

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Peter Scher Vice Chairman 63 未披露 未持股 2024-04-08
James Dimon Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 68 3509.38万美元 770.08 2024-04-08
Todd A. Combs Director 53 40.25万美元 1.30 2024-04-08
Alex Gorsky -- Director 63 未披露 未持股 2024-04-08
Alicia Boler Davis -- Director 55 9.33万美元 0.03 2024-04-08
Stephen B. Burke Lead Independent Director 65 45.75万美元 10.73 2024-04-08
Mark Weinberger Director 62 未披露 0.05 2024-04-08
Mellody Hobson Director 54 40.57万美元 12.96 2024-04-08
Virginia M. Rometty Director 66 38.75万美元 0.03 2024-04-08
Phebe N. Novakovic Director 66 38.00万美元 0.05 2024-04-08
Alex Gorsky Director 63 38.08万美元 0.0088 2024-04-08
Linda B. Bammann Director 68 40.50万美元 6.60 2024-04-08



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Jennifer Piepszak Co-Chief Executive Officer of Consumer & Community Banking 53 1792.58万美元 3.28 2024-04-08
James Dimon Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 68 3509.38万美元 770.08 2024-04-08
Mary Callahan Erdoes Chief Executive Officer of Asset & Wealth Management 56 2613.42万美元 57.00 2024-04-08
Marianne Lake Co-Chief Executive Officer of Consumer & Community Banking 54 1797.50万美元 20.93 2024-04-08
Douglas B. Petno Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Banking 58 未披露 未持股 2024-04-08
Daniel E. Pinto President and Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank 61 2859.70万美元 59.57 2024-04-08
Jeremy Barnum Chief Financial Officer 52 1322.13万美元 3.47 2024-04-08
Stacey Friedman General Counsel 55 未披露 未持股 2024-04-08
Robin Leopold Head of Human Resources 60 未披露 未持股 2024-04-08
Lori A. Beer Chief Information Officer 56 未披露 未持股 2024-04-08
Ashley Bacon Chief Risk Officer 54 未披露 未持股 2024-04-08


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Peter Scher

Peter Scher,自2011年起担任企业责任主管,自2015年起担任大西洋中部地区主席。

Peter Scher,Vice Chairman since March 2021 and Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Region since February 2015. He previously served as Head of Corporate Responsibility from April 2011 until September 2021.
Peter Scher,自2011年起担任企业责任主管,自2015年起担任大西洋中部地区主席。
Peter Scher,Vice Chairman since March 2021 and Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Region since February 2015. He previously served as Head of Corporate Responsibility from April 2011 until September 2021.
James Dimon

James Dimon,2006年12月31日他曾为董事长。2005年12月31日以来,他担任首席执行官和总裁。2004年7月摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)与Bank One Corporation合并以来,他曾担任总裁和首席运营官。从2000年3月到2004年7月,他担任第一银行(Bank One)的主席和首席执行官。加入第一银行(Bank One)之前,他担任花旗集团(Citigroup)、the Travelers Group、Commercial Credit Company和American Express Company的各种执行职务。他在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)和Catalyst的董事会任职。他是美国商业委员会(The Business Council)的成员。他在纽约大学(New York University)医学院的信托董事会任职。他没有在摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)以外的上市公司的董事会任职。他毕业于塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)并获得哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。

James Dimon,JPMorgan Chase & Co. (merged with Bank One Corporation in 2004);Chairman of the Board (since 2006) and Director (since 2004); Chief Executive Officer (since 2005);President (2004–2018);Chief Operating Officer (2004–2005);Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Bank One Corporation (2000–2004).Graduate of Tufts University;M.B.A., Harvard Business School.
James Dimon,2006年12月31日他曾为董事长。2005年12月31日以来,他担任首席执行官和总裁。2004年7月摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)与Bank One Corporation合并以来,他曾担任总裁和首席运营官。从2000年3月到2004年7月,他担任第一银行(Bank One)的主席和首席执行官。加入第一银行(Bank One)之前,他担任花旗集团(Citigroup)、the Travelers Group、Commercial Credit Company和American Express Company的各种执行职务。他在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)和Catalyst的董事会任职。他是美国商业委员会(The Business Council)的成员。他在纽约大学(New York University)医学院的信托董事会任职。他没有在摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)以外的上市公司的董事会任职。他毕业于塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)并获得哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。
James Dimon,JPMorgan Chase & Co. (merged with Bank One Corporation in 2004);Chairman of the Board (since 2006) and Director (since 2004); Chief Executive Officer (since 2005);President (2004–2018);Chief Operating Officer (2004–2005);Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Bank One Corporation (2000–2004).Graduate of Tufts University;M.B.A., Harvard Business School.
Todd A. Combs

