

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
张朝阳 Chairman of the Board of Director 54 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
陈德文 Chief Executive Officer and Director 43 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
陈尚伟 Independent Director 65 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
陈晓 Independent Director 55 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
Dave De Yang Independent Director 53 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
陈晓 Independent Director 55 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
陈尚伟 Independent Director 65 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
陈德文 Chief Executive Officer and Director 43 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
Yaobin Wang Chief Financial Officer 46 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28
洪晓健 Chief Operating Officer 41 未披露 未持股 2019-03-28


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

张朝阳,1986年毕业于北京清华大学物理系,同年考取李政道奖学金赴美留学。1993年底在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)获得博士学位,并继续在MIT从事博士后研究。1996年在MIT媒体实验室主任尼葛洛庞帝教授和MIT斯隆商学院爱德华·罗伯特教授的风险投资支持下创建了爱特信公司,成为中国第一家以风险投资资金建立的互联网公司。1998年2月25日,爱特信正式推出“搜狐”产品,并更名为搜狐公司。在张朝阳先生的领导下搜狐历经四次融资,于2000年7月12日,在美国纳斯达克成功挂牌上市(NASDAQ:SOHU)。搜狐是中国领先的互联网媒体、搜索、在线游戏集团,拥有搜狐公司(NASDAQ: SOHU)和畅游公司(NASDAQ:CYOU)两家美国纳斯达克上市公司,是中文世界最强劲的互联网品牌之一。“搜狐”在中国是家喻户晓的名字,也是2008北京奥运会互联网内容服务赞助商。搜狐为中国超过7亿的互联网和移动互联网用户提供全面网络服务。

Charles Zhang,is Sohu.Com Limited founder and has been Chairman of Sohu.Com Limited Board and Chief Executive Officer since August 1996. Dr. Charles Zhang also served as Sohu.Com Limited President from August 1996 to July 2004. Prior to founding Sohu, Dr. Charles Zhang worked for Internet Securities Inc. and helped to establish its China operations. Prior to that, Dr. Charles Zhang worked as the liaison officer with China for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT"). Dr. Charles Zhang was the Chairman of the Board of Changyou prior to the completion of the Changyou Merger. Dr. Charles Zhang has a Ph.D. in experimental physics from MIT and a Bachelor of Science degree from Tsinghua University.
张朝阳,1986年毕业于北京清华大学物理系,同年考取李政道奖学金赴美留学。1993年底在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)获得博士学位,并继续在MIT从事博士后研究。1996年在MIT媒体实验室主任尼葛洛庞帝教授和MIT斯隆商学院爱德华·罗伯特教授的风险投资支持下创建了爱特信公司,成为中国第一家以风险投资资金建立的互联网公司。1998年2月25日,爱特信正式推出“搜狐”产品,并更名为搜狐公司。在张朝阳先生的领导下搜狐历经四次融资,于2000年7月12日,在美国纳斯达克成功挂牌上市(NASDAQ:SOHU)。搜狐是中国领先的互联网媒体、搜索、在线游戏集团,拥有搜狐公司(NASDAQ: SOHU)和畅游公司(NASDAQ:CYOU)两家美国纳斯达克上市公司,是中文世界最强劲的互联网品牌之一。“搜狐”在中国是家喻户晓的名字,也是2008北京奥运会互联网内容服务赞助商。搜狐为中国超过7亿的互联网和移动互联网用户提供全面网络服务。
Charles Zhang,is Sohu.Com Limited founder and has been Chairman of Sohu.Com Limited Board and Chief Executive Officer since August 1996. Dr. Charles Zhang also served as Sohu.Com Limited President from August 1996 to July 2004. Prior to founding Sohu, Dr. Charles Zhang worked for Internet Securities Inc. and helped to establish its China operations. Prior to that, Dr. Charles Zhang worked as the liaison officer with China for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT"). Dr. Charles Zhang was the Chairman of the Board of Changyou prior to the completion of the Changyou Merger. Dr. Charles Zhang has a Ph.D. in experimental physics from MIT and a Bachelor of Science degree from Tsinghua University.


