

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Gerard J. Kleisterlee Chair of the Supervisory Board 76 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Peter T. F. M. Wennink President, Chief Executive Officer and Chair of Board of Management 65 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Martin A. van den Brink President, Chief Technology Officer and Vice Chair of Board of Management 65 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Antoinette P. Aris Member of the Supervisory Board 64 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Rolf Dieter Schwalb Member of the Supervisory Board 70 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Roger J. M. Dassen Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 57 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Christophe D. Fouquet Executive Vice President EUV 49 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Terri L. Kelly Member of the Supervisory Board 61 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Warren D. A. East Member of the Supervisory Board 61 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Alexander F.M. Everke Member of the Supervisory Board 60 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Birgit M. Conix Member of the Supervisory Board 58 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
D. Mark Durcan Member of the Supervisory Board 62 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Peter T. F. M. Wennink President, Chief Executive Officer and Chair of Board of Management 65 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15
Frederic J. M. Schneider Maunoury Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer 61 未披露 未持股 2023-02-15


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Gerard J. Kleisterlee

Gerard J. Kleisterlee于2015年加入监事会,自2016年起担任主席。2001年至2011年,他担任Royal Philips NV董事会主席兼首席执行官,自1974年以来一直在Royal Philips NV工作。2011年至2020年,他担任Vodafone Group董事会主席。2010年至2020年5月,他还担任Royal Dutch Shell副主席兼高级独立董事。

Gerard J. Kleisterlee joined the Supervisory Board in 2015 and has been its Chair since 2016. He was President and CEO of the Board of Management of Royal Philips NV from 2001 until 2011 having worked at the company since 1974. From 2011 to 2020 he was Chair of the Board of Vodafone Group. He was also Deputy Chair and Senior Independent Director of Royal Dutch Shell from 2010 until May 2020.
Gerard J. Kleisterlee于2015年加入监事会,自2016年起担任主席。2001年至2011年,他担任Royal Philips NV董事会主席兼首席执行官,自1974年以来一直在Royal Philips NV工作。2011年至2020年,他担任Vodafone Group董事会主席。2010年至2020年5月,他还担任Royal Dutch Shell副主席兼高级独立董事。
Gerard J. Kleisterlee joined the Supervisory Board in 2015 and has been its Chair since 2016. He was President and CEO of the Board of Management of Royal Philips NV from 2001 until 2011 having worked at the company since 1974. From 2011 to 2020 he was Chair of the Board of Vodafone Group. He was also Deputy Chair and Senior Independent Director of Royal Dutch Shell from 2010 until May 2020.
Peter T. F. M. Wennink

Peter T. F. M. Wennink,1999年1月1日,加入阿斯麦公司。1999年7月1日,他被任命为阿斯麦公司的执行副总裁、首席财务官、董事。2013年,他担任公司的总裁、首席行政官。他在金融和财会方面有着丰富的经验。加入阿斯麦公司之前,他曾是德勤会计师事务所的合伙人,专门从事高科技产业和半导体设备产业的相关业务。他还是荷兰注册会计师协会的成员。他现在是Bank Insinger de Beaufort N.V。的监督委员会成员。

