和研发工作。苏在IBM工作了13年,担任各种工程和业务领导职务,包括半导体研发中心副总裁,负责IBM硅技术、联合开发联盟和半导体研发业务的战略方向。在加入IBM之前,她从1994年到1995年担任Texas Instruments Incorporated的技术人员。她拥有麻省理工学院电气工程学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位。她发表了40多篇技术文章,并于2009年被任命为电子和电气工程师学会会员。2018年,苏博士当选为美国国家工程院院士,并获得全球半导体协会颁发的张瑞思博士模范领导奖。2020年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)将苏博士评为“年度商业人物”第二名,她还当选为美国艺术与科学学院(American Academy of Arts & Science)院士。2021年,她被IEEE授予最高半导体荣誉,Robert N. Noyce Medal,并被拜登总统任命为President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology成员。自2020年1月起,她一直担任Cisco Systems, Inc.的董事会成员,并担任半导体行业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association)的董事会成员。
Lisa Su,is AMD's Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer. She has served on AMD's Board of Directors since October 2014 and was named Chair of the Board in February 2022. She has been AMD's President and Chief Executive Officer since October 2014. Previously, from July 2014 to October 2014, she was Chief Operating Officer responsible for AMD's business units, sales, and global operations teams. Dr. Su joined AMD in January 2012 as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Global Business Units and was responsible for driving end-to-end business execution of AMD products and solutions. Prior to joining AMD, Dr. Su served as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Networking and Multimedia at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (Freescale) (a semiconductor manufacturing company), responsible for global strategy, marketing and engineering for embedded communications and applications processor business. Dr. Su joined Freescale in 2007 as Chief Technology Officer, where she led technology roadmap and research and development efforts.Dr. Su spent the previous 13 years at IBM in various engineering and business leadership positions, including Vice President of the Semiconductor Research and Development Center responsible for the strategic direction of IBM's silicon technologies, joint development alliances and semiconductor R&D operations. Prior to IBM, she was a member of the technical staff at Texas Instruments Incorporated from 1994 to 1995.Dr. Su has Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctorate degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She has published more than 40 technical articles and was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers in 2009. In 2023, Dr. Su was included in Forbes' and Fortune's Most Powerful Women lists and received the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Committee for Economic Development. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Science and is a recipient of the Grace Hopper Technical Leadership Abie Award. She holds the highest semiconductor honor, the Robert N. Noyce Medal, and in 2021 was appointed by President Biden to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Dr. Su continues to serve on PCAST and is a member of the board of directors for the Semiconductor Industry Association.
Mark Durcan

Mark Durcan从2017年5月至2017年8月担任美光科技公司(Micron Technology,Inc.)的内存和存储解决方案公司的顾问,并于2012年2月担任首席执行官,直至2017年5月退休。在杜肯先生(Durcan)任职32年期间,他曾在Micron Technology担任各种高级领导职务,包括2007年至2012年的总裁兼首席运营官,2006年至2007年的首席运营官,1998年至2006年的首席技术官以及1996年至1998年的研发副总裁。 Durcan于1984年6月以扩散工程师的身份加入美光科技公司,并担任了一系列越来越负责任的职务,包括过程集成工程师,过程集成经理和过程开发经理。 Durcan先生拥有大约100项美国专利和海外专利。 Durcan先生自2015年以来一直担任AmerisourceBergen Corporation的董事会成员,自2018年以来一直担任Veoneer,Inc.的董事会成员。他还担任过非营利性医院和医疗保健系统St. Luke医疗系统的董事。 Durcan先生拥有莱斯大学的化学工程学士学位和化学工程的硕士学位。

Mark Durcan,served as an advisor of Micron Technology, Inc. (Micron Technology) (a memory and storage solutions company) from May 2017 to August 2017 and served as its Chief Executive Officer from February 2012 until his retirement in May 2017. During Mr. Durcan's 32-year tenure at Micron Technology, he held a wide variety of senior leadership positions, including President and Chief Operating Officer from 2007 to 2012, Chief Operating Officer from 2006 to 2007, Chief Technical Officer from 1998 to 2006 and Vice President, Process Research and Development from 1996 to 1998. Mr. Durcan joined Micron Technology, in June 1984 as a Diffusion Engineer and held a series of increasingly responsible positions, including Process Integration Engineer, Process Integration Manager and Process Development Manager. Mr. Durcan holds approximately 100 U.S. patents and overseas patents. Mr. Durcan has been a member of the board of directors of Cencora (previously, AmerisourceBergen Corporation) since 2015, the Supervisory Board at ASML Holding NV, since April 2020, and the Board of Natural Intelligence Systems Inc. since 2021, a private company. He also serves as a director of St. Luke's Medical System (a not-for-profit hospital and health care system in Idaho), and on the Board of Trustees of Rice University. Mr. Durcan served on the board of directors of Veoneer, Inc. from 2018 to April 2022. Mr. Durcan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering and a Master of Chemical Engineering degree from Rice University.
Mark Durcan从2017年5月至2017年8月担任美光科技公司(Micron Technology,Inc.)的内存和存储解决方案公司的顾问,并于2012年2月担任首席执行官,直至2017年5月退休。在杜肯先生(Durcan)任职32年期间,他曾在Micron Technology担任各种高级领导职务,包括2007年至2012年的总裁兼首席运营官,2006年至2007年的首席运营官,1998年至2006年的首席技术官以及1996年至1998年的研发副总裁。 Durcan于1984年6月以扩散工程师的身份加入美光科技公司,并担任了一系列越来越负责任的职务,包括过程集成工程师,过程集成经理和过程开发经理。 Durcan先生拥有大约100项美国专利和海外专利。 Durcan先生自2015年以来一直担任AmerisourceBergen Corporation的董事会成员,自2018年以来一直担任Veoneer,Inc.的董事会成员。他还担任过非营利性医院和医疗保健系统St. Luke医疗系统的董事。 Durcan先生拥有莱斯大学的化学工程学士学位和化学工程的硕士学位。
Mark Durcan,served as an advisor of Micron Technology, Inc. (Micron Technology) (a memory and storage solutions company) from May 2017 to August 2017 and served as its Chief Executive Officer from February 2012 until his retirement in May 2017. During Mr. Durcan's 32-year tenure at Micron Technology, he held a wide variety of senior leadership positions, including President and Chief Operating Officer from 2007 to 2012, Chief Operating Officer from 2006 to 2007, Chief Technical Officer from 1998 to 2006 and Vice President, Process Research and Development from 1996 to 1998. Mr. Durcan joined Micron Technology, in June 1984 as a Diffusion Engineer and held a series of increasingly responsible positions, including Process Integration Engineer, Process Integration Manager and Process Development Manager. Mr. Durcan holds approximately 100 U.S. patents and overseas patents. Mr. Durcan has been a member of the board of directors of Cencora (previously, AmerisourceBergen Corporation) since 2015, the Supervisory Board at ASML Holding NV, since April 2020, and the Board of Natural Intelligence Systems Inc. since 2021, a private company. He also serves as a director of St. Luke's Medical System (a not-for-profit hospital and health care system in Idaho), and on the Board of Trustees of Rice University. Mr. Durcan served on the board of directors of Veoneer, Inc. from 2018 to April 2022. Mr. Durcan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering and a Master of Chemical Engineering degree from Rice University.
John W. Marren

John W. Marren,自2017年11月以来,一直担任淡马锡(Temasek)北美地区高级董事总经理,淡马锡是新加坡政府的主权财富基金。在加入淡马锡(Temasek)之前,马伦先生曾是TPG Capital a的高级合伙人兼技术投资主管。从2000年开始担任私人股本投资公司,直到2015年12月退休。从1996年到2000年,Marren先生在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)任全球金融服务公司的董事总经理,最近还担任技术投资银行集团的联席主管。从1992年到1996年,他担任Alex Brown&Sons(投资公司)的董事总经理兼高级半导体研究分析师。在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和亚历克斯布朗父(Alex Brown&Sons)任职期间,马伦先生经常担任机构投资者全美研究团队的成员,该团队认可华尔街的顶尖研究分析师。在加入Alex Brown之前,Marren先生在半导体行业工作了7年,曾在VLSI Technology和Vitesse Semiconductor工作。 Marren先生目前是私人公司Poshmark Inc.的董事会成员。他是加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的受托人,并在美国奥林匹克和残奥会基金会董事会任职。 Marren先生拥有加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的电气工程学学士学位。