Dewen Chen,is the Chief Executive Officer of Changyou and was one of the principal founders of Changyou's online game business. Mr. Chen was named as one of Sohu.Com Limited executive officers effective November 1, 2016. Mr. Chen joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005 as a business manager, responsible for building a sales team for game products. Beginning in May 2006, Mr. Chen was in charge of the overall marketing, promotion, sales and channel distribution of Sohu.Com Limited game products. Prior to Changyou's carve-out from Sohu.Com Limited in 2007, Mr. Chen was the Director of Marketing & Operations of Sohu.Com Limited online game business. From April 2000 until he joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005, Mr. Chen worked at Shanghai Hua Teng Software System Co. Ltd. as a pre-sale technology consultant and sales manager. Prior to that, Mr. Chen worked with Fujian Shi Da Computer Group as a software engineer and project manager, and later as the Director of the Technology Department of the Shanghai branch office. Mr. Dewen Chen received a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University.
Dewen Chen,is the Chief Executive Officer of Changyou and was one of the principal founders of Changyou's online game business. Mr. Chen was named as one of Sohu.Com Limited executive officers effective November 1, 2016. Mr. Chen joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005 as a business manager, responsible for building a sales team for game products. Beginning in May 2006, Mr. Chen was in charge of the overall marketing, promotion, sales and channel distribution of Sohu.Com Limited game products. Prior to Changyou's carve-out from Sohu.Com Limited in 2007, Mr. Chen was the Director of Marketing & Operations of Sohu.Com Limited online game business. From April 2000 until he joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005, Mr. Chen worked at Shanghai Hua Teng Software System Co. Ltd. as a pre-sale technology consultant and sales manager. Prior to that, Mr. Chen worked with Fujian Shi Da Computer Group as a software engineer and project manager, and later as the Director of the Technology Department of the Shanghai branch office. Mr. Dewen Chen received a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University.


Charles Chan has served as an independent director and a member of Changyou.Com Limited audit committee since September 2013. Beginning in February 2019 Mr. Chan has served as an independent director of Maoyan Entertainment, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. Chan joined Arthur Andersen Canada in 1977 and was admitted to the AA Worldwide Partnership in 1988. Transferred to Arthur Andersen Hong Kong/China in 1994 Mr. Chan was Head of Audit and Business Advisory Service for Greater China. After Arthur Andersen merged with PricewaterhouseCoopers "PwC" in 2002 Mr. Chan assumed management positions at PwC, including as a partner and as a member of various committees. Mr. Chan qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Canada in 1980 and as a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong in 1995. Mr. Chan has served as a member of professional, government and regulatory committees, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Committee, the Selection Committee for the first Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR and the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants. For the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants, he served as a member of its council, accounting standards committee and auditing standards committee, and was chairman of its China technical committee. Mr. Chan retired from PwC on June 30 2012.
Charles Chan has served as an independent director and a member of Changyou.Com Limited audit committee since September 2013. Beginning in February 2019 Mr. Chan has served as an independent director of Maoyan Entertainment, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. Chan joined Arthur Andersen Canada in 1977 and was admitted to the AA Worldwide Partnership in 1988. Transferred to Arthur Andersen Hong Kong/China in 1994 Mr. Chan was Head of Audit and Business Advisory Service for Greater China. After Arthur Andersen merged with PricewaterhouseCoopers "PwC" in 2002 Mr. Chan assumed management positions at PwC, including as a partner and as a member of various committees. Mr. Chan qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Canada in 1980 and as a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong in 1995. Mr. Chan has served as a member of professional, government and regulatory committees, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Committee, the Selection Committee for the first Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR and the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants. For the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants, he served as a member of its council, accounting standards committee and auditing standards committee, and was chairman of its China technical committee. Mr. Chan retired from PwC on June 30 2012.