Peter T. F. M. Wennink became President and CEO in 2013 having served as Executive VP, CFO and member of the Board of Management since 1999. Peter was previously a partner at Deloitte Accountants, focusing on the semiconductor industry. He has an extensive background in finance and is a member of the Dutch Institute of Registered Accountants. Peter was a member of the Advisory Board of the Investment Committee of Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP until December 31 2020. He serves on the board of the FME-CWM, Peter is also a member of the board of Captains of Industry Eindhoven Region and is Chair of the Eindhovensche Fabrikantenkring and of the Supervisory Board of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Furthermore Peter is a member of the Exchange Council of Euronext, council member of Topconsortium voor 'Kennis en Innovatie' TKI HTS&M, member of the Advisory Committee of the Dutch National Growth Fund and a member of the Circle of Influence of Startup Delta.
Peter T. F. M. Wennink,1999年1月1日,加入阿斯麦公司。1999年7月1日,他被任命为阿斯麦公司的执行副总裁、首席财务官、董事。2013年,他担任公司的总裁、首席行政官。他在金融和财会方面有着丰富的经验。加入阿斯麦公司之前,他曾是德勤会计师事务所的合伙人,专门从事高科技产业和半导体设备产业的相关业务。他还是荷兰注册会计师协会的成员。他现在是Bank Insinger de Beaufort N.V。的监督委员会成员。
Peter T. F. M. Wennink became President and CEO in 2013 having served as Executive VP, CFO and member of the Board of Management since 1999. Peter was previously a partner at Deloitte Accountants, focusing on the semiconductor industry. He has an extensive background in finance and is a member of the Dutch Institute of Registered Accountants. Peter was a member of the Advisory Board of the Investment Committee of Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP until December 31 2020. He serves on the board of the FME-CWM, Peter is also a member of the board of Captains of Industry Eindhoven Region and is Chair of the Eindhovensche Fabrikantenkring and of the Supervisory Board of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Furthermore Peter is a member of the Exchange Council of Euronext, council member of Topconsortium voor 'Kennis en Innovatie' TKI HTS&M, member of the Advisory Committee of the Dutch National Growth Fund and a member of the Circle of Influence of Startup Delta.
Martin A. van den Brink

Martin A. van den Brink,1984年加入阿斯麦公司ASML(ASML在当年成立。)他在该公司的工程部任职。1995年起,他担任公司的技术部副总裁、及董事获得了电气工程学士。会成员。1999年,他被任命为产品和技术部的执行副总裁、董事会成员。2013年7月1日,他担任公司的总裁兼首席技术官。他在HTS Arnhem HAN University。1984年,他在荷兰特文特大学获得了物理学学士。2012年,他被荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学授予了荣誉博士学位。

Martin A. van den Brink has been President and CTO of ASML since 2013. He joined ASML at its founding in 1984 and for the next 11 years held various positions in engineering. In 1995 he became Vice President Technology, and in 1999 was appointed Executive Vice President Product & Technology and member of the Board of Management. Martin holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from HTS Arnhem HAN University, as well as a degree in Physics -1984 from the University of Twente. In 2012 the University of Amsterdam awarded him an honorary doctorate in physics.
Martin A. van den Brink,1984年加入阿斯麦公司ASML(ASML在当年成立。)他在该公司的工程部任职。1995年起,他担任公司的技术部副总裁、及董事获得了电气工程学士。会成员。1999年,他被任命为产品和技术部的执行副总裁、董事会成员。2013年7月1日,他担任公司的总裁兼首席技术官。他在HTS Arnhem HAN University。1984年,他在荷兰特文特大学获得了物理学学士。2012年,他被荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学授予了荣誉博士学位。
Martin A. van den Brink has been President and CTO of ASML since 2013. He joined ASML at its founding in 1984 and for the next 11 years held various positions in engineering. In 1995 he became Vice President Technology, and in 1999 was appointed Executive Vice President Product & Technology and member of the Board of Management. Martin holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from HTS Arnhem HAN University, as well as a degree in Physics -1984 from the University of Twente. In 2012 the University of Amsterdam awarded him an honorary doctorate in physics.


