

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Neil Carson Obe Independent Non-executive Director 67 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Linda M. Coulter Company Secretary and Director 57 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Martina Hund Mejean Independent Non-executive Director 64 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Dick Boer Independent Non-executive Director 67 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Jane Holl Lute Independent Non-executive Director 68 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Abraham Schot Independent Non-executive Director 63 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Andrew Mackenzie chairman 68 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Euleen Goh Deputy Chair and Senior Independent Director 70 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
高安贤 Independent Non-executive Director 70 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Ben van Beurden Chief Executive Officer and Director 67 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Gerrit Zalm Independent Non-executive Director 73 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Catherine J. Hughes Independent Non-executive Director 62 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Harry Brekelmans Projects & Technology Director 60 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Ronan Cassidy Chief Human Resources and Corporate Officer 58 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Linda M. Coulter Company Secretary and Director 57 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Wael Sawan Integrated Gas, Renewables and Energy Solutions Director 50 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Huibert Vigeveno Downstream Director 55 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Ed Daniels Strategy, Sustainability and Corporate Relations Director 59 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Zoe succeeded Upstream Director 49 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Sinead Gorman EVP Finance Upstream 47 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31
Donny Ching Legal Director 61 未披露 未持股 2022-03-31


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Neil Carson Obe

Neil Carson Obe有一个广泛的工业前景和高度商业化的方法与企业的实际观点。2016年,Neil因为化学工业提供服务而被授予OBE。

Neil Carson Obe is a former FTSE 100 chief executive. After completing an engineering degree, Neil joined Johnson Matthey in 1980 where he held several senior management positions in the UK and the USA, before being appointed Chief Executive Officer in 2004. Since retiring from Johnson Matthey in 2014 Neil has focused his time on his non-executive roles. He was Chair of TT Electronics plc from 2015 until May 6 2020.
Neil Carson Obe有一个广泛的工业前景和高度商业化的方法与企业的实际观点。2016年,Neil因为化学工业提供服务而被授予OBE。
Neil Carson Obe is a former FTSE 100 chief executive. After completing an engineering degree, Neil joined Johnson Matthey in 1980 where he held several senior management positions in the UK and the USA, before being appointed Chief Executive Officer in 2004. Since retiring from Johnson Matthey in 2014 Neil has focused his time on his non-executive roles. He was Chair of TT Electronics plc from 2015 until May 6 2020.
Linda M. Coulter

Linda M. Coulter是壳牌的公司秘书,作为壳牌公司的总法律顾问发挥着重要作用,负责监督比利时、加拿大、荷兰、瑞士、英国和美国的公司法律团队。Linda在壳牌的总部担任各种法律角色,并支持上下游业务,使她对壳牌的全球业务和人员有了深刻的了解。

Linda M. Coulter was General Counsel of the Upstream Americas business and Head of Legal US, based in the USA, from 2014 to 2016. Previously, she was Group Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, based in the Netherlands, from 2011 to 2014. Since joining Shell in 1995 she has also held a variety of legal positions in the Shell Oil Company in the USA, including Chemicals Legal Managing Counsel and other senior roles in employment, litigation, and commercial practice.
Linda M. Coulter是壳牌的公司秘书,作为壳牌公司的总法律顾问发挥着重要作用,负责监督比利时、加拿大、荷兰、瑞士、英国和美国的公司法律团队。Linda在壳牌的总部担任各种法律角色,并支持上下游业务,使她对壳牌的全球业务和人员有了深刻的了解。
Linda M. Coulter was General Counsel of the Upstream Americas business and Head of Legal US, based in the USA, from 2014 to 2016. Previously, she was Group Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, based in the Netherlands, from 2011 to 2014. Since joining Shell in 1995 she has also held a variety of legal positions in the Shell Oil Company in the USA, including Chemicals Legal Managing Counsel and other senior roles in employment, litigation, and commercial practice.
Martina Hund Mejean

Martina Hund Mejean从2007年到2019年退休,担任Mastercard Inc.(全球支付行业的技术公司)的首席财务官。加入Mastercard之前,她曾担任Tyco International Ltd.(“Tyco”)的高级副总裁兼财务主管(从2002年到2007年),以及Lucent Technologies Inc.(“Lucent”)的高级副总裁兼财务主管(从2000年到2002年)。从1988年到2000年,她在通用汽车公司(General Motors Company)担任了一系列财务职位,并不断被提拔。她的职业生涯始于德国陶氏化学(Dow Chemical)的信贷分析师。她是保德信金融集团的董事兼审计委员会成员,这是一家金融服务公司;也是弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院基金会的董事会成员。

Martina Hund Mejean,served as CFO and as a member of the Management Committee at MasterCard Worldwide (a technology company in the global payments industry) from 2007 to 2019. Ms. Hund-Mejean served as SVP and Corporate Treasurer at Tyco International Ltd. from 2003 to 2007; SVP and Treasurer at Lucent Technologies from 2000 to 2002; and held management positions at General Motors Company from 1988 to 2000. Ms. Hund-Mejean began her career as a credit analyst at Dow Chemical in Frankfurt, Germany.
Martina Hund Mejean从2007年到2019年退休,担任Mastercard Inc.(全球支付行业的技术公司)的首席财务官。加入Mastercard之前,她曾担任Tyco International Ltd.(“Tyco”)的高级副总裁兼财务主管(从2002年到2007年),以及Lucent Technologies Inc.(“Lucent”)的高级副总裁兼财务主管(从2000年到2002年)。从1988年到2000年,她在通用汽车公司(General Motors Company)担任了一系列财务职位,并不断被提拔。她的职业生涯始于德国陶氏化学(Dow Chemical)的信贷分析师。她是保德信金融集团的董事兼审计委员会成员,这是一家金融服务公司;也是弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院基金会的董事会成员。
Martina Hund Mejean,served as CFO and as a member of the Management Committee at MasterCard Worldwide (a technology company in the global payments industry) from 2007 to 2019. Ms. Hund-Mejean served as SVP and Corporate Treasurer at Tyco International Ltd. from 2003 to 2007; SVP and Treasurer at Lucent Technologies from 2000 to 2002; and held management positions at General Motors Company from 1988 to 2000. Ms. Hund-Mejean began her career as a credit analyst at Dow Chemical in Frankfurt, Germany.
Dick Boer

