

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Bruce Flatt Chief Executive Officer and Director 58 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Mark Carney Director 58 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Marcel R. Coutu Independent Director 70 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Olivia Garfield Independent Director 48 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Nili Gilbert Independent Director 45 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Keith Johnson Independent Director 48 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Allison Kirkby Independent Director 56 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Diana Noble Independent Director 62 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Samuel J. B. Pollock Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure,Director 57 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Satish Rai Independent Director 60 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Cyrus Madon Executive Chair, Private Equity,Director 58 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Brian W. Kingston Chief Executive Officer, Real Estate,Director 50 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Bruce Flatt Chief Executive Officer and Director 58 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Samuel J. B. Pollock Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure,Director 57 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Justin B. Beber Chief Operating Officer 54 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Craig W. A. Noble Chief Executive Officer, Credit 50 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Connor D. Teskey President; Chief Executive Officer, Renewable Power and Transition 36 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Anuj Ranjan -- Chief Executive Officer, Private Equity -- 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Hadley Peer Marshall Chief Financial Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31
Brian W. Kingston Chief Executive Officer, Real Estate,Director 50 未披露 未持股 2024-05-31


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Bruce Flatt

Bruce Flatt,他目前担任Brookfield的首席执行官,自公司成立以来担任经理董事,自2001年4月以来担任公司董事。他于1990年加入公司,并于2002年成为首席执行官。在过去的30年里,他一直是众多上市公司的董事会成员,目前没有任何外部公司的董事会成员。

Bruce Flatt,is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield and has served as a director of the Manager since its founding and director of the Corporation since April 2001. Mr. Flatt joined the Corporation in 1990 and became Chief Executive Officer in 2002. Mr. Flatt has been on numerous public company boards over the past three decades and does not currently sit on any external corporate boards.
Bruce Flatt,他目前担任Brookfield的首席执行官,自公司成立以来担任经理董事,自2001年4月以来担任公司董事。他于1990年加入公司,并于2002年成为首席执行官。在过去的30年里,他一直是众多上市公司的董事会成员,目前没有任何外部公司的董事会成员。
Bruce Flatt,is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield and has served as a director of the Manager since its founding and director of the Corporation since April 2001. Mr. Flatt joined the Corporation in 1990 and became Chief Executive Officer in 2002. Mr. Flatt has been on numerous public company boards over the past three decades and does not currently sit on any external corporate boards.
Mark Carney

Mark Carney,现任经理主席兼过渡投资主管。在这个职位上,他专注于为投资者开发产品,将积极的社会和环境成果与强劲的风险调整后回报结合起来。卡尼先生是该公司的副主席。卡尼是一位经济学家和银行家,曾于2013年至2020年担任英国央行行长,在此之前,他曾于2008年至2013年担任加拿大央行行长。2011年至2018年担任金融稳定委员会主席。在担任州长之前,卡尼曾在高盛和加拿大财政部工作。卡尼先生目前是联合国气候行动和金融问题特使兼格拉斯哥净零金融联盟共同主席。卡尼先生是Stripe董事会外部成员、太平洋投资管理公司全球咨询委员会成员、宏观咨询伙伴高级顾问、Cultivo董事会成员和Watershed顾问。他还是三十国集团、哈佛大学、Rideau Hall基金会、Bilderberg的成员,以及彭博慈善基金会、彼得森国际经济研究所和欧洲工商管理学院霍夫曼全球商业和社会研究所的董事会成员。卡尼先生还是英国皇家国际事务研究所和加拿大2020年咨询委员会主席。卡尼拥有牛津大学的博士和硕士学位,以及哈佛大学的经济学学士学位。

Mark Carney,is currently Chair of the Manager and Head of Transition Investing. In this role,he is focused on the development of products for investors that will combine positive social and environmental outcomes with strong risk-adjusted returns. Mr. Carney was a Vice Chair of the Corporation. Mr. Carney is an economist and banker who served as the Governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020,and prior to that as Governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 until 2013. He was Chair of the Financial Stability Board from 2011 to 2018. Prior to his governorships,Mr. Carney worked at Goldman Sachs as well as the Canadian Department of Finance. Mr. Carney is currently the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and Co-Chair for the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero. Mr. Carney is an external member of the board of Stripe,a member of the Global Advisory Board of PIMCO,Senior Counsellor of the MacroAdvisory Partners,a member of the board of Cultivo and Advisor to Watershed. He is also a member of the Group of Thirty,Harvard University,Rideau Hall Foundation,Bilderberg,as well as the boards of Bloomberg Philanthropies,the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Hoffman Institute for Global Business and Society at INSEAD. Mr. Carney is also Chair of the Advisory Boards of Chatham House and Canada 2020. Mr. Carney holds doctorate and master's degrees from Oxford University and a bachelor's degree in Economics from Harvard University.
Mark Carney,现任经理主席兼过渡投资主管。在这个职位上,他专注于为投资者开发产品,将积极的社会和环境成果与强劲的风险调整后回报结合起来。卡尼先生是该公司的副主席。卡尼是一位经济学家和银行家,曾于2013年至2020年担任英国央行行长,在此之前,他曾于2008年至2013年担任加拿大央行行长。2011年至2018年担任金融稳定委员会主席。在担任州长之前,卡尼曾在高盛和加拿大财政部工作。卡尼先生目前是联合国气候行动和金融问题特使兼格拉斯哥净零金融联盟共同主席。卡尼先生是Stripe董事会外部成员、太平洋投资管理公司全球咨询委员会成员、宏观咨询伙伴高级顾问、Cultivo董事会成员和Watershed顾问。他还是三十国集团、哈佛大学、Rideau Hall基金会、Bilderberg的成员,以及彭博慈善基金会、彼得森国际经济研究所和欧洲工商管理学院霍夫曼全球商业和社会研究所的董事会成员。卡尼先生还是英国皇家国际事务研究所和加拿大2020年咨询委员会主席。卡尼拥有牛津大学的博士和硕士学位,以及哈佛大学的经济学学士学位。
Mark Carney,is currently Chair of the Manager and Head of Transition Investing. In this role,he is focused on the development of products for investors that will combine positive social and environmental outcomes with strong risk-adjusted returns. Mr. Carney was a Vice Chair of the Corporation. Mr. Carney is an economist and banker who served as the Governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020,and prior to that as Governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 until 2013. He was Chair of the Financial Stability Board from 2011 to 2018. Prior to his governorships,Mr. Carney worked at Goldman Sachs as well as the Canadian Department of Finance. Mr. Carney is currently the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and Co-Chair for the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero. Mr. Carney is an external member of the board of Stripe,a member of the Global Advisory Board of PIMCO,Senior Counsellor of the MacroAdvisory Partners,a member of the board of Cultivo and Advisor to Watershed. He is also a member of the Group of Thirty,Harvard University,Rideau Hall Foundation,Bilderberg,as well as the boards of Bloomberg Philanthropies,the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Hoffman Institute for Global Business and Society at INSEAD. Mr. Carney is also Chair of the Advisory Boards of Chatham House and Canada 2020. Mr. Carney holds doctorate and master's degrees from Oxford University and a bachelor's degree in Economics from Harvard University.
Marcel R. Coutu