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Antoinette P. Aris

Antoinette P. Aris,2015年4月被任命为监事会成员;自2003年起担任法国INSEAD的战略客座教授;1994年至2003年间担任德国McKinsey & Company的合伙人;2015年4月前担任Sanoma Oyj的董事,2015年7月前担任Kabel Deutschland AG的监事。目前,她是Thomas Cook Plc.的非执行董事,也是ProSiebenSat。1 AG, Jungheinrich AG和ASR Netherlands N.V。的监事。

Antoinette P. Aris has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 2015. She is Senior Affiliate Professor of Strategy at INSEAD business school, France, a position she has held since 2003. From 1994 to 2003 she was a partner at McKinsey & Company in Germany and from 2014-2019 she was the Non-Executive Director of Thomas Cook Group. She also sits on the supervisory boards of Jungheinrich AG, Randstad Holding NV and the Rabobank Group.
Antoinette P. Aris,2015年4月被任命为监事会成员;自2003年起担任法国INSEAD的战略客座教授;1994年至2003年间担任德国McKinsey & Company的合伙人;2015年4月前担任Sanoma Oyj的董事,2015年7月前担任Kabel Deutschland AG的监事。目前,她是Thomas Cook Plc.的非执行董事,也是ProSiebenSat。1 AG, Jungheinrich AG和ASR Netherlands N.V。的监事。
Antoinette P. Aris has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 2015. She is Senior Affiliate Professor of Strategy at INSEAD business school, France, a position she has held since 2003. From 1994 to 2003 she was a partner at McKinsey & Company in Germany and from 2014-2019 she was the Non-Executive Director of Thomas Cook Group. She also sits on the supervisory boards of Jungheinrich AG, Randstad Holding NV and the Rabobank Group.
Rolf Dieter Schwalb

Rolf Dieter Schwalb,2015年4月被任命为高级银行家;2006年至2014年间担任Royal DSM N.V。的首席财务官兼管理委员会成员;在进入DSM之前,他是Beiersdorf AG的首席财务官兼执行委员会成员;此前他在Beiersdorf AG 和 Procter & Gamble Co.担任过多个财务、信息技术和内部审计管理职位。

Rolf Dieter Schwalb has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 2015. He is also Chair of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee. He was CFO and member of the Board of Management of Royal DSM NV from 2006 to 2014. Prior to that, he was CFO and member of the Executive Board of Beiersdorf AG. He also held a variety of management positions in Finance, IT and Internal Audit at Beiersdorf AG and Procter & Gamble Co.
Rolf Dieter Schwalb,2015年4月被任命为高级银行家;2006年至2014年间担任Royal DSM N.V。的首席财务官兼管理委员会成员;在进入DSM之前,他是Beiersdorf AG的首席财务官兼执行委员会成员;此前他在Beiersdorf AG 和 Procter & Gamble Co.担任过多个财务、信息技术和内部审计管理职位。
Rolf Dieter Schwalb has been a member of the Supervisory Board since 2015. He is also Chair of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee. He was CFO and member of the Board of Management of Royal DSM NV from 2006 to 2014. Prior to that, he was CFO and member of the Executive Board of Beiersdorf AG. He also held a variety of management positions in Finance, IT and Internal Audit at Beiersdorf AG and Procter & Gamble Co.
Roger J. M. Dassen

Roger J. M. Dassen于2018年6月加入ASML,同年在年度股东大会上被任命为执行副总裁兼首席财务官和管理委员会成员。此前,他曾担任德勤全球副主席和执行董事会成员,曾担任德勤控股首席执行官。罗杰拥有经济学和工商管理硕士学位、审计学硕士学位以及商学和经济学博士学位,都来自马斯特里赫特大学。他是阿姆斯特丹弗里杰大学(vrijeuniversiteit Amsterdam)的审计学教授,现任荷兰国家银行监事会成员。他也是马斯特里赫特大学医学中心监事会主席。