Dick Boer于2016年至2018年担任Ahold Delhaize的总裁兼首席执行官。在Ahold和Delhaize合并之前,他于2011年至2016年担任Royal Ahold的总裁兼首席执行官。从2006年到2011年,他是Ahold的执行董事会成员,并在2006年至2011年担任Ahold Europe的首席运营官。Dick于1998年加入Ahold担任捷克共和国的首席执行官,并于2000年被任命为Albert Heijn的总裁兼首席执行官。2003年,他还成为阿霍德公司荷兰分公司的总裁兼首席执行官。在加入阿霍德公司之前,迪克在荷兰和海外的SHV控股公司以及Unigro N.V.公司担任了17年的各种零售职务。

Dick Boer was President and Chief Executive Officer of Ahold Delhaize from 2016 to 2018. Prior to the merger between Ahold and Delhaize, he served as President and CEO of Royal Ahold from 2011 to 2016. From 2006 to 2011 he was a member of the Executive Board of Ahold and served as Chief Operating Officer of Ahold Europe from 2006 to 2011.Dick joined Ahold in 1998 as CEO of Ahold Czech Republic and was appointed President and CEO of Albert Heijn in 2000. In 2003 he also became President and CEO of Ahold’s Dutch businesses.Prior to joining Ahold, Dick spent more than 17 years in various retail positions, for SHV Holdings N.V. in the Netherlands and abroad, and for Unigro N.V.
Dick Boer于2016年至2018年担任Ahold Delhaize的总裁兼首席执行官。在Ahold和Delhaize合并之前,他于2011年至2016年担任Royal Ahold的总裁兼首席执行官。从2006年到2011年,他是Ahold的执行董事会成员,并在2006年至2011年担任Ahold Europe的首席运营官。Dick于1998年加入Ahold担任捷克共和国的首席执行官,并于2000年被任命为Albert Heijn的总裁兼首席执行官。2003年,他还成为阿霍德公司荷兰分公司的总裁兼首席执行官。在加入阿霍德公司之前,迪克在荷兰和海外的SHV控股公司以及Unigro N.V.公司担任了17年的各种零售职务。
Dick Boer was President and Chief Executive Officer of Ahold Delhaize from 2016 to 2018. Prior to the merger between Ahold and Delhaize, he served as President and CEO of Royal Ahold from 2011 to 2016. From 2006 to 2011 he was a member of the Executive Board of Ahold and served as Chief Operating Officer of Ahold Europe from 2006 to 2011.Dick joined Ahold in 1998 as CEO of Ahold Czech Republic and was appointed President and CEO of Albert Heijn in 2000. In 2003 he also became President and CEO of Ahold’s Dutch businesses.Prior to joining Ahold, Dick spent more than 17 years in various retail positions, for SHV Holdings N.V. in the Netherlands and abroad, and for Unigro N.V.
Jane Holl Lute

Jane Holl Lute从2017年到2021年担任SICPA Security Inks北美业务的总裁兼首席执行官,当时她担任非执行战略总监。从2018年到2021年,Jane担任Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc.的非执行董事。2013年,简成立并领导了网络安全委员会,这是一个独立的、专业的非营利组织,在全球范围内,致力于开放互联网的安全。2015年至2016年,简恩担任互联网安全中心首席执行官,该中心是一个独立的非营利组织,致力于改善全球网络安全,在此之前,2009年至2013年,简恩担任美国国土安全部副部长,担任美国第三大联邦部门的首席运营官。2003年至2009年,她在联合国担任过各种职务,包括主管维持和平、外勤支助和建设和平事务的代理副秘书长和助理秘书长。她还曾担任联合国基金会和更美好世界基金执行副总裁兼首席运营官。最近几年,简重返联合国工作,担任秘书长特别顾问,她的职业生涯始于1978年冷战期间在柏林的美军服役,在沙漠风暴行动期间在美国中央司令部参谋,以及乔治·H·W·布什总统和威廉·J·克林顿总统领导下的国家安全委员会的工作人员。1994年从陆军退役后,她加入了卡内基公司,担任其防止致命冲突委员会的执行董事。

Jane Holl Lute was President and Chief Executive Officer of the North American operations of SICPA security inks from 2017 to 2021 when she assumed the role of Non-executive strategic director. From 2018 to 2021 Jane was a Non-executive Director of Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc. In 2013 Jane established and led the Council on CyberSecurity, an independent, expert not-for-profit organisation with a global scope, committed to the security of an open internet. From 2015 to 2016 Jane held the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Internet Security, an independent not-for-profit organisation that works to improve cyber security worldwide.Before this, from 2009 to 2013 Jane served as Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security, functioning as the Chief Operating Officer for the third-largest US Federal department. From 2003 to 2009 she held various roles at the United Nations, including Acting Under-Secretary and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping, Field Support and Peacebuilding. She also served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the United Nations Foundation and Better World Fund. In recent years, Jane has returned to working with the United Nations, serving as a Special Adviser to the Secretary-General.Jane started her career in the US Army in 1978 serving in Berlin during the Cold War, on the US Central Command Staff during Operation Desert Storm, and on the National Security Council Staff under Presidents George H.W. Bush and William J. Clinton. After retiring from the Army in 1994 she joined the Carnegie Corporation as an Executive Director of its Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict.
Jane Holl Lute从2017年到2021年担任SICPA Security Inks北美业务的总裁兼首席执行官,当时她担任非执行战略总监。从2018年到2021年,Jane担任Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc.的非执行董事。2013年,简成立并领导了网络安全委员会,这是一个独立的、专业的非营利组织,在全球范围内,致力于开放互联网的安全。2015年至2016年,简恩担任互联网安全中心首席执行官,该中心是一个独立的非营利组织,致力于改善全球网络安全,在此之前,2009年至2013年,简恩担任美国国土安全部副部长,担任美国第三大联邦部门的首席运营官。2003年至2009年,她在联合国担任过各种职务,包括主管维持和平、外勤支助和建设和平事务的代理副秘书长和助理秘书长。她还曾担任联合国基金会和更美好世界基金执行副总裁兼首席运营官。最近几年,简重返联合国工作,担任秘书长特别顾问,她的职业生涯始于1978年冷战期间在柏林的美军服役,在沙漠风暴行动期间在美国中央司令部参谋,以及乔治·H·W·布什总统和威廉·J·克林顿总统领导下的国家安全委员会的工作人员。1994年从陆军退役后,她加入了卡内基公司,担任其防止致命冲突委员会的执行董事。
Jane Holl Lute was President and Chief Executive Officer of the North American operations of SICPA security inks from 2017 to 2021 when she assumed the role of Non-executive strategic director. From 2018 to 2021 Jane was a Non-executive Director of Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc. In 2013 Jane established and led the Council on CyberSecurity, an independent, expert not-for-profit organisation with a global scope, committed to the security of an open internet. From 2015 to 2016 Jane held the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Internet Security, an independent not-for-profit organisation that works to improve cyber security worldwide.Before this, from 2009 to 2013 Jane served as Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security, functioning as the Chief Operating Officer for the third-largest US Federal department. From 2003 to 2009 she held various roles at the United Nations, including Acting Under-Secretary and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping, Field Support and Peacebuilding. She also served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the United Nations Foundation and Better World Fund. In recent years, Jane has returned to working with the United Nations, serving as a Special Adviser to the Secretary-General.Jane started her career in the US Army in 1978 serving in Berlin during the Cold War, on the US Central Command Staff during Operation Desert Storm, and on the National Security Council Staff under Presidents George H.W. Bush and William J. Clinton. After retiring from the Army in 1994 she joined the Carnegie Corporation as an Executive Director of its Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict.
Abraham Schot