Marcel R. Coutu,现任并自2022年11月起担任管理公司董事,2006年至2022年11月期间担任公司董事。Coutu先生是Syncrude Canada Ltd.的前任董事长、Canadian Oil Sands Ltd.的前任总裁兼首席执行官、Gulf Canada Resources Limited的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,并在公司融资、投资银行、采矿和油气勘探与开发领域担任过多个高级职务。库图先生是IGM金融公司、加拿大Power Corporation、Great-West Lifeco公司和卡尔加里牛仔节基金会董事会的董事。他是加拿大行政首长理事会成员,加拿大石油生产商协会理事会前成员,艾伯塔省专业工程师、地质学家和地球物理学家协会前成员。Coutu先生拥有滑铁卢大学地质学理学学士(荣誉)学位和西安大略大学MBA学位。

Marcel R. Coutu,is currently and has been a director of the Manager since November 2022 and was a director of the Corporation between 2006 and November 2022. Mr. Coutu is the past Chairman of Syncrude Canada Ltd.,a former President and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Oil Sands Ltd.,and Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of Gulf Canada Resources Limited,and has held a number of senior roles in corporate finance,investment banking,mining and oil & gas exploration and development. Mr. Coutu is a board director of IGM Financial Inc.,Power Corporation of Canada,Great-West Lifeco Inc. and the Calgary Stampede Foundation Board. He is a member of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives,a past member of the Board of Governors of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and a past member of the Association of Professional Engineers,Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta. Mr. Coutu holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Geology from the University of Waterloo and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario.
Marcel R. Coutu,现任并自2022年11月起担任管理公司董事,2006年至2022年11月期间担任公司董事。Coutu先生是Syncrude Canada Ltd.的前任董事长、Canadian Oil Sands Ltd.的前任总裁兼首席执行官、Gulf Canada Resources Limited的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,并在公司融资、投资银行、采矿和油气勘探与开发领域担任过多个高级职务。库图先生是IGM金融公司、加拿大Power Corporation、Great-West Lifeco公司和卡尔加里牛仔节基金会董事会的董事。他是加拿大行政首长理事会成员,加拿大石油生产商协会理事会前成员,艾伯塔省专业工程师、地质学家和地球物理学家协会前成员。Coutu先生拥有滑铁卢大学地质学理学学士(荣誉)学位和西安大略大学MBA学位。
Marcel R. Coutu,is currently and has been a director of the Manager since November 2022 and was a director of the Corporation between 2006 and November 2022. Mr. Coutu is the past Chairman of Syncrude Canada Ltd.,a former President and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Oil Sands Ltd.,and Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of Gulf Canada Resources Limited,and has held a number of senior roles in corporate finance,investment banking,mining and oil & gas exploration and development. Mr. Coutu is a board director of IGM Financial Inc.,Power Corporation of Canada,Great-West Lifeco Inc. and the Calgary Stampede Foundation Board. He is a member of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives,a past member of the Board of Governors of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and a past member of the Association of Professional Engineers,Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta. Mr. Coutu holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Geology from the University of Waterloo and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario.
Olivia Garfield

Olivia Garfield是富时100指数水务公司Severn Trent的首席执行官。在加入Severn Trent之前,加菲尔德是英国电信集团旗下Openreach的首席执行官,在那里,她领导并监督了光纤宽带在英国三分之二地区的商业推广。她于2002年加入英国电信,担任集团战略与监管总监、商业与品牌董事总经理、全球服务和英国客户服务总监等重要职务。从1998年到2002年,加菲尔德女士在埃森哲担任通信和高技术市场股顾问,设计和实施多个行业部门的业务变革解决方案。2020年10月,加菲尔德女士被任命为大英帝国勋章(CBE)的女王生日荣誉指挥官,以表彰她为水务行业提供的服务。加菲尔德女士拥有剑桥大学Murray Edwards学院(荣誉)文学学士学位。

Olivia Garfield,is the Chief Executive Officer of Severn Trent,a FTSE 100 water utilities company. Before joining Severn Trent,Ms. Garfield was Chief Executive Officer of Openreach,part of the BT Group,where she spearheaded and oversaw the commercial roll-out of fibre broadband to two-thirds of the country. She joined BT in 2002 and held the pivotal roles of Group Director of Strategy and Regulation,Managing Director Commercial and Brands,Global Services and UK Customer Services Director. From 1998 to 2002,Ms. Garfield worked for Accenture as a consultant in the Communications and High Tech Market Unit,designing and implementing business change solutions across a number of industry sectors. In October 2020,Ms. Garfield was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the Queen's Birthday Honours for services to the water industry. Ms. Garfield holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Murray Edwards College,University of Cambridge.
Olivia Garfield是富时100指数水务公司Severn Trent的首席执行官。在加入Severn Trent之前,加菲尔德是英国电信集团旗下Openreach的首席执行官,在那里,她领导并监督了光纤宽带在英国三分之二地区的商业推广。她于2002年加入英国电信,担任集团战略与监管总监、商业与品牌董事总经理、全球服务和英国客户服务总监等重要职务。从1998年到2002年,加菲尔德女士在埃森哲担任通信和高技术市场股顾问,设计和实施多个行业部门的业务变革解决方案。2020年10月,加菲尔德女士被任命为大英帝国勋章(CBE)的女王生日荣誉指挥官,以表彰她为水务行业提供的服务。加菲尔德女士拥有剑桥大学Murray Edwards学院(荣誉)文学学士学位。
Olivia Garfield,is the Chief Executive Officer of Severn Trent,a FTSE 100 water utilities company. Before joining Severn Trent,Ms. Garfield was Chief Executive Officer of Openreach,part of the BT Group,where she spearheaded and oversaw the commercial roll-out of fibre broadband to two-thirds of the country. She joined BT in 2002 and held the pivotal roles of Group Director of Strategy and Regulation,Managing Director Commercial and Brands,Global Services and UK Customer Services Director. From 1998 to 2002,Ms. Garfield worked for Accenture as a consultant in the Communications and High Tech Market Unit,designing and implementing business change solutions across a number of industry sectors. In October 2020,Ms. Garfield was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the Queen's Birthday Honours for services to the water industry. Ms. Garfield holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Murray Edwards College,University of Cambridge.
Nili Gilbert