Todd A. Combs是Berkshire Hathaway Inc.的投资官,Berkshire Hathaway Inc.是一家控股公司,其子公司从事多种业务活动,包括金融,保险和再保险,公用事业和能源,货运铁路运输,制造,零售和服务。 在2010年12月加入Berkshire Hathaway之前,Combs先生是Castle Point Capital Management的首席执行官和管理成员,该公司是他于2005年成立的投资合伙企业,负责管理捐赠基金,家庭基金会和机构的资金。 在成立Castle Point之前,Combs先生曾在Copper Arch Capital,Progressive Insurance和佛罗里达州银行,证券和金融部担任过多个职位。 Combs毕业于佛罗里达州立大学,并获得哥伦比亚商学院的M.B.A。

Todd A. Combs,Berkshire Hathaway Inc., a holding company whose subsidiaries engage in a number of diverse business activities including finance, insurance and reinsurance, and utilities and energy,Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, GEICO, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway (since 2020);Investment Officer (since 2010);Castle Point Capital Management, an investment management firm;Chief Executive Officer and Managing Member (2005–2010).Graduate of Florida State University;M.B.A., Columbia Business School.
Todd A. Combs是Berkshire Hathaway Inc.的投资官,Berkshire Hathaway Inc.是一家控股公司,其子公司从事多种业务活动,包括金融,保险和再保险,公用事业和能源,货运铁路运输,制造,零售和服务。 在2010年12月加入Berkshire Hathaway之前,Combs先生是Castle Point Capital Management的首席执行官和管理成员,该公司是他于2005年成立的投资合伙企业,负责管理捐赠基金,家庭基金会和机构的资金。 在成立Castle Point之前,Combs先生曾在Copper Arch Capital,Progressive Insurance和佛罗里达州银行,证券和金融部担任过多个职位。 Combs毕业于佛罗里达州立大学,并获得哥伦比亚商学院的M.B.A。
Todd A. Combs,Berkshire Hathaway Inc., a holding company whose subsidiaries engage in a number of diverse business activities including finance, insurance and reinsurance, and utilities and energy,Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, GEICO, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway (since 2020);Investment Officer (since 2010);Castle Point Capital Management, an investment management firm;Chief Executive Officer and Managing Member (2005–2010).Graduate of Florida State University;M.B.A., Columbia Business School.
Alex Gorsky

全球医疗保健公司丨诺华医药公司Alex Gorsky:执行主席(2022年);董事长、首席执行官、执行委员会主席(2012-2021年);Surgical Care集团和医疗器械与诊断集团全球主席及执行委员会成员(2009年);Ehticon公司集团董事长(2008-2009年);跨国医药公司诺华制药公司;北美制药业务负责人(2004-2008年)。美国西点军校毕业生;宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院工商管理硕士。

Alex Gorsky,Johnson & Johnson, a global healthcare company:Executive Chairman (2022);Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Committee (2012-2021);Worldwide Chairman of the Surgical Care Group and the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Group and member of the Executive Committee (2009);Company Group Chairman, Ehticon (2008-2009);Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, a multinational medicines company;Head of North America pharmaceutical business (2004-2008).Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point;M.B.A., The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
全球医疗保健公司丨诺华医药公司Alex Gorsky:执行主席(2022年);董事长、首席执行官、执行委员会主席(2012-2021年);Surgical Care集团和医疗器械与诊断集团全球主席及执行委员会成员(2009年);Ehticon公司集团董事长(2008-2009年);跨国医药公司诺华制药公司;北美制药业务负责人(2004-2008年)。美国西点军校毕业生;宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院工商管理硕士。
Alex Gorsky,Johnson & Johnson, a global healthcare company:Executive Chairman (2022);Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Committee (2012-2021);Worldwide Chairman of the Surgical Care Group and the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Group and member of the Executive Committee (2009);Company Group Chairman, Ehticon (2008-2009);Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, a multinational medicines company;Head of North America pharmaceutical business (2004-2008).Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point;M.B.A., The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Alicia Boler Davis

Alicia Boler Davis,Alto Pharmacy,LLC,数字药房,首席执行官(自2022年起)。Amazon.com,Inc.,全球电子商务公司;全球客户履行高级副总裁(2021-2022);高级团队成员(2020-2022年);全球客户履行副总裁(2019-2021)。The General Motors Company,跨国汽车制造公司,全球制造业和劳资关系执行副总裁(2016-2019)。

Alicia Boler Davis,Alto Pharmacy, LLC, a digital pharmacy:Chief Executive Officer (since 2022).Amazon.com, Inc., a global e-commerce company:Senior Vice President, Global Customer Fulfillment (2021-2022);Senior Team Member (2020-2022);Vice President, Global Customer Fulfillment (2019-2021).The General Motors Company, a multinational automotive manufacturing company;Executive Vice President, Global Manufacturing and Labor Relations (2016-2019).Graduate of Northwestern University;Master of Science and Honorary Doctor of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;M.B.A., Indiana University.
Alicia Boler Davis,Alto Pharmacy,LLC,数字药房,首席执行官(自2022年起)。Amazon.com,Inc.,全球电子商务公司;全球客户履行高级副总裁(2021-2022);高级团队成员(2020-2022年);全球客户履行副总裁(2019-2021)。The General Motors Company,跨国汽车制造公司,全球制造业和劳资关系执行副总裁(2016-2019)。
Alicia Boler Davis,Alto Pharmacy, LLC, a digital pharmacy:Chief Executive Officer (since 2022).Amazon.com, Inc., a global e-commerce company:Senior Vice President, Global Customer Fulfillment (2021-2022);Senior Team Member (2020-2022);Vice President, Global Customer Fulfillment (2019-2021).The General Motors Company, a multinational automotive manufacturing company;Executive Vice President, Global Manufacturing and Labor Relations (2016-2019).Graduate of Northwestern University;Master of Science and Honorary Doctor of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;M.B.A., Indiana University.
Stephen B. Burke