Abraham Schot,全球汽车和商用车制造商大众汽车股份公司:奥迪公司董事会主席兼首席执行官(2018 - 2020年),大众汽车集团董事会成员(2018 - 2020年),奥迪公司董事会成员(2017 - 2018年),大众商用车集团董事会成员兼执行副总裁(2011 - 2016年),Daimler股份公司/梅赛德斯-奔驰意大利公司,梅赛德斯-奔驰集团的意大利分公司。Daimler-Chrysler荷兰分公司和梅赛德斯-奔驰荷兰分公司:总裁兼首席执行官(2003 - 2006);担任各种领导职务,包括之前担任营销总监和领导公司战略和规划部(1998 - 2003)。

Abraham Schot,Volkswagen AG, a global manufacturer of automotive and commercial vehicles,Chairman & CEO of the Board of Management (Audi AG) (2018 – 2020),Leadership experience for a significant business unit of a public company leading and shaping large scale operations across the world for a leading automotive manufacturer. Responsible for the transition of the established business model to improve sustainability and continue the push for electrification.Daimler AG/Mercedes-Benz Italia, Italian arm of Mercedes-Benz Group, a global automotive company,President and CEO,Executive level business and operational role, focusing on innovation, cost-optimization, and organizational effectiveness within the broader international company.DaimlerChrysler Nederland and Mercedes-Benz Nederland, Netherlands arm of the Mercedes-Benz Group,President and CEO (2003 – 2006),Various leadership roles, including previous responsibility as Marketing Director and for heading the Corporate Strategy and Planning department (1998 – 2003).Current public company boards,Compagnie Financière Richemont SA (Richemont), a luxury goods holding company,Signify NV, a multinational lighting company,Shell plc (SHEL), a global energy company.Select other positions,ADS-Tec Holding – senior advisor,Laureus Foundation – senior advisor,Next Mobility Labs GmbH – partner and senior advisor,SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan, Italy – Associate Professor of Practice in Corporate Strategy,The Carlyle Group – senior advisor,Global Cleantec Management B.V. – senior advisor,TomTom, N.V. – senior advisor.
Abraham Schot,全球汽车和商用车制造商大众汽车股份公司:奥迪公司董事会主席兼首席执行官(2018 - 2020年),大众汽车集团董事会成员(2018 - 2020年),奥迪公司董事会成员(2017 - 2018年),大众商用车集团董事会成员兼执行副总裁(2011 - 2016年),Daimler股份公司/梅赛德斯-奔驰意大利公司,梅赛德斯-奔驰集团的意大利分公司。Daimler-Chrysler荷兰分公司和梅赛德斯-奔驰荷兰分公司:总裁兼首席执行官(2003 - 2006);担任各种领导职务,包括之前担任营销总监和领导公司战略和规划部(1998 - 2003)。
Abraham Schot,Volkswagen AG, a global manufacturer of automotive and commercial vehicles,Chairman & CEO of the Board of Management (Audi AG) (2018 – 2020),Leadership experience for a significant business unit of a public company leading and shaping large scale operations across the world for a leading automotive manufacturer. Responsible for the transition of the established business model to improve sustainability and continue the push for electrification.Daimler AG/Mercedes-Benz Italia, Italian arm of Mercedes-Benz Group, a global automotive company,President and CEO,Executive level business and operational role, focusing on innovation, cost-optimization, and organizational effectiveness within the broader international company.DaimlerChrysler Nederland and Mercedes-Benz Nederland, Netherlands arm of the Mercedes-Benz Group,President and CEO (2003 – 2006),Various leadership roles, including previous responsibility as Marketing Director and for heading the Corporate Strategy and Planning department (1998 – 2003).Current public company boards,Compagnie Financière Richemont SA (Richemont), a luxury goods holding company,Signify NV, a multinational lighting company,Shell plc (SHEL), a global energy company.Select other positions,ADS-Tec Holding – senior advisor,Laureus Foundation – senior advisor,Next Mobility Labs GmbH – partner and senior advisor,SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan, Italy – Associate Professor of Practice in Corporate Strategy,The Carlyle Group – senior advisor,Global Cleantec Management B.V. – senior advisor,TomTom, N.V. – senior advisor.
Andrew Mackenzie

Andrew Mackenzie自2013年5月起任BHP Billiton Limited公司和BHP Billiton Plc公司董事。2013年5月10日,Mackenzie先生被任命为首席执行官。Mackenzie先生有超过30年的石油和天然气、石油化工产品和矿产行业经验。他于2008年11月加入BHP Billiton公司被任命为非有色金属部门首席执行官。在加入BHP Billiton公司之前,Mackenzie先生曾在Rio Tinto公司和BP公司工作,在Rio Tinto公司他担任钻石和矿产部门首席执行官,在BP公司他担任许多高级领导职务,包括集团技术和工程副总裁及集团化工产品副总裁。他自2013年5月起任Grattan Institute公司董事。自2013年5月起他任国际矿业和金属协会董事。从2005年9月到2013年5月,他任Centrica plc公司非执行董事。