John W. Marren,has served as Senior Managing Director, North America of Temasek (a sovereign wealth fund of the government of Singapore) since November 2017. Prior to joining Temasek, Mr. Marren was a Senior Partner and the Head of Technology Investments of TPG Capital (a private equity investment company) from 2000 until his retirement in December 2015. From 1996 through 2000, Mr. Marren was a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley (a global financial services company), most recently as Co-Head of the Technology Investment Banking Group. From 1992 to 1996, he was a Managing Director and Senior Semiconductor Research Analyst at Alex. Brown & Sons (Alex. Brown) (an investment company). While at Morgan Stanley and Alex. Brown, Mr. Marren was a frequent member of the Institutional Investor All-American Research Team, which recognizes the top research analysts on Wall Street. Prior to Alex. Brown, Mr. Marren spent seven years in the semiconductor industry working for VLSI Technology and Vitesse Semiconductor. Mr. Marren serves as a director of Impossible Foods, Inc., a private company. He is a Trustee of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and he serves on the US Olympic and Paralympic Foundation Board. Mr. Marren served on the board of directors of Poshmark, Inc. from 2018 to 2022. Mr. Marren holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
John W. Marren,自2017年11月以来,一直担任淡马锡(Temasek)北美地区高级董事总经理,淡马锡是新加坡政府的主权财富基金。在加入淡马锡(Temasek)之前,马伦先生曾是TPG Capital a的高级合伙人兼技术投资主管。从2000年开始担任私人股本投资公司,直到2015年12月退休。从1996年到2000年,Marren先生在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)任全球金融服务公司的董事总经理,最近还担任技术投资银行集团的联席主管。从1992年到1996年,他担任Alex Brown&Sons(投资公司)的董事总经理兼高级半导体研究分析师。在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和亚历克斯布朗父(Alex Brown&Sons)任职期间,马伦先生经常担任机构投资者全美研究团队的成员,该团队认可华尔街的顶尖研究分析师。在加入Alex Brown之前,Marren先生在半导体行业工作了7年,曾在VLSI Technology和Vitesse Semiconductor工作。 Marren先生目前是私人公司Poshmark Inc.的董事会成员。他是加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的受托人,并在美国奥林匹克和残奥会基金会董事会任职。 Marren先生拥有加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的电气工程学学士学位。
John W. Marren,has served as Senior Managing Director, North America of Temasek (a sovereign wealth fund of the government of Singapore) since November 2017. Prior to joining Temasek, Mr. Marren was a Senior Partner and the Head of Technology Investments of TPG Capital (a private equity investment company) from 2000 until his retirement in December 2015. From 1996 through 2000, Mr. Marren was a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley (a global financial services company), most recently as Co-Head of the Technology Investment Banking Group. From 1992 to 1996, he was a Managing Director and Senior Semiconductor Research Analyst at Alex. Brown & Sons (Alex. Brown) (an investment company). While at Morgan Stanley and Alex. Brown, Mr. Marren was a frequent member of the Institutional Investor All-American Research Team, which recognizes the top research analysts on Wall Street. Prior to Alex. Brown, Mr. Marren spent seven years in the semiconductor industry working for VLSI Technology and Vitesse Semiconductor. Mr. Marren serves as a director of Impossible Foods, Inc., a private company. He is a Trustee of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and he serves on the US Olympic and Paralympic Foundation Board. Mr. Marren served on the board of directors of Poshmark, Inc. from 2018 to 2022. Mr. Marren holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Abhi Y. Talwalkar

Abhi Y. Talwalkar自2005年5月起担任半导体和软件公司LSI Corporation的总裁兼首席执行官,直到LSI与Avago Technologies Limited于2014年5月完成合并。从1993年至2005年,Talwalkar先生在担任多个高级管理职位。英特尔公司是一家半导体公司,包括由英特尔公司的企业客户端,服务器,存储和通信业务组成的数字企业集团的公司副总裁兼联合总经理,以及英特尔企业平台集团的副总裁兼总经理,他专注于开发,营销和推动英特尔服务器计算业务战略。在加入Intel之前,Talwalkar先生在Sequent Computer Systems担任高级工程和市场营销职位,该公司是多处理计算机系统的设计和制造商,后来成为IBM的一部分。他还曾在Bipolar Integrated Technology,Inc.(一家VLSI双极半导体公司)任职;和莱迪思半导体公司(服务驱动的可编程设计解决方案开发商)。他自2011年以来一直是Lam Research Corporation的董事会成员,自2016年以来一直担任iRhythm Technologies的董事会成员,自2017年以来一直担任TE Connectivity的成员。Talwalkar先生还于2005年至2014年担任LSI Corporation的董事会成员以及半导体行业协会的成员。 。此外,他还是世界半导体理事会诉讼程序的美国代表团成员。 Talwalkar先生拥有俄勒冈州立大学电气工程学士学位。

Abhi Y. Talwalkar,was President and Chief Executive Officer of LSI Corporation (LSI) (a semiconductor and software company) from May 2005 until the completion of LSI's merger with Avago Technologies Limited in May 2014. From 1993 to 2005, Mr. Talwalkar held a number of senior management positions at Intel Corporation (Intel) (a semiconductor company), including Corporate Vice President and Co-General Manager of the Digital Enterprise Group, which was comprised of Intel's corporate client, server, storage, and communications businesses, and Vice President and General Manager for the Intel Enterprise Platform Group, where he focused on developing, marketing, and driving Intel business strategies for server computing. Prior to Intel, Mr. Talwalkar held senior engineering and marketing positions at Sequent Computer Systems (a multiprocessing computer systems design and manufacturer that later became a part of IBM). He also held positions at Bipolar Integrated Technology, Inc. (a VLSI bipolar semiconductor company); and Lattice Semiconductor Inc. (a service-driven developer of programmable design solutions). Mr. Talwalkar has been Chair of the board of directors of Lam Research Corporation since 2019, iRhythm Technologies since 2016, and a board member of TE Connectivity since 2017. Mr. Talwalkar was also a member of the board of directors of LSI from 2005 to 2014 and the Semiconductor Industry Association. Additionally, he was a member of the U.S. delegation for World Semiconductor Council proceedings. Mr. Talwalkar holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University.
Abhi Y. Talwalkar自2005年5月起担任半导体和软件公司LSI Corporation的总裁兼首席执行官,直到LSI与Avago Technologies Limited于2014年5月完成合并。从1993年至2005年,Talwalkar先生在担任多个高级管理职位。英特尔公司是一家半导体公司,包括由英特尔公司的企业客户端,服务器,存储和通信业务组成的数字企业集团的公司副总裁兼联合总经理,以及英特尔企业平台集团的副总裁兼总经理,他专注于开发,营销和推动英特尔服务器计算业务战略。在加入Intel之前,Talwalkar先生在Sequent Computer Systems担任高级工程和市场营销职位,该公司是多处理计算机系统的设计和制造商,后来成为IBM的一部分。他还曾在Bipolar Integrated Technology,Inc.(一家VLSI双极半导体公司)任职;和莱迪思半导体公司(服务驱动的可编程设计解决方案开发商)。他自2011年以来一直是Lam Research Corporation的董事会成员,自2016年以来一直担任iRhythm Technologies的董事会成员,自2017年以来一直担任TE Connectivity的成员。Talwalkar先生还于2005年至2014年担任LSI Corporation的董事会成员以及半导体行业协会的成员。 。此外,他还是世界半导体理事会诉讼程序的美国代表团成员。 Talwalkar先生拥有俄勒冈州立大学电气工程学士学位。
Abhi Y. Talwalkar,was President and Chief Executive Officer of LSI Corporation (LSI) (a semiconductor and software company) from May 2005 until the completion of LSI's merger with Avago Technologies Limited in May 2014. From 1993 to 2005, Mr. Talwalkar held a number of senior management positions at Intel Corporation (Intel) (a semiconductor company), including Corporate Vice President and Co-General Manager of the Digital Enterprise Group, which was comprised of Intel's corporate client, server, storage, and communications businesses, and Vice President and General Manager for the Intel Enterprise Platform Group, where he focused on developing, marketing, and driving Intel business strategies for server computing. Prior to Intel, Mr. Talwalkar held senior engineering and marketing positions at Sequent Computer Systems (a multiprocessing computer systems design and manufacturer that later became a part of IBM). He also held positions at Bipolar Integrated Technology, Inc. (a VLSI bipolar semiconductor company); and Lattice Semiconductor Inc. (a service-driven developer of programmable design solutions). Mr. Talwalkar has been Chair of the board of directors of Lam Research Corporation since 2019, iRhythm Technologies since 2016, and a board member of TE Connectivity since 2017. Mr. Talwalkar was also a member of the board of directors of LSI from 2005 to 2014 and the Semiconductor Industry Association. Additionally, he was a member of the U.S. delegation for World Semiconductor Council proceedings. Mr. Talwalkar holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University.
Nora M. Denzel

Nora M. Denzel,2013年1月起担任Outerwall的董事。2008年2月至2012年8月,她在Intuit Inc.担任过各种管理职务,包括营销、大数据与社交高级副总裁,及员工管理解决方案业务部副总裁、总经理,这是一个商业和财务管理解决方案软件提供商。2000年8月至2006年2月,她在软件与技术硬件提供商Hewlett-Packard Company工作,担任软件全球业务、存储与咨询部的高级副总裁。1997年2月至2000年8月,她担任产品经营公司Legato Systems的高级副总裁,这是一个数据存储管理软件公司。1984年6月至1997年2月,她担任International Business Machines Corporation的全球存储软件部总监,这是一个技术服务、企业软件及系统提供商。2007-2013,她担任Overland Storage的总监,这是数据管理与保护的产品及服务提供商。她目前是以下公司的董事:Telefonaktiebolaget L.M. Ericsson,电信设备与服务提供商;Saba Software, Inc.,学习与人才管理解决方案的软件和服务提供商;Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,半导体公司。