Roger J. M. Dassen joined ASML in June 2018 and was appointed Executive Vice President and CFO and member of the Board of Management at the AGM the same year. He previously served as Global Vice Chair and member of the Executive Board of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, having been CEO of Deloitte Holding B.V. Roger holds a master's in Economics and Business Administration, a post-master's in Auditing, and a PhD in Business Administration, all from the University of Maastricht. He is Professor of Auditing at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and sits on the Supervisory Board of the Dutch National Bank. He is also the Chair of the Supervisory Board of Maastricht University Medical Center+.
Roger J. M. Dassen于2018年6月加入ASML,同年在年度股东大会上被任命为执行副总裁兼首席财务官和管理委员会成员。此前,他曾担任德勤全球副主席和执行董事会成员,曾担任德勤控股首席执行官。罗杰拥有经济学和工商管理硕士学位、审计学硕士学位以及商学和经济学博士学位,都来自马斯特里赫特大学。他是阿姆斯特丹弗里杰大学(vrijeuniversiteit Amsterdam)的审计学教授,现任荷兰国家银行监事会成员。他也是马斯特里赫特大学医学中心监事会主席。
Roger J. M. Dassen joined ASML in June 2018 and was appointed Executive Vice President and CFO and member of the Board of Management at the AGM the same year. He previously served as Global Vice Chair and member of the Executive Board of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, having been CEO of Deloitte Holding B.V. Roger holds a master's in Economics and Business Administration, a post-master's in Auditing, and a PhD in Business Administration, all from the University of Maastricht. He is Professor of Auditing at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and sits on the Supervisory Board of the Dutch National Bank. He is also the Chair of the Supervisory Board of Maastricht University Medical Center+.
Christophe D. Fouquet

Christophe D. Fouquet于2018年被任命为EUV执行副总裁和管理委员会成员。自2008年加入ASML以来,他曾担任多个职位,包括高级营销总监、产品管理副总裁和应用程序执行副总裁,该职位从2013年一直担任到2018年。在加入ASML之前,他为半导体设备同行KLA Tencor和Applied Materials工作。克里斯托夫拥有格勒诺布尔理工学院物理学硕士学位。

Christophe D. Fouquet was appointed Executive Vice President EUV and member of the Board of Management in 2018. Since joining ASML in 2008 he has held several positions, including Senior Director Marketing, Vice President Product Management, and Executive Vice President Applications, a position he held from 2013 until 2018. Prior to joining ASML, he worked for semiconductor equipment peers KLA Tencor and Applied Materials. Christophe holds a master's degree in Physics from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble.
Christophe D. Fouquet于2018年被任命为EUV执行副总裁和管理委员会成员。自2008年加入ASML以来,他曾担任多个职位,包括高级营销总监、产品管理副总裁和应用程序执行副总裁,该职位从2013年一直担任到2018年。在加入ASML之前,他为半导体设备同行KLA Tencor和Applied Materials工作。克里斯托夫拥有格勒诺布尔理工学院物理学硕士学位。
Christophe D. Fouquet was appointed Executive Vice President EUV and member of the Board of Management in 2018. Since joining ASML in 2008 he has held several positions, including Senior Director Marketing, Vice President Product Management, and Executive Vice President Applications, a position he held from 2013 until 2018. Prior to joining ASML, he worked for semiconductor equipment peers KLA Tencor and Applied Materials. Christophe holds a master's degree in Physics from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble.
Terri L. Kelly

Terri L. Kelly是W.L。的前总裁兼首席执行官 Gore&Associates“戈尔”是一家高度创新的私有家族企业,年收入超过30亿美元。 她从2005年到2018年3月担任该职位。戈尔专门研究先进材料,这些材料被广泛用于GORE-TEX织物,可植入医疗设备,通风产品和电缆的各种高价值产品。 戈尔以其独特的管理理念和文化而闻名,并一直被公认是全球顶级工作场所。 Kelly女士于1983年加入戈尔,担任工程师,在消费品,国防,工业,医疗设备和制药生物等多个行业拥有专业知识。 作为首席执行官,她领导着这个全球性组织,该组织由近10000名员工组成,拥有超过45个制造和销售地点。 Kelly女士以优异的成绩毕业于特拉华大学,并获得了机械工程学士学位。

