

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
古永锵 Chairman of the Board of Director, Chief Executive Officer 48 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
卢梵溪 Director 45 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
李宗炜 Independent Director 42 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
George Leonard Baker, Jr. Independent Director 72 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
竺稼 Independent Director 52 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
沙烨 Independent Director 42 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
刘德乐 Director, President 46 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
符绩勋 Independent Director 47 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
古永锵 Chairman of the Board of Director, Chief Executive Officer 48 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
顾思斌 Chief Product Officer 32 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
李捷 Senior Vice President 39 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
苏立 Chief Operating Officer 43 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
刘德乐 Director, President 46 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
姚键 Chief Technology Officer 39 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
魏明 Senior Vice President and President of Youku.com 40 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
朱向阳 Chief Content Officer 43 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
徐舸 Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 44 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
董亚卫 Chief Marketing Officer 44 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
杨伟东 Senior Vice President and President of Tudou.com 41 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
朱辉龙 Senior Vice President 39 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28
朱辉龙 Senior Vice President 39 未披露 未持股 2015-04-28


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古永锵(Victor Wing Cheung Koo),他是公司的创始人。自于2005年9月成立以来,他曾担任公司董事会主席及行政总裁。他拥有超过12年的中国互联网和媒体相关行业经验。从1999年到2005年,他曾在中国的搜狐公司工作,该公司是在纳斯达克上市领先的互联网门户网站。他曾在搜狐担任多个职位,包括总裁,首席运营官兼首席财务官,帮助搜狐从早期阶段的公司发展成为中国上市的互联网媒体公司。在加入搜狐前,1994至1999年他在富国资本管理有限公司(一家中国的私人股权投资公司)担任要职,包括业务开发的副总裁兼董事。在此之前,他于1993年在香港宝洁公司工作,1989年至1992年在美国旧金山贝恩公司工作。他获得了斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位,是加州大学伯克利分校的一个摄政''学者,在那里他获得了学士学位。

Victor Wing Cheung Koo is the founder of our company. Mr. Koo has served as the chairman of our board of directors and chief executive officer since our inception in September 2005. He has over 12 years of experience in Internet and media-related industries in China. From 1999 to 2005 Mr. Koo worked at Sohu, China's leading Internet portal that is listed on the NASDAQ. Mr. Koo served in various positions at Sohu, including as president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, helping to grow Sohu from an early-stage company to a listed Internet media property in China. Prior to joining Sohu, Mr. Koo held various senior positions in Richina Capital Partners Limited, a China-based private equity firm from 1994 to 1999 including vice president and director of business development. Prior to that, Mr. Koo worked at Procter & Gamble Co. in Hong Kong in 1993 and Bain & Company in San Francisco from 1989 to 1992. Mr. Koo received an MBA degree from Stanford University and was a Regents' Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, where he received a bachelor's degree.
古永锵(Victor Wing Cheung Koo),他是公司的创始人。自于2005年9月成立以来,他曾担任公司董事会主席及行政总裁。他拥有超过12年的中国互联网和媒体相关行业经验。从1999年到2005年,他曾在中国的搜狐公司工作,该公司是在纳斯达克上市领先的互联网门户网站。他曾在搜狐担任多个职位,包括总裁,首席运营官兼首席财务官,帮助搜狐从早期阶段的公司发展成为中国上市的互联网媒体公司。在加入搜狐前,1994至1999年他在富国资本管理有限公司(一家中国的私人股权投资公司)担任要职,包括业务开发的副总裁兼董事。在此之前,他于1993年在香港宝洁公司工作,1989年至1992年在美国旧金山贝恩公司工作。他获得了斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位,是加州大学伯克利分校的一个摄政''学者,在那里他获得了学士学位。
Victor Wing Cheung Koo is the founder of our company. Mr. Koo has served as the chairman of our board of directors and chief executive officer since our inception in September 2005. He has over 12 years of experience in Internet and media-related industries in China. From 1999 to 2005 Mr. Koo worked at Sohu, China's leading Internet portal that is listed on the NASDAQ. Mr. Koo served in various positions at Sohu, including as president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, helping to grow Sohu from an early-stage company to a listed Internet media property in China. Prior to joining Sohu, Mr. Koo held various senior positions in Richina Capital Partners Limited, a China-based private equity firm from 1994 to 1999 including vice president and director of business development. Prior to that, Mr. Koo worked at Procter & Gamble Co. in Hong Kong in 1993 and Bain & Company in San Francisco from 1989 to 1992. Mr. Koo received an MBA degree from Stanford University and was a Regents' Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, where he received a bachelor's degree.

卢梵溪, 2014年5月以来,她一直担任我们的董事。他也是Alibaba Group Holding Limite公司(Alibaba Group)的董事。他于2000年加入Alibaba Group,并于2013年5月接替Jack Ma担任首席执行官。担任Alibaba Group的现任职务之前,他曾担任 Alibaba Group的首席数据官,并监督Alibaba Group的YunOS部门。此前,他曾担任Alibaba.com的首席执行官(从2011年2月到2012年公司私有化)。他于2008年1月加入Taobao公司,并担任其首席执行官(从2010年1月到2011年6月)。他于2004年9月领导一个专门小组建立支付宝(Alipay),并成为支付宝(Alipay)的第一任总裁。从2000年到2004年,他曾担任Alibaba.com的领导职务,并管理其华南销售区域。他持有广州大学(Guangzhou University)的酒店管理毕业证书,以及上海交通大学中欧国际工商学院(China Europe International Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。

