姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
Ari Bousbib | 男 | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,Director | 63 | 2673.30万美元 | 243.79 | 2025-02-28 |
James A. Fasano | 男 | Director | 55 | 37.99万美元 | 0.27 | 2025-02-28 |
Colleen A. Goggins | 女 | Director | 70 | 37.99万美元 | 1.52 | 2025-02-28 |
Sheila A. Stamps | 女 | Director | 67 | 35.49万美元 | 0.31 | 2025-02-28 |
Leslie Wims Morris | -- | Director | 54 | 34.99万美元 | 0.46 | 2025-02-28 |
John G. Danhakl | 男 | Director | 69 | 35.99万美元 | 3.08 | 2025-02-28 |
Carol J. Burt | 女 | Director | 67 | 38.24万美元 | 0.70 | 2025-02-28 |
John M. Leonard | 男 | Director | 67 | 41.12万美元 | 1.38 | 2025-02-28 |
Todd B. Sisitsky | 男 | Director | 53 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2025-02-28 |
姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
Ari Bousbib | 男 | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,Director | 63 | 2673.30万美元 | 243.79 | 2025-02-28 |
Eric Sherbet | 男 | Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary | 61 | 417.38万美元 | 9.96 | 2025-02-28 |
W. Richard Staub, III | 男 | President, Research and Development Solutions | 62 | 1074.41万美元 | 3.26 | 2025-02-28 |
Keriann Cherofsky | -- | Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and Corporate Controller | -- | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2025-02-28 |
Bhavik Patel | 男 | President, Commercial Solutions | 45 | 301.45万美元 | 1.05 | 2025-02-28 |
Ronald E. Bruehlman | 男 | Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer | 64 | 837.04万美元 | 11.66 | 2025-02-28 |
中英对照 | 中文 | 英文- Ari Bousbib
Ari Bousbib担任IQVIA Holdings Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官,IQVIA Holdings Inc.是一家为生命科学行业提供高级分析、技术解决方案和签约研究服务的全球领先供应商。在IMS Health Holdings,Inc.和Quintiles Transnational Holdings,Inc.合并后,他于2016年10月担任该职位。2010年至2016年10月,Bousbib先生担任IMS控股子公司IMS Health Incorporated的董事长兼首席执行官,自2014年首次公开募股以来,他还担任IMS控股公司的董事长、首席执行官和总裁。在加入IMS Health之前,Bousbib先生在联合技术公司(UTC)工作了14年,这是一家商业航空航天、国防和建筑工业公司。从2008年到2010年,他在UTC旗下商业公司担任总裁,这些公司包括奥的斯电梯公司(简称“奥的斯”)、开利公司、UTC消防与安全局以及UTC电力公司。从2002年到2008年,Bousbib先生担任奥的斯公司总裁,从2000年到2002年,他担任Otis公司首席运营官。在加入UTC之前,Bousbib先生是Booz Allen Hamilton的合伙人,这是一家全球管理和技术咨询公司。
Ari Bousbib,is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. He assumed this position in October 2016 following the Merger of Quintiles and IMS Health. From 2010 until the Merger, Mr. Bousbib served as Chairman and CEO of IMS Health. Prior to joining IMS Health, Mr. Bousbib spent 14 years at United Technologies Corporation ("UTC"), an aerospace, defense and building systems company. From 2008 until 2010, he served as President of UTC's Commercial Companies, with executive leadership responsibilities for the worldwide operations of Otis Elevator Company, Carrier Corporation, UTC Fire & Security and UTC Power Inc. From 2002 until 2008, Mr. Bousbib was President of Otis, and from 2000 to 2002, he served as its Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining UTC, Mr. Bousbib was a partner at Booz Allen Hamilton. Mr. Bousbib currently serves on the board of directors of The Home Depot, Inc. and is a member of the Harvard Medical School Health Care Policy Advisory Council. Mr. Bousbib holds a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from the Ecole Superieure des Travaux Publics, Paris, and an M.B.A. from Columbia University. - Ari Bousbib担任IQVIA Holdings Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官,IQVIA Holdings Inc.是一家为生命科学行业提供高级分析、技术解决方案和签约研究服务的全球领先供应商。在IMS Health Holdings,Inc.和Quintiles Transnational Holdings,Inc.合并后,他于2016年10月担任该职位。2010年至2016年10月,Bousbib先生担任IMS控股子公司IMS Health Incorporated的董事长兼首席执行官,自2014年首次公开募股以来,他还担任IMS控股公司的董事长、首席执行官和总裁。在加入IMS Health之前,Bousbib先生在联合技术公司(UTC)工作了14年,这是一家商业航空航天、国防和建筑工业公司。从2008年到2010年,他在UTC旗下商业公司担任总裁,这些公司包括奥的斯电梯公司(简称“奥的斯”)、开利公司、UTC消防与安全局以及UTC电力公司。从2002年到2008年,Bousbib先生担任奥的斯公司总裁,从2000年到2002年,他担任Otis公司首席运营官。在加入UTC之前,Bousbib先生是Booz Allen Hamilton的合伙人,这是一家全球管理和技术咨询公司。
- Ari Bousbib,is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. He assumed this position in October 2016 following the Merger of Quintiles and IMS Health. From 2010 until the Merger, Mr. Bousbib served as Chairman and CEO of IMS Health. Prior to joining IMS Health, Mr. Bousbib spent 14 years at United Technologies Corporation ("UTC"), an aerospace, defense and building systems company. From 2008 until 2010, he served as President of UTC's Commercial Companies, with executive leadership responsibilities for the worldwide operations of Otis Elevator Company, Carrier Corporation, UTC Fire & Security and UTC Power Inc. From 2002 until 2008, Mr. Bousbib was President of Otis, and from 2000 to 2002, he served as its Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining UTC, Mr. Bousbib was a partner at Booz Allen Hamilton. Mr. Bousbib currently serves on the board of directors of The Home Depot, Inc. and is a member of the Harvard Medical School Health Care Policy Advisory Council. Mr. Bousbib holds a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from the Ecole Superieure des Travaux Publics, Paris, and an M.B.A. from Columbia University.