Nili Gilbert目前是Carbon Direct的副主席,该公司通过气候技术投资和客户咨询将碳管理扩展为一个全球行业的领导者。她还是格拉斯哥金融联盟净零技术专家咨询小组的主席,也是其首席执行官信安集团的成员。吉尔伯特女士还担任联合国召集的资产所有者联盟美国政策主席,并担任大卫洛克菲勒基金和Synergos研究所投资委员会主席。她是波士顿咨询集团(BCG)的高级顾问,也是联合利华的全资子公司第七代社会使命委员会的成员。此前,她是Matarin Capital的联合创始人和投资组合经理。吉尔伯特以优异的成绩获得了哈佛大学的学士学位和哥伦比亚商学院的MBA学位,她曾是Toigo研究员,并在牛津大学和斯坦福大学完成了领导力和可持续发展课程。此外,Gilbert女士是CFA和CAIA特许持有人。

Nili Gilbert,is currently the Vice Chairwoman of Carbon Direct,a leader in scaling carbon management into a global industry through both climate technology investments and client advisory. She is also Chair of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero's Advisory Panel of technical experts,as well as a member of its CEO Principals Group. Ms. Gilbert also sits as the Chair of US Policy for the UN-Convened Asset Owner Alliance and serves as Chairwoman of the Investment Committees of both the David Rockefeller Fund and the Synergos Institute. She is a Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and a member of the Social Mission Board of Seventh Generation,a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever. Previously,she was Co-Founder and Portfolio Manager of Matarin Capital. Ms. Gilbert received her BA,magna cum laude,from Harvard University,her MBA from Columbia Business School,where she was a Toigo Fellow,and has completed programs in leadership and sustainability at Oxford and Stanford Universities. In addition,Ms. Gilbert is a CFA and CAIA charterholder.
Nili Gilbert目前是Carbon Direct的副主席,该公司通过气候技术投资和客户咨询将碳管理扩展为一个全球行业的领导者。她还是格拉斯哥金融联盟净零技术专家咨询小组的主席,也是其首席执行官信安集团的成员。吉尔伯特女士还担任联合国召集的资产所有者联盟美国政策主席,并担任大卫洛克菲勒基金和Synergos研究所投资委员会主席。她是波士顿咨询集团(BCG)的高级顾问,也是联合利华的全资子公司第七代社会使命委员会的成员。此前,她是Matarin Capital的联合创始人和投资组合经理。吉尔伯特以优异的成绩获得了哈佛大学的学士学位和哥伦比亚商学院的MBA学位,她曾是Toigo研究员,并在牛津大学和斯坦福大学完成了领导力和可持续发展课程。此外,Gilbert女士是CFA和CAIA特许持有人。
Nili Gilbert,is currently the Vice Chairwoman of Carbon Direct,a leader in scaling carbon management into a global industry through both climate technology investments and client advisory. She is also Chair of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero's Advisory Panel of technical experts,as well as a member of its CEO Principals Group. Ms. Gilbert also sits as the Chair of US Policy for the UN-Convened Asset Owner Alliance and serves as Chairwoman of the Investment Committees of both the David Rockefeller Fund and the Synergos Institute. She is a Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and a member of the Social Mission Board of Seventh Generation,a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever. Previously,she was Co-Founder and Portfolio Manager of Matarin Capital. Ms. Gilbert received her BA,magna cum laude,from Harvard University,her MBA from Columbia Business School,where she was a Toigo Fellow,and has completed programs in leadership and sustainability at Oxford and Stanford Universities. In addition,Ms. Gilbert is a CFA and CAIA charterholder.
Keith Johnson

Keith Johnson是红杉遗产的创始人和现任高级董事总经理。红杉遗产是一个全球性的、常青的私人投资伙伴关系,代表企业家、家庭和慈善机构投资,成立于2010年。在加入红杉遗产之前,约翰逊曾在斯坦福管理公司、Bel Air Investment Advisors和Salomon Smith Barney(被摩根士丹利收购)担任多个投资和财富管理职位。约翰逊先生拥有杨百翰大学统计学学士学位和加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院MBA学位。约翰逊先生是CFA特许持有人。

Keith Johnson,is founder and currently Senior Managing Director of Sequoia Heritage,a global,evergreen private investment partnership investing on behalf of entrepreneurs,families and philanthropies established in 2010. Prior to Sequoia Heritage,Mr. Johnson held several investment and wealth management positions with the Stanford Management Company,Bel Air Investment Advisors and Salomon Smith Barney (acquired by Morgan Stanley). Mr. Johnson holds a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from the Brigham Young University and an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Mr. Johnson is a CFA charterholder.
Keith Johnson是红杉遗产的创始人和现任高级董事总经理。红杉遗产是一个全球性的、常青的私人投资伙伴关系,代表企业家、家庭和慈善机构投资,成立于2010年。在加入红杉遗产之前,约翰逊曾在斯坦福管理公司、Bel Air Investment Advisors和Salomon Smith Barney(被摩根士丹利收购)担任多个投资和财富管理职位。约翰逊先生拥有杨百翰大学统计学学士学位和加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院MBA学位。约翰逊先生是CFA特许持有人。
Keith Johnson,is founder and currently Senior Managing Director of Sequoia Heritage,a global,evergreen private investment partnership investing on behalf of entrepreneurs,families and philanthropies established in 2010. Prior to Sequoia Heritage,Mr. Johnson held several investment and wealth management positions with the Stanford Management Company,Bel Air Investment Advisors and Salomon Smith Barney (acquired by Morgan Stanley). Mr. Johnson holds a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from the Brigham Young University and an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Mr. Johnson is a CFA charterholder.
Allison Kirkby