Jonathan Zhaoxi Lu has served as our director since May 2014. Mr. Lu is also a director of Alibaba Group Holding Limite, or Alibaba Group. Mr. Lu joined Alibaba Group in 2000 and succeeded Jack Ma as chief executive officer in May 2013. Prior to his current role in Alibaba Group, he served as Alibaba Group's chief data officer and also oversaw Alibaba Group's YunOS division. Before that, he served as chief executive officer of Alibaba.com from February 2011 until its privatization in 2012. He joined Taobao in January 2008 and served as its chief executive officer from January 2010 to June 2011. In September 2004 he led a dedicated team to establish Alipay and became Alipay's first president. From 2000 to 2004 Jonathan held several leadership roles at Alibaba.com and managed its South China sales region. Mr. Lu received a graduate certificate in hotel management from Guangzhou University and a master's degree in business administration from China Europe International Business School.
卢梵溪, 2014年5月以来,她一直担任我们的董事。他也是Alibaba Group Holding Limite公司(Alibaba Group)的董事。他于2000年加入Alibaba Group,并于2013年5月接替Jack Ma担任首席执行官。担任Alibaba Group的现任职务之前,他曾担任 Alibaba Group的首席数据官,并监督Alibaba Group的YunOS部门。此前,他曾担任Alibaba.com的首席执行官(从2011年2月到2012年公司私有化)。他于2008年1月加入Taobao公司,并担任其首席执行官(从2010年1月到2011年6月)。他于2004年9月领导一个专门小组建立支付宝(Alipay),并成为支付宝(Alipay)的第一任总裁。从2000年到2004年,他曾担任Alibaba.com的领导职务,并管理其华南销售区域。他持有广州大学(Guangzhou University)的酒店管理毕业证书,以及上海交通大学中欧国际工商学院(China Europe International Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。
Jonathan Zhaoxi Lu has served as our director since May 2014. Mr. Lu is also a director of Alibaba Group Holding Limite, or Alibaba Group. Mr. Lu joined Alibaba Group in 2000 and succeeded Jack Ma as chief executive officer in May 2013. Prior to his current role in Alibaba Group, he served as Alibaba Group's chief data officer and also oversaw Alibaba Group's YunOS division. Before that, he served as chief executive officer of Alibaba.com from February 2011 until its privatization in 2012. He joined Taobao in January 2008 and served as its chief executive officer from January 2010 to June 2011. In September 2004 he led a dedicated team to establish Alipay and became Alipay's first president. From 2000 to 2004 Jonathan held several leadership roles at Alibaba.com and managed its South China sales region. Mr. Lu received a graduate certificate in hotel management from Guangzhou University and a master's degree in business administration from China Europe International Business School.


Zongwei Li,has served as Four Seasons Education (Cayman) Inc. independent director since November 2017. Mr. Li has served as chief financial officer of Linmon Media Limited since November 2022, a drama producing and distributing company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He served as a managing director of Sailing Capital, a private equity fund, from June 2014 to March 2019. He served as an executive director and chief financial officer of Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited, a photovoltaic manufacturer listed on the New York Stock Exchange, from 2006 to 2014. He also has approximately 11 years of experience as a senior audit manager at Pricewaterhouse Coopers from 1995 to 2006. Prior to that, he served as a securities and futures trader at CITIC Securities from 1993 to 1995. Mr. Li is also currently an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of Yadea Group Holdings Ltd., an electric vehicle brand listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He also served as an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of Youku Tudou Inc., an Internet television company listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2016. Mr. Li received his MBA from Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis in 2006 and his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Shanghai Institute of Technology in 1993. Mr. Li is a nonpracticing certified member of China institute of Certified Public Accountants. His business address is 36/F, CITIC Plaza, 859 North Sichuan Road, Shanghai 200085, China.
Zongwei Li,has served as Four Seasons Education (Cayman) Inc. independent director since November 2017. Mr. Li has served as chief financial officer of Linmon Media Limited since November 2022, a drama producing and distributing company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He served as a managing director of Sailing Capital, a private equity fund, from June 2014 to March 2019. He served as an executive director and chief financial officer of Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited, a photovoltaic manufacturer listed on the New York Stock Exchange, from 2006 to 2014. He also has approximately 11 years of experience as a senior audit manager at Pricewaterhouse Coopers from 1995 to 2006. Prior to that, he served as a securities and futures trader at CITIC Securities from 1993 to 1995. Mr. Li is also currently an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of Yadea Group Holdings Ltd., an electric vehicle brand listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He also served as an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of Youku Tudou Inc., an Internet television company listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2016. Mr. Li received his MBA from Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis in 2006 and his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Shanghai Institute of Technology in 1993. Mr. Li is a nonpracticing certified member of China institute of Certified Public Accountants. His business address is 36/F, CITIC Plaza, 859 North Sichuan Road, Shanghai 200085, China.
George Leonard Baker, Jr.