Stephen B. Burke,自2023年5月起担任Snowflake Inc.董事会成员。从2020年1月至2020年8月,Burke先生担任nbc环球媒体有限责任公司(跨国大众媒体和娱乐集团)董事长,并于2011年1月至2020年1月担任nbc环球首席执行官和康卡斯特公司(跨国电信和媒体集团)高级执行副总裁。从1998年到2011年,他担任Comcast Corporation的首席运营官,目前担任Comcast Corporation的高级顾问。Burke先生是Madison Valley Partners的创始人,目前经营着Madison Valley Partners,这是一家成立于2019年的风险投资公司,投资于以气候为中心的技术公司。他目前担任JPMorgan Chase & Co和Berkshire Hathaway Inc.的董事会成员。他持有Colgate University本科学位和哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)工商管理硕士学位。

Stephen B. Burke,Comcast Corporation/NBCUniversal, LLC, leading providers of entertainment, information and communication products and services;Senior Advisor, Comcast Corporation (since 2021);Chairman of NBCUniversal, LLC and NBCUniversal Media, LLC (2020);Senior executive officer of Comcast Corporation (2011-2020);Chief Executive Officer and President of NBCUniversal, LLC and NBCUniversal Media, LLC (2011-2019);Chief Operating Officer, Comcast (2004–2011);President, Comcast Cable Communications Inc. (1998–2010).Graduate of Colgate University,M.B.A., Harvard Business School.
Stephen B. Burke,自2023年5月起担任Snowflake Inc.董事会成员。从2020年1月至2020年8月,Burke先生担任nbc环球媒体有限责任公司(跨国大众媒体和娱乐集团)董事长,并于2011年1月至2020年1月担任nbc环球首席执行官和康卡斯特公司(跨国电信和媒体集团)高级执行副总裁。从1998年到2011年,他担任Comcast Corporation的首席运营官,目前担任Comcast Corporation的高级顾问。Burke先生是Madison Valley Partners的创始人,目前经营着Madison Valley Partners,这是一家成立于2019年的风险投资公司,投资于以气候为中心的技术公司。他目前担任JPMorgan Chase & Co和Berkshire Hathaway Inc.的董事会成员。他持有Colgate University本科学位和哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)工商管理硕士学位。
Stephen B. Burke,Comcast Corporation/NBCUniversal, LLC, leading providers of entertainment, information and communication products and services;Senior Advisor, Comcast Corporation (since 2021);Chairman of NBCUniversal, LLC and NBCUniversal Media, LLC (2020);Senior executive officer of Comcast Corporation (2011-2020);Chief Executive Officer and President of NBCUniversal, LLC and NBCUniversal Media, LLC (2011-2019);Chief Operating Officer, Comcast (2004–2011);President, Comcast Cable Communications Inc. (1998–2010).Graduate of Colgate University,M.B.A., Harvard Business School.
Mark Weinberger

Mark Weinberger, 2013年至2019年担任安永会计师事务所(EY)全球董事长兼首席执行官。任职期间,他带领这家全球专业服务机构在150多个国家完成了以目标为导向的转型,实现了安永建设更美好工作世界的使命。他目前是强生(Johnson & Johnson)、大都会人寿(MetLife)和沙特阿美(saudi Aramco)上市公司以及JUST Capital和美国国家经济研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)的董事会成员。此外,他还是埃默里大学(Emory University)和凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)的董事会成员。Weinberger的领导塑造了现代商业格局和公共部门。他曾在小布什政府担任美国财政部助理部长(税收政策)。他曾被克林顿总统任命为社会保障管理咨询委员会成员,并曾在奥巴马总统的基础设施工作组和特朗普总统的战略与政策论坛任职。2014年至2018年,他担任税收和财政政策商业圆桌委员会主席,也是世界经济论坛国际商业理事会的积极成员。