- James A. Fasano
James A. Fasano,2015年1月以来,他担任IMS Health的董事。他是负责领导CPP投资董事会的资金,代理人和联合投资部门,曾领导CPPIB的主要投资部门。2004年加入CPPIB之前,他在美林(Merrill Lynch & Co 。)的投资银行部门任职,专注于媒体和电信行业的公司。此前,他是RBC Capital Markets的并购部门成员,并且是Canadian Armed Forces的军官。他在NEWAsurion的董事会任职。他曾担任Cequel Communications, AWAS Aviation Capital, LHP Hospital Group and Kinetic Concepts的董事。他获得the Royal Military College of Canada的工程学士学位和University of Chicago Graduate School of Business的工商管理硕士学位。
James A. Fasano,University of Chicago Booth School of Business (2023-present),Adjunct Professor;Master of Business Administration, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business;Bachelor of Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada. - James A. Fasano,2015年1月以来,他担任IMS Health的董事。他是负责领导CPP投资董事会的资金,代理人和联合投资部门,曾领导CPPIB的主要投资部门。2004年加入CPPIB之前,他在美林(Merrill Lynch & Co 。)的投资银行部门任职,专注于媒体和电信行业的公司。此前,他是RBC Capital Markets的并购部门成员,并且是Canadian Armed Forces的军官。他在NEWAsurion的董事会任职。他曾担任Cequel Communications, AWAS Aviation Capital, LHP Hospital Group and Kinetic Concepts的董事。他获得the Royal Military College of Canada的工程学士学位和University of Chicago Graduate School of Business的工商管理硕士学位。
- James A. Fasano,University of Chicago Booth School of Business (2023-present),Adjunct Professor;Master of Business Administration, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business;Bachelor of Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada.
- Colleen A. Goggins
Colleen A. Goggins自2017年7月以来一直担任公司董事。Goggins女士在强生“强生”公司担任高级主管超过三十年。戈金斯女士在强生公司执行委员会任职十年并担任其消费者集团全球主席后,于2011年退休。戈金斯女士是拜耳(Bayer AG)监事会成员,也是道明银行集团(TD Bank Group)和SIG Combibloc集团“ SIG”的董事会成员。戈金斯女士担任SIG董事会薪酬委员会主席,还是道明银行集团董事会风险委员会成员。她曾任职于Valeant Pharmaceuticals International,Inc.董事会。Goggins女士同时还是威斯康星大学基金会的成员,并且还是威斯康星大学品牌与产品管理中心,国际教育和纽约市就餐。 Goggins女士获得了凯洛格商学院(Kellogg School of Management)和理学士学位的管理硕士学位,主修市场营销和金融。威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校食品化学专业的博士学位。
Colleen A. Goggins,SIG Combibloc Group (2015-2023),Member, Board of Directors;Bayer AG (2017-present),Member,Supervisory Board. Masters in Management, Kellogg School of Management;Bachelor of Science in Food Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison. - Colleen A. Goggins自2017年7月以来一直担任公司董事。Goggins女士在强生“强生”公司担任高级主管超过三十年。戈金斯女士在强生公司执行委员会任职十年并担任其消费者集团全球主席后,于2011年退休。戈金斯女士是拜耳(Bayer AG)监事会成员,也是道明银行集团(TD Bank Group)和SIG Combibloc集团“ SIG”的董事会成员。戈金斯女士担任SIG董事会薪酬委员会主席,还是道明银行集团董事会风险委员会成员。她曾任职于Valeant Pharmaceuticals International,Inc.董事会。Goggins女士同时还是威斯康星大学基金会的成员,并且还是威斯康星大学品牌与产品管理中心,国际教育和纽约市就餐。 Goggins女士获得了凯洛格商学院(Kellogg School of Management)和理学士学位的管理硕士学位,主修市场营销和金融。威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校食品化学专业的博士学位。
- Colleen A. Goggins,SIG Combibloc Group (2015-2023),Member, Board of Directors;Bayer AG (2017-present),Member,Supervisory Board. Masters in Management, Kellogg School of Management;Bachelor of Science in Food Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Sheila A. Stamps
Sheila A. Stamps女士自2018年起担任纽约州保险基金董事会前专员和审计委员会主席。在此之前,Stamps女士在私营和公共部门担任高级运营职务,包括2011-2012年私人抵押贷款投资公司DBI LLC执行副总裁;2008-2011年纽约州共同退休基金固定收入和现金管理主任;2004年到2005年,担任哈佛大学国际事务韦瑟中心的一个研究员;2003-2004年,美国银行金融机构董事总经理和集团负责人;1997-2003年任伦敦第一银行资产支持证券化和管理委员会常务董事,同时也是阿特拉斯航空全球控股公司、CIT集团公司、CIT Bank,N.a和特殊目的收购公司Forest Road Acquisition Corp.的董事。她持有芝加哥大学的工商管理硕士学位。