George Leonard Baker, Jr.,自2007年,他担任公司董事。自1973年以来他一直是萨特山风险投资公司(位于加州帕洛阿尔托风险投资公司)的普通合伙人的负责人。他目前服务于Corcept治疗股份有限公司(一家公开上市的制药公司),以及一些私营公司的董事会。他还担任新加坡政府投资公司,以及其子公司新加坡政府投资公司特别投资私人有限公司(一家全球性投资管理公司,管理新加坡的外汇储备)的顾问。他收到来自斯坦福大学的MBA学位,和耶鲁大学数学学士学位。

George Leonard Baker, Jr. has served as our director since 2007. Since 1973 Mr. Baker has been a managing director of the general partner of Sutter Hill Ventures, a venture capital firm located in Palo Alto, California. Mr. Baker currently serves on the board of Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated which is a publicly traded pharmaceutical company, as well as a number of private companies. He also serves as an advisor for Government of Singapore Investment Corporation as well as its subsidiary Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Special Investments Pte Ltd., a global investment management company managing Singapore's foreign reserves. Mr. Baker received an MBA degree from Stanford University and a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Yale University.
George Leonard Baker, Jr.,自2007年,他担任公司董事。自1973年以来他一直是萨特山风险投资公司(位于加州帕洛阿尔托风险投资公司)的普通合伙人的负责人。他目前服务于Corcept治疗股份有限公司(一家公开上市的制药公司),以及一些私营公司的董事会。他还担任新加坡政府投资公司,以及其子公司新加坡政府投资公司特别投资私人有限公司(一家全球性投资管理公司,管理新加坡的外汇储备)的顾问。他收到来自斯坦福大学的MBA学位,和耶鲁大学数学学士学位。
George Leonard Baker, Jr. has served as our director since 2007. Since 1973 Mr. Baker has been a managing director of the general partner of Sutter Hill Ventures, a venture capital firm located in Palo Alto, California. Mr. Baker currently serves on the board of Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated which is a publicly traded pharmaceutical company, as well as a number of private companies. He also serves as an advisor for Government of Singapore Investment Corporation as well as its subsidiary Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Special Investments Pte Ltd., a global investment management company managing Singapore's foreign reserves. Mr. Baker received an MBA degree from Stanford University and a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Yale University.

竺稼,自2019年7月起担任Chindata Group Holdings Limited董事。2006年至今,他曾担任Bain Capital Private Equity Asia的董事总经理和合伙人。自2006年加入Bain Capital以来,他一直领导Bain Capital在亚洲的投资,重点是中国。Zhu先生现为Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Limited(香港交易所)的独立非执行董事、薪酬委员会主席、审核委员会、提名委员会及执行委员会成员。0468),以及Sunac China Holdings Limited(HKEx:1918)的独立非执行董事、薪酬委员会主席、审计委员会和环境、社会和治理委员会成员,同时也是Asia Pacific Medical Group、ASIMCO、EcoCeres、Vitalink和Vision-X的董事会成员。从2020年到2022年,Zhu先生还担任NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NaaS)(前身为Rise Education Cayman Limited)的董事兼公司治理和提名委员会主席,2015年至2023年担任Lionbridge的董事,2017年至2022年担任Hugel, Inc. (KOSDAQ: 145020)的董事,2017年至2020年担任Trans Maldivian Airways的董事,2010年至2019年担任China Fire的董事,2011年至2020年担任Clear Media的董事。在2006年加入Bain Capital之前,Zhu先生从1996年到2006年担任Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited中国业务的董事总经理兼首席执行官。1995年至1996年,他担任Morgan Stanley & Co的合伙人;1992年至1994年,他担任Shearman & Sterling的合伙人。他持有郑州大学学士学位、南京大学硕士学位和Cornell University法学院法学博士学位。他是美国康奈尔大学和中国南京大学的受托人。

Jonathan Jia Zhu,has served as Chindata Group Holdings Limited director since July 2019. Mr. Zhu has served as a managing director and partner of Bain Capital Private Equity Asia from 2006 to present. Since joining Bain Capital in 2006, Mr. Zhu has led Bain Capital's investments in Asia, with a focus on China. Mr. Zhu is currently an independent non-executive director, chairman of the remuneration committee, and member of audit committee, nomination committee and executive committee of Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Limited (HKEx: 0468), and an independent non-executive director, chairman of remuneration committee and member of audit committee and environmental, social and governance committee of Sunac China Holdings Limited (HKEx:1918), and also sits on the board of Asia Pacific Medical Group, ASIMCO, EcoCeres, Vitalink and Vision-X. Mr. Zhu was also a director and chairman of corporate governance and nominating committee of NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NAAS) (formerly known as Rise Education Cayman Limited) from 2020 to 2022, a director of Lionbridge from 2015 to 2023, a director of Hugel, Inc. (KOSDAQ: 145020) from 2017 to 2022, a director of Trans Maldivian Airways from 2017 to 2020, a director of China Fire from 2010 to 2019, and a director of Clear Media from 2011 to 2020. Before joining Bain Capital in 2006, Mr. Zhu served as a managing director and chief executive officer at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited's China business from 1996 to 2006. He served as an associate at Morgan Stanley & Co from 1995 to 1996 and as an associate at Shearman & Sterling from 1992 to 1994. Mr. Zhu received a bachelor's degree from Zhengzhou University, a master's degree from Nanjing University, and a juris doctor degree from Cornell Law School. Mr. Zhu is a trustee of Cornell University in the U.S. and Nanjing University in China.
竺稼,自2019年7月起担任Chindata Group Holdings Limited董事。2006年至今,他曾担任Bain Capital Private Equity Asia的董事总经理和合伙人。自2006年加入Bain Capital以来,他一直领导Bain Capital在亚洲的投资,重点是中国。Zhu先生现为Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Limited(香港交易所)的独立非执行董事、薪酬委员会主席、审核委员会、提名委员会及执行委员会成员。0468),以及Sunac China Holdings Limited(HKEx:1918)的独立非执行董事、薪酬委员会主席、审计委员会和环境、社会和治理委员会成员,同时也是Asia Pacific Medical Group、ASIMCO、EcoCeres、Vitalink和Vision-X的董事会成员。从2020年到2022年,Zhu先生还担任NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NaaS)(前身为Rise Education Cayman Limited)的董事兼公司治理和提名委员会主席,2015年至2023年担任Lionbridge的董事,2017年至2022年担任Hugel, Inc. (KOSDAQ: 145020)的董事,2017年至2020年担任Trans Maldivian Airways的董事,2010年至2019年担任China Fire的董事,2011年至2020年担任Clear Media的董事。在2006年加入Bain Capital之前,Zhu先生从1996年到2006年担任Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited中国业务的董事总经理兼首席执行官。1995年至1996年,他担任Morgan Stanley & Co的合伙人;1992年至1994年,他担任Shearman & Sterling的合伙人。他持有郑州大学学士学位、南京大学硕士学位和Cornell University法学院法学博士学位。他是美国康奈尔大学和中国南京大学的受托人。
Jonathan Jia Zhu,has served as Chindata Group Holdings Limited director since July 2019. Mr. Zhu has served as a managing director and partner of Bain Capital Private Equity Asia from 2006 to present. Since joining Bain Capital in 2006, Mr. Zhu has led Bain Capital's investments in Asia, with a focus on China. Mr. Zhu is currently an independent non-executive director, chairman of the remuneration committee, and member of audit committee, nomination committee and executive committee of Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Limited (HKEx: 0468), and an independent non-executive director, chairman of remuneration committee and member of audit committee and environmental, social and governance committee of Sunac China Holdings Limited (HKEx:1918), and also sits on the board of Asia Pacific Medical Group, ASIMCO, EcoCeres, Vitalink and Vision-X. Mr. Zhu was also a director and chairman of corporate governance and nominating committee of NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NAAS) (formerly known as Rise Education Cayman Limited) from 2020 to 2022, a director of Lionbridge from 2015 to 2023, a director of Hugel, Inc. (KOSDAQ: 145020) from 2017 to 2022, a director of Trans Maldivian Airways from 2017 to 2020, a director of China Fire from 2010 to 2019, and a director of Clear Media from 2011 to 2020. Before joining Bain Capital in 2006, Mr. Zhu served as a managing director and chief executive officer at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited's China business from 1996 to 2006. He served as an associate at Morgan Stanley & Co from 1995 to 1996 and as an associate at Shearman & Sterling from 1992 to 1994. Mr. Zhu received a bachelor's degree from Zhengzhou University, a master's degree from Nanjing University, and a juris doctor degree from Cornell Law School. Mr. Zhu is a trustee of Cornell University in the U.S. and Nanjing University in China.