Mark Weinberger,EY, a leading global professional services organization providing assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions, and tax services.Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2013–2019).Member, Global Executive Board (2008–2019).U.S. Government, appointments by four presidential administrations.Member, President's Strategic and Policy Forum (2017).Member, President's Infrastructure Task Force (2015–2016).Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Treasury (Tax Policy) (2001–2002).Member, U.S. Social Security Administration Advisory Board (2000).Chief Tax and Budget Counsel, U.S. Senate (1991–1994).Graduate of Emory University.M.B.A. and J.D., Case Western Reserve University.Master of Laws in Taxation, Georgetown University Law Center.
Mark Weinberger, 2013年至2019年担任安永会计师事务所(EY)全球董事长兼首席执行官。任职期间,他带领这家全球专业服务机构在150多个国家完成了以目标为导向的转型,实现了安永建设更美好工作世界的使命。他目前是强生(Johnson & Johnson)、大都会人寿(MetLife)和沙特阿美(saudi Aramco)上市公司以及JUST Capital和美国国家经济研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)的董事会成员。此外,他还是埃默里大学(Emory University)和凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)的董事会成员。Weinberger的领导塑造了现代商业格局和公共部门。他曾在小布什政府担任美国财政部助理部长(税收政策)。他曾被克林顿总统任命为社会保障管理咨询委员会成员,并曾在奥巴马总统的基础设施工作组和特朗普总统的战略与政策论坛任职。2014年至2018年,他担任税收和财政政策商业圆桌委员会主席,也是世界经济论坛国际商业理事会的积极成员。
Mark Weinberger,EY, a leading global professional services organization providing assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions, and tax services.Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2013–2019).Member, Global Executive Board (2008–2019).U.S. Government, appointments by four presidential administrations.Member, President's Strategic and Policy Forum (2017).Member, President's Infrastructure Task Force (2015–2016).Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Treasury (Tax Policy) (2001–2002).Member, U.S. Social Security Administration Advisory Board (2000).Chief Tax and Budget Counsel, U.S. Senate (1991–1994).Graduate of Emory University.M.B.A. and J.D., Case Western Reserve University.Master of Laws in Taxation, Georgetown University Law Center.
Mellody Hobson

Mellody Hobson,自2005年2月以来任星巴克的董事。她自2000年以来担任Ariel Investments LLC(投资管理公司,总部位于芝加哥)的总裁兼董事,自2006年以来任其主席,且自1993年以来任其所管理的共同基金的受托人。1994至2000年间,她曾担任Ariel Capital Management Inc.市场部高级副总裁兼总监,并在1991至1994年间担任其市场部副总裁。她供职于多个民间和专业机构,包括担任芝加哥公立教育基金的董事会成员和After School Matters(为芝加哥的青少年提供高质的校外培训课程)的董事会主席。她还是DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc、雅诗兰黛和Groupon Inc的董事会成员,并在2012年担任DreamWorks Animation SKG的董事会主席。此外,她是投资公司协会的理事会成员。哥伦比亚广播公司财经,市场和经济趋势的贡献者和分析师。普林斯顿大学公共与国际事务学院毕业生。

Mellody Hobson,Ariel Investments, LLC, a private global asset management firm:Co-Chief Executive Officer (since 2019);President and Director (since 2000);Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ariel Investment Trust, a registered investment company (since 2006).Graduate of the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.
Mellody Hobson,自2005年2月以来任星巴克的董事。她自2000年以来担任Ariel Investments LLC(投资管理公司,总部位于芝加哥)的总裁兼董事,自2006年以来任其主席,且自1993年以来任其所管理的共同基金的受托人。1994至2000年间,她曾担任Ariel Capital Management Inc.市场部高级副总裁兼总监,并在1991至1994年间担任其市场部副总裁。她供职于多个民间和专业机构,包括担任芝加哥公立教育基金的董事会成员和After School Matters(为芝加哥的青少年提供高质的校外培训课程)的董事会主席。她还是DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc、雅诗兰黛和Groupon Inc的董事会成员,并在2012年担任DreamWorks Animation SKG的董事会主席。此外,她是投资公司协会的理事会成员。哥伦比亚广播公司财经,市场和经济趋势的贡献者和分析师。普林斯顿大学公共与国际事务学院毕业生。
Mellody Hobson,Ariel Investments, LLC, a private global asset management firm:Co-Chief Executive Officer (since 2019);President and Director (since 2000);Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ariel Investment Trust, a registered investment company (since 2006).Graduate of the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.
Virginia M. Rometty

Virginia M. Rometty,她是IBM公司的董事长,总裁兼首席执行官和IBM公司的执行委员会主席。她于1981年加入IBM,2005年她被选为全球企业咨询服务部高级副总裁,2009年是销售和分销的高级副总裁,2010年是销售,营销和战略的高级副总裁兼集团执行官,2012年年初是总裁和首席执行官,2012年末是董事长。她是商业圆桌会议,美国外交关系委员会和出口委员会成员,是西北大学董事和监督委员会成员和纪念斯隆-凯特林癌症中心经理。此外,在过去的五年中,她曾担任美国国际集团公司的董事。她成为IBM的董事在2012年。