Nora M. Denzel,previously served as interim CEO of Outerwall Inc., an automated retail solutions provider, from January to August 2015. Prior to Outerwall, Ms. Denzel held senior executive management positions from February 2008 through August 2012 at Intuit Inc., a consumer/SMB cloud financial management software company, including Senior Vice President of Big Data, Social Design and Marketing and Senior Vice President and General Manager of the QuickBooks Employee Management business unit. From 2000 to 2006, Ms. Denzel held several executive level positions at HP Enterprise (formerly Hewlett-Packard Company), including Senior Vice President and General Manager, Software Global Business Unit from May 2002 to February 2006 and Vice President of Storage Organization from August 2000 to May 2002. Prior to that, Ms. Denzel held executive positions at Legato Systems Inc. and IBM Corporation.Ms. Denzel currently serves on the Board of Directors of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Previously, she served as a director of other public companies, including SUSE S.A. from May 2021 to September 2023, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson from March 2013 to March 2023, and Talend S.A. from 2017 to 2021. She currently serves on the non-profit board of the National Association of Corporate Directors.She holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Santa Clara University and a B.S. degree in Computer Science from the State University of New York. In addition, she holds an NACD Directorship Certification (NACD.DC).
Nora M. Denzel,2013年1月起担任Outerwall的董事。2008年2月至2012年8月,她在Intuit Inc.担任过各种管理职务,包括营销、大数据与社交高级副总裁,及员工管理解决方案业务部副总裁、总经理,这是一个商业和财务管理解决方案软件提供商。2000年8月至2006年2月,她在软件与技术硬件提供商Hewlett-Packard Company工作,担任软件全球业务、存储与咨询部的高级副总裁。1997年2月至2000年8月,她担任产品经营公司Legato Systems的高级副总裁,这是一个数据存储管理软件公司。1984年6月至1997年2月,她担任International Business Machines Corporation的全球存储软件部总监,这是一个技术服务、企业软件及系统提供商。2007-2013,她担任Overland Storage的总监,这是数据管理与保护的产品及服务提供商。她目前是以下公司的董事:Telefonaktiebolaget L.M. Ericsson,电信设备与服务提供商;Saba Software, Inc.,学习与人才管理解决方案的软件和服务提供商;Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,半导体公司。
Nora M. Denzel,previously served as interim CEO of Outerwall Inc., an automated retail solutions provider, from January to August 2015. Prior to Outerwall, Ms. Denzel held senior executive management positions from February 2008 through August 2012 at Intuit Inc., a consumer/SMB cloud financial management software company, including Senior Vice President of Big Data, Social Design and Marketing and Senior Vice President and General Manager of the QuickBooks Employee Management business unit. From 2000 to 2006, Ms. Denzel held several executive level positions at HP Enterprise (formerly Hewlett-Packard Company), including Senior Vice President and General Manager, Software Global Business Unit from May 2002 to February 2006 and Vice President of Storage Organization from August 2000 to May 2002. Prior to that, Ms. Denzel held executive positions at Legato Systems Inc. and IBM Corporation.Ms. Denzel currently serves on the Board of Directors of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Previously, she served as a director of other public companies, including SUSE S.A. from May 2021 to September 2023, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson from March 2013 to March 2023, and Talend S.A. from 2017 to 2021. She currently serves on the non-profit board of the National Association of Corporate Directors.She holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Santa Clara University and a B.S. degree in Computer Science from the State University of New York. In addition, she holds an NACD Directorship Certification (NACD.DC).
Elizabeth W. Vanderslice

Elizabeth W. Vanderslice, 2000年12月加入公司董事会。从1999年7月到2001年7月担任Terra莱科思有限公司(互联网接入和交互式内容提供商)总经理。 加入Terra莱科思有限公司之前,她从1995年开始担任有线数字公司(一家网络服务公司)副总裁;从1996年到1999年6月开始担任总裁和首席执行官,领导了Terra莱科思有限公司的收购工作。加入有限数字公司之前,她在1994年成为英镑柏姿公司投资银行律所主要负责人并成为H. W。杰西公司(旧金山投资银行业务和商业战略咨询公司,英镑柏姿公司的一个分公司)副总裁。她持有哈佛商学院硕士学位而且是波士顿大学信托董事会成员。

Elizabeth W. Vanderslice,has served as a partner at Trewstar Corporate Board Services, a firm specializing in corporate board placements, since February 2019. She served on the board of Xilinx, Inc. from December 2000 through its acquisition by AMD in February 2022. Ms. Vanderslice also serves on the boards of AESC Group Ltd. (a private EV battery technology company), and Univers Holdings (a private global provider of energy and carbon management technology solutions and services company). From 1999 to 2001, Ms. Vanderslice served as a general manager of Lycos, Inc. (Lycos) through its acquisition. From 1996 to 1999, Ms. Vanderslice was CEO of Wired Digital, Inc. (Wired Digital), a spin-off of Wired Ventures, Inc. (Wired Ventures), and a member of the boards of both Wired Digital and Wired Ventures before leading the company's acquisition by Lycos. Prior to joining Wired Digital in early 1995, Ms. Vanderslice served as a principal in the investment banking firm Sterling Payot Company, which raised the capital to launch Wired Magazine. She was also a Vice President at H.W. Jesse & Co. (a San Francisco investment banking firm). In addition, she worked for the IBM Corporation from 1986-1990. Ms. Vanderslice holds a Masters of Business Administration from the Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Boston College. She is an Aspen Institute Henry Crown Fellow and was a member of the Young Presidents' Organization and the World Presidents' Organization. Ms. Vanderslice has also served as a Trustee of Boston College since 2010.
Elizabeth W. Vanderslice, 2000年12月加入公司董事会。从1999年7月到2001年7月担任Terra莱科思有限公司(互联网接入和交互式内容提供商)总经理。 加入Terra莱科思有限公司之前,她从1995年开始担任有线数字公司(一家网络服务公司)副总裁;从1996年到1999年6月开始担任总裁和首席执行官,领导了Terra莱科思有限公司的收购工作。加入有限数字公司之前,她在1994年成为英镑柏姿公司投资银行律所主要负责人并成为H. W。杰西公司(旧金山投资银行业务和商业战略咨询公司,英镑柏姿公司的一个分公司)副总裁。她持有哈佛商学院硕士学位而且是波士顿大学信托董事会成员。
Elizabeth W. Vanderslice,has served as a partner at Trewstar Corporate Board Services, a firm specializing in corporate board placements, since February 2019. She served on the board of Xilinx, Inc. from December 2000 through its acquisition by AMD in February 2022. Ms. Vanderslice also serves on the boards of AESC Group Ltd. (a private EV battery technology company), and Univers Holdings (a private global provider of energy and carbon management technology solutions and services company). From 1999 to 2001, Ms. Vanderslice served as a general manager of Lycos, Inc. (Lycos) through its acquisition. From 1996 to 1999, Ms. Vanderslice was CEO of Wired Digital, Inc. (Wired Digital), a spin-off of Wired Ventures, Inc. (Wired Ventures), and a member of the boards of both Wired Digital and Wired Ventures before leading the company's acquisition by Lycos. Prior to joining Wired Digital in early 1995, Ms. Vanderslice served as a principal in the investment banking firm Sterling Payot Company, which raised the capital to launch Wired Magazine. She was also a Vice President at H.W. Jesse & Co. (a San Francisco investment banking firm). In addition, she worked for the IBM Corporation from 1986-1990. Ms. Vanderslice holds a Masters of Business Administration from the Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Boston College. She is an Aspen Institute Henry Crown Fellow and was a member of the Young Presidents' Organization and the World Presidents' Organization. Ms. Vanderslice has also served as a Trustee of Boston College since 2010.
Jon A. Olson

Jon A. Olson, 自2011年10月担任公司董事。自2006年8月起担任Xilinx有限公司(可编程半导体平台的提供者)财务高级副总裁和首席财务官;2005年6月加入Xilinx担任金融副总裁和首席财务官。加入Xilinx之前,他从1979年到2005年担任英特尔公司(半导体芯片制造商)多个高级金融职位,包括金融和企业服务副总裁、金融主管。他持有圣克拉拉大学金融硕士学位以及印第安纳大学会计学士学位。

Jon A. Olson,joined the Board of AMD in February 2022. Prior to that date, Mr. Olson was a member of the Board of Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx) from May 2020 until February 2022 when Xilinx was acquired by AMD. Mr. Olson previously served as the Chief Financial Officer of Xilinx from June 2005 until his retirement in July 2016. While serving as Chief Financial Officer, he also held a variety of other senior management positions at Xilinx, including most recently as Executive Vice President from May 2014 to July 2016 and, prior to that, Senior Vice President of Finance from August 2006 to May 2014 and Vice President of Finance from June 2005 to August 2006. Prior to joining Xilinx, Mr. Olson spent more than 25 years at Intel Corporation, serving in a variety of positions from 1979 to 2005, including Vice President of Finance and Enterprise Services and Director of Finance. Mr. Olson currently serves on each of the board of directors of Kulicke & Soffa (a supplier of semiconductor and electronic assembly solutions) and Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (a provider of launch and space systems). Mr. Olson previously served on the board of directors of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. (Mellanox) (a supplier of computer networking products) from June 2018 until April 2020 when Mellanox was acquired by Nvidia Corporation. He also served on the board of directors of HomeUnion, Inc. (HomeUnion) (an online investment management platform dedicated to the residential real estate market) from November 2018 until November 2019 when HomeUnion was acquired by Mynd Property Management.
Jon A. Olson, 自2011年10月担任公司董事。自2006年8月起担任Xilinx有限公司(可编程半导体平台的提供者)财务高级副总裁和首席财务官;2005年6月加入Xilinx担任金融副总裁和首席财务官。加入Xilinx之前,他从1979年到2005年担任英特尔公司(半导体芯片制造商)多个高级金融职位,包括金融和企业服务副总裁、金融主管。他持有圣克拉拉大学金融硕士学位以及印第安纳大学会计学士学位。
Jon A. Olson,joined the Board of AMD in February 2022. Prior to that date, Mr. Olson was a member of the Board of Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx) from May 2020 until February 2022 when Xilinx was acquired by AMD. Mr. Olson previously served as the Chief Financial Officer of Xilinx from June 2005 until his retirement in July 2016. While serving as Chief Financial Officer, he also held a variety of other senior management positions at Xilinx, including most recently as Executive Vice President from May 2014 to July 2016 and, prior to that, Senior Vice President of Finance from August 2006 to May 2014 and Vice President of Finance from June 2005 to August 2006. Prior to joining Xilinx, Mr. Olson spent more than 25 years at Intel Corporation, serving in a variety of positions from 1979 to 2005, including Vice President of Finance and Enterprise Services and Director of Finance. Mr. Olson currently serves on each of the board of directors of Kulicke & Soffa (a supplier of semiconductor and electronic assembly solutions) and Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (a provider of launch and space systems). Mr. Olson previously served on the board of directors of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. (Mellanox) (a supplier of computer networking products) from June 2018 until April 2020 when Mellanox was acquired by Nvidia Corporation. He also served on the board of directors of HomeUnion, Inc. (HomeUnion) (an online investment management platform dedicated to the residential real estate market) from November 2018 until November 2019 when HomeUnion was acquired by Mynd Property Management.
Joseph A. Householder