Sheila A. Stamps,EVP, Corporate Strategy and Investor Relations at DBI, LLC;Commissioner, New York State Insurance Fund;Director, Pensions and Cash Management at New York State Common Retirement Fund;Managing Director at Bank of America;Managing Director at Bank One Corporation (now JPMorgan Chase).Master of Business Administration, University of Chicago;Bachelor of Science in Management, Duke University;ESG Certificate and Designation from Competent Boards Professional Development and Advisory Services. - Sheila A. Stamps女士自2018年起担任纽约州保险基金董事会前专员和审计委员会主席。在此之前,Stamps女士在私营和公共部门担任高级运营职务,包括2011-2012年私人抵押贷款投资公司DBI LLC执行副总裁;2008-2011年纽约州共同退休基金固定收入和现金管理主任;2004年到2005年,担任哈佛大学国际事务韦瑟中心的一个研究员;2003-2004年,美国银行金融机构董事总经理和集团负责人;1997-2003年任伦敦第一银行资产支持证券化和管理委员会常务董事,同时也是阿特拉斯航空全球控股公司、CIT集团公司、CIT Bank,N.a和特殊目的收购公司Forest Road Acquisition Corp.的董事。她持有芝加哥大学的工商管理硕士学位。
- Sheila A. Stamps,EVP, Corporate Strategy and Investor Relations at DBI, LLC;Commissioner, New York State Insurance Fund;Director, Pensions and Cash Management at New York State Common Retirement Fund;Managing Director at Bank of America;Managing Director at Bank One Corporation (now JPMorgan Chase).Master of Business Administration, University of Chicago;Bachelor of Science in Management, Duke University;ESG Certificate and Designation from Competent Boards Professional Development and Advisory Services.
- Leslie Wims Morris
Leslie Wims Morris,摩根大通 2019 年至今,董事总经理兼企业发展、消费者和社区银行业务主管。美国运通公司执行合伙人副总裁。Broadridge Financial Solutions 战略和业务发展高级副总裁。Jefferies & Company 高级副总裁。副主席, 董事会:哈莱姆舞蹈剧院。哈佛商学院工商管理硕士。耶鲁大学英语文学学士。
Leslie Wims Morris,JPMorgan Chase (2022-present),President, Private Label Captive Finance, Chase Auto;Master of Business Administration, Harvard Business School;Bachelor of Arts in English, Yale University. - Leslie Wims Morris,摩根大通 2019 年至今,董事总经理兼企业发展、消费者和社区银行业务主管。美国运通公司执行合伙人副总裁。Broadridge Financial Solutions 战略和业务发展高级副总裁。Jefferies & Company 高级副总裁。副主席, 董事会:哈莱姆舞蹈剧院。哈佛商学院工商管理硕士。耶鲁大学英语文学学士。
- Leslie Wims Morris,JPMorgan Chase (2022-present),President, Private Label Captive Finance, Chase Auto;Master of Business Administration, Harvard Business School;Bachelor of Arts in English, Yale University.
- John G. Danhakl
2010年2月以来,John G. Danhakl 一直担任IMS Health的董事。1995年,他加入 LGP并担任管理合伙人。之前,1990年,他加入Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation,并担任常务董事。从1985年到1990年,他是Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc.的财务副总裁。目前,他在以下公司担任董事:Savers, Inc., Air Lease Corporation, J. Crew Group, Inc., The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc., Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. 和 Arden Group, Inc.。之前,他在Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation, Communications & Power Industries, Diamond Triumph Auto Glass, Inc., Liberty Group Publishing, Inc., MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc., Phoenix Scientific, Inc., Rite Aid Corporation, 和 VCA Antech, Inc.担任过董事。他拥有加州大学伯克利分校经济学学士和哈佛商学院的MBA学位。
John G. Danhakl,Leonard Green & Partners, L.P. (1995-present),Managing Partner.Master of Business Administration, Harvard Business School,Bachelor of Arts in Economics, University of California at Berkeley. - 2010年2月以来,John G. Danhakl 一直担任IMS Health的董事。1995年,他加入 LGP并担任管理合伙人。之前,1990年,他加入Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation,并担任常务董事。从1985年到1990年,他是Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc.的财务副总裁。目前,他在以下公司担任董事:Savers, Inc., Air Lease Corporation, J. Crew Group, Inc., The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc., Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. 和 Arden Group, Inc.。之前,他在Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation, Communications & Power Industries, Diamond Triumph Auto Glass, Inc., Liberty Group Publishing, Inc., MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc., Phoenix Scientific, Inc., Rite Aid Corporation, 和 VCA Antech, Inc.担任过董事。他拥有加州大学伯克利分校经济学学士和哈佛商学院的MBA学位。
- John G. Danhakl,Leonard Green & Partners, L.P. (1995-present),Managing Partner.Master of Business Administration, Harvard Business School,Bachelor of Arts in Economics, University of California at Berkeley.