Andrew Mackenzie,Director of BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton Plc since May 2013.Mr Mackenzie was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 10 May 2013.He joined BHP in November 2008 as Chief Executive Non-Ferrous, with responsibility for over half of BHP’s 100000 strong workforce across four continents. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer in May 2013. Prior to BHP, Mr Mackenzie worked at Rio Tinto, where he was Chief Executive of Diamonds and Minerals, and BP, where he held a number of senior roles, including Group Vice President for Technology and Engineering, and Group Vice President for Chemicals.Fellow of the Royal Society of London since May 2014.Director of the Grattan Institute (since May 2013).Director of the International Council on Mining and Metals (since May 2013).Former Non-executive Director of Centrica plc (from September 2005 to May 2013).
Andrew Mackenzie自2013年5月起任BHP Billiton Limited公司和BHP Billiton Plc公司董事。2013年5月10日,Mackenzie先生被任命为首席执行官。Mackenzie先生有超过30年的石油和天然气、石油化工产品和矿产行业经验。他于2008年11月加入BHP Billiton公司被任命为非有色金属部门首席执行官。在加入BHP Billiton公司之前,Mackenzie先生曾在Rio Tinto公司和BP公司工作,在Rio Tinto公司他担任钻石和矿产部门首席执行官,在BP公司他担任许多高级领导职务,包括集团技术和工程副总裁及集团化工产品副总裁。他自2013年5月起任Grattan Institute公司董事。自2013年5月起他任国际矿业和金属协会董事。从2005年9月到2013年5月,他任Centrica plc公司非执行董事。
Andrew Mackenzie,Director of BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton Plc since May 2013.Mr Mackenzie was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 10 May 2013.He joined BHP in November 2008 as Chief Executive Non-Ferrous, with responsibility for over half of BHP’s 100000 strong workforce across four continents. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer in May 2013. Prior to BHP, Mr Mackenzie worked at Rio Tinto, where he was Chief Executive of Diamonds and Minerals, and BP, where he held a number of senior roles, including Group Vice President for Technology and Engineering, and Group Vice President for Chemicals.Fellow of the Royal Society of London since May 2014.Director of the Grattan Institute (since May 2013).Director of the International Council on Mining and Metals (since May 2013).Former Non-executive Director of Centrica plc (from September 2005 to May 2013).
Euleen Goh

Euleen Goh 是英格兰和威尔士特许会计师协会的会员、新加坡特许会计师协会的资深会员,并拥有银行和税务方面的专业资格。 她曾在渣打银行担任多个高级管理职位,并于 2001 年至 2006 年担任新加坡渣打银行的首席执行官。她还是新加坡董事学会的会员。她还曾担任多项非执行职务 董事会包括 Aviva plc、MediaCorp Pte Ltd、Singapore Airlines Ltd、Singapore Exchange Ltd、Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad、Standard Chartered Bank Thai plc、CapitaLand Ltd、Temasek Trustees Pte Ltd、DBS Bank Ltd 和 DBS Group Holdings Ltd。 新加坡国际基金会执行主席,新加坡国际企业和新加坡会计准则委员会主席。

Euleen Goh is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Chartered Accountants, and has professional qualifications in banking and taxation. She has held various senior management positions within Standard Chartered Bank and was Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore, from 2001 until 2006. She is also a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Directors.She has also held non-executive appointments on various boards including Aviva plc, MediaCorp Pte Ltd, Singapore Airlines Ltd, Singapore Exchange Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad, Standard Chartered Bank Thai plc, CapitaLand Ltd, Temasek Trustees Pte Ltd, DBS Bank Ltd and DBS Group Holdings Ltd. She was previously Non-executive Chair of the Singapore International Foundation, and Chair of International Enterprise Singapore and the Accounting Standards Council, Singapore.
Euleen Goh 是英格兰和威尔士特许会计师协会的会员、新加坡特许会计师协会的资深会员,并拥有银行和税务方面的专业资格。 她曾在渣打银行担任多个高级管理职位,并于 2001 年至 2006 年担任新加坡渣打银行的首席执行官。她还是新加坡董事学会的会员。她还曾担任多项非执行职务 董事会包括 Aviva plc、MediaCorp Pte Ltd、Singapore Airlines Ltd、Singapore Exchange Ltd、Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad、Standard Chartered Bank Thai plc、CapitaLand Ltd、Temasek Trustees Pte Ltd、DBS Bank Ltd 和 DBS Group Holdings Ltd。 新加坡国际基金会执行主席,新加坡国际企业和新加坡会计准则委员会主席。
Euleen Goh is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Chartered Accountants, and has professional qualifications in banking and taxation. She has held various senior management positions within Standard Chartered Bank and was Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore, from 2001 until 2006. She is also a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Directors.She has also held non-executive appointments on various boards including Aviva plc, MediaCorp Pte Ltd, Singapore Airlines Ltd, Singapore Exchange Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad, Standard Chartered Bank Thai plc, CapitaLand Ltd, Temasek Trustees Pte Ltd, DBS Bank Ltd and DBS Group Holdings Ltd. She was previously Non-executive Chair of the Singapore International Foundation, and Chair of International Enterprise Singapore and the Accounting Standards Council, Singapore.

高安贤,Ann Godbehere,2010年起,担任Rio Tinto的董事、审核委员会主席。她拥有加拿大和英国双重国籍,在财务服务行业有着超过25年的经验。她在全球性的再保险公司Swiss Re工作了10年,最后的任职是2003-2007,担任首席财务官。在Northern Rock bank国有化之后,她曾担任其临时首席财务官、执行董事。她是一名执业会计。从2011年起,她担任British American Tobacco plc的非执行董事;2009年起,担任UBS AG的非执行董事;2007年起,担任Atrium Underwriting Group Limited 和 Arden Holdings Limited的非执行董事;分别从2007年和2009年起,担任Prudential Public Limited Company的非执行董事和审核委员会主席;2008-2009,担任Northern Rock Asset Management的首席财务官、执行董事。于2023年9月1日获委任为汇丰控股有限公司独立非执行董事。