Terri L. Kelly,is the former President and CEO of W.L. Gore & Associates ("Gore"), a highly innovative, privately-held family-owned enterprise with more than $3 billion in annual revenues, serving in this capacity from 2005 to 2018. Gore specializes in advanced materials that are utilized in a wide array of high-value products including GORE-TEX fabric, implantable medical devices, venting products, and electronic cables. Gore is well known for its unique management philosophy and culture, and is consistently recognized as a top workplace across the globe. Ms. Kelly joined Gore as an Engineer in 1983 and has expertise across multiple industries including consumer products, defense, industrial, medical devices, and pharmbio. As CEO, she led this global organization of close to 10,000 associates with over 45 manufacturing and sales locations. Ms. Kelly graduated summa cum laude from the University of Delaware with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Ms. Kelly serves as a Trustee of the Alfred I. duPont Charitable Trust, whose beneficiary is the Nemours Foundation (one of the nation's leading children's health systems), and serves as a Trustee for the University of Delaware. She is also a member of the Management Executive Society and the International Women's Forum. She previously served as a member of the Economic and Advisory Council for the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Terri L. Kelly是W.L。的前总裁兼首席执行官 Gore&Associates“戈尔”是一家高度创新的私有家族企业,年收入超过30亿美元。 她从2005年到2018年3月担任该职位。戈尔专门研究先进材料,这些材料被广泛用于GORE-TEX织物,可植入医疗设备,通风产品和电缆的各种高价值产品。 戈尔以其独特的管理理念和文化而闻名,并一直被公认是全球顶级工作场所。 Kelly女士于1983年加入戈尔,担任工程师,在消费品,国防,工业,医疗设备和制药生物等多个行业拥有专业知识。 作为首席执行官,她领导着这个全球性组织,该组织由近10000名员工组成,拥有超过45个制造和销售地点。 Kelly女士以优异的成绩毕业于特拉华大学,并获得了机械工程学士学位。
Terri L. Kelly,is the former President and CEO of W.L. Gore & Associates ("Gore"), a highly innovative, privately-held family-owned enterprise with more than $3 billion in annual revenues, serving in this capacity from 2005 to 2018. Gore specializes in advanced materials that are utilized in a wide array of high-value products including GORE-TEX fabric, implantable medical devices, venting products, and electronic cables. Gore is well known for its unique management philosophy and culture, and is consistently recognized as a top workplace across the globe. Ms. Kelly joined Gore as an Engineer in 1983 and has expertise across multiple industries including consumer products, defense, industrial, medical devices, and pharmbio. As CEO, she led this global organization of close to 10,000 associates with over 45 manufacturing and sales locations. Ms. Kelly graduated summa cum laude from the University of Delaware with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Ms. Kelly serves as a Trustee of the Alfred I. duPont Charitable Trust, whose beneficiary is the Nemours Foundation (one of the nation's leading children's health systems), and serves as a Trustee for the University of Delaware. She is also a member of the Management Executive Society and the International Women's Forum. She previously served as a member of the Economic and Advisory Council for the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Warren D. A. East

Warren D. A. East于2020年成为监事会成员,同时也是审计委员会成员。Warren自2015年起担任劳斯莱斯集团(Rolls-Royce Group Plc)首席执行官。1985年至1994年,他在德克萨斯仪器有限公司(Texas Instruments Ltd)度过了他的早期职业生涯。随后,他加入ARM Holdings,Plc,在ARM Holdings,Plc公司担任多个管理职位,并于2001年至2013年被任命为首席执行官。