- Carol J. Burt
Carol J. Burt从2010年开始担任WellCare的董事,从2008年1月开始担任Burt Hilliard Investments的负责人,她是在运营、战略、公司财务与投资银行业务拥有超过30年工作经验的私人投资者。Burt女士从2013年1月开始担任经营合伙人并是Consonance Capital Partners的营运理事会理事,这是一家位于纽约的私人股权公司,专注于医疗保健行业。在这之前,Burt女士从1997年到2007年担任 WellPoint, Inc.的执行官,最后担任WellPoint的公司财务与发展部的高级副总裁。除了其他职责外,在WellPoint任职期间,Burt女士负责管理公司战略、兼并与收购、金融、财政与房地产管理业务。此外,WellPoint的金融服务与国际保险业务单元对她负责。加入WellPoint以前,Burt女士担任美国医疗反应公司(American Medical Response)高级副总裁兼财务总监,并在美国大通证券(Chase Securities)任职16年,现在叫做摩根大通(JP Morgan),最后担任医疗保健投资银行业务事业部的创始人和负责人。她在休斯敦大学获得工商管理学士学位。Burt女士从2011年开始担任Envision Healthcare Holdings, Inc.的董事,该公司专注于基于内科与医疗保健运输服务的外包设备,她在该公司担任审计、财务与提名与治理委员会委员。她从2013年开始还担任ResMed Inc.的董事,这是一家治疗、诊断与管理睡眠紊乱性呼吸与其他呼吸紊乱疾病的医用设备的开发、制造与分销商。从2011年到2013年,她担任Vanguard Health Systems, Inc.的董事,这是一家整合医疗保健传递网络的运营商,她在该公司担任审计与合规委员会委员,她于1997年担任Transitional Hospitals Corporation的董事,这是一家紧急护理和精神病医院的运营商,她在该公司担任审计、薪酬与政府关系委员会委员。
Carol J. Burt,Burt-Hilliard Investments, a private investment firm:2008 to present – Principal.Consonance Capital Partners, a New York-based private equity firm focused on investments in the healthcare industry:2013 to present – Senior Advisor and a member of the Operating Council.WellPoint, Inc. (now Elevance Health, NYSE: ELV):Senior Vice President Corporate Finance and Development - Areas of responsibility included corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, strategic ventures, the Treasurer and Chief Investment Office, finance, business information systems, corporate real estate operations, and the financial services and international insurance business units.American Medical Response:Senior Vice President and Treasurer.Chase Securities, Inc. (now JP Morgan Chase & Co, NYSE: JPM):16 years service including as founder, Managing Director and Head of the Health Care Banking Group.Graduated magna cum laude from the University of Houston, earning a Bachelor of Business Administration. - Carol J. Burt从2010年开始担任WellCare的董事,从2008年1月开始担任Burt Hilliard Investments的负责人,她是在运营、战略、公司财务与投资银行业务拥有超过30年工作经验的私人投资者。Burt女士从2013年1月开始担任经营合伙人并是Consonance Capital Partners的营运理事会理事,这是一家位于纽约的私人股权公司,专注于医疗保健行业。在这之前,Burt女士从1997年到2007年担任 WellPoint, Inc.的执行官,最后担任WellPoint的公司财务与发展部的高级副总裁。除了其他职责外,在WellPoint任职期间,Burt女士负责管理公司战略、兼并与收购、金融、财政与房地产管理业务。此外,WellPoint的金融服务与国际保险业务单元对她负责。加入WellPoint以前,Burt女士担任美国医疗反应公司(American Medical Response)高级副总裁兼财务总监,并在美国大通证券(Chase Securities)任职16年,现在叫做摩根大通(JP Morgan),最后担任医疗保健投资银行业务事业部的创始人和负责人。她在休斯敦大学获得工商管理学士学位。Burt女士从2011年开始担任Envision Healthcare Holdings, Inc.的董事,该公司专注于基于内科与医疗保健运输服务的外包设备,她在该公司担任审计、财务与提名与治理委员会委员。她从2013年开始还担任ResMed Inc.的董事,这是一家治疗、诊断与管理睡眠紊乱性呼吸与其他呼吸紊乱疾病的医用设备的开发、制造与分销商。从2011年到2013年,她担任Vanguard Health Systems, Inc.的董事,这是一家整合医疗保健传递网络的运营商,她在该公司担任审计与合规委员会委员,她于1997年担任Transitional Hospitals Corporation的董事,这是一家紧急护理和精神病医院的运营商,她在该公司担任审计、薪酬与政府关系委员会委员。
- Carol J. Burt,Burt-Hilliard Investments, a private investment firm:2008 to present – Principal.Consonance Capital Partners, a New York-based private equity firm focused on investments in the healthcare industry:2013 to present – Senior Advisor and a member of the Operating Council.WellPoint, Inc. (now Elevance Health, NYSE: ELV):Senior Vice President Corporate Finance and Development - Areas of responsibility included corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, strategic ventures, the Treasurer and Chief Investment Office, finance, business information systems, corporate real estate operations, and the financial services and international insurance business units.American Medical Response:Senior Vice President and Treasurer.Chase Securities, Inc. (now JP Morgan Chase & Co, NYSE: JPM):16 years service including as founder, Managing Director and Head of the Health Care Banking Group.Graduated magna cum laude from the University of Houston, earning a Bachelor of Business Administration.