陈晓先生:独立董事,中国国籍,无境外永久居留权,博士、教授、博士生导师,会计专业人员。于2013年11月18日获委任为大健康国际集团控股有限公司独立非执行董事,陈博士为清华大学经济管理学院会计系教授。在过去16年里,他一直在清华大学从事会计与税务领域的教学和学术研究工作。陈博士于会计行业有丰富经验,并于国内外学术会计学期刊发表多篇文章,涵盖财务会计、企业管治及税务等课题。于2000年5月至2013年5月为清华大学经济管理学院会计系系主任。现时任职于中国会计学会及中国国际税收学会(International Tax Society of China)理事。于2006年至2012年为汉王科技股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:002362))的独立董事,于2003年至2009年为远望谷信息技术股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:002161))的独立董事,于2006年至2009年为辰州矿业有限公司(深圳 证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:002155))的独立董事,于2003年至2009年为北方国际合作股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:000065))的独立董事,于2002年至2005年为河南黄河旋风股份有限公司(上海证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:600172))的独立董事,于2007年至今为诺亚舟教育控股有限公司(Noah Education Holdings Ltd.,纽约证券交易所上市公司(股份代号:NED))的独立董事及审核委员会主席,于2011年6月至今为一化控股(中国)有限公司(联交所主板上市公司(股份代号:02121))的独立董事及审核委员会主席,于2012年至今为畅游股份有限公司(NASDAQ上市公司(股份代号:CYOU))的独立董事。除上文所披露者外,于过往三年内,陈博士并未担任任何上市公司的任何董事职务。于1983年毕业自武汉工程大学化学工程专业,于1989年取得中国科学技术大学管理学硕士学位,于1996年取得美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)经济学博士学位。经公司2006 年12 月27 日召开的2006 年度第一次临时股东大会审议,当选为独立董事,任期为2006年12月至2008年12月。

Xiao Chen has served as an independent director and a member of our audit committee since August 2012. Dr. Chen has been an accounting professor at the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University since 1997. For the past 20 years, he has been teaching and conducting academic research in the fields of accounting and taxation at Tsinghua University. From August 2007 to April 2013 Dr. Chen served on the Board of Directors and as the chairman of the audit committee of Noah Education Holdings Ltd, a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During the past 10 years, he also served as an independent director of eight other public companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Dr. Chen received a Ph.D. in economics from Tulane University in 1996.
陈晓先生:独立董事,中国国籍,无境外永久居留权,博士、教授、博士生导师,会计专业人员。于2013年11月18日获委任为大健康国际集团控股有限公司独立非执行董事,陈博士为清华大学经济管理学院会计系教授。在过去16年里,他一直在清华大学从事会计与税务领域的教学和学术研究工作。陈博士于会计行业有丰富经验,并于国内外学术会计学期刊发表多篇文章,涵盖财务会计、企业管治及税务等课题。于2000年5月至2013年5月为清华大学经济管理学院会计系系主任。现时任职于中国会计学会及中国国际税收学会(International Tax Society of China)理事。于2006年至2012年为汉王科技股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:002362))的独立董事,于2003年至2009年为远望谷信息技术股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:002161))的独立董事,于2006年至2009年为辰州矿业有限公司(深圳 证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:002155))的独立董事,于2003年至2009年为北方国际合作股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:000065))的独立董事,于2002年至2005年为河南黄河旋风股份有限公司(上海证券交易所上市公司(证券代码:600172))的独立董事,于2007年至今为诺亚舟教育控股有限公司(Noah Education Holdings Ltd.,纽约证券交易所上市公司(股份代号:NED))的独立董事及审核委员会主席,于2011年6月至今为一化控股(中国)有限公司(联交所主板上市公司(股份代号:02121))的独立董事及审核委员会主席,于2012年至今为畅游股份有限公司(NASDAQ上市公司(股份代号:CYOU))的独立董事。除上文所披露者外,于过往三年内,陈博士并未担任任何上市公司的任何董事职务。于1983年毕业自武汉工程大学化学工程专业,于1989年取得中国科学技术大学管理学硕士学位,于1996年取得美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)经济学博士学位。经公司2006 年12 月27 日召开的2006 年度第一次临时股东大会审议,当选为独立董事,任期为2006年12月至2008年12月。
Xiao Chen has served as an independent director and a member of our audit committee since August 2012. Dr. Chen has been an accounting professor at the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University since 1997. For the past 20 years, he has been teaching and conducting academic research in the fields of accounting and taxation at Tsinghua University. From August 2007 to April 2013 Dr. Chen served on the Board of Directors and as the chairman of the audit committee of Noah Education Holdings Ltd, a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During the past 10 years, he also served as an independent director of eight other public companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Dr. Chen received a Ph.D. in economics from Tulane University in 1996.
Dave De Yang