Ye Sha has served as our Director since 2014. Prior to joining us, Mr. Sha was the founder and chief executive officer of Shanghai Hongxun Software Co., Ltd., or BMI Asis, a software development company. Mr. Sha has also been serving as the managing partner of Chengwei Investment Management Counsulting Shanghai Co., Ltd. since 2009. Mr. Sha obtained his master’s degree in computer science from Wesleyan University and his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Ye Sha has served as our Director since 2014. Prior to joining us, Mr. Sha was the founder and chief executive officer of Shanghai Hongxun Software Co., Ltd., or BMI Asis, a software development company. Mr. Sha has also been serving as the managing partner of Chengwei Investment Management Counsulting Shanghai Co., Ltd. since 2009. Mr. Sha obtained his master’s degree in computer science from Wesleyan University and his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Shanghai Jiaotong University.


Dele Liu has served as our independent director since November 2017. Mr. Liu is the vice chairman of Heyi Ventures, a venture capital firm. Mr. Liu served as president and executive director of Youku Tudou Inc., an Internet television company listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 2011 to 2016. He served as chief financial officer of Youku Tudou Inc. from 2006 to 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as vice president of Power Pacific Corporation Limited, an investment platform, from 1996 to 2005. Mr. Liu completed courses for program for Management Development at Harvard Business School in 2001. He received his bachelor's degree from Shanghai Maritime University in 1991. His business address is 7th Floor, Tower B, Global Trade Center, 36 North 3rd Road East Road, Beijing 100094 China.
Dele Liu has served as our independent director since November 2017. Mr. Liu is the vice chairman of Heyi Ventures, a venture capital firm. Mr. Liu served as president and executive director of Youku Tudou Inc., an Internet television company listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 2011 to 2016. He served as chief financial officer of Youku Tudou Inc. from 2006 to 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as vice president of Power Pacific Corporation Limited, an investment platform, from 1996 to 2005. Mr. Liu completed courses for program for Management Development at Harvard Business School in 2001. He received his bachelor's degree from Shanghai Maritime University in 1991. His business address is 7th Floor, Tower B, Global Trade Center, 36 North 3rd Road East Road, Beijing 100094 China.

符绩勋,自2018年1月起担任哈啰出行的董事。并于2020年8月被董事会确定为独立董事。在2014年8月至2020年9月期间担任群核科技公司的董事,并自2021年3月以来再次被任命为董事。符先生目前是GGV Capital的管理合伙人。在2006年加入GGV Capital之前,他是风险投资基金Draper Fisher Jurvetson Eplanet Ventures L.P.的董事。符绩勋(Jixun Foo)先生自2009年10月任职去哪儿网董事。符先生于2006年作为主要合伙人加入上海的纪源资本。加入纪源资本之前,符先生曾任全球创业投资基金董事,负责亚洲区的投资。1996年至2000年,符先生任职于新加坡国家科技局金融与投资部,负责相关投资事务。1993年至1995年,符先生还曾是惠普公司的研发工程师和项目负责人。符先生毕业于新加坡国立大学,在1993年获得机械工程学一等荣誉学士学位,并在1997年获得新加坡国立大学商学院技术管理硕士学位。自2019年7月起担任百度集团股份有限公司的独立董事。