- John M. Leonard
John M. Leonard,Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.,2014年至今,总裁兼首席执行官(2018年至今),研发执行副总裁(2017-2018年),首席医疗官(2014-2017年)。AbbVie Inc.首席科学官兼研发高级副总裁。雅培实验室全球药物研发高级副总裁等职。Intellia Therapeutics,Inc.,约翰霍普金斯大学医学博士,Wisconsin-Madison分校生物化学文学学士。
John M. Leonard,Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (2014-present);President and Chief Executive Officer (2018-Present);Executive Vice President, Research and Development (2017-2018);Chief Medical Officer (2014-2017).Doctorate in Medicine, Johns Hopkins University;Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison. - John M. Leonard,Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.,2014年至今,总裁兼首席执行官(2018年至今),研发执行副总裁(2017-2018年),首席医疗官(2014-2017年)。AbbVie Inc.首席科学官兼研发高级副总裁。雅培实验室全球药物研发高级副总裁等职。Intellia Therapeutics,Inc.,约翰霍普金斯大学医学博士,Wisconsin-Madison分校生物化学文学学士。
- John M. Leonard,Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (2014-present);President and Chief Executive Officer (2018-Present);Executive Vice President, Research and Development (2017-2018);Chief Medical Officer (2014-2017).Doctorate in Medicine, Johns Hopkins University;Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Todd B. Sisitsky
Todd B. Sisitsky在TPG收购公司后于2019年9月被任命为Convey Holding Parent, Inc.的董事会成员。Todd B. Sisitsky于2013年10月30日被任命为IQVIA Holdings Inc.董事,并于2007年被任命为IQVIA Holdings Inc.直接经营分公司SCA的董事。Sisitsky先生是TPG的合伙人,他在TPG领导了TPG在全球范围内的医疗保健行业的投资活动。Sisitsky先生担任Aptalis Pharma, Inc.(以前Aptalis Pharma, Inc.叫Axcan Pharma)、拉西斯保健公司(IASIS Healthcare Corp.)、健康视野连锁医院集团(HealthScope Ltd.)、Immucor Inc.、IMS Health Holdings, Inc.与Par Pharmaceuticals Companies, Inc.的董事,在这之前,担任生迈公司(Biomet Inc.)与美国汾沃公司(Fenwal Inc.)的董事。他还担任无烟草青少年行动(Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids)的董事,这是一家全球性的非盈利组织,并担任达特茅斯医学院监察委员会(Dartmouth Medical School Board of Overseers)委员。于2003年加入TPG前,Sisitsky先生在利特尔公司(Forstmann Little & Company)与橡木希尔投资机构(Oak Hill Capital Partners)任职。Sisitsky先生在美国斯坦福商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)获得工商管理硕士学位,他是美国斯坦福商学院的阿基米勒学者,并在达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)获得本科学位,他在达特茅斯学院以最优成绩毕业。
Todd B. Sisitsky,TPG, Inc. (2003-present),President & Co-Managing Partner of TPG Capital (2015-present),President of TPG, Inc. (2021-present);Master of Business Administration, Stanford Graduate School of Business;Bachelor of Arts, Dartmouth College. - Todd B. Sisitsky在TPG收购公司后于2019年9月被任命为Convey Holding Parent, Inc.的董事会成员。Todd B. Sisitsky于2013年10月30日被任命为IQVIA Holdings Inc.董事,并于2007年被任命为IQVIA Holdings Inc.直接经营分公司SCA的董事。Sisitsky先生是TPG的合伙人,他在TPG领导了TPG在全球范围内的医疗保健行业的投资活动。Sisitsky先生担任Aptalis Pharma, Inc.(以前Aptalis Pharma, Inc.叫Axcan Pharma)、拉西斯保健公司(IASIS Healthcare Corp.)、健康视野连锁医院集团(HealthScope Ltd.)、Immucor Inc.、IMS Health Holdings, Inc.与Par Pharmaceuticals Companies, Inc.的董事,在这之前,担任生迈公司(Biomet Inc.)与美国汾沃公司(Fenwal Inc.)的董事。他还担任无烟草青少年行动(Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids)的董事,这是一家全球性的非盈利组织,并担任达特茅斯医学院监察委员会(Dartmouth Medical School Board of Overseers)委员。于2003年加入TPG前,Sisitsky先生在利特尔公司(Forstmann Little & Company)与橡木希尔投资机构(Oak Hill Capital Partners)任职。Sisitsky先生在美国斯坦福商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)获得工商管理硕士学位,他是美国斯坦福商学院的阿基米勒学者,并在达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)获得本科学位,他在达特茅斯学院以最优成绩毕业。
- Todd B. Sisitsky,TPG, Inc. (2003-present),President & Co-Managing Partner of TPG Capital (2015-present),President of TPG, Inc. (2021-present);Master of Business Administration, Stanford Graduate School of Business;Bachelor of Arts, Dartmouth College.