Joseph A. Householder,Sempra Energy(能源基础设施和天然气和电力公司全球供应商)执行副总裁和首席财务官。Householder从2006年到2011年担任Sempra Energy高级副总裁、总监和首席会计官,负责所有Sempra Energy公司的金融报告、会计和控制和税收职能部门。担任当前职位之前,他担任Sempra Energy企业税收副总裁和首席税收顾问。2001年加入Sempra Energy,在此之前,Householder担任PricewaterhouseCoopers国家税收办公室合伙人。他从1986年到1999年在Unocal Corporation担任多个法律和金融职位,包括最终担任企业开发副总裁和助理首席财务官,负责全球税收规划、财务报告和预测、并购。Householder现任the Southern California Gas Company以及San Diego Gas & Electric Company(Sempra Energy全资子公司)董事。他还担任Infraestructura Energetica Nova (IEnova, Sempra Energy大型控股子公司,在墨西哥公开上市)董事;以及San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation(一家非盈利公司)董事。此外,Householder还担任Tax Executives Institute, 美国注册会计师协会, 加利佛尼亚州律师协会以及美国律师协会成员。他持有the University of Southern California工商管理理学学士学位;Loyola Law School法律博士学位。

Joseph A. Householder,was the President and Chief Operating Officer of Sempra Energy (a worldwide provider of energy infrastructure and gas and electric utilities and a recognized leader in sustainability, diversity and inclusion) where he oversaw Sempra Energy's regulated U.S. utilities and the Sempra North American Infrastructure Group from May 2018 until his retirement in January 2020. Previously from 2017 to 2018, Mr. Householder served as Sempra Energy's Corporate Group President, Infrastructure Businesses overseeing the company's operations in midstream, liquefied natural gas and renewable energy and Mexico. From 2011 to 2016, Mr. Householder was the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Sempra Energy. He also served as Chief Accounting Officer of Sempra Energy from 2007 to 2012. From 2006 to 2011, Mr. Householder was Senior Vice President and Controller of Sempra Energy responsible for financial reporting, accounting and controls and tax functions for all Sempra Energy companies. Prior to this role, he served as Vice President of Corporate Tax and Chief Tax Counsel for Sempra Energy. Prior to joining Sempra Energy in 2001, Mr. Householder was a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the firm's national tax office. From 1986 to 1999, he served in a number of legal and financial roles at Unocal Corporation, including ultimately as Vice President of Corporate Development and Assistant Chief Financial Officer, where he was responsible for worldwide tax planning, financial reporting and forecasting and mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Householder is Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee of REV Renewables LLC, a private company. He is NACD Directorship Certified, has completed a CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of Southern California and a Juris Doctor degree from Loyola Law School.
Joseph A. Householder,Sempra Energy(能源基础设施和天然气和电力公司全球供应商)执行副总裁和首席财务官。Householder从2006年到2011年担任Sempra Energy高级副总裁、总监和首席会计官,负责所有Sempra Energy公司的金融报告、会计和控制和税收职能部门。担任当前职位之前,他担任Sempra Energy企业税收副总裁和首席税收顾问。2001年加入Sempra Energy,在此之前,Householder担任PricewaterhouseCoopers国家税收办公室合伙人。他从1986年到1999年在Unocal Corporation担任多个法律和金融职位,包括最终担任企业开发副总裁和助理首席财务官,负责全球税收规划、财务报告和预测、并购。Householder现任the Southern California Gas Company以及San Diego Gas & Electric Company(Sempra Energy全资子公司)董事。他还担任Infraestructura Energetica Nova (IEnova, Sempra Energy大型控股子公司,在墨西哥公开上市)董事;以及San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation(一家非盈利公司)董事。此外,Householder还担任Tax Executives Institute, 美国注册会计师协会, 加利佛尼亚州律师协会以及美国律师协会成员。他持有the University of Southern California工商管理理学学士学位;Loyola Law School法律博士学位。
Joseph A. Householder,was the President and Chief Operating Officer of Sempra Energy (a worldwide provider of energy infrastructure and gas and electric utilities and a recognized leader in sustainability, diversity and inclusion) where he oversaw Sempra Energy's regulated U.S. utilities and the Sempra North American Infrastructure Group from May 2018 until his retirement in January 2020. Previously from 2017 to 2018, Mr. Householder served as Sempra Energy's Corporate Group President, Infrastructure Businesses overseeing the company's operations in midstream, liquefied natural gas and renewable energy and Mexico. From 2011 to 2016, Mr. Householder was the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Sempra Energy. He also served as Chief Accounting Officer of Sempra Energy from 2007 to 2012. From 2006 to 2011, Mr. Householder was Senior Vice President and Controller of Sempra Energy responsible for financial reporting, accounting and controls and tax functions for all Sempra Energy companies. Prior to this role, he served as Vice President of Corporate Tax and Chief Tax Counsel for Sempra Energy. Prior to joining Sempra Energy in 2001, Mr. Householder was a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the firm's national tax office. From 1986 to 1999, he served in a number of legal and financial roles at Unocal Corporation, including ultimately as Vice President of Corporate Development and Assistant Chief Financial Officer, where he was responsible for worldwide tax planning, financial reporting and forecasting and mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Householder is Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee of REV Renewables LLC, a private company. He is NACD Directorship Certified, has completed a CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of Southern California and a Juris Doctor degree from Loyola Law School.
Michael P. Gregoire

Michael P. Gregoire,2013年1月开始担任公司首席执行官。2005年3月,他担任Taleo公司(主要按需提供人才管理软件解决方案)总裁兼首席执行官,直至2012年4月被Oracle公司收购。2005年4月到2012年4月,Gregoire先生在Taleo公司担任董事。2008年5月到2012年4月,他是Taleo公司董事会主席。2000年5月到2000年1月,他在PeopleSoft公司(软件公司)担任执行副总裁、全球服务,还有各种高管职位。1996年到2000年4月,他在EDS公司担任全球金融市场常务经理,1988年至1996年,他还担任过各种职位。2008年11月起,他是ShoreTel有限公司(负责提供业务通信解决方案)董事。如上所述,2005年4月到2012年4月,Gregoire先生在Taleo公司担任董事,2008年5月到2012年4月,他是Taleo集团董事会主席。

Michael P. Gregoire,is a founding partner at Brighton Park Capital (a growth equity private equity firm). Prior to Brighton Park Capital, Mr. Gregoire served as Chairman & CEO of CA Technologies (an enterprise software company) from January 2013 to November 2018. Mr. Gregoire served as President and CEO of Taleo Corporation (Taleo) (a cloud-based talent management software company) from March 2005 to April 2012. He also served as a member of the board of directors of Taleo from April 2005 to April 2012 and as chairman of the board from May 2009 to April 2012. In addition, Mr. Gregoire served as Executive Vice President at PeopleSoft, Inc. and Executive Director at Electronic Data Systems (EDS) and has been chair of the World Economic Forum's IT Governors Steering Committee as well as a member of the Business Roundtable's Information and Technology Committee. Mr. Gregoire also serves on the Executive Council of TechNet (an organization of CEOs that represents the technology industry in policy issues critical to American innovation and economic competitiveness). Mr. Gregoire has been Chairman of the board of directors of Smartsheet Inc. since December 2019. He was also a member of the board of directors of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP) from 2014 to 2019. Mr. Gregoire holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physics and computing from Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, and a Master of Business Administration degree from California Coast University.
Michael P. Gregoire,2013年1月开始担任公司首席执行官。2005年3月,他担任Taleo公司(主要按需提供人才管理软件解决方案)总裁兼首席执行官,直至2012年4月被Oracle公司收购。2005年4月到2012年4月,Gregoire先生在Taleo公司担任董事。2008年5月到2012年4月,他是Taleo公司董事会主席。2000年5月到2000年1月,他在PeopleSoft公司(软件公司)担任执行副总裁、全球服务,还有各种高管职位。1996年到2000年4月,他在EDS公司担任全球金融市场常务经理,1988年至1996年,他还担任过各种职位。2008年11月起,他是ShoreTel有限公司(负责提供业务通信解决方案)董事。如上所述,2005年4月到2012年4月,Gregoire先生在Taleo公司担任董事,2008年5月到2012年4月,他是Taleo集团董事会主席。
Michael P. Gregoire,is a founding partner at Brighton Park Capital (a growth equity private equity firm). Prior to Brighton Park Capital, Mr. Gregoire served as Chairman & CEO of CA Technologies (an enterprise software company) from January 2013 to November 2018. Mr. Gregoire served as President and CEO of Taleo Corporation (Taleo) (a cloud-based talent management software company) from March 2005 to April 2012. He also served as a member of the board of directors of Taleo from April 2005 to April 2012 and as chairman of the board from May 2009 to April 2012. In addition, Mr. Gregoire served as Executive Vice President at PeopleSoft, Inc. and Executive Director at Electronic Data Systems (EDS) and has been chair of the World Economic Forum's IT Governors Steering Committee as well as a member of the Business Roundtable's Information and Technology Committee. Mr. Gregoire also serves on the Executive Council of TechNet (an organization of CEOs that represents the technology industry in policy issues critical to American innovation and economic competitiveness). Mr. Gregoire has been Chairman of the board of directors of Smartsheet Inc. since December 2019. He was also a member of the board of directors of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP) from 2014 to 2019. Mr. Gregoire holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physics and computing from Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, and a Master of Business Administration degree from California Coast University.