Warren D. A. East became a member of the Supervisory Board in 2020 and also sits on the Audit Committee. Warren has been CEO of Rolls-Royce Group Plc since 2015. He spent his early career at Texas Instruments Ltd from 1985 to 1994. He then joined ARM Holdings, Plc, where he held various management positions and was appointed as its CEO from 2001 to 2013.
Warren D. A. East于2020年成为监事会成员,同时也是审计委员会成员。Warren自2015年起担任劳斯莱斯集团(Rolls-Royce Group Plc)首席执行官。1985年至1994年,他在德克萨斯仪器有限公司(Texas Instruments Ltd)度过了他的早期职业生涯。随后,他加入ARM Holdings,Plc,在ARM Holdings,Plc公司担任多个管理职位,并于2001年至2013年被任命为首席执行官。
Warren D. A. East became a member of the Supervisory Board in 2020 and also sits on the Audit Committee. Warren has been CEO of Rolls-Royce Group Plc since 2015. He spent his early career at Texas Instruments Ltd from 1985 to 1994. He then joined ARM Holdings, Plc, where he held various management positions and was appointed as its CEO from 2001 to 2013.
Alexander F.M. Everke

Alexander F.M. Everke于2022年加入监事会。他是ams-OSRAM公司的首席执行官,在2015年10月加入ams公司后,他于2016年3月开始担任该职位。在此之前,Everke先生在半导体行业担任过多个职位,包括西门子和英飞凌的管理职位,以及恩智浦半导体的多个领导职位。

Alexander F.M. Everke, joined the Supervisory Board in 2022. He is the CEO of ams-OSRAM AG, a position he has held since March 2016, after having joined ams AG in October 2015. Prior to that, Mr. Everke held a range of positions in the semiconductor industry including management positions at Siemens and Infineon and various leadership positions at NXP Semiconductors.
Alexander F.M. Everke于2022年加入监事会。他是ams-OSRAM公司的首席执行官,在2015年10月加入ams公司后,他于2016年3月开始担任该职位。在此之前,Everke先生在半导体行业担任过多个职位,包括西门子和英飞凌的管理职位,以及恩智浦半导体的多个领导职位。
Alexander F.M. Everke, joined the Supervisory Board in 2022. He is the CEO of ams-OSRAM AG, a position he has held since March 2016, after having joined ams AG in October 2015. Prior to that, Mr. Everke held a range of positions in the semiconductor industry including management positions at Siemens and Infineon and various leadership positions at NXP Semiconductors.
Birgit M. Conix

Birgit M. Conix于2021年成为监事会成员。Birgit自2021年6月起担任Sonova控股公司CFO和管理委员会成员。从2018年到2021年1月1日,Birgit是TUI AG的执行董事会成员兼CFO。在此之前,她是比利时媒体、有线电视和电信公司Telenet Group N.V.的CFO。在此之前,她曾在强生、喜力、天纳克和Reed Elsevier担任多个财务管理职位。

Birgit M. Conix,became a member of the Supervisory Board in 2021. Birgit has been CFO and a member of the Management Board of Sonova Holding AG since June 2021. From 2018 until January 1, 2021, Birgit was a member of the Executive Board and CFO of TUI AG. Prior to that, she was the CFO of the Belgian media, cable and telecommunications company Telenet Group N.V. Prior to that, she held various management positions in finance at Johnson & Johnson, Heineken, Tenneco and Reed Elsevier.
Birgit M. Conix于2021年成为监事会成员。Birgit自2021年6月起担任Sonova控股公司CFO和管理委员会成员。从2018年到2021年1月1日,Birgit是TUI AG的执行董事会成员兼CFO。在此之前,她是比利时媒体、有线电视和电信公司Telenet Group N.V.的CFO。在此之前,她曾在强生、喜力、天纳克和Reed Elsevier担任多个财务管理职位。
Birgit M. Conix,became a member of the Supervisory Board in 2021. Birgit has been CFO and a member of the Management Board of Sonova Holding AG since June 2021. From 2018 until January 1, 2021, Birgit was a member of the Executive Board and CFO of TUI AG. Prior to that, she was the CFO of the Belgian media, cable and telecommunications company Telenet Group N.V. Prior to that, she held various management positions in finance at Johnson & Johnson, Heineken, Tenneco and Reed Elsevier.
D. Mark Durcan