中英对照 | 中文 | 英文- Ari Bousbib
Ari Bousbib担任IQVIA Holdings Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官,IQVIA Holdings Inc.是一家为生命科学行业提供高级分析、技术解决方案和签约研究服务的全球领先供应商。在IMS Health Holdings,Inc.和Quintiles Transnational Holdings,Inc.合并后,他于2016年10月担任该职位。2010年至2016年10月,Bousbib先生担任IMS控股子公司IMS Health Incorporated的董事长兼首席执行官,自2014年首次公开募股以来,他还担任IMS控股公司的董事长、首席执行官和总裁。在加入IMS Health之前,Bousbib先生在联合技术公司(UTC)工作了14年,这是一家商业航空航天、国防和建筑工业公司。从2008年到2010年,他在UTC旗下商业公司担任总裁,这些公司包括奥的斯电梯公司(简称“奥的斯”)、开利公司、UTC消防与安全局以及UTC电力公司。从2002年到2008年,Bousbib先生担任奥的斯公司总裁,从2000年到2002年,他担任Otis公司首席运营官。在加入UTC之前,Bousbib先生是Booz Allen Hamilton的合伙人,这是一家全球管理和技术咨询公司。
Ari Bousbib,is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. He assumed this position in October 2016 following the Merger of Quintiles and IMS Health. From 2010 until the Merger, Mr. Bousbib served as Chairman and CEO of IMS Health. Prior to joining IMS Health, Mr. Bousbib spent 14 years at United Technologies Corporation ("UTC"), an aerospace, defense and building systems company. From 2008 until 2010, he served as President of UTC's Commercial Companies, with executive leadership responsibilities for the worldwide operations of Otis Elevator Company, Carrier Corporation, UTC Fire & Security and UTC Power Inc. From 2002 until 2008, Mr. Bousbib was President of Otis, and from 2000 to 2002, he served as its Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining UTC, Mr. Bousbib was a partner at Booz Allen Hamilton. Mr. Bousbib currently serves on the board of directors of The Home Depot, Inc. and is a member of the Harvard Medical School Health Care Policy Advisory Council. Mr. Bousbib holds a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from the Ecole Superieure des Travaux Publics, Paris, and an M.B.A. from Columbia University.- Ari Bousbib担任IQVIA Holdings Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官,IQVIA Holdings Inc.是一家为生命科学行业提供高级分析、技术解决方案和签约研究服务的全球领先供应商。在IMS Health Holdings,Inc.和Quintiles Transnational Holdings,Inc.合并后,他于2016年10月担任该职位。2010年至2016年10月,Bousbib先生担任IMS控股子公司IMS Health Incorporated的董事长兼首席执行官,自2014年首次公开募股以来,他还担任IMS控股公司的董事长、首席执行官和总裁。在加入IMS Health之前,Bousbib先生在联合技术公司(UTC)工作了14年,这是一家商业航空航天、国防和建筑工业公司。从2008年到2010年,他在UTC旗下商业公司担任总裁,这些公司包括奥的斯电梯公司(简称“奥的斯”)、开利公司、UTC消防与安全局以及UTC电力公司。从2002年到2008年,Bousbib先生担任奥的斯公司总裁,从2000年到2002年,他担任Otis公司首席运营官。在加入UTC之前,Bousbib先生是Booz Allen Hamilton的合伙人,这是一家全球管理和技术咨询公司。
- Ari Bousbib,is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. He assumed this position in October 2016 following the Merger of Quintiles and IMS Health. From 2010 until the Merger, Mr. Bousbib served as Chairman and CEO of IMS Health. Prior to joining IMS Health, Mr. Bousbib spent 14 years at United Technologies Corporation ("UTC"), an aerospace, defense and building systems company. From 2008 until 2010, he served as President of UTC's Commercial Companies, with executive leadership responsibilities for the worldwide operations of Otis Elevator Company, Carrier Corporation, UTC Fire & Security and UTC Power Inc. From 2002 until 2008, Mr. Bousbib was President of Otis, and from 2000 to 2002, he served as its Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining UTC, Mr. Bousbib was a partner at Booz Allen Hamilton. Mr. Bousbib currently serves on the board of directors of The Home Depot, Inc. and is a member of the Harvard Medical School Health Care Policy Advisory Council. Mr. Bousbib holds a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from the Ecole Superieure des Travaux Publics, Paris, and an M.B.A. from Columbia University.
- Eric Sherbet
Eric Sherbet于2014年11月加入Patheon担任总法律顾问和秘书。 Sherbet于2015年6月成为公司董事。2011年4月到2014年10月 Sherbet担任inVentiv Health, Inc.(为制药行业提供临床开发和商业化服务的全球供应商)总法律顾问和秘书。2007年12月到2011年4月担任Foster Wheeler AG(一家全球工程服务、建设和电力公司)副总裁、副总法律顾问和公司秘书。
Eric Sherbet,served as General Counsel and Secretary at Patheon N.V. from November 2014 until November 2017. Prior to joining Patheon, he was General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at InVentiv Health from April 2011 until October 2014. He also previously served as Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Foster Wheeler AG and before that, as Vice President, Corporate and Securities Law and Secretary with Avaya, Inc. Mr. Sherbet earned his law degree from New York University School of Law and received his bachelor's degree in commerce/accounting from University of Virginia.- Eric Sherbet于2014年11月加入Patheon担任总法律顾问和秘书。 Sherbet于2015年6月成为公司董事。2011年4月到2014年10月 Sherbet担任inVentiv Health, Inc.(为制药行业提供临床开发和商业化服务的全球供应商)总法律顾问和秘书。2007年12月到2011年4月担任Foster Wheeler AG(一家全球工程服务、建设和电力公司)副总裁、副总法律顾问和公司秘书。
- Eric Sherbet,served as General Counsel and Secretary at Patheon N.V. from November 2014 until November 2017. Prior to joining Patheon, he was General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at InVentiv Health from April 2011 until October 2014. He also previously served as Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Foster Wheeler AG and before that, as Vice President, Corporate and Securities Law and Secretary with Avaya, Inc. Mr. Sherbet earned his law degree from New York University School of Law and received his bachelor's degree in commerce/accounting from University of Virginia.