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苏姿丰是AMD的董事长、总裁兼首席执行官。她自2014年10月起担任AMD董事会成员,并于2022年2月被任命为董事会主席。2014年10月以来,她一直担任AMD的总裁兼首席执行官。此前,从2014年7月至2014年10月,她担任首席运营官,负责AMD的业务部门、销售和全球运营团队。苏博士于2012年1月加入AMD,担任高级副总裁兼全球业务部门总经理,负责推动AMD产品和解决方案的端到端业务执行。在加入AMD之前,她曾担任Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.(一家半导体制造公司)的高级副总裁兼网络和多媒体总经理,负责嵌入式通信和应用处理器业务的全球战略、营销和工程。她于2007年加入飞思卡尔,担任首席技术官,领导技术路线图和研发工作。苏在IBM工作了13年,担任各种工程和业务领导职务,包括半导体研发中心副总裁,负责IBM硅技术、联合开发联盟和半导体研发业务的战略方向。在加入IBM之前,她从1994年到1995年担任Texas Instruments Incorporated的技术人员。她拥有麻省理工学院电气工程学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位。她发表了40多篇技术文章,并于2009年被任命为电子和电气工程师学会会员。2018年,苏博士当选为美国国家工程院院士,并获得全球半导体协会颁发的张瑞思博士模范领导奖。2020年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)将苏博士评为“年度商业人物”第二名,她还当选为美国艺术与科学学院(American Academy of Arts & Science)院士。2021年,她被IEEE授予最高半导体荣誉,Robert N. Noyce Medal,并被拜登总统任命为President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology成员。自2020年1月起,她一直担任Cisco Systems, Inc.的董事会成员,并担任半导体行业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association)的董事会成员。

Lisa Su,is AMD's Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer. She has served on AMD's Board of Directors since October 2014 and was named Chair of the Board in February 2022. She has been AMD's President and Chief Executive Officer since October 2014. Previously, from July 2014 to October 2014, she was Chief Operating Officer responsible for AMD's business units, sales, and global operations teams. Dr. Su joined AMD in January 2012 as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Global Business Units and was responsible for driving end-to-end business execution of AMD products and solutions. Prior to joining AMD, Dr. Su served as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Networking and Multimedia at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (Freescale) (a semiconductor manufacturing company), responsible for global strategy, marketing and engineering for embedded communications and applications processor business. Dr. Su joined Freescale in 2007 as Chief Technology Officer, where she led technology roadmap and research and development efforts.Dr. Su spent the previous 13 years at IBM in various engineering and business leadership positions, including Vice President of the Semiconductor Research and Development Center responsible for the strategic direction of IBM's silicon technologies, joint development alliances and semiconductor R&D operations. Prior to IBM, she was a member of the technical staff at Texas Instruments Incorporated from 1994 to 1995.Dr. Su has Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctorate degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She has published more than 40 technical articles and was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers in 2009. In 2023, Dr. Su was included in Forbes' and Fortune's Most Powerful Women lists and received the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Committee for Economic Development. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Science and is a recipient of the Grace Hopper Technical Leadership Abie Award. She holds the highest semiconductor honor, the Robert N. Noyce Medal, and in 2021 was appointed by President Biden to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Dr. Su continues to serve on PCAST and is a member of the board of directors for the Semiconductor Industry Association.
苏姿丰是AMD的董事长、总裁兼首席执行官。她自2014年10月起担任AMD董事会成员,并于2022年2月被任命为董事会主席。2014年10月以来,她一直担任AMD的总裁兼首席执行官。此前,从2014年7月至2014年10月,她担任首席运营官,负责AMD的业务部门、销售和全球运营团队。苏博士于2012年1月加入AMD,担任高级副总裁兼全球业务部门总经理,负责推动AMD产品和解决方案的端到端业务执行。在加入AMD之前,她曾担任Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.(一家半导体制造公司)的高级副总裁兼网络和多媒体总经理,负责嵌入式通信和应用处理器业务的全球战略、营销和工程。她于2007年加入飞思卡尔,担任首席技术官,领导技术路线图和研发工作。苏在IBM工作了13年,担任各种工程和业务领导职务,包括半导体研发中心副总裁,负责IBM硅技术、联合开发联盟和半导体研发业务的战略方向。在加入IBM之前,她从1994年到1995年担任Texas Instruments Incorporated的技术人员。她拥有麻省理工学院电气工程学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位。她发表了40多篇技术文章,并于2009年被任命为电子和电气工程师学会会员。2018年,苏博士当选为美国国家工程院院士,并获得全球半导体协会颁发的张瑞思博士模范领导奖。2020年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)将苏博士评为“年度商业人物”第二名,她还当选为美国艺术与科学学院(American Academy of Arts & Science)院士。2021年,她被IEEE授予最高半导体荣誉,Robert N. Noyce Medal,并被拜登总统任命为President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology成员。自2020年1月起,她一直担任Cisco Systems, Inc.的董事会成员,并担任半导体行业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association)的董事会成员。
Lisa Su,is AMD's Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer. She has served on AMD's Board of Directors since October 2014 and was named Chair of the Board in February 2022. She has been AMD's President and Chief Executive Officer since October 2014. Previously, from July 2014 to October 2014, she was Chief Operating Officer responsible for AMD's business units, sales, and global operations teams. Dr. Su joined AMD in January 2012 as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Global Business Units and was responsible for driving end-to-end business execution of AMD products and solutions. Prior to joining AMD, Dr. Su served as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Networking and Multimedia at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (Freescale) (a semiconductor manufacturing company), responsible for global strategy, marketing and engineering for embedded communications and applications processor business. Dr. Su joined Freescale in 2007 as Chief Technology Officer, where she led technology roadmap and research and development efforts.Dr. Su spent the previous 13 years at IBM in various engineering and business leadership positions, including Vice President of the Semiconductor Research and Development Center responsible for the strategic direction of IBM's silicon technologies, joint development alliances and semiconductor R&D operations. Prior to IBM, she was a member of the technical staff at Texas Instruments Incorporated from 1994 to 1995.Dr. Su has Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctorate degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She has published more than 40 technical articles and was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers in 2009. In 2023, Dr. Su was included in Forbes' and Fortune's Most Powerful Women lists and received the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Committee for Economic Development. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Science and is a recipient of the Grace Hopper Technical Leadership Abie Award. She holds the highest semiconductor honor, the Robert N. Noyce Medal, and in 2021 was appointed by President Biden to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Dr. Su continues to serve on PCAST and is a member of the board of directors for the Semiconductor Industry Association.
Forrest E. Norrod

Forrest E. Norrod,2014年10月以来,他担任Intersil公司的董事。他也曾担任the Enterprise, Embedded and Semi-Custom(EESC,AMD公司的业务集团)的高级副总裁兼总经理(2014年10月以来)。从2009年到2014年,他曾担任Dell公司的负责服务器业务的副总裁兼总经理,并推动几个关键地区和市场的市场份额领导业务,同时提供一致的收入和利润增长。任职Dell公司之前,他曾任职Cyrix Corporation、National Semiconductor公司,并领导支持个人电脑和计算机行业的集成x86处理器业务。

Forrest E. Norrod,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Data Center Solutions Business Group since January 2023. In this role, he is responsible for managing all aspects of strategy, business management and engineering for AMD data center products. Mr. Norrod joined AMD in November 2014. Mr. Norrod has more than 30 years of technology industry experience across a number of engineering and business management roles at both the chip and system level.Mr. Norrod was Vice President and General Manager of Dell Inc.'s (Dell) server business from December 2009 to October 2014, driving the business to market share leadership in several key geographies and markets while delivering consistent revenue and profitability growth. In his role as Vice President and General Manager of Dell's Data Center Solutions, Mr. Norrod successfully led the creation of the company's first internal startup, which established Dell's leadership presence in the hyper-scale data center market. He joined Dell as CTO of Client Products in August 2000, then led the company's Enterprise Engineering before ultimately having responsibility for all of Dell's global engineering teams. Prior to Dell, Mr. Norrod worked at Cyrix Corp from 1993 to 1997 and National Semiconductor from 1997 to 2000 leading the integrated x86 CPU businesses. He started his career as a VLSI design engineer at Hewlett Packard.Mr. Norrod holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech and holds 11 US patents in computer architecture, graphics and system design. He served on the board of directors of Intersil Corporation from October 2014 until it was acquired in February 2017.
Forrest E. Norrod,2014年10月以来,他担任Intersil公司的董事。他也曾担任the Enterprise, Embedded and Semi-Custom(EESC,AMD公司的业务集团)的高级副总裁兼总经理(2014年10月以来)。从2009年到2014年,他曾担任Dell公司的负责服务器业务的副总裁兼总经理,并推动几个关键地区和市场的市场份额领导业务,同时提供一致的收入和利润增长。任职Dell公司之前,他曾任职Cyrix Corporation、National Semiconductor公司,并领导支持个人电脑和计算机行业的集成x86处理器业务。
Forrest E. Norrod,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Data Center Solutions Business Group since January 2023. In this role, he is responsible for managing all aspects of strategy, business management and engineering for AMD data center products. Mr. Norrod joined AMD in November 2014. Mr. Norrod has more than 30 years of technology industry experience across a number of engineering and business management roles at both the chip and system level.Mr. Norrod was Vice President and General Manager of Dell Inc.'s (Dell) server business from December 2009 to October 2014, driving the business to market share leadership in several key geographies and markets while delivering consistent revenue and profitability growth. In his role as Vice President and General Manager of Dell's Data Center Solutions, Mr. Norrod successfully led the creation of the company's first internal startup, which established Dell's leadership presence in the hyper-scale data center market. He joined Dell as CTO of Client Products in August 2000, then led the company's Enterprise Engineering before ultimately having responsibility for all of Dell's global engineering teams. Prior to Dell, Mr. Norrod worked at Cyrix Corp from 1993 to 1997 and National Semiconductor from 1997 to 2000 leading the integrated x86 CPU businesses. He started his career as a VLSI design engineer at Hewlett Packard.Mr. Norrod holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech and holds 11 US patents in computer architecture, graphics and system design. He served on the board of directors of Intersil Corporation from October 2014 until it was acquired in February 2017.
Jean Hu