D. Mark Durcan于1984年6月加入公司,自那时起出任多个职位。 于2006年2月被任命为公司首席运营官,2007年6月成为总裁,2012年2月成为董事兼行政总裁。自1996年以来担任官员。D他在莱斯大学获得MCHE化学工程的学士学位。自2012年2月起担任公司董事会董事。

D. Mark Durcan,has served on Cencora, Inc. Board since September 2015 and as Lead Independent Director since March 2023. He served as Chief Executive Officer and Director of Micron Technology, Inc. from February 2012 until his retirement in May 2017. Mr. Durcan served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Micron Technology, Inc. from June 2007 to February 2012, as Chief Operating Officer from February 2006 to June 2007, and as Chief Technology Officer from June 1997 to February 2006. Between 1984 and February 2006, Mr. Durcan held various other positions with Micron Technology, Inc. and its subsidiaries and served as an officer from 1996 through his retirement. Mr. Durcan served as a director of MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc. from March 2014 until its acquisition by AmerisourceBergen in February 2015. Mr. Durcan has served as a director for Advanced Micro Devices since October 2017 and for ASML Holding NV since April 2020. He previously served as a director of Veoneer from April 2018 to April 2022 and served as a director at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. from 2014 through 2015. Mr. Durcan has been a director for St. Luke's Health System of Idaho since February 2017 and has served on the Board of Trustees of Rice University since June 2020. He has also served on the Semiconductor Industry Association Board and the Technology CEO Council.
D. Mark Durcan于1984年6月加入公司,自那时起出任多个职位。 于2006年2月被任命为公司首席运营官,2007年6月成为总裁,2012年2月成为董事兼行政总裁。自1996年以来担任官员。D他在莱斯大学获得MCHE化学工程的学士学位。自2012年2月起担任公司董事会董事。
D. Mark Durcan,has served on Cencora, Inc. Board since September 2015 and as Lead Independent Director since March 2023. He served as Chief Executive Officer and Director of Micron Technology, Inc. from February 2012 until his retirement in May 2017. Mr. Durcan served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Micron Technology, Inc. from June 2007 to February 2012, as Chief Operating Officer from February 2006 to June 2007, and as Chief Technology Officer from June 1997 to February 2006. Between 1984 and February 2006, Mr. Durcan held various other positions with Micron Technology, Inc. and its subsidiaries and served as an officer from 1996 through his retirement. Mr. Durcan served as a director of MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc. from March 2014 until its acquisition by AmerisourceBergen in February 2015. Mr. Durcan has served as a director for Advanced Micro Devices since October 2017 and for ASML Holding NV since April 2020. He previously served as a director of Veoneer from April 2018 to April 2022 and served as a director at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. from 2014 through 2015. Mr. Durcan has been a director for St. Luke's Health System of Idaho since February 2017 and has served on the Board of Trustees of Rice University since June 2020. He has also served on the Semiconductor Industry Association Board and the Technology CEO Council.
Peter T. F. M. Wennink

Peter T. F. M. Wennink,1999年1月1日,加入阿斯麦公司。1999年7月1日,他被任命为阿斯麦公司的执行副总裁、首席财务官、董事。2013年,他担任公司的总裁、首席行政官。他在金融和财会方面有着丰富的经验。加入阿斯麦公司之前,他曾是德勤会计师事务所的合伙人,专门从事高科技产业和半导体设备产业的相关业务。他还是荷兰注册会计师协会的成员。他现在是Bank Insinger de Beaufort N.V。的监督委员会成员。