Allison Kirkby是Telia Company的总裁兼首席执行官,Telia Company是北欧和波罗的海地区领先的数字通信提供商,过去十年在TMT领域积累了深厚的专业知识。她曾担任TDC集团总裁兼集团首席执行官至2019年10月,并于2015年至2018年担任Tele2 AB的总裁兼集团首席执行官,从2014年起担任Tele2 AB的集团CFO。她还曾在21世纪福克斯、维珍传媒、宝洁和吉尼斯担任财务和运营职务。Kirkby女士是英国电信集团董事会的独立非执行董事,自2019年3月起担任该职位,目前是英国电信集团审计与风险、合规和提名委员会的成员。Kirkby女士拥有格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学会计学学位,并且是特许管理会计师协会会员。

Allison Kirkby,is the President and CEO of Telia Company,the leading digital communications provider to the Nordic and Baltic region,and has built deep expertise in the TMT Sector over the past decade. She was previously President and Group CEO of TDC Group until October 2019,and President & Group CEO of Tele2 AB from 2015 to 2018,having been Tele2 AB's Group CFO from 2014. She has also held financial and operational roles within 21st Century Fox,Virgin Media,Procter & Gamble and Guinness. Ms. Kirkby serves on the board of BT Group as an independent non-executive director,a position she has held since March 2019 and is currently a member of BT Group's Audit & Risk,Compliance and Nominations Committees. Ms. Kirkby holds an Accounting degree from Glasgow Caledonian University and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
Allison Kirkby是Telia Company的总裁兼首席执行官,Telia Company是北欧和波罗的海地区领先的数字通信提供商,过去十年在TMT领域积累了深厚的专业知识。她曾担任TDC集团总裁兼集团首席执行官至2019年10月,并于2015年至2018年担任Tele2 AB的总裁兼集团首席执行官,从2014年起担任Tele2 AB的集团CFO。她还曾在21世纪福克斯、维珍传媒、宝洁和吉尼斯担任财务和运营职务。Kirkby女士是英国电信集团董事会的独立非执行董事,自2019年3月起担任该职位,目前是英国电信集团审计与风险、合规和提名委员会的成员。Kirkby女士拥有格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学会计学学位,并且是特许管理会计师协会会员。
Allison Kirkby,is the President and CEO of Telia Company,the leading digital communications provider to the Nordic and Baltic region,and has built deep expertise in the TMT Sector over the past decade. She was previously President and Group CEO of TDC Group until October 2019,and President & Group CEO of Tele2 AB from 2015 to 2018,having been Tele2 AB's Group CFO from 2014. She has also held financial and operational roles within 21st Century Fox,Virgin Media,Procter & Gamble and Guinness. Ms. Kirkby serves on the board of BT Group as an independent non-executive director,a position she has held since March 2019 and is currently a member of BT Group's Audit & Risk,Compliance and Nominations Committees. Ms. Kirkby holds an Accounting degree from Glasgow Caledonian University and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
Diana Noble

戴安娜·诺布尔曾是施罗德风险投资公司(Schroder Ventures)的合伙人,后来成为Permira的合伙人。她曾担任eVentures和Reed Elsevier Ventures的创始人兼首席执行官长达10年。2011年至2017年,她曾担任英国国际投资公司的首席执行官。英国国际投资公司是英国政府旗下的开发性金融机构,只在非洲和南亚进行投资,肩负着财务回报和发展影响的双重使命。她目前是英格兰银行法院(世行理事会)的成员,并在世行主持了2021年种族多样性和包容性法院审查。她的咨询公司Kirkos Partners为PE/VC公司的领导人提供重要战略事件方面的建议,比如领导层换届。她最近与哈佛商学院教授乔希勒纳共同发表了关于这一主题的研究报告(“When to Go and How to Go”——私募股权领域的Founder和领导者转型)。她还担任儿童协会和MedAccess投资委员会的主席,该委员会通过向制造商提供数量保证等创新结构,加快非洲和南亚患者获得医疗保健产品的速度。

Diana Noble,was a partner of Schroder Ventures,later Permira,for 10 years,founder CEO of eVentures and Reed Elsevier Ventures and from 2011-17 was CEO of British International Investment,the British Government's development finance institution,investing solely in Africa and South Asia,with a dual mission of financial return and development impact. She is currently a member of the Bank of England's Court (the Bank's governing Board) and chaired the 2021 Court Review into Ethnic Diversity and Inclusion at the Bank. Her advisory business,Kirkos Partners advises leaders of PE/VC firms on important strategic events,such as leadership transition. She has recently published research on this topic ("When to Go and How to Go" – Founder and Leader Transition in Private Equity) with Professor Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School. She also chairs The Children's Society and the Investment Committee of MedAccess,which accelerates access to healthcare products for patients across Africa and South Asia through innovative structures such as volume guarantees for manufacturers.
戴安娜·诺布尔曾是施罗德风险投资公司(Schroder Ventures)的合伙人,后来成为Permira的合伙人。她曾担任eVentures和Reed Elsevier Ventures的创始人兼首席执行官长达10年。2011年至2017年,她曾担任英国国际投资公司的首席执行官。英国国际投资公司是英国政府旗下的开发性金融机构,只在非洲和南亚进行投资,肩负着财务回报和发展影响的双重使命。她目前是英格兰银行法院(世行理事会)的成员,并在世行主持了2021年种族多样性和包容性法院审查。她的咨询公司Kirkos Partners为PE/VC公司的领导人提供重要战略事件方面的建议,比如领导层换届。她最近与哈佛商学院教授乔希勒纳共同发表了关于这一主题的研究报告(“When to Go and How to Go”——私募股权领域的Founder和领导者转型)。她还担任儿童协会和MedAccess投资委员会的主席,该委员会通过向制造商提供数量保证等创新结构,加快非洲和南亚患者获得医疗保健产品的速度。
Diana Noble,was a partner of Schroder Ventures,later Permira,for 10 years,founder CEO of eVentures and Reed Elsevier Ventures and from 2011-17 was CEO of British International Investment,the British Government's development finance institution,investing solely in Africa and South Asia,with a dual mission of financial return and development impact. She is currently a member of the Bank of England's Court (the Bank's governing Board) and chaired the 2021 Court Review into Ethnic Diversity and Inclusion at the Bank. Her advisory business,Kirkos Partners advises leaders of PE/VC firms on important strategic events,such as leadership transition. She has recently published research on this topic ("When to Go and How to Go" – Founder and Leader Transition in Private Equity) with Professor Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School. She also chairs The Children's Society and the Investment Committee of MedAccess,which accelerates access to healthcare products for patients across Africa and South Asia through innovative structures such as volume guarantees for manufacturers.
Samuel J. B. Pollock