Ann Godbehere started her career with Sun Life of Canada in 1976 in Montreal, Canada. She joined M&G Group in 1981 where she served as Senior Vice President and Controller for both life and health, and property and casualty businesses throughout North America. She joined Swiss Re in 1996 after it acquired the M&G Group, and served as Chief Financial Officer from 2003 to 2007. From 2008 to 2009 she was interim Chief Financial Officer and an Executive Director of Northern Rock bank in the initial period following its nationalisation.Ann has also held several non-executive director positions at Prudential plc, British American Tobacco plc, UBS AG, and UBS Group AG. Ann served as a non-executive director of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited until May 2019 and she was also Senior Independent Director of Rio Tinto plc. In January 2021 Ann joined the Board of the newly formed Stellantis NV, and she chairs its Audit Committee.
高安贤,Ann Godbehere,2010年起,担任Rio Tinto的董事、审核委员会主席。她拥有加拿大和英国双重国籍,在财务服务行业有着超过25年的经验。她在全球性的再保险公司Swiss Re工作了10年,最后的任职是2003-2007,担任首席财务官。在Northern Rock bank国有化之后,她曾担任其临时首席财务官、执行董事。她是一名执业会计。从2011年起,她担任British American Tobacco plc的非执行董事;2009年起,担任UBS AG的非执行董事;2007年起,担任Atrium Underwriting Group Limited 和 Arden Holdings Limited的非执行董事;分别从2007年和2009年起,担任Prudential Public Limited Company的非执行董事和审核委员会主席;2008-2009,担任Northern Rock Asset Management的首席财务官、执行董事。于2023年9月1日获委任为汇丰控股有限公司独立非执行董事。
Ann Godbehere started her career with Sun Life of Canada in 1976 in Montreal, Canada. She joined M&G Group in 1981 where she served as Senior Vice President and Controller for both life and health, and property and casualty businesses throughout North America. She joined Swiss Re in 1996 after it acquired the M&G Group, and served as Chief Financial Officer from 2003 to 2007. From 2008 to 2009 she was interim Chief Financial Officer and an Executive Director of Northern Rock bank in the initial period following its nationalisation.Ann has also held several non-executive director positions at Prudential plc, British American Tobacco plc, UBS AG, and UBS Group AG. Ann served as a non-executive director of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited until May 2019 and she was also Senior Independent Director of Rio Tinto plc. In January 2021 Ann joined the Board of the newly formed Stellantis NV, and she chairs its Audit Committee.
Ben van Beurden

Ben Van Beurden是荷兰人,他被任命为首席执行官,该任命于2014年1月1日开始生效。从2013年1月到2013年9月,他担任下游部总监。在这之前,他从2006年12月担任多个领先的行业协会的董事开始,担任化学品部的执行副总裁,包括国际化学品协会理事会(International Council of Chemicals Associations)与欧洲化学工业委员会(European Chemical Industry Council)。在这之前,他担任过上游部与下游部的多个运营与商业职位,包括卓越制造部的副总裁。他在荷兰的代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)获得化学工程硕士学位后,于1983年加入壳牌。

Ben van Beurden has more than 35 years of Shell experience and has built a deep industry understanding and proven management experience across the technical and commercial roles which he has undertaken over his career.Since 2016 Ben has led Shell to deliver strong financial results, total shareholder returns and earnings per share. He also led Shell through ending the scrip dividend and the start of a $25 billion share buyback programme. Under his leadership Shell New Energies has been established and Shell has announced industry-leading initiatives in response to the global challenge of the energy transition to a lower-carbon future, including the introduction of Shell’s Net Carbon Footprint ambition. Shell is now at the forefront of a cross-industry push to reduce the greenhouse gas impact of natural gas with the Methane Guiding Principles.Ben led the Company through the acquisition and integration of BG Group, executed an impressive reshaping of our portfolio and completed a divestment programme of $30 billion of non-core assets, making the Shell Group simpler.
Ben Van Beurden是荷兰人,他被任命为首席执行官,该任命于2014年1月1日开始生效。从2013年1月到2013年9月,他担任下游部总监。在这之前,他从2006年12月担任多个领先的行业协会的董事开始,担任化学品部的执行副总裁,包括国际化学品协会理事会(International Council of Chemicals Associations)与欧洲化学工业委员会(European Chemical Industry Council)。在这之前,他担任过上游部与下游部的多个运营与商业职位,包括卓越制造部的副总裁。他在荷兰的代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)获得化学工程硕士学位后,于1983年加入壳牌。
Ben van Beurden has more than 35 years of Shell experience and has built a deep industry understanding and proven management experience across the technical and commercial roles which he has undertaken over his career.Since 2016 Ben has led Shell to deliver strong financial results, total shareholder returns and earnings per share. He also led Shell through ending the scrip dividend and the start of a $25 billion share buyback programme. Under his leadership Shell New Energies has been established and Shell has announced industry-leading initiatives in response to the global challenge of the energy transition to a lower-carbon future, including the introduction of Shell’s Net Carbon Footprint ambition. Shell is now at the forefront of a cross-industry push to reduce the greenhouse gas impact of natural gas with the Methane Guiding Principles.Ben led the Company through the acquisition and integration of BG Group, executed an impressive reshaping of our portfolio and completed a divestment programme of $30 billion of non-core assets, making the Shell Group simpler.
Gerrit Zalm

Gerrit Zalm是荷兰人,被任命为该公司的非执行董事,该任命于2013年1月1日开始生效。在2007年期间,他是普华永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的顾问,从2007年到2010年,担任国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards Board)的理事会主席,从2007年到2008年,担任Permira的顾问,从2007年到2009年,担任DSB Bank的首席财务官。从1994年到2002年和从2003年到2007年,他两次担任荷兰财务大臣。在这中间,他担任议会政党自由党的主席。1994年前,他担任荷兰经济政策分析局(Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis)的负责人,担任阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)的教授,并担任过财政部(Ministry of Finance)与经济事务部(Ministry of Economic Affairs)的多个职位。他在阿姆斯特丹自由大学学习通用经济学,并在该校获得经济学名誉博士学位。他是荷兰银行(ABN AMRO Bank N.V.)管理委员会的主席,他从2010年开始担任该职位。

Gerrit Zalm was an adviser to PricewaterhouseCoopers during 2007 Chair of the Trustees of the International Accounting Standards Board from 2007 to 2010 and an adviser to Permira from 2007 to 2008. He was Chief Economist of DSB Bank from July 2007 to January 2008 Chief Financial Officer from January 2008 to December 2008 and Chair of the Managing Board of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. from 2010 to 2016. He was Minister of Finance of the Netherlands, twice, from 1994 to 2002 and from 2003 to 2007. In between, he was Chair of the parliamentary party of the VVD.Prior to 1994 he was head of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, a professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and held various positions at the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. He studied general economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, from where he also received an honorary doctorate in economics.
Gerrit Zalm是荷兰人,被任命为该公司的非执行董事,该任命于2013年1月1日开始生效。在2007年期间,他是普华永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的顾问,从2007年到2010年,担任国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards Board)的理事会主席,从2007年到2008年,担任Permira的顾问,从2007年到2009年,担任DSB Bank的首席财务官。从1994年到2002年和从2003年到2007年,他两次担任荷兰财务大臣。在这中间,他担任议会政党自由党的主席。1994年前,他担任荷兰经济政策分析局(Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis)的负责人,担任阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)的教授,并担任过财政部(Ministry of Finance)与经济事务部(Ministry of Economic Affairs)的多个职位。他在阿姆斯特丹自由大学学习通用经济学,并在该校获得经济学名誉博士学位。他是荷兰银行(ABN AMRO Bank N.V.)管理委员会的主席,他从2010年开始担任该职位。
Gerrit Zalm was an adviser to PricewaterhouseCoopers during 2007 Chair of the Trustees of the International Accounting Standards Board from 2007 to 2010 and an adviser to Permira from 2007 to 2008. He was Chief Economist of DSB Bank from July 2007 to January 2008 Chief Financial Officer from January 2008 to December 2008 and Chair of the Managing Board of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. from 2010 to 2016. He was Minister of Finance of the Netherlands, twice, from 1994 to 2002 and from 2003 to 2007. In between, he was Chair of the parliamentary party of the VVD.Prior to 1994 he was head of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, a professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and held various positions at the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. He studied general economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, from where he also received an honorary doctorate in economics.
Catherine J. Hughes