Virginia M. Rometty,IBM, a global information technology company:Executive Chairman (2020);Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (2012-2020).Graduate of Northwestern University.
Virginia M. Rometty,她是IBM公司的董事长,总裁兼首席执行官和IBM公司的执行委员会主席。她于1981年加入IBM,2005年她被选为全球企业咨询服务部高级副总裁,2009年是销售和分销的高级副总裁,2010年是销售,营销和战略的高级副总裁兼集团执行官,2012年年初是总裁和首席执行官,2012年末是董事长。她是商业圆桌会议,美国外交关系委员会和出口委员会成员,是西北大学董事和监督委员会成员和纪念斯隆-凯特林癌症中心经理。此外,在过去的五年中,她曾担任美国国际集团公司的董事。她成为IBM的董事在2012年。
Virginia M. Rometty,IBM, a global information technology company:Executive Chairman (2020);Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (2012-2020).Graduate of Northwestern University.
Phebe N. Novakovic

Phebe N. Novakovic,自2013年1月以来,担任通用动力公司的董事长兼首席执行官。2012年5月至2012年12月,担任负责船舶系统执行副总裁。2010年5月至2012年5月,担任负责规划和发展的高级副总裁。2005年至2010年5月,担任负责战略规划的副总裁。2002年至2005年,她目前担任雅培公司的董事。毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院史密斯学院,工商管理硕士。

Phebe N. Novakovic,General Dynamics Corporation, a global aerospace and defense company:Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (since 2013);President and Chief Operating Officer (2012);Executive Vice President, Marine Systems (2010-2012);Senior Vice President, Planning and Development (2005-2010);Vice President (2002-2005).Graduate of Smith College;M.B.A., The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Phebe N. Novakovic,自2013年1月以来,担任通用动力公司的董事长兼首席执行官。2012年5月至2012年12月,担任负责船舶系统执行副总裁。2010年5月至2012年5月,担任负责规划和发展的高级副总裁。2005年至2010年5月,担任负责战略规划的副总裁。2002年至2005年,她目前担任雅培公司的董事。毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院史密斯学院,工商管理硕士。
Phebe N. Novakovic,General Dynamics Corporation, a global aerospace and defense company:Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (since 2013);President and Chief Operating Officer (2012);Executive Vice President, Marine Systems (2010-2012);Senior Vice President, Planning and Development (2005-2010);Vice President (2002-2005).Graduate of Smith College;M.B.A., The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Alex Gorsky

Alex Gorsky,1988年在强生工作,由于业务责任增加,被提升为首席执行官,2012年进入董事会。他为公司的董事会带来了各种战略管理专业技能,对保健行业的跨国业务的全面理解以及公司业务、历史和文化的深入了解使他担任董事会主席一职。2012年12月,他担任董事会主席的职位。2012年4月,他被任命为首席执行官、执行委员会主席并加入了董事会。1988年,他开始了在强生的职业生涯,首先担任在简森制药公司的销售代表。在后来的15年中,他经历了在销售、营销和管理职位上的提升。2001年,他担任简森只要公司的总裁,2003年,担任强生在欧洲、中东和非洲制药业务的公司集团主席。2004年,他离开强生,进入了诺瓦提斯制药公司担任公司在北美制药业务的领导。2008年,他重新回到强生担任爱惜康的公司集团主席。2009年早期,他被任命为外科医疗集团的全球总裁,成为执行委员会的成员。2009年9月,担任医疗设备和诊断集团的全球总裁。2011年1月成为执行委员会副主席。他还是特拉维斯曼尼基金会的董事会成员以及过会荣誉勋章基金会成员。