Jixun Foo,is a non-executive director of Xpeng Inc. Mr. Foo has served as a managing partner at GGV Capital, a venture capital firm, since 2006. From 2000 to 2005, Mr. Foo worked at Draper Fisher Jurvetson ePlanet Ventures L.P., a venture capital fund, and last served as a director. From 1996 to 2000, he served as a manager of the Finance and Investment Division of the National Science and Technology Board of Singapore. From 1993 to 1996, Mr. Foo served as the leader of a research and development project at Hewlett-Packard, an information technology company listed on the NYSE (symbol: HPQ). Mr. Foo has served as a director of Baidu, Inc., a company listed on the NASDAQ (symbol: BIDU) and the Stock Exchange (stock code: 9888) since July 2019. Mr. Foo has been appointed as a director of Bombardier Inc., a company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: BBD) since May 5, 2022. Mr. Foo received his master of science degree in management of technology in January 1997 and his bachelor's degree with first class honors in engineering in June 1993 from the National University of Singapore.
符绩勋,自2018年1月起担任哈啰出行的董事。并于2020年8月被董事会确定为独立董事。在2014年8月至2020年9月期间担任群核科技公司的董事,并自2021年3月以来再次被任命为董事。符先生目前是GGV Capital的管理合伙人。在2006年加入GGV Capital之前,他是风险投资基金Draper Fisher Jurvetson Eplanet Ventures L.P.的董事。符绩勋(Jixun Foo)先生自2009年10月任职去哪儿网董事。符先生于2006年作为主要合伙人加入上海的纪源资本。加入纪源资本之前,符先生曾任全球创业投资基金董事,负责亚洲区的投资。1996年至2000年,符先生任职于新加坡国家科技局金融与投资部,负责相关投资事务。1993年至1995年,符先生还曾是惠普公司的研发工程师和项目负责人。符先生毕业于新加坡国立大学,在1993年获得机械工程学一等荣誉学士学位,并在1997年获得新加坡国立大学商学院技术管理硕士学位。自2019年7月起担任百度集团股份有限公司的独立董事。
Jixun Foo,is a non-executive director of Xpeng Inc. Mr. Foo has served as a managing partner at GGV Capital, a venture capital firm, since 2006. From 2000 to 2005, Mr. Foo worked at Draper Fisher Jurvetson ePlanet Ventures L.P., a venture capital fund, and last served as a director. From 1996 to 2000, he served as a manager of the Finance and Investment Division of the National Science and Technology Board of Singapore. From 1993 to 1996, Mr. Foo served as the leader of a research and development project at Hewlett-Packard, an information technology company listed on the NYSE (symbol: HPQ). Mr. Foo has served as a director of Baidu, Inc., a company listed on the NASDAQ (symbol: BIDU) and the Stock Exchange (stock code: 9888) since July 2019. Mr. Foo has been appointed as a director of Bombardier Inc., a company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: BBD) since May 5, 2022. Mr. Foo received his master of science degree in management of technology in January 1997 and his bachelor's degree with first class honors in engineering in June 1993 from the National University of Singapore.


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古永锵(Victor Wing Cheung Koo),他是公司的创始人。自于2005年9月成立以来,他曾担任公司董事会主席及行政总裁。他拥有超过12年的中国互联网和媒体相关行业经验。从1999年到2005年,他曾在中国的搜狐公司工作,该公司是在纳斯达克上市领先的互联网门户网站。他曾在搜狐担任多个职位,包括总裁,首席运营官兼首席财务官,帮助搜狐从早期阶段的公司发展成为中国上市的互联网媒体公司。在加入搜狐前,1994至1999年他在富国资本管理有限公司(一家中国的私人股权投资公司)担任要职,包括业务开发的副总裁兼董事。在此之前,他于1993年在香港宝洁公司工作,1989年至1992年在美国旧金山贝恩公司工作。他获得了斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位,是加州大学伯克利分校的一个摄政''学者,在那里他获得了学士学位。

Victor Wing Cheung Koo is the founder of our company. Mr. Koo has served as the chairman of our board of directors and chief executive officer since our inception in September 2005. He has over 12 years of experience in Internet and media-related industries in China. From 1999 to 2005 Mr. Koo worked at Sohu, China's leading Internet portal that is listed on the NASDAQ. Mr. Koo served in various positions at Sohu, including as president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, helping to grow Sohu from an early-stage company to a listed Internet media property in China. Prior to joining Sohu, Mr. Koo held various senior positions in Richina Capital Partners Limited, a China-based private equity firm from 1994 to 1999 including vice president and director of business development. Prior to that, Mr. Koo worked at Procter & Gamble Co. in Hong Kong in 1993 and Bain & Company in San Francisco from 1989 to 1992. Mr. Koo received an MBA degree from Stanford University and was a Regents' Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, where he received a bachelor's degree.
古永锵(Victor Wing Cheung Koo),他是公司的创始人。自于2005年9月成立以来,他曾担任公司董事会主席及行政总裁。他拥有超过12年的中国互联网和媒体相关行业经验。从1999年到2005年,他曾在中国的搜狐公司工作,该公司是在纳斯达克上市领先的互联网门户网站。他曾在搜狐担任多个职位,包括总裁,首席运营官兼首席财务官,帮助搜狐从早期阶段的公司发展成为中国上市的互联网媒体公司。在加入搜狐前,1994至1999年他在富国资本管理有限公司(一家中国的私人股权投资公司)担任要职,包括业务开发的副总裁兼董事。在此之前,他于1993年在香港宝洁公司工作,1989年至1992年在美国旧金山贝恩公司工作。他获得了斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位,是加州大学伯克利分校的一个摄政''学者,在那里他获得了学士学位。
Victor Wing Cheung Koo is the founder of our company. Mr. Koo has served as the chairman of our board of directors and chief executive officer since our inception in September 2005. He has over 12 years of experience in Internet and media-related industries in China. From 1999 to 2005 Mr. Koo worked at Sohu, China's leading Internet portal that is listed on the NASDAQ. Mr. Koo served in various positions at Sohu, including as president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, helping to grow Sohu from an early-stage company to a listed Internet media property in China. Prior to joining Sohu, Mr. Koo held various senior positions in Richina Capital Partners Limited, a China-based private equity firm from 1994 to 1999 including vice president and director of business development. Prior to that, Mr. Koo worked at Procter & Gamble Co. in Hong Kong in 1993 and Bain & Company in San Francisco from 1989 to 1992. Mr. Koo received an MBA degree from Stanford University and was a Regents' Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, where he received a bachelor's degree.