Catherine J. Hughes,她在石油和天然气行业工作了27年。2009年12月至2013年4月退休,她担任尼克森公司(International of Nexen Inc.)执行副总裁,负责除在加拿大外全球所有生产、开发和项目活动。2009年12月至2011年11月,她担任尼克森(Nexen)副总裁,负责公司运营服务、科技和人力资源。加入尼克森(Nexen)前,2007年11月至2009年1月,担任赫斯基能源公司油砂部(Oil Sands of Husky Energy Inc.)副总裁。任职于上游部门之前,她也曾在油田服务业任职。她在斯伦贝谢有限公司(Schlumberger Limited)任职多年,担任过该公司在多个国家的重要职位,包括在意大利、尼日利亚、苏格兰和法国;担任过5年的加拿大斯伦贝谢有限公司(Schlumberger Canada Ltd.)总裁,该公司位于卡尔加里。她目前任职于挪威国家石油公司(Statoil ASA)董事会。她是一位专业工程师,任职于亚省工程师协会(the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta “APEGA”)。 她取得了法国里昂国立应用科学学院(Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon)电气工程学士学位。并且,她在工作期间也曾获得奖项,包括Energy Americas award杰出女性、Energy Global award杰出女性和年度the Consumer’s Choice Business Woman。

Catherine J. Hughes was Executive Vice President International at Nexen Inc. from January 2012 until her retirement in April 2013 where she was responsible for all oil and gas activities including exploration, production, development and project activities outside Canada. She joined Nexen in 2009 as Vice President Operational Services, Technology and Human Resources.Prior to joining Nexen Inc., she was Vice President Oil Sands at Husky Oil from 2007 to 2009 and Vice President Exploration & Production Services, from 2005 to 2007. She started her career with Schlumberger in 1986 and held key positions in various countries, including France, Italy, Nigeria, the UK and the USA, and was President of Schlumberger Canada Ltd for five years.Catherine has also held several non-executive director positions at SNC-Lavalin Group Inc, Statoil ASA and Precision Drilling Inc.
Catherine J. Hughes,她在石油和天然气行业工作了27年。2009年12月至2013年4月退休,她担任尼克森公司(International of Nexen Inc.)执行副总裁,负责除在加拿大外全球所有生产、开发和项目活动。2009年12月至2011年11月,她担任尼克森(Nexen)副总裁,负责公司运营服务、科技和人力资源。加入尼克森(Nexen)前,2007年11月至2009年1月,担任赫斯基能源公司油砂部(Oil Sands of Husky Energy Inc.)副总裁。任职于上游部门之前,她也曾在油田服务业任职。她在斯伦贝谢有限公司(Schlumberger Limited)任职多年,担任过该公司在多个国家的重要职位,包括在意大利、尼日利亚、苏格兰和法国;担任过5年的加拿大斯伦贝谢有限公司(Schlumberger Canada Ltd.)总裁,该公司位于卡尔加里。她目前任职于挪威国家石油公司(Statoil ASA)董事会。她是一位专业工程师,任职于亚省工程师协会(the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta “APEGA”)。 她取得了法国里昂国立应用科学学院(Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon)电气工程学士学位。并且,她在工作期间也曾获得奖项,包括Energy Americas award杰出女性、Energy Global award杰出女性和年度the Consumer’s Choice Business Woman。
Catherine J. Hughes was Executive Vice President International at Nexen Inc. from January 2012 until her retirement in April 2013 where she was responsible for all oil and gas activities including exploration, production, development and project activities outside Canada. She joined Nexen in 2009 as Vice President Operational Services, Technology and Human Resources.Prior to joining Nexen Inc., she was Vice President Oil Sands at Husky Oil from 2007 to 2009 and Vice President Exploration & Production Services, from 2005 to 2007. She started her career with Schlumberger in 1986 and held key positions in various countries, including France, Italy, Nigeria, the UK and the USA, and was President of Schlumberger Canada Ltd for five years.Catherine has also held several non-executive director positions at SNC-Lavalin Group Inc, Statoil ASA and Precision Drilling Inc.


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Harry Brekelmans

Harry Brekelmans生于1965年6月11日,荷兰人。任命为项目和技术董事,2014年10月生效。之前,他是荷兰Upstream International Operated的执行副总裁。他于1990年加入Shell,并在勘探与生产、内部审计和集团战略和规划担任各种管理职位。2011年至2013,他是俄罗斯区董事;俄罗斯和里海地区的执行副总裁。

Harry Brekelmans was previously Executive Vice President Upstream International Operated, based in the Netherlands. He joined Shell in 1990 and has held various management positions in Exploration and Production, Internal Audit, and Group Strategy and Planning. From 2011 to 2013 he was Country Chair Russia and Executive Vice President for Russia and the Caspian region. In November 2021 Harry played a key role in the partnership of Shell with energy technology firm Baker Hughes Co., in an effort to help the partnership achieve their targets of net-zero carbon emissions.
Harry Brekelmans生于1965年6月11日,荷兰人。任命为项目和技术董事,2014年10月生效。之前,他是荷兰Upstream International Operated的执行副总裁。他于1990年加入Shell,并在勘探与生产、内部审计和集团战略和规划担任各种管理职位。2011年至2013,他是俄罗斯区董事;俄罗斯和里海地区的执行副总裁。
Harry Brekelmans was previously Executive Vice President Upstream International Operated, based in the Netherlands. He joined Shell in 1990 and has held various management positions in Exploration and Production, Internal Audit, and Group Strategy and Planning. From 2011 to 2013 he was Country Chair Russia and Executive Vice President for Russia and the Caspian region. In November 2021 Harry played a key role in the partnership of Shell with energy technology firm Baker Hughes Co., in an effort to help the partnership achieve their targets of net-zero carbon emissions.
Ronan Cassidy