- W. Richard Staub, III
W. Richard Staub, III,于2023年9月25日恢复担任研发解决方案总裁一职。从2022年4月到2023年9月,Staub先生担任IQVIA董事长兼首席执行官的高级顾问。Staub先生曾于2016年11月至2022年3月担任研发解决方案总裁。此前,Staub先生自2013年起担任Quintiles公司Novella Clinical的总裁。在Novella于2013年被Quintiles收购之前,Staub先生自2008年起担任Novella Clinical的总裁兼首席执行官。在2004年加入Novella Clinical之前,Staub先生是世界上最大的临床研究组织之一的全球业务发展高级副总裁。Staub先生在制药行业的职业生涯始于1989年的Zeneca Pharmaceuticals,在那里他逐步担任医疗和医院销售代表、心血管投资组合分析师和营销经理。Staub先生拥有北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校经济学文学学士学位。
W. Richard Staub, III,resumed the role of President, Research & Development Solutions on September 25, 2023. From April 2022 through September 2023, Mr. Staub was senior advisor to the Chairman and CEO of IQVIA. Mr. Staub had served as President, Research & Development Solutions from November 2016 to March 2022. Previously, Mr. Staub served as President of Novella Clinical, a Quintiles company, since 2013. Prior to Novella's 2013 acquisition by Quintiles, Mr. Staub served as both president and CEO of Novella Clinical since 2008. Before joining Novella Clinical in 2004, Mr. Staub was senior vice president of global business development for one of the world's largest clinical research organizations. Mr. Staub's career in the pharmaceutical industry began at Zeneca Pharmaceuticals in 1989 where he had progressive responsibilities as a medical and hospital sales representative, cardiovascular portfolio analyst and marketing manager. Mr. Staub has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.- W. Richard Staub, III,于2023年9月25日恢复担任研发解决方案总裁一职。从2022年4月到2023年9月,Staub先生担任IQVIA董事长兼首席执行官的高级顾问。Staub先生曾于2016年11月至2022年3月担任研发解决方案总裁。此前,Staub先生自2013年起担任Quintiles公司Novella Clinical的总裁。在Novella于2013年被Quintiles收购之前,Staub先生自2008年起担任Novella Clinical的总裁兼首席执行官。在2004年加入Novella Clinical之前,Staub先生是世界上最大的临床研究组织之一的全球业务发展高级副总裁。Staub先生在制药行业的职业生涯始于1989年的Zeneca Pharmaceuticals,在那里他逐步担任医疗和医院销售代表、心血管投资组合分析师和营销经理。Staub先生拥有北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校经济学文学学士学位。
- W. Richard Staub, III,resumed the role of President, Research & Development Solutions on September 25, 2023. From April 2022 through September 2023, Mr. Staub was senior advisor to the Chairman and CEO of IQVIA. Mr. Staub had served as President, Research & Development Solutions from November 2016 to March 2022. Previously, Mr. Staub served as President of Novella Clinical, a Quintiles company, since 2013. Prior to Novella's 2013 acquisition by Quintiles, Mr. Staub served as both president and CEO of Novella Clinical since 2008. Before joining Novella Clinical in 2004, Mr. Staub was senior vice president of global business development for one of the world's largest clinical research organizations. Mr. Staub's career in the pharmaceutical industry began at Zeneca Pharmaceuticals in 1989 where he had progressive responsibilities as a medical and hospital sales representative, cardiovascular portfolio analyst and marketing manager. Mr. Staub has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Keriann Cherofsky
- 暂无中文简介
暂无英文简介 - 暂无中文简介
- 暂无英文简介
- Bhavik Patel
Bhavik Patel,自2022年7月起担任商业解决方案总裁。2018年9月至2022年7月,Patel先生担任全球市场洞察和医疗技术高级副总裁。在此之前,他在IQVIA的全球市场洞察业务中担任越来越重要的角色。在2005年加入IQVIA之前,他于2003年在Schwarz Pharma开始了他在医疗保健行业的职业生涯,在那里他负责向医疗保健专业人员销售。
Bhavik Patel,has served as President, Commercial Solutions since July 2022. Mr. Patel previously served as Senior Vice President, Global Market Insights and MedTech from September 2018 to July 2022. Prior to that, Mr. Patel held roles of increasing responsibility within IQVIA's Global Market Insights business. Prior to joining IQVIA in 2005, Mr. Patel began his career in the healthcare industry at Schwarz Pharma in 2003, where he was responsible for sales to healthcare professionals.- Bhavik Patel,自2022年7月起担任商业解决方案总裁。2018年9月至2022年7月,Patel先生担任全球市场洞察和医疗技术高级副总裁。在此之前,他在IQVIA的全球市场洞察业务中担任越来越重要的角色。在2005年加入IQVIA之前,他于2003年在Schwarz Pharma开始了他在医疗保健行业的职业生涯,在那里他负责向医疗保健专业人员销售。
- Bhavik Patel,has served as President, Commercial Solutions since July 2022. Mr. Patel previously served as Senior Vice President, Global Market Insights and MedTech from September 2018 to July 2022. Prior to that, Mr. Patel held roles of increasing responsibility within IQVIA's Global Market Insights business. Prior to joining IQVIA in 2005, Mr. Patel began his career in the healthcare industry at Schwarz Pharma in 2003, where he was responsible for sales to healthcare professionals.