顾思斌,毕业于北京邮电大学,2004年加入腾讯,主要负责 QQ会员、QQ秀、腾讯电商等业务。2014年加盟优酷土豆集团。2014年10月8 日,优酷土豆集团正式宣布,任命顾思斌为首席产品官(CPO)。顾思斌先生,自2017年10月起担任为猫眼娱乐总裁,天津猫眼微影总裁。

Teddy Gu has served as our chief product officer since October 2014. Before joining Youku Tudou, Mr. Gu served as Vice President of JD.com, overseeing its wireless business. Before that, Mr. Gu worked at Tencent for a decade, responsible for Tencent's key services including QQ members, QQ Show, and e-Commerce. Mr. Gu had held senior positions including the Chief Marketing Officer of 51Buy, a business-to-consumer branch of Tencent, and Deputy General Manager of Tencent's e-Commerce business. Mr. Gu received a bachelor's degree in business administration from the Beijing University of Post & Telecommunications.
顾思斌,毕业于北京邮电大学,2004年加入腾讯,主要负责 QQ会员、QQ秀、腾讯电商等业务。2014年加盟优酷土豆集团。2014年10月8 日,优酷土豆集团正式宣布,任命顾思斌为首席产品官(CPO)。顾思斌先生,自2017年10月起担任为猫眼娱乐总裁,天津猫眼微影总裁。
Teddy Gu has served as our chief product officer since October 2014. Before joining Youku Tudou, Mr. Gu served as Vice President of JD.com, overseeing its wireless business. Before that, Mr. Gu worked at Tencent for a decade, responsible for Tencent's key services including QQ members, QQ Show, and e-Commerce. Mr. Gu had held senior positions including the Chief Marketing Officer of 51Buy, a business-to-consumer branch of Tencent, and Deputy General Manager of Tencent's e-Commerce business. Mr. Gu received a bachelor's degree in business administration from the Beijing University of Post & Telecommunications.


Jerry Li has served as Beijing Enlight Media Co.,Ltd. senior vice president since October 2014. Before joining Youku Tudou, Mr. Li was a vice president of AsiaInfo Group, responsible for talent management, organizational development and driving key investment projects in start-up companies in mobile Internet, cloud computing and big data. At AsiaInfo, Mr. Li was also responsible for managing the human resource integration of AsiaInfo and Linkage, a merger of equals involving almost 10000 employees, and post-merger organizational transformation of the group. Mr. Li graduated from Tianjin University with a bachelor's degree in engineering. He also earned an MBA from China Europe International Business School, and received a master's degree diploma in Organization & Human Resource Management OHRM from Hong Kong University.
Jerry Li has served as Beijing Enlight Media Co.,Ltd. senior vice president since October 2014. Before joining Youku Tudou, Mr. Li was a vice president of AsiaInfo Group, responsible for talent management, organizational development and driving key investment projects in start-up companies in mobile Internet, cloud computing and big data. At AsiaInfo, Mr. Li was also responsible for managing the human resource integration of AsiaInfo and Linkage, a merger of equals involving almost 10000 employees, and post-merger organizational transformation of the group. Mr. Li graduated from Tianjin University with a bachelor's degree in engineering. He also earned an MBA from China Europe International Business School, and received a master's degree diploma in Organization & Human Resource Management OHRM from Hong Kong University.


Edward Su has served as our chief operating officer since March 2015. Mr. Su oversees the sales team of Youku Tudou. Before joining Youku Tudou, Mr. Su served as the chief executive officer of China Group for Havas Worldwide, a multinational integrated marketing communications agency. Mr. Su graduated from East China Normal University with a Master's Degree in Philosophy and also received an MBA from China Europe International Business School CEIBS.
Edward Su has served as our chief operating officer since March 2015. Mr. Su oversees the sales team of Youku Tudou. Before joining Youku Tudou, Mr. Su served as the chief executive officer of China Group for Havas Worldwide, a multinational integrated marketing communications agency. Mr. Su graduated from East China Normal University with a Master's Degree in Philosophy and also received an MBA from China Europe International Business School CEIBS.