Dave De Yang,他自2009年4月起,担任本公司独立董事及审核委员会成员。自2009年4月起,他一直担任利洁时集团包括中国大陆,中国香港,中国台湾,日本和韩国在内的北亚地区首席财务官。在此之前,他曾就职于麦当劳公司,担任总会计师,曾参与一项国际任务即担任麦当劳中国的三年半的副总裁 。在此之前,他曾经担任麦当劳印度和麦当劳印度尼西亚代理会计长以及麦当劳亚太,中东和非洲地区,负责监管财务战略和政策的发展与监管的高级主管。加盟麦当劳公司之前,他曾任职于安永会计师事务所的美国业务部门,在包括作为部门经理在内的各个岗位工作过,有着七年的工作经验。任职期间,他主要负责于企业风险管理咨询,企业并购,企业内部管理流程,内部审计,风险评估,控制系统设计,以及企业财务报表审计的转型,主要为世界500强公司提供服务。他持有纽约市立大学企业管理硕士学位,中国科学院在北京的研究生院颁发的管理学和工程学硕士学位以及中国科学技术大学颁发的本科学位。他是美国内部稽核协会,美国注册会计师协会以及美国注册管理会计师协会。

Dave De Yang,has served as the Chief Financial Officer and a Partner of Dalton International, an investment firm based in Chicago, since 2017. From 2012 through 2016, Mr. Yang served as Chief Financial Officer for the North Asia region, including the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, of Reckitt Benckiser, a London-based company that is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is included in the FTSE 100 Index. Prior to joining Reckitt Benckiser, Mr. Yang worked for McDonald's Corporation as a senior financial director, including an international assignment as the Corporate Controller of McDonald's China for three and half years. Prior to that role, he served as acting controller of McDonald's India and Indonesia divisions and as a senior director of McDonald's Corporation in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa division, where he oversaw the development and supervision of financial strategy and policy. Prior to joining McDonald's Corporation, Mr. Yang worked in the U.S. business unit of Ernst & Young LLP for seven years in various positions, including as a group manager. During Mr. Yang's tenure at Ernst & Young LLP, he focused on business risk management consultation, corporate M&A, restructuring of corporate internal management processes, internal audits, risk assessment, control system designs, and auditing of corporate financial statements, primarily for Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Yang was a member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee of Changyou prior to the completion of the Changyou Merger. Mr. Yang has a Master of Business Administration degree from the City University of New York, a master's degree in Management and Engineering from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, and a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Science and Technology of China. Mr. Yang is a member of the U.S. Institute of Certified Internal Auditors, the Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Certified Management Accountants.
Dave De Yang,他自2009年4月起,担任本公司独立董事及审核委员会成员。自2009年4月起,他一直担任利洁时集团包括中国大陆,中国香港,中国台湾,日本和韩国在内的北亚地区首席财务官。在此之前,他曾就职于麦当劳公司,担任总会计师,曾参与一项国际任务即担任麦当劳中国的三年半的副总裁 。在此之前,他曾经担任麦当劳印度和麦当劳印度尼西亚代理会计长以及麦当劳亚太,中东和非洲地区,负责监管财务战略和政策的发展与监管的高级主管。加盟麦当劳公司之前,他曾任职于安永会计师事务所的美国业务部门,在包括作为部门经理在内的各个岗位工作过,有着七年的工作经验。任职期间,他主要负责于企业风险管理咨询,企业并购,企业内部管理流程,内部审计,风险评估,控制系统设计,以及企业财务报表审计的转型,主要为世界500强公司提供服务。他持有纽约市立大学企业管理硕士学位,中国科学院在北京的研究生院颁发的管理学和工程学硕士学位以及中国科学技术大学颁发的本科学位。他是美国内部稽核协会,美国注册会计师协会以及美国注册管理会计师协会。
Dave De Yang,has served as the Chief Financial Officer and a Partner of Dalton International, an investment firm based in Chicago, since 2017. From 2012 through 2016, Mr. Yang served as Chief Financial Officer for the North Asia region, including the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, of Reckitt Benckiser, a London-based company that is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is included in the FTSE 100 Index. Prior to joining Reckitt Benckiser, Mr. Yang worked for McDonald's Corporation as a senior financial director, including an international assignment as the Corporate Controller of McDonald's China for three and half years. Prior to that role, he served as acting controller of McDonald's India and Indonesia divisions and as a senior director of McDonald's Corporation in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa division, where he oversaw the development and supervision of financial strategy and policy. Prior to joining McDonald's Corporation, Mr. Yang worked in the U.S. business unit of Ernst & Young LLP for seven years in various positions, including as a group manager. During Mr. Yang's tenure at Ernst & Young LLP, he focused on business risk management consultation, corporate M&A, restructuring of corporate internal management processes, internal audits, risk assessment, control system designs, and auditing of corporate financial statements, primarily for Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Yang was a member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee of Changyou prior to the completion of the Changyou Merger. Mr. Yang has a Master of Business Administration degree from the City University of New York, a master's degree in Management and Engineering from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, and a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Science and Technology of China. Mr. Yang is a member of the U.S. Institute of Certified Internal Auditors, the Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Certified Management Accountants.