Ronan Cassidy出生于1967年2月10日。英国国民,任命为首席人力资源及 企业官,2016年1月1日生效。之前,他是 Upstream International人力资源的执行副总裁。他于1988年加入 Shell并担任过各种上下游 企业的人力资源职位。

Ronan Cassidy previously served as EVP HR for both the Downstream and Upstream International businesses in turn. He joined Shell in 1988 and has held various HR positions across the Shell value chain, including regional roles in Europe and NE Asia/China, and global roles in HR Strategy & Regional Coordination, Retail and LPG.
Ronan Cassidy出生于1967年2月10日。英国国民,任命为首席人力资源及 企业官,2016年1月1日生效。之前,他是 Upstream International人力资源的执行副总裁。他于1988年加入 Shell并担任过各种上下游 企业的人力资源职位。
Ronan Cassidy previously served as EVP HR for both the Downstream and Upstream International businesses in turn. He joined Shell in 1988 and has held various HR positions across the Shell value chain, including regional roles in Europe and NE Asia/China, and global roles in HR Strategy & Regional Coordination, Retail and LPG.
Linda M. Coulter

Linda M. Coulter是壳牌的公司秘书,作为壳牌公司的总法律顾问发挥着重要作用,负责监督比利时、加拿大、荷兰、瑞士、英国和美国的公司法律团队。Linda在壳牌的总部担任各种法律角色,并支持上下游业务,使她对壳牌的全球业务和人员有了深刻的了解。

Linda M. Coulter was General Counsel of the Upstream Americas business and Head of Legal US, based in the USA, from 2014 to 2016. Previously, she was Group Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, based in the Netherlands, from 2011 to 2014. Since joining Shell in 1995 she has also held a variety of legal positions in the Shell Oil Company in the USA, including Chemicals Legal Managing Counsel and other senior roles in employment, litigation, and commercial practice.
Linda M. Coulter是壳牌的公司秘书,作为壳牌公司的总法律顾问发挥着重要作用,负责监督比利时、加拿大、荷兰、瑞士、英国和美国的公司法律团队。Linda在壳牌的总部担任各种法律角色,并支持上下游业务,使她对壳牌的全球业务和人员有了深刻的了解。
Linda M. Coulter was General Counsel of the Upstream Americas business and Head of Legal US, based in the USA, from 2014 to 2016. Previously, she was Group Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, based in the Netherlands, from 2011 to 2014. Since joining Shell in 1995 she has also held a variety of legal positions in the Shell Oil Company in the USA, including Chemicals Legal Managing Counsel and other senior roles in employment, litigation, and commercial practice.
Wael Sawan

Wael Sawan。2019年7月1日,Wael接替Andy Brown担任上游董事,并被任命为执行委员会成员。Wael此前担任深水执行副总裁和上游领导团队成员。他于1997年加入壳牌,曾在壳牌的各个核心业务部门担任过各种职务:上游、综合天然气和下游。

Wael Sawan succeeded Maarten Wetselaar as Integrated Gas, Renewables and Energy Solutions Director,On October 25 2021.Wael was previously the Upstream Director and a member of the Executive Committee. Before that, he was Executive Vice President Deep Water and a member of the Upstream Leadership Team. He joined Shell in 1997 and worked in a variety of roles in each of Shell's core business units: Upstream, Integrated Gas and Downstream.
Wael Sawan。2019年7月1日,Wael接替Andy Brown担任上游董事,并被任命为执行委员会成员。Wael此前担任深水执行副总裁和上游领导团队成员。他于1997年加入壳牌,曾在壳牌的各个核心业务部门担任过各种职务:上游、综合天然气和下游。
Wael Sawan succeeded Maarten Wetselaar as Integrated Gas, Renewables and Energy Solutions Director,On October 25 2021.Wael was previously the Upstream Director and a member of the Executive Committee. Before that, he was Executive Vice President Deep Water and a member of the Upstream Leadership Team. He joined Shell in 1997 and worked in a variety of roles in each of Shell's core business units: Upstream, Integrated Gas and Downstream.
Huibert Vigeveno

Huibert Vigeveno,2020年1月1日,Huibert接替John Abbott担任下游董事,并被任命为执行委员会成员。Huibert此前担任全球商业执行副总裁。他于1995年加入壳牌,并领导壳牌在欧洲、非洲、北美和南美以及亚洲的许多下游业务。其中包括担任壳牌中国执行董事长,并于2016年领导BG集团的整合。

Huibert Vigeveno was previously Executive Vice President Global Commercial. He joined Shell in 1995 as a business analyst and led many Downstream businesses across Shell in Europe, Africa, North and South America as well as Asia. In 2009 Huibert was appointed Vice President Supply & Distribution, Europe and Africa. In 2012 he became Executive Chair of Shell in China, and in 2016 led the integration of BG Group.
Huibert Vigeveno,2020年1月1日,Huibert接替John Abbott担任下游董事,并被任命为执行委员会成员。Huibert此前担任全球商业执行副总裁。他于1995年加入壳牌,并领导壳牌在欧洲、非洲、北美和南美以及亚洲的许多下游业务。其中包括担任壳牌中国执行董事长,并于2016年领导BG集团的整合。
Huibert Vigeveno was previously Executive Vice President Global Commercial. He joined Shell in 1995 as a business analyst and led many Downstream businesses across Shell in Europe, Africa, North and South America as well as Asia. In 2009 Huibert was appointed Vice President Supply & Distribution, Europe and Africa. In 2012 he became Executive Chair of Shell in China, and in 2016 led the integration of BG Group.
Ed Daniels

Ed Daniels曾担任战略,投资组合和可持续发展执行副总裁。他于1988年加入壳牌,曾在壳牌的上游、综合天然气和下游业务以及我们的项目和技术组织中任职。此前,他曾担任壳牌英国国家主席。

Ed Daniels was previously Executive Vice President Strategy, Portfolio & Sustainability. He joined Shell in 1988 and has held roles in Shell’s Upstream, Integrated Gas, and Downstream businesses and our Projects & Technology organisation. He previously served as Shell’s UK Country Chair.
Ed Daniels曾担任战略,投资组合和可持续发展执行副总裁。他于1988年加入壳牌,曾在壳牌的上游、综合天然气和下游业务以及我们的项目和技术组织中任职。此前,他曾担任壳牌英国国家主席。
Ed Daniels was previously Executive Vice President Strategy, Portfolio & Sustainability. He joined Shell in 1988 and has held roles in Shell’s Upstream, Integrated Gas, and Downstream businesses and our Projects & Technology organisation. He previously served as Shell’s UK Country Chair.
Zoe succeeded