Jean Hu自2019年10月起担任Fortinet, Inc.董事会成员。自2016年8月起,Hu女士担任半导体公司Marvell Technology Group Ltd.的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。在加入Marvell之前,胡女士曾担任网络服务器和存储网络公司QLogic Corporation的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,2011年4月至2016年8月,2013年5月至2014年2月,2015年8月至2016年8月,担任QLogic代理首席执行官。2004年至2011年,胡女士在半导体公司Conexant Systems,Inc.担任多个高级职位,包括首席财务官和高级副总裁,业务发展从2008年12月到2011年4月,从2009年6月到2011年4月为司库。胡女士在北京大学化学工程系获化学工程学士学位,博士学位。来自克莱蒙特研究生院的经济学。

Jean Hu,has served as a member of the Board of Directors since October 2019. Since January 2023, Ms. Hu has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Advance Micro Devices, Inc., a semiconductor company. Prior to AMD, Ms. Hu served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Marvell Technology Group Ltd., a semiconductor company, from August 2016 to January 2023. Ms. Hu served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Qlogic Corporation, a network server and storage networking company, from April 2011 to August 2016, and as acting Chief Executive Officer of Qlogic from May 2013 to February 2014 and from August 2015 to August 2016. From 2004 to 2011, Ms. Hu served in various senior positions at Conexant Systems, Inc., a semiconductor company, including as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Business Development from December 2008 to April 2011 and as Treasurer from June 2009 until April 2011. Ms. Hu holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Economics from Claremont Graduate University.Ms. Hu has extensive experience in the management of technology companies from her positions at AMD, Marvell and Qlogic, and expertise in corporate financing, accounting and financial reporting.
Jean Hu自2019年10月起担任Fortinet, Inc.董事会成员。自2016年8月起,Hu女士担任半导体公司Marvell Technology Group Ltd.的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。在加入Marvell之前,胡女士曾担任网络服务器和存储网络公司QLogic Corporation的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,2011年4月至2016年8月,2013年5月至2014年2月,2015年8月至2016年8月,担任QLogic代理首席执行官。2004年至2011年,胡女士在半导体公司Conexant Systems,Inc.担任多个高级职位,包括首席财务官和高级副总裁,业务发展从2008年12月到2011年4月,从2009年6月到2011年4月为司库。胡女士在北京大学化学工程系获化学工程学士学位,博士学位。来自克莱蒙特研究生院的经济学。
Jean Hu,has served as a member of the Board of Directors since October 2019. Since January 2023, Ms. Hu has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Advance Micro Devices, Inc., a semiconductor company. Prior to AMD, Ms. Hu served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Marvell Technology Group Ltd., a semiconductor company, from August 2016 to January 2023. Ms. Hu served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Qlogic Corporation, a network server and storage networking company, from April 2011 to August 2016, and as acting Chief Executive Officer of Qlogic from May 2013 to February 2014 and from August 2015 to August 2016. From 2004 to 2011, Ms. Hu served in various senior positions at Conexant Systems, Inc., a semiconductor company, including as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Business Development from December 2008 to April 2011 and as Treasurer from June 2009 until April 2011. Ms. Hu holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Economics from Claremont Graduate University.Ms. Hu has extensive experience in the management of technology companies from her positions at AMD, Marvell and Qlogic, and expertise in corporate financing, accounting and financial reporting.
Darren Grasby

Darren Grasby是Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.AMD EMEA执行副总裁、首席销售官兼总裁。在此职位上,他负责领导Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.产品线的全球销售组织,包括计算、图形、数据中心和嵌入式产品。自2007年加入AMD以来,他曾担任多个领导职务,专注于销售和营销,包括从2018年7月至2019年1月担任全球计算和图形销售高级副总裁。在此职位上,他领导的团队负责成功推动AMD Ryzen、AMD Radeon和AMD EPYC处理器在全球的采用。在此之前,他在Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.工作。2015年10月至2018年7月担任EMEA和全球渠道销售总裁,2014年11月至2015年10月担任EMEA公司全球销售副总裁兼总经理。他是Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.2007年8月至2014年11月担任EMEA公司副总裁兼总经理。Grasby先生拥有近30年的高科技行业专业知识,专注于个人电脑、图形和外围产品销售。在加入AMD之前,Grasby先生创建并经营了几家非常成功的公司,包括专注于计算机制造、供应链管理、全球分销以及ATI等图形品牌的创建和发展的业务。

Darren Grasby,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, President EMEA since July 2023. Prior to that, Mr. Grasby was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer, President EMEA at which point he became Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, President EMEA. In this role, he is responsible for some of AMD's most important customer relationships across the globe.Since Mr. Grasby joined AMD in 2007, he has held several leadership roles focused on sales and marketing, including serving as Senior Vice President of Global Computing and Graphics Sales from July 2018 to January 2019. In that role, Mr. Grasby led teams responsible for successfully driving adoption of AMD Ryzen, AMD Radeon and AMD EPYC processors globally. Prior to that, Mr. Grasby was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. President EMEA and Global Channel Sales from October 2015 to July 2018 and Corporate Vice President, Global Sales and General Manager EMEA from November 2014 to October 2015. He was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Corporate Vice President and General Manager EMEA from August 2007 to November 2014.Mr. Grasby has nearly three decades of high-tech industry expertise focused on PCs, graphics and peripheral product sales. Before joining AMD, Mr. Grasby created and ran several very successful companies, including businesses focused on computer manufacturing, supply chain management, global distribution, and creation and development of graphics brands like ATI.
Darren Grasby是Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.AMD EMEA执行副总裁、首席销售官兼总裁。在此职位上,他负责领导Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.产品线的全球销售组织,包括计算、图形、数据中心和嵌入式产品。自2007年加入AMD以来,他曾担任多个领导职务,专注于销售和营销,包括从2018年7月至2019年1月担任全球计算和图形销售高级副总裁。在此职位上,他领导的团队负责成功推动AMD Ryzen、AMD Radeon和AMD EPYC处理器在全球的采用。在此之前,他在Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.工作。2015年10月至2018年7月担任EMEA和全球渠道销售总裁,2014年11月至2015年10月担任EMEA公司全球销售副总裁兼总经理。他是Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.2007年8月至2014年11月担任EMEA公司副总裁兼总经理。Grasby先生拥有近30年的高科技行业专业知识,专注于个人电脑、图形和外围产品销售。在加入AMD之前,Grasby先生创建并经营了几家非常成功的公司,包括专注于计算机制造、供应链管理、全球分销以及ATI等图形品牌的创建和发展的业务。
Darren Grasby,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, President EMEA since July 2023. Prior to that, Mr. Grasby was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer, President EMEA at which point he became Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, President EMEA. In this role, he is responsible for some of AMD's most important customer relationships across the globe.Since Mr. Grasby joined AMD in 2007, he has held several leadership roles focused on sales and marketing, including serving as Senior Vice President of Global Computing and Graphics Sales from July 2018 to January 2019. In that role, Mr. Grasby led teams responsible for successfully driving adoption of AMD Ryzen, AMD Radeon and AMD EPYC processors globally. Prior to that, Mr. Grasby was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. President EMEA and Global Channel Sales from October 2015 to July 2018 and Corporate Vice President, Global Sales and General Manager EMEA from November 2014 to October 2015. He was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Corporate Vice President and General Manager EMEA from August 2007 to November 2014.Mr. Grasby has nearly three decades of high-tech industry expertise focused on PCs, graphics and peripheral product sales. Before joining AMD, Mr. Grasby created and ran several very successful companies, including businesses focused on computer manufacturing, supply chain management, global distribution, and creation and development of graphics brands like ATI.
Philip Guido

Philip Guido,自2023年6月起担任超威半导体设备股份有限公司执行副总裁兼首席商务官,领导公司的全球销售组织。Guido先生此前担任IBM咨询公司总经理、战略销售全球管理合伙人,负责扩展IBM与企业客户的深度合作伙伴关系。在IBM任职的30多年中,他曾在该公司担任多个领导职务,包括收入超过40B美元的IBM北美地区总经理和基础设施服务业务总经理。Guido以优异成绩毕业于蒙特克莱尔州立大学的Magna Cum Laude和Phi Kappa Phi,获得经济学学位,并拥有哥本哈根大学的国际商务证书。他是布莱顿公园Capital Group的高级顾问董事会成员,也是纽约市大卫洛克菲勒研究员计划的高级成员。