Alex Gorsky,is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Johnson & Johnson, and one of just seven leaders to have served in the dual role of chairman and chief executive officer since the company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1944. He joined Johnson & Johnson in 1988 as a sales representative with Janssen Pharmaceutica. In 2003, he was named company group chairman of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Mr. Gorsky left Johnson & Johnson in 2004 to join the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, where he served as head of the company's pharmaceutical business in North America. Mr. Gorsky returned to Johnson & Johnson in 2008 as company group chairman for Ethicon. In early 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Surgical Care Group and member of the executive committee. In September 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Group, and became vice chairman of the executive committee in January 2011. He was named chief executive officer and joined the board of directors in April 2012, and was named chairman of the board of directors in December 2012. Mr. Gorsky remained chief executive officer until he transitioned to executive chairman at the end of 2021. He currently sits on the boards of Apple, JPMorgan Chase and the Travis Manion Foundation, and serves on the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Board of Advisors.
Alex Gorsky,1988年在强生工作,由于业务责任增加,被提升为首席执行官,2012年进入董事会。他为公司的董事会带来了各种战略管理专业技能,对保健行业的跨国业务的全面理解以及公司业务、历史和文化的深入了解使他担任董事会主席一职。2012年12月,他担任董事会主席的职位。2012年4月,他被任命为首席执行官、执行委员会主席并加入了董事会。1988年,他开始了在强生的职业生涯,首先担任在简森制药公司的销售代表。在后来的15年中,他经历了在销售、营销和管理职位上的提升。2001年,他担任简森只要公司的总裁,2003年,担任强生在欧洲、中东和非洲制药业务的公司集团主席。2004年,他离开强生,进入了诺瓦提斯制药公司担任公司在北美制药业务的领导。2008年,他重新回到强生担任爱惜康的公司集团主席。2009年早期,他被任命为外科医疗集团的全球总裁,成为执行委员会的成员。2009年9月,担任医疗设备和诊断集团的全球总裁。2011年1月成为执行委员会副主席。他还是特拉维斯曼尼基金会的董事会成员以及过会荣誉勋章基金会成员。
Alex Gorsky,is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Johnson & Johnson, and one of just seven leaders to have served in the dual role of chairman and chief executive officer since the company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1944. He joined Johnson & Johnson in 1988 as a sales representative with Janssen Pharmaceutica. In 2003, he was named company group chairman of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Mr. Gorsky left Johnson & Johnson in 2004 to join the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, where he served as head of the company's pharmaceutical business in North America. Mr. Gorsky returned to Johnson & Johnson in 2008 as company group chairman for Ethicon. In early 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Surgical Care Group and member of the executive committee. In September 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Group, and became vice chairman of the executive committee in January 2011. He was named chief executive officer and joined the board of directors in April 2012, and was named chairman of the board of directors in December 2012. Mr. Gorsky remained chief executive officer until he transitioned to executive chairman at the end of 2021. He currently sits on the boards of Apple, JPMorgan Chase and the Travis Manion Foundation, and serves on the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Board of Advisors.
Linda B. Bammann

Linda B. Bammann,自2004年7月,她在JPMorgan Chase公司担任副总监,负责风险管理事务,直至2005年退休。自2001年5月至2004年7月,她曾在Bank One公司担任执行副总裁和首席风险管理官。此前,她曾在Banc One Capital Markets公司担任高级董事总经理。她还是Bank One公司行政规划集团的成员。自1992年至2000年,她在UBS Warburg公司及其前身公司担任董事总经理。自2008年至2013年,她在The Federal Home Mortgage公司担任董事,并担任其薪酬委员会成员。自2008年至2010年,她在美国房地美公司(Freddie Mac)的审计委员会担任成员。自2010年至2013年,她担任其业务和风险委员会主席。自2009年至2012年,她在Manulife Financial公司担任董事。她曾在风险管理协会(Risk Management Association)担任董事,并在银团贷款和交易协会( The loan Syndications and Trading Association, LSTA)担任主席。她毕业于斯坦福大学(Stanford University),并在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得国家政策学硕士学位。

Linda B. Bammann,JPMorgan Chase & Co. (merged with Bank One Corporation in 2004):Deputy Head of Risk Management (2004–2005),Chief Risk Management Officer and Executive Vice President, Bank One Corporation (2001–2004),Senior Managing Director, Bank One Capital Markets (2000–2001).Graduate of Stanford University,M.A., Public Policy, University of Michigan.
Linda B. Bammann,自2004年7月,她在JPMorgan Chase公司担任副总监,负责风险管理事务,直至2005年退休。自2001年5月至2004年7月,她曾在Bank One公司担任执行副总裁和首席风险管理官。此前,她曾在Banc One Capital Markets公司担任高级董事总经理。她还是Bank One公司行政规划集团的成员。自1992年至2000年,她在UBS Warburg公司及其前身公司担任董事总经理。自2008年至2013年,她在The Federal Home Mortgage公司担任董事,并担任其薪酬委员会成员。自2008年至2010年,她在美国房地美公司(Freddie Mac)的审计委员会担任成员。自2010年至2013年,她担任其业务和风险委员会主席。自2009年至2012年,她在Manulife Financial公司担任董事。她曾在风险管理协会(Risk Management Association)担任董事,并在银团贷款和交易协会( The loan Syndications and Trading Association, LSTA)担任主席。她毕业于斯坦福大学(Stanford University),并在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得国家政策学硕士学位。
Linda B. Bammann,JPMorgan Chase & Co. (merged with Bank One Corporation in 2004):Deputy Head of Risk Management (2004–2005),Chief Risk Management Officer and Executive Vice President, Bank One Corporation (2001–2004),Senior Managing Director, Bank One Capital Markets (2000–2001).Graduate of Stanford University,M.A., Public Policy, University of Michigan.