Xiao Chen has served as an independent director and a member of our audit committee since August 2012. Dr. Chen has been an accounting professor at the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University since 1997. For the past 20 years, he has been teaching and conducting academic research in the fields of accounting and taxation at Tsinghua University. From August 2007 to April 2013 Dr. Chen served on the Board of Directors and as the chairman of the audit committee of Noah Education Holdings Ltd, a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During the past 10 years, he also served as an independent director of eight other public companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Dr. Chen received a Ph.D. in economics from Tulane University in 1996.
Xiao Chen has served as an independent director and a member of our audit committee since August 2012. Dr. Chen has been an accounting professor at the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University since 1997. For the past 20 years, he has been teaching and conducting academic research in the fields of accounting and taxation at Tsinghua University. From August 2007 to April 2013 Dr. Chen served on the Board of Directors and as the chairman of the audit committee of Noah Education Holdings Ltd, a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During the past 10 years, he also served as an independent director of eight other public companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Dr. Chen received a Ph.D. in economics from Tulane University in 1996.

陈尚伟,他自2013年9月起担任本公司独立董事及审核委员会成员。他于1977年加盟安达信加拿大公司,1988年被吸纳进安达信全球伙伴关系,1994年他转入安达信中国香港公司,曾任大中国区审计部及商务咨询服务主管。2002年,安达信并入普华永道会计师事务所之后,他在普华永道会计师事务所承担起了管理职位,包括作为合伙人和各委员会的成员。他于1980年在加拿大获取注册会计师职业资格,1995年在香港成为执业会计师。通过IPO,进行年度审计,为并购活动及为各类资本及债务融资交易提供业务咨询来服务各主要在资本市场上市的大客户,在这方面他拥有丰富的服务经验。他现任包括香港联交所上市委员会,香港特区第一届立法会评选委员会,以及香港注册会计师协会在内的专业、政府和监管委员会成员。他曾任香港注册会计师协会委员会,管帐准则委员会及审计准则委员会委员,并是China technical committee主席。他于2012年6月30日从普华永道退休。

Charles Chan has served as an independent director and a member of our audit committee since September 2013. Beginning in February 2019 Mr. Chan has served as an independent director of Maoyan Entertainment, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. Chan joined Arthur Andersen Canada in 1977 and was admitted to the AA Worldwide Partnership in 1988. Transferred to Arthur Andersen Hong Kong/China in 1994 Mr. Chan was Head of Audit and Business Advisory Service for Greater China. After Arthur Andersen merged with PricewaterhouseCoopers “PwC” in 2002 Mr. Chan assumed management positions at PwC, including as a partner and as a member of various committees. Mr. Chan qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Canada in 1980 and as a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong in 1995. Mr. Chan has served as a member of professional, government and regulatory committees, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Committee, the Selection Committee for the first Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR and the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants. For the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants, he served as a member of its council, accounting standards committee and auditing standards committee, and was chairman of its China technical committee. Mr. Chan retired from PwC on June 30 2012.
陈尚伟,他自2013年9月起担任本公司独立董事及审核委员会成员。他于1977年加盟安达信加拿大公司,1988年被吸纳进安达信全球伙伴关系,1994年他转入安达信中国香港公司,曾任大中国区审计部及商务咨询服务主管。2002年,安达信并入普华永道会计师事务所之后,他在普华永道会计师事务所承担起了管理职位,包括作为合伙人和各委员会的成员。他于1980年在加拿大获取注册会计师职业资格,1995年在香港成为执业会计师。通过IPO,进行年度审计,为并购活动及为各类资本及债务融资交易提供业务咨询来服务各主要在资本市场上市的大客户,在这方面他拥有丰富的服务经验。他现任包括香港联交所上市委员会,香港特区第一届立法会评选委员会,以及香港注册会计师协会在内的专业、政府和监管委员会成员。他曾任香港注册会计师协会委员会,管帐准则委员会及审计准则委员会委员,并是China technical committee主席。他于2012年6月30日从普华永道退休。
Charles Chan has served as an independent director and a member of our audit committee since September 2013. Beginning in February 2019 Mr. Chan has served as an independent director of Maoyan Entertainment, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. Chan joined Arthur Andersen Canada in 1977 and was admitted to the AA Worldwide Partnership in 1988. Transferred to Arthur Andersen Hong Kong/China in 1994 Mr. Chan was Head of Audit and Business Advisory Service for Greater China. After Arthur Andersen merged with PricewaterhouseCoopers “PwC” in 2002 Mr. Chan assumed management positions at PwC, including as a partner and as a member of various committees. Mr. Chan qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Canada in 1980 and as a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong in 1995. Mr. Chan has served as a member of professional, government and regulatory committees, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Committee, the Selection Committee for the first Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR and the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants. For the Hong Kong Society of Certified Public Accountants, he served as a member of its council, accounting standards committee and auditing standards committee, and was chairman of its China technical committee. Mr. Chan retired from PwC on June 30 2012.