Samuel J. B. Pollock目前是管理公司的管理合伙人、管理公司基础设施小组负责人和Brookfield Infrastructure Partners的首席执行官,曾在公司担任同样的职务。在这一职位上,他负责扩大基础设施运营业务。自1994年加入公司以来,波洛克先生在整个公司担任过多个高级职位,包括领导公司的企业投资集团和私人股本业务。波洛克先生拥有安大略省金斯敦皇后大学商学学士学位,是一名特许专业会计师。

Samuel J. B. Pollock,is currently a Managing Partner of the Manager,head of the Manager's Infrastructure Group and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Infrastructure Partners and previously held the same role for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for the expansion of the infrastructure operating business. Since joining the Corporation in 1994,Mr. Pollock has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including leading the Corporation's corporate investment group and its private equity business. Mr. Pollock holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen's University in Kingston,Ontario and is a Chartered Professional Accountant.
Samuel J. B. Pollock目前是管理公司的管理合伙人、管理公司基础设施小组负责人和Brookfield Infrastructure Partners的首席执行官,曾在公司担任同样的职务。在这一职位上,他负责扩大基础设施运营业务。自1994年加入公司以来,波洛克先生在整个公司担任过多个高级职位,包括领导公司的企业投资集团和私人股本业务。波洛克先生拥有安大略省金斯敦皇后大学商学学士学位,是一名特许专业会计师。
Samuel J. B. Pollock,is currently a Managing Partner of the Manager,head of the Manager's Infrastructure Group and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Infrastructure Partners and previously held the same role for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for the expansion of the infrastructure operating business. Since joining the Corporation in 1994,Mr. Pollock has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including leading the Corporation's corporate investment group and its private equity business. Mr. Pollock holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen's University in Kingston,Ontario and is a Chartered Professional Accountant.
Satish Rai

Satish Rai曾任OMERS首席投资官,负责监管全球所有资产类别。在2015年1月加入OMERS之前,他曾在道明资产管理公司担任首席投资官,此前他曾担任促进少数群体参与领导角色委员会主席,并担任多元化领导委员会成员。Rai先生目前是OMERS的高级顾问,此外他还担任Fairfax India、Richcraft Homes和Second Harvest的董事会成员以及Capitalize for Kids咨询委员会成员。他是滑铁卢大学、Michael Garron医院基金会(前多伦多东综合医院基金会)、多伦多全球和资本市场妇女委员会的前任成员。2006年,他获得了滑铁卢数学学院颁发的校友成就奖章。Rai先生拥有数学学士(滑铁卢大学)和CFA,并且是青年总统组织/世界总统组织的成员。

Satish Rai,was formerly the Chief Investment Officer at OMERS overseeing all asset classes globally. Prior to joining OMERS in January 2015,he served as Chief Investment Officer at TD Asset Management where he previously chaired the Committee of the Advancement of Visible Minorities in Leadership Roles and was a Diversity Leadership Council member. Mr. Rai is currently a senior advisor at OMERS and additionally he serves on the Board of Fairfax India,Richcraft Homes and Second Harvest and on the Advisory Committee for Capitalize for Kids. He is a past member of the respective Boards of the University of Waterloo,Michael Garron Hospital Foundation (formerly Toronto East General Hospital Foundation),Toronto Global and Women in Capital Markets. In 2006 he received the Alumni Achievement Medal from Waterloo's Faculty of Mathematics. Mr. Rai holds both a Bachelor of Mathematics (University of Waterloo) and a CFA and is a member of the Young Presidents' Organization/World Presidents' Organization.
Satish Rai曾任OMERS首席投资官,负责监管全球所有资产类别。在2015年1月加入OMERS之前,他曾在道明资产管理公司担任首席投资官,此前他曾担任促进少数群体参与领导角色委员会主席,并担任多元化领导委员会成员。Rai先生目前是OMERS的高级顾问,此外他还担任Fairfax India、Richcraft Homes和Second Harvest的董事会成员以及Capitalize for Kids咨询委员会成员。他是滑铁卢大学、Michael Garron医院基金会(前多伦多东综合医院基金会)、多伦多全球和资本市场妇女委员会的前任成员。2006年,他获得了滑铁卢数学学院颁发的校友成就奖章。Rai先生拥有数学学士(滑铁卢大学)和CFA,并且是青年总统组织/世界总统组织的成员。
Satish Rai,was formerly the Chief Investment Officer at OMERS overseeing all asset classes globally. Prior to joining OMERS in January 2015,he served as Chief Investment Officer at TD Asset Management where he previously chaired the Committee of the Advancement of Visible Minorities in Leadership Roles and was a Diversity Leadership Council member. Mr. Rai is currently a senior advisor at OMERS and additionally he serves on the Board of Fairfax India,Richcraft Homes and Second Harvest and on the Advisory Committee for Capitalize for Kids. He is a past member of the respective Boards of the University of Waterloo,Michael Garron Hospital Foundation (formerly Toronto East General Hospital Foundation),Toronto Global and Women in Capital Markets. In 2006 he received the Alumni Achievement Medal from Waterloo's Faculty of Mathematics. Mr. Rai holds both a Bachelor of Mathematics (University of Waterloo) and a CFA and is a member of the Young Presidents' Organization/World Presidents' Organization.
Cyrus Madon