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Jennifer Piepszak

Jennifer Piepszak,自2019年5月起担任首席财务官,此前她自2017年以来一直担任卡服务首席执行官。她于2015年至2017年担任商业银行首席执行官。

Jennifer Piepszak,Co-Chief Executive Officer of Consumer & Community Banking since May 2021 prior to which she had been Chief Financial Officer since May 2019. She previously served as Chief Executive Officer for Card Services from February 2017 until May 2019 and Chief Executive Officer of Business Banking from March 2015 to January 2017.
Jennifer Piepszak,自2019年5月起担任首席财务官,此前她自2017年以来一直担任卡服务首席执行官。她于2015年至2017年担任商业银行首席执行官。
Jennifer Piepszak,Co-Chief Executive Officer of Consumer & Community Banking since May 2021 prior to which she had been Chief Financial Officer since May 2019. She previously served as Chief Executive Officer for Card Services from February 2017 until May 2019 and Chief Executive Officer of Business Banking from March 2015 to January 2017.
James Dimon

James Dimon,2006年12月31日他曾为董事长。2005年12月31日以来,他担任首席执行官和总裁。2004年7月摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)与Bank One Corporation合并以来,他曾担任总裁和首席运营官。从2000年3月到2004年7月,他担任第一银行(Bank One)的主席和首席执行官。加入第一银行(Bank One)之前,他担任花旗集团(Citigroup)、the Travelers Group、Commercial Credit Company和American Express Company的各种执行职务。他在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)和Catalyst的董事会任职。他是美国商业委员会(The Business Council)的成员。他在纽约大学(New York University)医学院的信托董事会任职。他没有在摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)以外的上市公司的董事会任职。他毕业于塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)并获得哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。

James Dimon,JPMorgan Chase & Co. (merged with Bank One Corporation in 2004);Chairman of the Board (since 2006) and Director (since 2004); Chief Executive Officer (since 2005);President (2004–2018);Chief Operating Officer (2004–2005);Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Bank One Corporation (2000–2004).Graduate of Tufts University;M.B.A., Harvard Business School.
James Dimon,2006年12月31日他曾为董事长。2005年12月31日以来,他担任首席执行官和总裁。2004年7月摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)与Bank One Corporation合并以来,他曾担任总裁和首席运营官。从2000年3月到2004年7月,他担任第一银行(Bank One)的主席和首席执行官。加入第一银行(Bank One)之前,他担任花旗集团(Citigroup)、the Travelers Group、Commercial Credit Company和American Express Company的各种执行职务。他在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)和Catalyst的董事会任职。他是美国商业委员会(The Business Council)的成员。他在纽约大学(New York University)医学院的信托董事会任职。他没有在摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase)以外的上市公司的董事会任职。他毕业于塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)并获得哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。
James Dimon,JPMorgan Chase & Co. (merged with Bank One Corporation in 2004);Chairman of the Board (since 2006) and Director (since 2004); Chief Executive Officer (since 2005);President (2004–2018);Chief Operating Officer (2004–2005);Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Bank One Corporation (2000–2004).Graduate of Tufts University;M.B.A., Harvard Business School.
Mary Callahan Erdoes

Mary Callahan Erdoes自2009年9月以来担任资产管理的首席执行官,之前她担任私人银行业务的首席执行官。

Mary Callahan Erdoes,Chief Executive Officer of Asset & Wealth Management since September 2009.
Mary Callahan Erdoes自2009年9月以来担任资产管理的首席执行官,之前她担任私人银行业务的首席执行官。
Mary Callahan Erdoes,Chief Executive Officer of Asset & Wealth Management since September 2009.
Marianne Lake

Marianne Lake从2013年1月1日开始担任首席财务官,在这之前,她从2009年开始担任消费者与社区银行业部的首席财务官。在这之前,从2007年到2009年,她担任Investment Bank的全球财务总管,现在该公司是Corporate & Investment Bank的一部分。

Marianne Lake,Co-Chief Executive Officer of Consumer & Community Banking since May 2021 prior to which she had been Chief Executive Officer of Consumer Lending since May 2019. She was Chief Financial Officer from January 2013 until May 2019.
Marianne Lake从2013年1月1日开始担任首席财务官,在这之前,她从2009年开始担任消费者与社区银行业部的首席财务官。在这之前,从2007年到2009年,她担任Investment Bank的全球财务总管,现在该公司是Corporate & Investment Bank的一部分。
Marianne Lake,Co-Chief Executive Officer of Consumer & Community Banking since May 2021 prior to which she had been Chief Executive Officer of Consumer Lending since May 2019. She was Chief Financial Officer from January 2013 until May 2019.
Douglas B. Petno

Douglas B. Petno从2012年1月开始担任商业银行业部的首席执行官。他从2010年10月开始担任商业银行业部的首席运营官,在这之前,他担任Investment Bank的自然资源部全球负责人,现在该公司是Corporate & Investment Bank的一部分。

Douglas B. Petno,Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Banking since January 2012.
Douglas B. Petno从2012年1月开始担任商业银行业部的首席执行官。他从2010年10月开始担任商业银行业部的首席运营官,在这之前,他担任Investment Bank的自然资源部全球负责人,现在该公司是Corporate & Investment Bank的一部分。
Douglas B. Petno,Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Banking since January 2012.
Daniel E. Pinto

Daniel E. Pinto从2012年7月开始担任Corporate & Investment Bank的联合首席执行官,并从2011年6月开始担任欧洲、中东与非洲地区的首席执行官。从2009年11月到2012年7月,他担任全球固定收益业务部的主管或联席主管。从2006年到2009年,他担任新兴市场部的全球负责人,从2008年到2009年,还负责管理全球信贷交易与企业联合组织的业务。