Dele Liu has served as our independent director since November 2017. Mr. Liu is the vice chairman of Heyi Ventures, a venture capital firm. Mr. Liu served as president and executive director of Youku Tudou Inc., an Internet television company listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 2011 to 2016. He served as chief financial officer of Youku Tudou Inc. from 2006 to 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as vice president of Power Pacific Corporation Limited, an investment platform, from 1996 to 2005. Mr. Liu completed courses for program for Management Development at Harvard Business School in 2001. He received his bachelor's degree from Shanghai Maritime University in 1991. His business address is 7th Floor, Tower B, Global Trade Center, 36 North 3rd Road East Road, Beijing 100094 China.
Dele Liu has served as our independent director since November 2017. Mr. Liu is the vice chairman of Heyi Ventures, a venture capital firm. Mr. Liu served as president and executive director of Youku Tudou Inc., an Internet television company listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 2011 to 2016. He served as chief financial officer of Youku Tudou Inc. from 2006 to 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as vice president of Power Pacific Corporation Limited, an investment platform, from 1996 to 2005. Mr. Liu completed courses for program for Management Development at Harvard Business School in 2001. He received his bachelor's degree from Shanghai Maritime University in 1991. His business address is 7th Floor, Tower B, Global Trade Center, 36 North 3rd Road East Road, Beijing 100094 China.


Leo Jian Yao has served as our chief technology officer since 2007 and as our chief architect from 2006 to 2007. Before joining our company, Mr. Yao served as the chief technology officer of Sino Credit Technologies China Inc., a leading credit card marketing portal in China, from 2005 to 2006 responsible for technology product development. From 2004 to 2005 Mr. Yao was the technology director at an affiliate of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc., a NYSE-listed company. From September 2000 to June 2002 and from April 2003 to May 2004 Mr. Yao was head of network operations at Sohu, responsible for 24-7 operational maintenance of Sohu. Mr. Yao received a bachelor's degree in engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University.
Leo Jian Yao has served as our chief technology officer since 2007 and as our chief architect from 2006 to 2007. Before joining our company, Mr. Yao served as the chief technology officer of Sino Credit Technologies China Inc., a leading credit card marketing portal in China, from 2005 to 2006 responsible for technology product development. From 2004 to 2005 Mr. Yao was the technology director at an affiliate of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc., a NYSE-listed company. From September 2000 to June 2002 and from April 2003 to May 2004 Mr. Yao was head of network operations at Sohu, responsible for 24-7 operational maintenance of Sohu. Mr. Yao received a bachelor's degree in engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University.


Frank Ming Wei has served at various positions in our company since 2007 including senior vice president, vice president and assistant to the chief executive officer, and he became the president of Youku.com in April 2013. Prior to joining our company, he worked as a sales director of Focus.cn, a leading real estate website in China operated by Sohu, from 2005 to 2007. From 2000 to 2005 he worked as sales manager and then assistant to the president of Sohu, where he was responsible for operations of various commercial projects. Mr. Wei received a bachelor's degree in computer science from Southwest University.
Frank Ming Wei has served at various positions in our company since 2007 including senior vice president, vice president and assistant to the chief executive officer, and he became the president of Youku.com in April 2013. Prior to joining our company, he worked as a sales director of Focus.cn, a leading real estate website in China operated by Sohu, from 2005 to 2007. From 2000 to 2005 he worked as sales manager and then assistant to the president of Sohu, where he was responsible for operations of various commercial projects. Mr. Wei received a bachelor's degree in computer science from Southwest University.


Sunny Xiangyang Zhu has served as our chief content officer since April 2013 and from 2006 to March 2013 he was our chief editor. Mr. Zhu established and leads our content team. In March 2015 he has been appointed as the chief executive officer of one of our new business units, Heyi Studios, which produces original TV dramas and innovative web-native content. Before joining our company, he worked at Beijing Flying Network Music Software Development Co., Ltd. as a content director from 2004 to 2005. From 2001 to 2004 he served as the content director at China Guangya Radio Information Internet Ltd., where he was responsible for professional content syndication services. From 1999 to 2001 he worked at Sohu, building up its music and movie channels. Mr. Zhu attended the undergraduate program in Nanjing Political Institute and received a junior college diploma from Anhui University.
Sunny Xiangyang Zhu has served as our chief content officer since April 2013 and from 2006 to March 2013 he was our chief editor. Mr. Zhu established and leads our content team. In March 2015 he has been appointed as the chief executive officer of one of our new business units, Heyi Studios, which produces original TV dramas and innovative web-native content. Before joining our company, he worked at Beijing Flying Network Music Software Development Co., Ltd. as a content director from 2004 to 2005. From 2001 to 2004 he served as the content director at China Guangya Radio Information Internet Ltd., where he was responsible for professional content syndication services. From 1999 to 2001 he worked at Sohu, building up its music and movie channels. Mr. Zhu attended the undergraduate program in Nanjing Political Institute and received a junior college diploma from Anhui University.


Michael Ge Xu has served as our chief financial officer and senior vice president since July 2012. From 2011 to July 2012 Mr. Xu had served as our senior vice president of finance. Prior to joining our company, Mr. Xu was vice president of finance of Focus Media from 2008 to 2011. From 2007 to 2008 he was chief financial officer of ChinaEdu Corporation. From 2004 to 2007 he was vice president of finance at Alibaba Group. Mr. Xu holds an MBA degree and a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Texas and a bachelor's degree in economics from Beijing Institute of International Relations.
Michael Ge Xu has served as our chief financial officer and senior vice president since July 2012. From 2011 to July 2012 Mr. Xu had served as our senior vice president of finance. Prior to joining our company, Mr. Xu was vice president of finance of Focus Media from 2008 to 2011. From 2007 to 2008 he was chief financial officer of ChinaEdu Corporation. From 2004 to 2007 he was vice president of finance at Alibaba Group. Mr. Xu holds an MBA degree and a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Texas and a bachelor's degree in economics from Beijing Institute of International Relations.