Cyrus Madon是Brookfield Asset管理公司的管理合伙人,Brookfield私人股本集团的负责人和Brookfield Business Corporation公司的首席执行官。Madon先生于1998年加入Brookfield,担任Brookfield房地产经纪业务的首席财务官。在任职期间,Madon在整个组织担任过多个高级职务,包括Brookfield公司贷款业务负责人。Madon的职业生涯始于PricewaterhouseCoopers,在那里他在加拿大和英国从事企业融资和复苏方面的工作。

Cyrus Madon is a Managing Partner of Brookfield Asset Management, Head of Brookfield's Private Equity Group and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Business Corporation company. Mr. Madon joined Brookfield in 1998 as Chief Financial Officer of Brookfield's real estate brokerage business. During his tenure, Mr. Madon has held a number of senior roles across the organization, including head of Brookfield's corporate lending business. Mr. Madon began his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers where he worked in Corporate Finance and Recovery, both in Canada and the U.K.
Cyrus Madon是Brookfield Asset管理公司的管理合伙人,Brookfield私人股本集团的负责人和Brookfield Business Corporation公司的首席执行官。Madon先生于1998年加入Brookfield,担任Brookfield房地产经纪业务的首席财务官。在任职期间,Madon在整个组织担任过多个高级职务,包括Brookfield公司贷款业务负责人。Madon的职业生涯始于PricewaterhouseCoopers,在那里他在加拿大和英国从事企业融资和复苏方面的工作。
Cyrus Madon is a Managing Partner of Brookfield Asset Management, Head of Brookfield's Private Equity Group and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Business Corporation company. Mr. Madon joined Brookfield in 1998 as Chief Financial Officer of Brookfield's real estate brokerage business. During his tenure, Mr. Madon has held a number of senior roles across the organization, including head of Brookfield's corporate lending business. Mr. Madon began his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers where he worked in Corporate Finance and Recovery, both in Canada and the U.K.
Brian W. Kingston

Brian W. Kingston,2013年8月以来,他一直担任GGP的董事。他目前担任Brookfield Asset Management公司的高级执行合伙人,也是Brookfield Property Group的全球首席投资官(2013年1月以来)。他于2001年加入Brookfield公司,也曾担任Brookfield公司及其附属机构的多种高级管理职务,包括并购、商业银行业务和房地产咨询服务。从2008年到2012年,他曾担任Brookfield公司(位于澳大利亚)的领导职务,在那里Brookfield公司收购、集成房地产和基础设施企业。他获得 Queens University的商业学士学位。

Brian W. Kingston was named Chief Executive Officer in 2015. He is also a Managing Partner at Brookfield Asset Management and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Property Group. Mr. Kingston joined Brookfield in 2001 and has been engaged in a wide range of merger and acquisition activities. From 2008 to 2013 he led Brookfield's Australian business activities, holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Office Properties Australia, Chief Executive Officer of Prime Infrastructure and Chief Financial Officer of Multiplex.
Brian W. Kingston,2013年8月以来,他一直担任GGP的董事。他目前担任Brookfield Asset Management公司的高级执行合伙人,也是Brookfield Property Group的全球首席投资官(2013年1月以来)。他于2001年加入Brookfield公司,也曾担任Brookfield公司及其附属机构的多种高级管理职务,包括并购、商业银行业务和房地产咨询服务。从2008年到2012年,他曾担任Brookfield公司(位于澳大利亚)的领导职务,在那里Brookfield公司收购、集成房地产和基础设施企业。他获得 Queens University的商业学士学位。
Brian W. Kingston was named Chief Executive Officer in 2015. He is also a Managing Partner at Brookfield Asset Management and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Property Group. Mr. Kingston joined Brookfield in 2001 and has been engaged in a wide range of merger and acquisition activities. From 2008 to 2013 he led Brookfield's Australian business activities, holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Office Properties Australia, Chief Executive Officer of Prime Infrastructure and Chief Financial Officer of Multiplex.


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Bruce Flatt

Bruce Flatt,他目前担任Brookfield的首席执行官,自公司成立以来担任经理董事,自2001年4月以来担任公司董事。他于1990年加入公司,并于2002年成为首席执行官。在过去的30年里,他一直是众多上市公司的董事会成员,目前没有任何外部公司的董事会成员。

Bruce Flatt,is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield and has served as a director of the Manager since its founding and director of the Corporation since April 2001. Mr. Flatt joined the Corporation in 1990 and became Chief Executive Officer in 2002. Mr. Flatt has been on numerous public company boards over the past three decades and does not currently sit on any external corporate boards.
Bruce Flatt,他目前担任Brookfield的首席执行官,自公司成立以来担任经理董事,自2001年4月以来担任公司董事。他于1990年加入公司,并于2002年成为首席执行官。在过去的30年里,他一直是众多上市公司的董事会成员,目前没有任何外部公司的董事会成员。
Bruce Flatt,is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield and has served as a director of the Manager since its founding and director of the Corporation since April 2001. Mr. Flatt joined the Corporation in 1990 and became Chief Executive Officer in 2002. Mr. Flatt has been on numerous public company boards over the past three decades and does not currently sit on any external corporate boards.
Samuel J. B. Pollock

Samuel J. B. Pollock目前是管理公司的管理合伙人、管理公司基础设施小组负责人和Brookfield Infrastructure Partners的首席执行官,曾在公司担任同样的职务。在这一职位上,他负责扩大基础设施运营业务。自1994年加入公司以来,波洛克先生在整个公司担任过多个高级职位,包括领导公司的企业投资集团和私人股本业务。波洛克先生拥有安大略省金斯敦皇后大学商学学士学位,是一名特许专业会计师。