Peter T. F. M. Wennink became President and CEO in 2013 having served as Executive VP, CFO and member of the Board of Management since 1999. Peter was previously a partner at Deloitte Accountants, focusing on the semiconductor industry. He has an extensive background in finance and is a member of the Dutch Institute of Registered Accountants. Peter was a member of the Advisory Board of the Investment Committee of Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP until December 31 2020. He serves on the board of the FME-CWM, Peter is also a member of the board of Captains of Industry Eindhoven Region and is Chair of the Eindhovensche Fabrikantenkring and of the Supervisory Board of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Furthermore Peter is a member of the Exchange Council of Euronext, council member of Topconsortium voor 'Kennis en Innovatie' TKI HTS&M, member of the Advisory Committee of the Dutch National Growth Fund and a member of the Circle of Influence of Startup Delta.
Peter T. F. M. Wennink,1999年1月1日,加入阿斯麦公司。1999年7月1日,他被任命为阿斯麦公司的执行副总裁、首席财务官、董事。2013年,他担任公司的总裁、首席行政官。他在金融和财会方面有着丰富的经验。加入阿斯麦公司之前,他曾是德勤会计师事务所的合伙人,专门从事高科技产业和半导体设备产业的相关业务。他还是荷兰注册会计师协会的成员。他现在是Bank Insinger de Beaufort N.V。的监督委员会成员。
Peter T. F. M. Wennink became President and CEO in 2013 having served as Executive VP, CFO and member of the Board of Management since 1999. Peter was previously a partner at Deloitte Accountants, focusing on the semiconductor industry. He has an extensive background in finance and is a member of the Dutch Institute of Registered Accountants. Peter was a member of the Advisory Board of the Investment Committee of Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP until December 31 2020. He serves on the board of the FME-CWM, Peter is also a member of the board of Captains of Industry Eindhoven Region and is Chair of the Eindhovensche Fabrikantenkring and of the Supervisory Board of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Furthermore Peter is a member of the Exchange Council of Euronext, council member of Topconsortium voor 'Kennis en Innovatie' TKI HTS&M, member of the Advisory Committee of the Dutch National Growth Fund and a member of the Circle of Influence of Startup Delta.
Frederic J. M. Schneider Maunoury

Frederic J. M. Schneider Maunoury,2009年12月1日,加入阿斯麦公司ASML,并担任执行副总裁、首席运营官。2010年3月24日,他被任命为阿斯麦公司的董事。加入阿斯麦公司之前,他是阿尔斯通公司ALSTOM的发电和铁路交通设备组的热产品制造的副总裁。之前,他是阿尔斯通公司ALSTOM的全球水电业务部的总经理。1996年,他加入阿尔斯通公司。在那以前,他在法国法国的贸易和工业部门担任多种职务。

Frederic J. M. Schneider Maunoury has been Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer since he joined ASML in 2009. He was appointed to the Board of Management in 2010. Prior to joining ASML, Frédéric was Vice President Thermal Products Manufacturing at power generation and rail transport equipment group Alstom, having previously served as General Manager of the worldwide Hydro Business of Alstom. Before joining Alstom, Frederic held various positions at the French Ministry of Trade and Industry. He is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique -1985 and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines -1988 in Paris.
Frederic J. M. Schneider Maunoury,2009年12月1日,加入阿斯麦公司ASML,并担任执行副总裁、首席运营官。2010年3月24日,他被任命为阿斯麦公司的董事。加入阿斯麦公司之前,他是阿尔斯通公司ALSTOM的发电和铁路交通设备组的热产品制造的副总裁。之前,他是阿尔斯通公司ALSTOM的全球水电业务部的总经理。1996年,他加入阿尔斯通公司。在那以前,他在法国法国的贸易和工业部门担任多种职务。
Frederic J. M. Schneider Maunoury has been Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer since he joined ASML in 2009. He was appointed to the Board of Management in 2010. Prior to joining ASML, Frédéric was Vice President Thermal Products Manufacturing at power generation and rail transport equipment group Alstom, having previously served as General Manager of the worldwide Hydro Business of Alstom. Before joining Alstom, Frederic held various positions at the French Ministry of Trade and Industry. He is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique -1985 and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines -1988 in Paris.