Philip Guido,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer leading the Company's Worldwide Sales Organization since June 2023. Mr. Guido was previously general manager, global managing partner of Strategic Sales at IBM Consulting, responsible for expanding IBM's deep partnerships with enterprise customers. He held multiple leadership roles at IBM during his more than 30-year tenure with the company, including the general manager of IBM North America driving over $40B in revenue and general manager, Infrastructure Services Business.Mr. Guido graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Kappa Phi from Montclair State University with a degree in economics and has a certificate in International Business from the University of Copenhagen. He is a senior advisor board member of Brighton Park Capital Group and senior member of The David Rockefeller Fellows Program in New York City.
Philip Guido,自2023年6月起担任超威半导体设备股份有限公司执行副总裁兼首席商务官,领导公司的全球销售组织。Guido先生此前担任IBM咨询公司总经理、战略销售全球管理合伙人,负责扩展IBM与企业客户的深度合作伙伴关系。在IBM任职的30多年中,他曾在该公司担任多个领导职务,包括收入超过40B美元的IBM北美地区总经理和基础设施服务业务总经理。Guido以优异成绩毕业于蒙特克莱尔州立大学的Magna Cum Laude和Phi Kappa Phi,获得经济学学位,并拥有哥本哈根大学的国际商务证书。他是布莱顿公园Capital Group的高级顾问董事会成员,也是纽约市大卫洛克菲勒研究员计划的高级成员。
Philip Guido,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer leading the Company's Worldwide Sales Organization since June 2023. Mr. Guido was previously general manager, global managing partner of Strategic Sales at IBM Consulting, responsible for expanding IBM's deep partnerships with enterprise customers. He held multiple leadership roles at IBM during his more than 30-year tenure with the company, including the general manager of IBM North America driving over $40B in revenue and general manager, Infrastructure Services Business.Mr. Guido graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Kappa Phi from Montclair State University with a degree in economics and has a certificate in International Business from the University of Copenhagen. He is a senior advisor board member of Brighton Park Capital Group and senior member of The David Rockefeller Fellows Program in New York City.
Jack Huynh

Jack Huynh,自2023年4月起担任超威半导体设备股份有限公司高级副总裁兼计算和图形业务集团总经理。Huynh先生负责将公司的高性能CPU、GPU和软件相结合,以创建差异化的客户端、图形、游戏和半定制解决方案,以继续推动超微半导体,Inc.的增长并为超微半导体,Inc.的客户提供领导经验。自1998年加入AMD以来,Huynh先生跨越了广泛的业务和技术,同时建立了深厚的战略合作伙伴关系。他曾领导超微半导体,Inc.半定制集团担任高级副总裁兼总经理,负责管理高性能AMD半定制解决方案的战略、业务管理和工程的所有方面。Huynh先生曾担任公司副总裁兼超微半导体,Inc.移动事业部总经理,领导AMD移动产品的端到端业务执行。他还在超微半导体公司台式机、移动设备和芯片组业务中担任过多个领导职务。Huynh先生在AMD开始了他的职业生涯,担任微处理器设计工程师。Huynh拥有伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校电气工程理学学士学位。

Jack Huynh,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Computing and Graphics Business Group since April 2023. Mr. Huynh is responsible for combining the Company's high-performance CPUs, GPUs, and software to create differentiated client, graphics, gaming, and semi-custom solutions to continue driving Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. growth and leadership experiences for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. customers.Since joining AMD in 1998, Mr. Huynh has spanned a breadth of businesses and technologies while building deep, strategic partnerships that have transformed AMD's product portfolio and business. He previously led Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. semi-custom group as senior vice president and general manager, responsible for managing all aspects of strategy, business management, and engineering for high-performance AMD semi-custom solutions.Prior to that, Mr. Huynh served as corporate vice president and general manager of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. mobile business unit where he led end to end business execution of AMD mobile products. Additionally, he held several leadership roles across Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. desktop, mobile, and chipset businesses. Before these roles, Mr. Huynh began his career at AMD as a microprocessor design engineer.Mr. Huynh holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Jack Huynh,自2023年4月起担任超威半导体设备股份有限公司高级副总裁兼计算和图形业务集团总经理。Huynh先生负责将公司的高性能CPU、GPU和软件相结合,以创建差异化的客户端、图形、游戏和半定制解决方案,以继续推动超微半导体,Inc.的增长并为超微半导体,Inc.的客户提供领导经验。自1998年加入AMD以来,Huynh先生跨越了广泛的业务和技术,同时建立了深厚的战略合作伙伴关系。他曾领导超微半导体,Inc.半定制集团担任高级副总裁兼总经理,负责管理高性能AMD半定制解决方案的战略、业务管理和工程的所有方面。Huynh先生曾担任公司副总裁兼超微半导体,Inc.移动事业部总经理,领导AMD移动产品的端到端业务执行。他还在超微半导体公司台式机、移动设备和芯片组业务中担任过多个领导职务。Huynh先生在AMD开始了他的职业生涯,担任微处理器设计工程师。Huynh拥有伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校电气工程理学学士学位。
Jack Huynh,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Computing and Graphics Business Group since April 2023. Mr. Huynh is responsible for combining the Company's high-performance CPUs, GPUs, and software to create differentiated client, graphics, gaming, and semi-custom solutions to continue driving Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. growth and leadership experiences for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. customers.Since joining AMD in 1998, Mr. Huynh has spanned a breadth of businesses and technologies while building deep, strategic partnerships that have transformed AMD's product portfolio and business. He previously led Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. semi-custom group as senior vice president and general manager, responsible for managing all aspects of strategy, business management, and engineering for high-performance AMD semi-custom solutions.Prior to that, Mr. Huynh served as corporate vice president and general manager of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. mobile business unit where he led end to end business execution of AMD mobile products. Additionally, he held several leadership roles across Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. desktop, mobile, and chipset businesses. Before these roles, Mr. Huynh began his career at AMD as a microprocessor design engineer.Mr. Huynh holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Philip Carter

Philip Carter,他曾担任Skyworks Solutions, Inc.的公司副总裁、首席会计官(2017年2月以来)。他是一名注册会计师和特许金融分析师。他持有加州州立大学富尔顿分校会计学士学位和南加州大学工商管理硕士学位。

Philip Carter,previously served as Corporate Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer at Skyworks Solutions, Inc. where he had worked since February 2017. Mr. Carter is a certified public accountant and a chartered financial analyst. He holds a B.S. in Accounting from California State University, Fullerton and an MBA from the University of Southern California.
Philip Carter,他曾担任Skyworks Solutions, Inc.的公司副总裁、首席会计官(2017年2月以来)。他是一名注册会计师和特许金融分析师。他持有加州州立大学富尔顿分校会计学士学位和南加州大学工商管理硕士学位。
Philip Carter,previously served as Corporate Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer at Skyworks Solutions, Inc. where he had worked since February 2017. Mr. Carter is a certified public accountant and a chartered financial analyst. He holds a B.S. in Accounting from California State University, Fullerton and an MBA from the University of Southern California.
Harry A. Wolin

Harry A. Wolin是Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.高副总裁、总法律顾问和公司秘书。在此职位上,Wolin先生负责Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的全球法律事务、全球贸易合规、企业调查和公共事务,包括政府关系、社区事务和企业责任。在2003年成为总法律顾问之前,Wolin先生曾任职Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.。知识产权副总裁。在2000年加入Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.之前,Wolin先生在Motorola, Inc.(现称为Motorola Solutions, Inc.,一家技术、产品和服务提供商,提供广泛的移动、有线、数字通信、信息和娱乐体验)工作了12年,他的最后一个职位是半导体产品部门的副总裁兼法律事务总监。Wolin从2011年2月到2012年3月担任GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc.的董事会成员。Wolin先生获得了Texas General Counsel Forum颁发的2008年Magna Stella award for innovative management from。他是Arizona和Texas律师协会的成员,并在美国专利和商标局注册执业。Wolin先生持有the University of Arizona的化学学士学位和Arizona State University的法学博士学位。

Harry A. Wolin,retired as Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary in January 2024 but will continue to serve as Senior Vice President until April 1, 2024 in support of a smooth transition. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Wolin served as Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary since 2003. In that role, Mr. Wolin was responsibility for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. worldwide legal matters, global trade compliance, corporate investigations and public affairs, including government relations, community affairs and corporate responsibility. Prior to becoming General Counsel in 2003, Mr. Wolin was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Vice President, Intellectual Property. Before joining Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in 2000, Mr. Wolin spent 12 years at Motorola, Inc. (now known as Motorola Solutions, Inc., a provider of technologies, products and services that enable a broad range of mobile, wireline, digital communication, information and entertainment experiences), where his last role was Vice President and Director of Legal Affairs for the Semiconductor Products Sector.Mr. Wolin served as a member of the board of directors of GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. from February 2011 through March 2012. Mr. Wolin received the 2008 Magna Stella award for innovative management from the Texas General Counsel Forum. He is a member of the State Bars of Arizona and Texas and is registered to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Mr. Wolin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the University of Arizona and a Juris Doctor degree from Arizona State University.
Harry A. Wolin是Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.高副总裁、总法律顾问和公司秘书。在此职位上,Wolin先生负责Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的全球法律事务、全球贸易合规、企业调查和公共事务,包括政府关系、社区事务和企业责任。在2003年成为总法律顾问之前,Wolin先生曾任职Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.。知识产权副总裁。在2000年加入Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.之前,Wolin先生在Motorola, Inc.(现称为Motorola Solutions, Inc.,一家技术、产品和服务提供商,提供广泛的移动、有线、数字通信、信息和娱乐体验)工作了12年,他的最后一个职位是半导体产品部门的副总裁兼法律事务总监。Wolin从2011年2月到2012年3月担任GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc.的董事会成员。Wolin先生获得了Texas General Counsel Forum颁发的2008年Magna Stella award for innovative management from。他是Arizona和Texas律师协会的成员,并在美国专利和商标局注册执业。Wolin先生持有the University of Arizona的化学学士学位和Arizona State University的法学博士学位。
Harry A. Wolin,retired as Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary in January 2024 but will continue to serve as Senior Vice President until April 1, 2024 in support of a smooth transition. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Wolin served as Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary since 2003. In that role, Mr. Wolin was responsibility for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. worldwide legal matters, global trade compliance, corporate investigations and public affairs, including government relations, community affairs and corporate responsibility. Prior to becoming General Counsel in 2003, Mr. Wolin was Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Vice President, Intellectual Property. Before joining Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in 2000, Mr. Wolin spent 12 years at Motorola, Inc. (now known as Motorola Solutions, Inc., a provider of technologies, products and services that enable a broad range of mobile, wireline, digital communication, information and entertainment experiences), where his last role was Vice President and Director of Legal Affairs for the Semiconductor Products Sector.Mr. Wolin served as a member of the board of directors of GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. from February 2011 through March 2012. Mr. Wolin received the 2008 Magna Stella award for innovative management from the Texas General Counsel Forum. He is a member of the State Bars of Arizona and Texas and is registered to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Mr. Wolin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the University of Arizona and a Juris Doctor degree from Arizona State University.
Ava M. Hahn