Samuel J. B. Pollock,is currently a Managing Partner of the Manager,head of the Manager's Infrastructure Group and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Infrastructure Partners and previously held the same role for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for the expansion of the infrastructure operating business. Since joining the Corporation in 1994,Mr. Pollock has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including leading the Corporation's corporate investment group and its private equity business. Mr. Pollock holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen's University in Kingston,Ontario and is a Chartered Professional Accountant.
Samuel J. B. Pollock目前是管理公司的管理合伙人、管理公司基础设施小组负责人和Brookfield Infrastructure Partners的首席执行官,曾在公司担任同样的职务。在这一职位上,他负责扩大基础设施运营业务。自1994年加入公司以来,波洛克先生在整个公司担任过多个高级职位,包括领导公司的企业投资集团和私人股本业务。波洛克先生拥有安大略省金斯敦皇后大学商学学士学位,是一名特许专业会计师。
Samuel J. B. Pollock,is currently a Managing Partner of the Manager,head of the Manager's Infrastructure Group and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Infrastructure Partners and previously held the same role for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for the expansion of the infrastructure operating business. Since joining the Corporation in 1994,Mr. Pollock has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including leading the Corporation's corporate investment group and its private equity business. Mr. Pollock holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen's University in Kingston,Ontario and is a Chartered Professional Accountant.
Justin B. Beber

Justin B. Beber,现任公司管理合伙人、首席行政干事和总法律顾问,曾任公司管理合伙人、公司战略主管和首席法律干事。在担任这一职务期间,他为整个资产管理业务提供战略和法律咨询,担任董事会的顾问和公司秘书,并监督管理公司的法律、合规和风险活动。自2007年加入Brookfield以来,Beber先生在整个组织担任过多个高级职位,包括Brookfield Infrastructure Group的战略计划主管。在加入Brookfield之前,Beber先生是多伦多一家领先律师事务所的合伙人,他的执业重点是公司融资、并购和私人股本。Beber先生在约克大学Schulich商学院和Osgoode Hall法学院获得MBA/法学学士学位,并在麦吉尔大学获得经济学学士学位。他是安大略省律师协会的成员。

Justin B. Beber,is currently a Managing Partner,Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel of the Manager and was a Managing Partner,Head of Corporate Strategy and Chief Legal Officer of the Corporation. In this role,he provides strategic and legal advice across the asset management business,acts as counsel to and corporate secretary for the Board and has oversight of legal,compliance and risk activities of the Manager. Since joining Brookfield in 2007,Mr. Beber has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including Head of Strategic Initiatives for Brookfield Infrastructure Group. Prior to joining Brookfield,Mr. Beber was a partner with a leading Toronto-based law firm,where his practice focused on corporate finance,mergers and acquisitions and private equity. Mr. Beber earned his combined MBA/LLB from the Schulich School of Business and Osgoode Hall Law School at York University and holds a Bachelor of Economics from McGill University. He is a member of the Law Society of Ontario.
Justin B. Beber,现任公司管理合伙人、首席行政干事和总法律顾问,曾任公司管理合伙人、公司战略主管和首席法律干事。在担任这一职务期间,他为整个资产管理业务提供战略和法律咨询,担任董事会的顾问和公司秘书,并监督管理公司的法律、合规和风险活动。自2007年加入Brookfield以来,Beber先生在整个组织担任过多个高级职位,包括Brookfield Infrastructure Group的战略计划主管。在加入Brookfield之前,Beber先生是多伦多一家领先律师事务所的合伙人,他的执业重点是公司融资、并购和私人股本。Beber先生在约克大学Schulich商学院和Osgoode Hall法学院获得MBA/法学学士学位,并在麦吉尔大学获得经济学学士学位。他是安大略省律师协会的成员。
Justin B. Beber,is currently a Managing Partner,Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel of the Manager and was a Managing Partner,Head of Corporate Strategy and Chief Legal Officer of the Corporation. In this role,he provides strategic and legal advice across the asset management business,acts as counsel to and corporate secretary for the Board and has oversight of legal,compliance and risk activities of the Manager. Since joining Brookfield in 2007,Mr. Beber has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including Head of Strategic Initiatives for Brookfield Infrastructure Group. Prior to joining Brookfield,Mr. Beber was a partner with a leading Toronto-based law firm,where his practice focused on corporate finance,mergers and acquisitions and private equity. Mr. Beber earned his combined MBA/LLB from the Schulich School of Business and Osgoode Hall Law School at York University and holds a Bachelor of Economics from McGill University. He is a member of the Law Society of Ontario.
Craig W. A. Noble

Craig W. A. Noble,现任管理公司另类投资管理合伙人兼首席执行官,曾在公司担任同样职务。在此职位上,他负责管理公司的资产管理业务,包括服务和扩大客户基础,以及扩大公司的客户服务和战略。自2004年加入公司以来,诺布尔先生在整个组织担任过多个高级职位,包括公司公共证券业务的首席执行官,以及在私人和公共市场的各种投资职务。诺布尔先生拥有约克大学工商管理硕士学位和Mount Allison大学商业学士学位。诺布尔先生也是CFA特许持有人。

Craig W. A. Noble,is currently a Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Alternative Investments of the Manager and previously held the same role for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for the Manager's asset management business,including servicing and growing the client base and the expansion of the Corporation's client offerings and strategies. Since joining the Corporation in 2004,Mr. Noble has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including CEO of the Corporation's Public Securities business and various investment roles in the private and public markets. Mr. Noble holds a Master of Business Administration degree from York University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Mount Allison University. Mr. Noble is also a CFA charterholder.
Craig W. A. Noble,现任管理公司另类投资管理合伙人兼首席执行官,曾在公司担任同样职务。在此职位上,他负责管理公司的资产管理业务,包括服务和扩大客户基础,以及扩大公司的客户服务和战略。自2004年加入公司以来,诺布尔先生在整个组织担任过多个高级职位,包括公司公共证券业务的首席执行官,以及在私人和公共市场的各种投资职务。诺布尔先生拥有约克大学工商管理硕士学位和Mount Allison大学商业学士学位。诺布尔先生也是CFA特许持有人。
Craig W. A. Noble,is currently a Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Alternative Investments of the Manager and previously held the same role for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for the Manager's asset management business,including servicing and growing the client base and the expansion of the Corporation's client offerings and strategies. Since joining the Corporation in 2004,Mr. Noble has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including CEO of the Corporation's Public Securities business and various investment roles in the private and public markets. Mr. Noble holds a Master of Business Administration degree from York University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Mount Allison University. Mr. Noble is also a CFA charterholder.
Connor D. Teskey