Zoe于2021年10月25日接替Wael Sawan担任上游董事,并被任命为执行委员会成员。Zoe曾在下游,综合天然气和上游担任过各种管理职位。最近,她曾担任常规石油和天然气公司的执行副总裁,并曾担任壳牌澳大利亚PTY有限公司的主席兼执行副总裁。她于2014年从力拓加入壳牌,领导该公司在加拿大的油砂业务。

Zoe succeeded Wael Sawan as Upstream Director and was appointed to the Executive Committee,On October 25 2021.Zoe has held various management positions in Downstream, Integrated Gas and Upstream. Most recently, she served as Executive Vice President Conventional Oil & Gas and was previously Chair and Executive Vice President Shell Australia Pty Ltd. She joined Shell from Rio Tinto in 2014 to lead the company’s Oil Sands business in Canada.
Zoe于2021年10月25日接替Wael Sawan担任上游董事,并被任命为执行委员会成员。Zoe曾在下游,综合天然气和上游担任过各种管理职位。最近,她曾担任常规石油和天然气公司的执行副总裁,并曾担任壳牌澳大利亚PTY有限公司的主席兼执行副总裁。她于2014年从力拓加入壳牌,领导该公司在加拿大的油砂业务。
Zoe succeeded Wael Sawan as Upstream Director and was appointed to the Executive Committee,On October 25 2021.Zoe has held various management positions in Downstream, Integrated Gas and Upstream. Most recently, she served as Executive Vice President Conventional Oil & Gas and was previously Chair and Executive Vice President Shell Australia Pty Ltd. She joined Shell from Rio Tinto in 2014 to lead the company’s Oil Sands business in Canada.
Sinead Gorman

Sinead Gorman将于2022年3月1日宣布被任命为壳牌有限公司的首席财务官,自2022年4月1日起生效。她将成为壳牌执行委员会和董事会的成员。自1999年加入壳牌以来,Sinead在整个壳牌公司的财务部门担任重要领导职务。她在壳牌国际贸易和航运公司Statsco(位于英国伦敦)和Coral Energy(位于休斯敦)的合资企业工作,开始了她的贸易生涯。德州,美国。在搬回休斯敦担任Shales的财务副总裁之前,她曾在荷兰的并购和财务部门工作。她曾担任项目与技术财务执行副总裁,然后成为综合天然气和新能源财务执行副总裁。Sinead目前是荷兰Upstream公司的财务执行副总裁。Sinead拥有牛津大学的工程、经济和管理硕士学位和伦敦商学院的金融学硕士学位。

Sinead Gorman is to be appointed Chief Financial Officer of Shell plc,as announced on March 1 2022 effective April 1 2022. She will become a member of Shell's Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.Since joining Shell in 1999 Sinead has held key leadership roles in Finance across Shell. She started her Shell career in Trading, working in the Shell International Trading and Shipping Company STATSCO based in London, UK, and the Coral Energy joint venture, in Houston. Texas, USA. She worked in Mergers and Acquisitions and Treasury, based in the Netherlands before moving back to Houston as the VP Finance Shales. She served as the Executive Vice President Finance for Projects & Technology, and then became the Executive Vice President Finance for Integrated Gas and New Energies. Sinead is currently Executive Vice President Finance for Upstream based in the Netherlands.Sinead holds a Masters in Engineering, Economics and Management from the University of Oxford and an MSc in Finance from London Business School.
Sinead Gorman将于2022年3月1日宣布被任命为壳牌有限公司的首席财务官,自2022年4月1日起生效。她将成为壳牌执行委员会和董事会的成员。自1999年加入壳牌以来,Sinead在整个壳牌公司的财务部门担任重要领导职务。她在壳牌国际贸易和航运公司Statsco(位于英国伦敦)和Coral Energy(位于休斯敦)的合资企业工作,开始了她的贸易生涯。德州,美国。在搬回休斯敦担任Shales的财务副总裁之前,她曾在荷兰的并购和财务部门工作。她曾担任项目与技术财务执行副总裁,然后成为综合天然气和新能源财务执行副总裁。Sinead目前是荷兰Upstream公司的财务执行副总裁。Sinead拥有牛津大学的工程、经济和管理硕士学位和伦敦商学院的金融学硕士学位。
Sinead Gorman is to be appointed Chief Financial Officer of Shell plc,as announced on March 1 2022 effective April 1 2022. She will become a member of Shell's Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.Since joining Shell in 1999 Sinead has held key leadership roles in Finance across Shell. She started her Shell career in Trading, working in the Shell International Trading and Shipping Company STATSCO based in London, UK, and the Coral Energy joint venture, in Houston. Texas, USA. She worked in Mergers and Acquisitions and Treasury, based in the Netherlands before moving back to Houston as the VP Finance Shales. She served as the Executive Vice President Finance for Projects & Technology, and then became the Executive Vice President Finance for Integrated Gas and New Energies. Sinead is currently Executive Vice President Finance for Upstream based in the Netherlands.Sinead holds a Masters in Engineering, Economics and Management from the University of Oxford and an MSc in Finance from London Business School.
Donny Ching

Donny Ching是马来西亚人,他被任命为法律总监,该任命于2014年2月10日开始生效。在这之前,他担任位于荷兰的项目与技术业务部的首席法律顾问。他于1988年加入位于澳大利亚的壳牌(Shell),迁至香港,后来到了伦敦。他于2004年被任命为亚太地区天然气与能源业务部的副总法律顾问,并于2008年担任壳牌新加坡(Shell Singapore)的法律事务负责人。

Donny Ching was previously General Counsel for Projects & Technology, based in the Netherlands. He joined Shell in 1988 based in Australia and then moved to Hong Kong and later to London. In 2008 he was appointed Head of Legal at Shell Singapore, having served as Associate General Counsel for Gas & Power in Asia-Pacific.
Donny Ching是马来西亚人,他被任命为法律总监,该任命于2014年2月10日开始生效。在这之前,他担任位于荷兰的项目与技术业务部的首席法律顾问。他于1988年加入位于澳大利亚的壳牌(Shell),迁至香港,后来到了伦敦。他于2004年被任命为亚太地区天然气与能源业务部的副总法律顾问,并于2008年担任壳牌新加坡(Shell Singapore)的法律事务负责人。
Donny Ching was previously General Counsel for Projects & Technology, based in the Netherlands. He joined Shell in 1988 based in Australia and then moved to Hong Kong and later to London. In 2008 he was appointed Head of Legal at Shell Singapore, having served as Associate General Counsel for Gas & Power in Asia-Pacific.