Daniel E. Pinto,President and Chief Operating Officer since January 1 2022 and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank since March 2014 having previously served as Co-President and Co-Chief Operating Officer since January 2018. He was Chief Executive Officer of Europe, the Middle East and Africa from June 2011 until October 2017.
Daniel E. Pinto从2012年7月开始担任Corporate & Investment Bank的联合首席执行官,并从2011年6月开始担任欧洲、中东与非洲地区的首席执行官。从2009年11月到2012年7月,他担任全球固定收益业务部的主管或联席主管。从2006年到2009年,他担任新兴市场部的全球负责人,从2008年到2009年,还负责管理全球信贷交易与企业联合组织的业务。
Daniel E. Pinto,President and Chief Operating Officer since January 1 2022 and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank since March 2014 having previously served as Co-President and Co-Chief Operating Officer since January 2018. He was Chief Executive Officer of Europe, the Middle East and Africa from June 2011 until October 2017.
Jeremy Barnum

Jeremy Barnum,首席财务官自2021年5月以来,他是全球研究公司负责人和投资银行自2021年2月以来。他曾担任公司和投资银行的首席财务官从2013年7月到2021年2月。

Jeremy Barnum,Chief Financial Officer since May 2021 prior to which he was Head of Global Research for the Corporate & Investment Bank since February 2021. He previously served as Chief Financial Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank from July 2013 until February 2021.
Jeremy Barnum,首席财务官自2021年5月以来,他是全球研究公司负责人和投资银行自2021年2月以来。他曾担任公司和投资银行的首席财务官从2013年7月到2021年2月。
Jeremy Barnum,Chief Financial Officer since May 2021 prior to which he was Head of Global Research for the Corporate & Investment Bank since February 2021. He previously served as Chief Financial Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank from July 2013 until February 2021.
Stacey Friedman

Stacey Friedman,自2016年1月1日起担任Corporate & Investment Bank总法律顾问;在此之前自2015年7月起担任副总法律顾问,自2012年8月起担任总法律顾问。2012年加入JPMorgan Chase,在此之前曾担任律师事务所Sullivan & Cromwell LLP.合伙人。

Stacey Friedman,General Counsel since January 2016 prior to which she was Deputy General Counsel since July 2015 and General Counsel for the Corporate & Investment Bank since August 2012.
Stacey Friedman,自2016年1月1日起担任Corporate & Investment Bank总法律顾问;在此之前自2015年7月起担任副总法律顾问,自2012年8月起担任总法律顾问。2012年加入JPMorgan Chase,在此之前曾担任律师事务所Sullivan & Cromwell LLP.合伙人。
Stacey Friedman,General Counsel since January 2016 prior to which she was Deputy General Counsel since July 2015 and General Counsel for the Corporate & Investment Bank since August 2012.
Robin Leopold

Robin Leopold,自2018年1月起担任人力资源主管,自2012年起担任企业与投资银行人力资源主管。自2010年2月至2012年8月,她担任人力资源主管,负责公司的公司职能。

Robin Leopold,Head of Human Resources since January 2018 prior to which she had been Head of Human Resources for the Corporate & Investment Bank since August 2012.
Robin Leopold,自2018年1月起担任人力资源主管,自2012年起担任企业与投资银行人力资源主管。自2010年2月至2012年8月,她担任人力资源主管,负责公司的公司职能。
Robin Leopold,Head of Human Resources since January 2018 prior to which she had been Head of Human Resources for the Corporate & Investment Bank since August 2012.
Lori A. Beer

Lori A. Beer,首席信息官,2017年9月至今担任公司与投资银行首席信息官。2014年1月至2016年5月,她担任全球银行技术主管。

Lori A. Beer,Chief Information Officer since September 2017 prior to which she had been Chief Information Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank since June 2016. She was Global Head of Banking Technology from January 2014 until May 2016.
Lori A. Beer,首席信息官,2017年9月至今担任公司与投资银行首席信息官。2014年1月至2016年5月,她担任全球银行技术主管。
Lori A. Beer,Chief Information Officer since September 2017 prior to which she had been Chief Information Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank since June 2016. She was Global Head of Banking Technology from January 2014 until May 2016.
Ashley Bacon

Ashley Bacon,他是首席风险官(2013年6月以来)。2012年6月以来,他一直副首席风险官。此前,他曾一直担任the Investment Bank(从属于Corporate & Investment Bank)的市场风险全球主管。

Ashley Bacon,Chief Risk Officer since June 2013.
Ashley Bacon,他是首席风险官(2013年6月以来)。2012年6月以来,他一直副首席风险官。此前,他曾一直担任the Investment Bank(从属于Corporate & Investment Bank)的市场风险全球主管。
Ashley Bacon,Chief Risk Officer since June 2013.