Yawei Dong has served as our chief marketing officer since April 2013. From 2006 to March 2013 Mr. Dong had served as our director of business development, general manager of east China, vice president of sales and senior vice president of sales.In March 2015 he has been appointed as the chief executive officer of one of our new business units, Innovative Marketing, to develop programmatic advertising, video e-commerce, big data and other new marketing models. Prior to joining our company, Mr. Dong was operating director of Shanghai Aowei Digital Media Advertising Co., Ltd. from 2005 through 2006.From 2001 to 2005 he was sales manager of Sohu Shanghai. From 2000 to 2001 he was operating director of Shanghai Shenguang Technology Development Co. From 1996 to 2000 he was account director of Hangzhou Xincheng Advertising Co., Ltd. Mr. Dong holds a n MBA degree from Zhe Jiang University and a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Zhejiang Radio and Television University.
Yawei Dong has served as our chief marketing officer since April 2013. From 2006 to March 2013 Mr. Dong had served as our director of business development, general manager of east China, vice president of sales and senior vice president of sales.In March 2015 he has been appointed as the chief executive officer of one of our new business units, Innovative Marketing, to develop programmatic advertising, video e-commerce, big data and other new marketing models. Prior to joining our company, Mr. Dong was operating director of Shanghai Aowei Digital Media Advertising Co., Ltd. from 2005 through 2006.From 2001 to 2005 he was sales manager of Sohu Shanghai. From 2000 to 2001 he was operating director of Shanghai Shenguang Technology Development Co. From 1996 to 2000 he was account director of Hangzhou Xincheng Advertising Co., Ltd. Mr. Dong holds a n MBA degree from Zhe Jiang University and a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Zhejiang Radio and Television University.


Weidong Yang has served as our senior vice president and president of Tudou.com since March 2013. Prior to joining us, Mr. Yang had served as the chief executive officer of Max Times, a youth entertainment content and marketing company, since November 2011. From January 2009 to November 2011 Mr. Yang served as marketing activation director of Nokia Greater China. During the period between 2002 and 2008 Mr. Yang held various positions in advertising and marketing at Nokia. Mr. Yang holds a bachelor's degree in Chinese literature from Hohai University in Nanjing.
Weidong Yang has served as our senior vice president and president of Tudou.com since March 2013. Prior to joining us, Mr. Yang had served as the chief executive officer of Max Times, a youth entertainment content and marketing company, since November 2011. From January 2009 to November 2011 Mr. Yang served as marketing activation director of Nokia Greater China. During the period between 2002 and 2008 Mr. Yang held various positions in advertising and marketing at Nokia. Mr. Yang holds a bachelor's degree in Chinese literature from Hohai University in Nanjing.


Huilong Zhu joined Youku in 2006 as the director of strategic development and became our vice president in 2007. In April 2013 Mr. Zhu was further promoted as our senior vice president. With extensive experience in telecommunications, Internet enterprises, and government relations, Mr. Zhu previously served as general manager of Beiijng Great Wall Broadband Network Service Co., Ltd., a pioneer among China broadband Internet companies, during 2002 and 2005. Earlier in his career, Mr. Zhu served in other managerial roles at Beijing Great Wall Network Services Co., Ltd. and held a variety of positions at Xoceco Sambo Computer Co., Ltd, focusing on Tianjin regional sales. Mr. Zhu graduated from the Tianjin University of Technology and Education with a bachelor’s degree in information engineering.
Huilong Zhu joined Youku in 2006 as the director of strategic development and became our vice president in 2007. In April 2013 Mr. Zhu was further promoted as our senior vice president. With extensive experience in telecommunications, Internet enterprises, and government relations, Mr. Zhu previously served as general manager of Beiijng Great Wall Broadband Network Service Co., Ltd., a pioneer among China broadband Internet companies, during 2002 and 2005. Earlier in his career, Mr. Zhu served in other managerial roles at Beijing Great Wall Network Services Co., Ltd. and held a variety of positions at Xoceco Sambo Computer Co., Ltd, focusing on Tianjin regional sales. Mr. Zhu graduated from the Tianjin University of Technology and Education with a bachelor’s degree in information engineering.


Huilong Zhu joined Youku in 2006 as the director of strategic development and became our vice president in 2007. In April 2013 Mr. Zhu was further promoted as our senior vice president. With extensive experience in telecommunications, Internet enterprises, and government relations, Mr. Zhu previously served as general manager of Beiijng Great Wall Broadband Network Service Co., Ltd., a pioneer among China broadband Internet companies, during 2002 and 2005. Earlier in his career, Mr. Zhu served in other managerial roles at Beijing Great Wall Network Services Co., Ltd. and held a variety of positions at Xoceco Sambo Computer Co., Ltd, focusing on Tianjin regional sales. Mr. Zhu graduated from the Tianjin University of Technology and Education with a bachelor's degree in information engineering.
Huilong Zhu joined Youku in 2006 as the director of strategic development and became our vice president in 2007. In April 2013 Mr. Zhu was further promoted as our senior vice president. With extensive experience in telecommunications, Internet enterprises, and government relations, Mr. Zhu previously served as general manager of Beiijng Great Wall Broadband Network Service Co., Ltd., a pioneer among China broadband Internet companies, during 2002 and 2005. Earlier in his career, Mr. Zhu served in other managerial roles at Beijing Great Wall Network Services Co., Ltd. and held a variety of positions at Xoceco Sambo Computer Co., Ltd, focusing on Tianjin regional sales. Mr. Zhu graduated from the Tianjin University of Technology and Education with a bachelor's degree in information engineering.