Ava M. Hahn, 2009年5月起,她担任公司副总裁、总法律顾问和秘书;2012年4月起另外负责公司发展。2007年6月,她加入ShoreTel,担任总法律顾问和秘书。2002年8月至2007年5月,她担任Genesis Microchip, Inc.的总法律顾问、助理总法律顾问和秘书, 该公司是复显图像处理器供应商。2000年8月至2002年8月,她担任光纤接入设备供应商LuxN, Inc.的法律事务董事。在此之前,她在Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C。从事个人事业。她在哥伦比亚法学院(Columbia Law School)获得法学博士学位,在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)获得历史学学士学位。

Ava M. Hahn,is Lam Research Corporation senior vice president, chief legal officer and secretary. She joined Lam Research Corporation in January 2020 and is responsible for global legal matters, ethics and compliance, global trade and government affairs. Prior to joining Lam Research Corporation , Ms. Hahn served as executive vice president, chief compliance officer, general counsel and secretary of CA Technologies, an enterprise software company, from February 2019 to November 2019 (until its acquisition by Broadcom Corp.), general counsel and secretary of Aruba Networks from April 2013 to June 2016 (until its acquisition by Hewlett Packard Enterprise), general counsel and secretary of ShoreTel, Inc. from 2007 to 2013, and general counsel and secretary of Genesis Microchip from 2002 to 2007. Ms. Hahn also served as general counsel of venture capital firms Kleiner Perkins and Felicis Ventures. She started her career at the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, where she practiced corporate and securities law. Ms. Hahn earned a J.D. from Columbia Law School and a B.A. in history from the University of California at Berkeley.
Ava M. Hahn, 2009年5月起,她担任公司副总裁、总法律顾问和秘书;2012年4月起另外负责公司发展。2007年6月,她加入ShoreTel,担任总法律顾问和秘书。2002年8月至2007年5月,她担任Genesis Microchip, Inc.的总法律顾问、助理总法律顾问和秘书, 该公司是复显图像处理器供应商。2000年8月至2002年8月,她担任光纤接入设备供应商LuxN, Inc.的法律事务董事。在此之前,她在Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C。从事个人事业。她在哥伦比亚法学院(Columbia Law School)获得法学博士学位,在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)获得历史学学士学位。
Ava M. Hahn,is Lam Research Corporation senior vice president, chief legal officer and secretary. She joined Lam Research Corporation in January 2020 and is responsible for global legal matters, ethics and compliance, global trade and government affairs. Prior to joining Lam Research Corporation , Ms. Hahn served as executive vice president, chief compliance officer, general counsel and secretary of CA Technologies, an enterprise software company, from February 2019 to November 2019 (until its acquisition by Broadcom Corp.), general counsel and secretary of Aruba Networks from April 2013 to June 2016 (until its acquisition by Hewlett Packard Enterprise), general counsel and secretary of ShoreTel, Inc. from 2007 to 2013, and general counsel and secretary of Genesis Microchip from 2002 to 2007. Ms. Hahn also served as general counsel of venture capital firms Kleiner Perkins and Felicis Ventures. She started her career at the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, where she practiced corporate and securities law. Ms. Hahn earned a J.D. from Columbia Law School and a B.A. in history from the University of California at Berkeley.
Mark D. Papermaster

Mark D. Papermaster, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.负责技术和工程的执行副总裁兼首席技术官,负责公司技术方向,产品开发,包括片上系统(SOC)方法,微处理器设计,I/O和内存以及高级研究。他领导了AMD工程流程的重新设计,并开发了屡获殊荣的“Zen”高性能x86 CPU系列、高性能gpu和Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的模块化设计方法Infinity Fabric。他还监督信息技术,提供Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的计算基础设施和服务。在2011年10月以Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的身份加入AMD之前。首席技术官和高级副总裁,Papermaster先生是Cisco Systems, Inc.的硅工程集团(负责公司交换和路由业务的硅战略、架构和开发的组织)的领导者。此前,他曾担任Apple, Inc.的设备硬件工程高级副总裁,负责iPod和iPhone硬件开发。他还在IBM担任多个高级领导职位,负责公司关键微处理器和服务器技术的开发。Papermaster持有得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)的理学学士学位和佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)的电气工程理学硕士学位。他是Texas Cockrell School of Engineering Advisory Board、Olin College Presidents Council和Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation的长期成员。最近,他被任命为CTO论坛顾问委员会和IEEE行业顾问委员会成员。

Mark D. Papermaster,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Technology and Engineering, responsible for corporate technical direction, product development, including system-on-chip (SOC) methodology, microprocessor design, I/O and memory and advanced research since January 2019. He led the re-design of engineering processes at AMD and the development of the award-winning "Zen" high-performance x86 CPU family, high-performance GPUs and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. modular design approach, Infinity Fabric.Mr. Papermaster also oversees Information Technology that delivers Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compute infrastructure and services. His more than 35 years of engineering experience includes significant leadership roles managing the development of a wide range of products from microprocessors to mobile devices and high-performance servers. Before joining AMD in October 2011 as Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President, Mr. Papermaster was the leader of Cisco Systems, Inc.'s Silicon Engineering Group, the organization responsible for silicon strategy, architecture, and development for the company's switching and routing businesses. In prior roles, Mr. Papermaster served as Apple, Inc.'s Senior Vice President of Devices Hardware Engineering, where he was responsible for iPod and iPhone hardware development. He also held a number of senior leadership positions at IBM overseeing development of the company's key microprocessor and server technologies.Mr. Papermaster holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Science degree from the University of Vermont, both in electrical engineering. He is a long-term member of the University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering Advisory Board, Olin College Presidents Council and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Most recently, he was appointed to the CTO Forum Advisory Board and IEEE Industry Advisory Board.
Mark D. Papermaster, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.负责技术和工程的执行副总裁兼首席技术官,负责公司技术方向,产品开发,包括片上系统(SOC)方法,微处理器设计,I/O和内存以及高级研究。他领导了AMD工程流程的重新设计,并开发了屡获殊荣的“Zen”高性能x86 CPU系列、高性能gpu和Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的模块化设计方法Infinity Fabric。他还监督信息技术,提供Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的计算基础设施和服务。在2011年10月以Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的身份加入AMD之前。首席技术官和高级副总裁,Papermaster先生是Cisco Systems, Inc.的硅工程集团(负责公司交换和路由业务的硅战略、架构和开发的组织)的领导者。此前,他曾担任Apple, Inc.的设备硬件工程高级副总裁,负责iPod和iPhone硬件开发。他还在IBM担任多个高级领导职位,负责公司关键微处理器和服务器技术的开发。Papermaster持有得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)的理学学士学位和佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)的电气工程理学硕士学位。他是Texas Cockrell School of Engineering Advisory Board、Olin College Presidents Council和Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation的长期成员。最近,他被任命为CTO论坛顾问委员会和IEEE行业顾问委员会成员。
Mark D. Papermaster,has been Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Technology and Engineering, responsible for corporate technical direction, product development, including system-on-chip (SOC) methodology, microprocessor design, I/O and memory and advanced research since January 2019. He led the re-design of engineering processes at AMD and the development of the award-winning "Zen" high-performance x86 CPU family, high-performance GPUs and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. modular design approach, Infinity Fabric.Mr. Papermaster also oversees Information Technology that delivers Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compute infrastructure and services. His more than 35 years of engineering experience includes significant leadership roles managing the development of a wide range of products from microprocessors to mobile devices and high-performance servers. Before joining AMD in October 2011 as Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President, Mr. Papermaster was the leader of Cisco Systems, Inc.'s Silicon Engineering Group, the organization responsible for silicon strategy, architecture, and development for the company's switching and routing businesses. In prior roles, Mr. Papermaster served as Apple, Inc.'s Senior Vice President of Devices Hardware Engineering, where he was responsible for iPod and iPhone hardware development. He also held a number of senior leadership positions at IBM overseeing development of the company's key microprocessor and server technologies.Mr. Papermaster holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Science degree from the University of Vermont, both in electrical engineering. He is a long-term member of the University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering Advisory Board, Olin College Presidents Council and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Most recently, he was appointed to the CTO Forum Advisory Board and IEEE Industry Advisory Board.