Connor D. Teskey,现任经理总裁、Brookfield可再生能源和过渡业务主管和Brookfield Renewable Partner首席执行官,曾任该公司管理合伙人。在此职位上,他负责可再生能源与过渡业务的投资、运营和扩展。Teskey先生也是Brookfield的欧洲主管,负责监督公司在该地区的业务活动。自2012年加入公司以来,Teskey先生在整个组织担任过多个高级职位,包括担任公司可再生能源和过渡业务的首席投资官。Teskey先生拥有西安大略大学工商管理(荣誉)学士学位。

Connor D. Teskey,is currently the President of the Manager,head of Brookfield's Renewable Power and Transition business and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Renewable Partner and previously was a Managing Partner for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for investments,operations and the expansion of the Renewable Power & Transition business. Mr. Teskey is also Brookfield's Head of Europe,with responsibility for overseeing the Firm's business activities in the region. Since joining the Corporation in 2012,Mr. Teskey has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including serving as Chief Investment Officer of the Corporation's Renewable Power and Transition business. Mr. Teskey holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) degree from the University of Western Ontario.
Connor D. Teskey,现任经理总裁、Brookfield可再生能源和过渡业务主管和Brookfield Renewable Partner首席执行官,曾任该公司管理合伙人。在此职位上,他负责可再生能源与过渡业务的投资、运营和扩展。Teskey先生也是Brookfield的欧洲主管,负责监督公司在该地区的业务活动。自2012年加入公司以来,Teskey先生在整个组织担任过多个高级职位,包括担任公司可再生能源和过渡业务的首席投资官。Teskey先生拥有西安大略大学工商管理(荣誉)学士学位。
Connor D. Teskey,is currently the President of the Manager,head of Brookfield's Renewable Power and Transition business and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Renewable Partner and previously was a Managing Partner for the Corporation. In this role,he is responsible for investments,operations and the expansion of the Renewable Power & Transition business. Mr. Teskey is also Brookfield's Head of Europe,with responsibility for overseeing the Firm's business activities in the region. Since joining the Corporation in 2012,Mr. Teskey has held a number of senior positions across the organization,including serving as Chief Investment Officer of the Corporation's Renewable Power and Transition business. Mr. Teskey holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) degree from the University of Western Ontario.
Anuj Ranjan

Hadley Peer Marshall

Hadley Peer Marshall,2015年加入纽约布鲁克菲尔德基础设施集团,担任基础设施债务和结构化解决方案的联席主管。Peer Marshall女士在资产管理和商业领导方面拥有超过20年的经验,包括投资、资本市场和筹资。在加入布鲁克菲尔德之前,她曾在一家全球投资银行工作,担任项目融资和基础设施集团的联席主管。

Hadley Peer Marshall,joined Brookfield in New York in 2015 in the Infrastructure Group where she is co-head of infrastructure debt and structured solutions.Ms.Peer Marshall has over 20 years of experience in asset management and business leadership, including investing, capital markets and fundraising. Prior to Brookfield, she worked at a global investment bank where she was co-head of the project finance and infrastructure group.
Hadley Peer Marshall,2015年加入纽约布鲁克菲尔德基础设施集团,担任基础设施债务和结构化解决方案的联席主管。Peer Marshall女士在资产管理和商业领导方面拥有超过20年的经验,包括投资、资本市场和筹资。在加入布鲁克菲尔德之前,她曾在一家全球投资银行工作,担任项目融资和基础设施集团的联席主管。
Hadley Peer Marshall,joined Brookfield in New York in 2015 in the Infrastructure Group where she is co-head of infrastructure debt and structured solutions.Ms.Peer Marshall has over 20 years of experience in asset management and business leadership, including investing, capital markets and fundraising. Prior to Brookfield, she worked at a global investment bank where she was co-head of the project finance and infrastructure group.
Brian W. Kingston

Brian W. Kingston,2013年8月以来,他一直担任GGP的董事。他目前担任Brookfield Asset Management公司的高级执行合伙人,也是Brookfield Property Group的全球首席投资官(2013年1月以来)。他于2001年加入Brookfield公司,也曾担任Brookfield公司及其附属机构的多种高级管理职务,包括并购、商业银行业务和房地产咨询服务。从2008年到2012年,他曾担任Brookfield公司(位于澳大利亚)的领导职务,在那里Brookfield公司收购、集成房地产和基础设施企业。他获得 Queens University的商业学士学位。

Brian W. Kingston was named Chief Executive Officer in 2015. He is also a Managing Partner at Brookfield Asset Management and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Property Group. Mr. Kingston joined Brookfield in 2001 and has been engaged in a wide range of merger and acquisition activities. From 2008 to 2013 he led Brookfield's Australian business activities, holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Office Properties Australia, Chief Executive Officer of Prime Infrastructure and Chief Financial Officer of Multiplex.
Brian W. Kingston,2013年8月以来,他一直担任GGP的董事。他目前担任Brookfield Asset Management公司的高级执行合伙人,也是Brookfield Property Group的全球首席投资官(2013年1月以来)。他于2001年加入Brookfield公司,也曾担任Brookfield公司及其附属机构的多种高级管理职务,包括并购、商业银行业务和房地产咨询服务。从2008年到2012年,他曾担任Brookfield公司(位于澳大利亚)的领导职务,在那里Brookfield公司收购、集成房地产和基础设施企业。他获得 Queens University的商业学士学位。
Brian W. Kingston was named Chief Executive Officer in 2015. He is also a Managing Partner at Brookfield Asset Management and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Property Group. Mr. Kingston joined Brookfield in 2001 and has been engaged in a wide range of merger and acquisition activities. From 2008 to 2013 he led Brookfield's Australian business activities, holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Office Properties Australia, Chief Executive Officer of Prime Infrastructure and Chief Financial Officer of Multiplex.