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Dewen Chen,is the Chief Executive Officer of Changyou and was one of the principal founders of Changyou's online game business. Mr. Chen was named as one of Sohu.Com Limited executive officers effective November 1, 2016. Mr. Chen joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005 as a business manager, responsible for building a sales team for game products. Beginning in May 2006, Mr. Chen was in charge of the overall marketing, promotion, sales and channel distribution of Sohu.Com Limited game products. Prior to Changyou's carve-out from Sohu.Com Limited in 2007, Mr. Chen was the Director of Marketing & Operations of Sohu.Com Limited online game business. From April 2000 until he joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005, Mr. Chen worked at Shanghai Hua Teng Software System Co. Ltd. as a pre-sale technology consultant and sales manager. Prior to that, Mr. Chen worked with Fujian Shi Da Computer Group as a software engineer and project manager, and later as the Director of the Technology Department of the Shanghai branch office. Mr. Dewen Chen received a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University.
Dewen Chen,is the Chief Executive Officer of Changyou and was one of the principal founders of Changyou's online game business. Mr. Chen was named as one of Sohu.Com Limited executive officers effective November 1, 2016. Mr. Chen joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005 as a business manager, responsible for building a sales team for game products. Beginning in May 2006, Mr. Chen was in charge of the overall marketing, promotion, sales and channel distribution of Sohu.Com Limited game products. Prior to Changyou's carve-out from Sohu.Com Limited in 2007, Mr. Chen was the Director of Marketing & Operations of Sohu.Com Limited online game business. From April 2000 until he joined Sohu.Com Limited in 2005, Mr. Chen worked at Shanghai Hua Teng Software System Co. Ltd. as a pre-sale technology consultant and sales manager. Prior to that, Mr. Chen worked with Fujian Shi Da Computer Group as a software engineer and project manager, and later as the Director of the Technology Department of the Shanghai branch office. Mr. Dewen Chen received a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University.
Yaobin Wang

Yaobin Wang自2017年9月29日起担任我们的首席财务官。Wang先生曾在多家互联网公司担任过许多高级管理职务,包括搜狐、畅游和开心001,他负责监管金融、法律和并购职能。Wang先生在2008年至2010年期间担任本公司财务总监,在2005年至2008年期间担任搜狐财务总监和内部审计总监。Wang先生于1999年至2005年在德勤工作。Wang先生拥有中国人民大学工商管理硕士学位。他是注册会计师、注册税务师和注册内部审计师。