- Ronald E. Bruehlman
Ronald E. Bruehlman,被任命为执行副总裁兼首席财务官,自2020年8月1日起生效。Bruehlman先生此前曾于2011年7月起担任IMS Health的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,直至2016年IMS Health和Quintiles合并。在加入IMS Health之前,Bruehlman先生在UTC工作了23年,通过承担越来越大责任的财务职位晋升,最终被任命为业务发展副总裁,并于2009年6月至2011年4月担任该职务,领导公司的全球战略和企业发展活动。2005年6月至2008年5月任开利公司副总裁、首席财务官。在此之前,Bruehlman先生是UTC财务规划和分析部门的副总裁,还曾担任UTC投资者关系部门的董事。Bruehlman先生目前担任GoodRX Holdings,Inc.的董事会成员。Bruehlman先生在2020年至2022年期间担任Atotech,Ltd.的董事和审计委员会主席。他还曾于2005年至2015年担任康涅狄格论坛的理事,并于2009年至2013年担任新英格兰航空博物馆的理事。Bruehlman先生拥有特拉华大学经济学理学学士学位和芝加哥大学布斯商学院工商管理硕士学位。
Ronald E. Bruehlman,was appointed as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer effective August 1, 2020. Mr. Bruehlman previously served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of IMS Health from July 2011 until the merger of IMS Health and Quintiles in 2016. Prior to joining IMS Health, Mr. Bruehlman worked for 23 years at UTC, advancing through finance positions of increasing responsibility, culminating in his appointment as Vice President, Business Development, which he held from June 2009 to April 2011, where he led the company's global strategy and corporate development activities. From June 2005 until May 2008, he was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Carrier Corporation. Prior to that, Mr. Bruehlman was Vice President, Financial Planning and Analysis for UTC and also served as Director, Investor Relations of UTC. Mr. Bruehlman currently serves on the board of directors of GoodRx Holdings, Inc. Mr. Bruehlman served as a director and Chair of the Audit Committee to Atotech, Ltd. from 2020 to 2022. He also served as a director of The Connecticut Forum from 2005 to 2015 and served as a director of The New England Air Museum from 2009 through 2013. Mr. Bruehlman holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the University of Delaware, and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.- Ronald E. Bruehlman,被任命为执行副总裁兼首席财务官,自2020年8月1日起生效。Bruehlman先生此前曾于2011年7月起担任IMS Health的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,直至2016年IMS Health和Quintiles合并。在加入IMS Health之前,Bruehlman先生在UTC工作了23年,通过承担越来越大责任的财务职位晋升,最终被任命为业务发展副总裁,并于2009年6月至2011年4月担任该职务,领导公司的全球战略和企业发展活动。2005年6月至2008年5月任开利公司副总裁、首席财务官。在此之前,Bruehlman先生是UTC财务规划和分析部门的副总裁,还曾担任UTC投资者关系部门的董事。Bruehlman先生目前担任GoodRX Holdings,Inc.的董事会成员。Bruehlman先生在2020年至2022年期间担任Atotech,Ltd.的董事和审计委员会主席。他还曾于2005年至2015年担任康涅狄格论坛的理事,并于2009年至2013年担任新英格兰航空博物馆的理事。Bruehlman先生拥有特拉华大学经济学理学学士学位和芝加哥大学布斯商学院工商管理硕士学位。
- Ronald E. Bruehlman,was appointed as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer effective August 1, 2020. Mr. Bruehlman previously served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of IMS Health from July 2011 until the merger of IMS Health and Quintiles in 2016. Prior to joining IMS Health, Mr. Bruehlman worked for 23 years at UTC, advancing through finance positions of increasing responsibility, culminating in his appointment as Vice President, Business Development, which he held from June 2009 to April 2011, where he led the company's global strategy and corporate development activities. From June 2005 until May 2008, he was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Carrier Corporation. Prior to that, Mr. Bruehlman was Vice President, Financial Planning and Analysis for UTC and also served as Director, Investor Relations of UTC. Mr. Bruehlman currently serves on the board of directors of GoodRx Holdings, Inc. Mr. Bruehlman served as a director and Chair of the Audit Committee to Atotech, Ltd. from 2020 to 2022. He also served as a director of The Connecticut Forum from 2005 to 2015 and served as a director of The New England Air Museum from 2009 through 2013. Mr. Bruehlman holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the University of Delaware, and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.