Yaobin Wang has been our Chief Financial Officers since September 29 2017. Mr. Wang has held many senior management positions previously in a number of Internet companies, including Sohu, Changyou, and Kaixin001 where he oversaw finance, legal, and M&A functions. Mr. Wang served as our financial director between 2008 and 2010 and served as Sohu's financial director and internal audit director between 2005 and 2008. Mr. Wang worked for Deloitte from 1999 to 2005. Mr. Wang holds a master's degree in Business Administration from Renmin University of China. He is a certified public accountant, a certified tax agent, and a certified internal auditor.
Yaobin Wang自2017年9月29日起担任我们的首席财务官。Wang先生曾在多家互联网公司担任过许多高级管理职务,包括搜狐、畅游和开心001,他负责监管金融、法律和并购职能。Wang先生在2008年至2010年期间担任本公司财务总监,在2005年至2008年期间担任搜狐财务总监和内部审计总监。Wang先生于1999年至2005年在德勤工作。Wang先生拥有中国人民大学工商管理硕士学位。他是注册会计师、注册税务师和注册内部审计师。
Yaobin Wang has been our Chief Financial Officers since September 29 2017. Mr. Wang has held many senior management positions previously in a number of Internet companies, including Sohu, Changyou, and Kaixin001 where he oversaw finance, legal, and M&A functions. Mr. Wang served as our financial director between 2008 and 2010 and served as Sohu's financial director and internal audit director between 2005 and 2008. Mr. Wang worked for Deloitte from 1999 to 2005. Mr. Wang holds a master's degree in Business Administration from Renmin University of China. He is a certified public accountant, a certified tax agent, and a certified internal auditor.

洪晓健,他现任本公司首席营运官,曾是本公司MMORPG业务的主要创始人之一。他对于网络游戏软件和操作的安全性,效率和稳定性有着丰富的经验。在本公司与搜狐拆离之前,他曾是搜狐的高级经理,并在建立搜狐的MMORPG游戏软件开发部门中发挥了关键作用,主要负责为了应对MMORPG业务所提出的设计技术架构设计和模块开发的战略规划。2004年到2005年,他曾任职于新浪担任iGame项目的研发经理。2001至2004年,他曾任北京田稔互动软件技术有限公司研发经理,负责内部数字游戏的设计,开发和引进,将在海外流行的游戏产品进行分销与国产化。1999年至2001年,他曾任Object Software Beijing Limited。项目经理。他持有北京理工大学办法的工学学士学位。

Xiaojian Hong is our Chief Operating Officer and was one of the principal founders of our MMORPG business. Prior to our carve-out from Sohu, Mr. Hong was a Senior Manager of Sohu and played a key role in building Sohu’s MMORPG software development division and was responsible for strategic planning for technology framework design and module development for our MMORPG business. From 2004 to 2005 Mr. Hong worked at Sina and was a research and development manager of its iGAME project. From 2001 to 2004 Mr. Hong was the Manager of Research and Development of Beijing Tian Ren Interactive Software Technologies Co. Ltd., responsible for in-house digital games design and development and introduction, distribution and localization of popular overseas games products. From 1999 to 2001 Mr. Hong was a project manager of Object Software Beijing Limited. Mr. Hong received a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Beijing Technology University.
洪晓健,他现任本公司首席营运官,曾是本公司MMORPG业务的主要创始人之一。他对于网络游戏软件和操作的安全性,效率和稳定性有着丰富的经验。在本公司与搜狐拆离之前,他曾是搜狐的高级经理,并在建立搜狐的MMORPG游戏软件开发部门中发挥了关键作用,主要负责为了应对MMORPG业务所提出的设计技术架构设计和模块开发的战略规划。2004年到2005年,他曾任职于新浪担任iGame项目的研发经理。2001至2004年,他曾任北京田稔互动软件技术有限公司研发经理,负责内部数字游戏的设计,开发和引进,将在海外流行的游戏产品进行分销与国产化。1999年至2001年,他曾任Object Software Beijing Limited。项目经理。他持有北京理工大学办法的工学学士学位。
Xiaojian Hong is our Chief Operating Officer and was one of the principal founders of our MMORPG business. Prior to our carve-out from Sohu, Mr. Hong was a Senior Manager of Sohu and played a key role in building Sohu’s MMORPG software development division and was responsible for strategic planning for technology framework design and module development for our MMORPG business. From 2004 to 2005 Mr. Hong worked at Sina and was a research and development manager of its iGAME project. From 2001 to 2004 Mr. Hong was the Manager of Research and Development of Beijing Tian Ren Interactive Software Technologies Co. Ltd., responsible for in-house digital games design and development and introduction, distribution and localization of popular overseas games products. From 1999 to 2001 Mr. Hong was a project manager of Object Software Beijing Limited. Mr. Hong received a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Beijing Technology University.