

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Maryrose T. Sylvester Independent Director 57 22.45万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Patrick J. Ward Independent Director 60 29.00万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Revathi Advaithi Chief Executive Officer,Director 55 1559.79万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Charles K. Stevens, III Independent Director 63 33.80万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Erin L. McSweeney Independent Director 58 33.80万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
John D. Harris II Independent Director 62 29.00万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Maryrose T. Sylvester -- Independent Director 57 未披露 未持股 2023-06-21
Patrick J. Ward Independent Director 60 未披露 未持股 2023-06-21
Michael D. Capellas Independent Director,Chair of the Board 68 39.80万美元 10.71 2023-06-21
William D. Watkins Independent Director 70 41.55万美元 3.27 2023-06-21
Lay Koon Tan Independent Director 64 29.40万美元 13.64 2023-06-21
Michael E. Hurlston Independent Director 56 29.00万美元 未持股 2023-06-21



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Scott Offer Executive Vice President and General Counsel 58 370.39万美元 10.51 2023-06-21
Revathi Advaithi Chief Executive Officer,Director 55 1559.79万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Paul R. Lundstrom Chief Financial Officer 48 472.96万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Michael Hartung President, Agility Solutions 55 411.11万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Rebecca S. Sidelinger President, Reliability Solutions 58 未披露 未持股 2023-06-21
Hooi Tan President, Global Operations and Components 46 384.47万美元 未持股 2023-06-21
Daniel J. Wendler Chief Accounting Officer 56 未披露 未持股 2023-06-21


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Maryrose T. Sylvester

Maryrose T. Sylvester,从2019年8月至2020年8月担任ABB Ltd.美国董事总经理兼电气化美国主管,一家专注于电气化,机器人,电力和自动化的公司。她曾一直担任Current公司(从属于GE)的总裁兼首席执行官(2015年-2019年6月)。Current公司是一家数字电力服务企业,结合led、太阳能、存储和现场供电提供集成的能源系统。任职Current公司之前,她曾担任GE Lighting(General Electric Company GE的子公司)的总裁兼首席执行官(2011年至2015年)。GE Lighting制造、销售和销售各种节能照明解决方案。1988年以来,她一直任职于GE公司。任职GE期间,她曾任职公司部门,并不断被提拔,包括GE Lighting Systems的总裁兼首席执行官(2000年至2002年)、GE Quartz的总裁(2002年至2006年),以及GE Intelligent Platforms的首席执行官(2006年至2011年)。她持有Bowling Green State University的采购和生产管理本科学位,以及Cleveland State University的工商管理硕士学位。

Maryrose T. Sylvester,Retired U.S. Managing Director and U.S. Head of Electrification—ABB Ltd. (global technology company focused on electrification, robotics, power and automation), served from August 2019 to August 2020. Former President and Chief Executive Officer—Current, powered by GE (energy services and information technology subsidiary of General Electric subsequently acquired by private equity investors), served from 2015 to June 2019. Director of Harley-Davidson, Inc. since 2016. Director of Vontier Corporation since March 2021. Director of Flex Ltd. since September 2022. As U.S. Managing Director and U.S. Head of Electrification for ABB Ltd., Maryrose Sylvester was responsible for ABB's largest geographical market and the implementation of operational innovations. Ms. Sylvester also championed the company's diversity and inclusion efforts and accelerated ABB's Encompass Diversity program. She holds a bachelor's degree in procurement and production management from Bowling Green State University and a master's degree in business administration from Cleveland State University.
Maryrose T. Sylvester,从2019年8月至2020年8月担任ABB Ltd.美国董事总经理兼电气化美国主管,一家专注于电气化,机器人,电力和自动化的公司。她曾一直担任Current公司(从属于GE)的总裁兼首席执行官(2015年-2019年6月)。Current公司是一家数字电力服务企业,结合led、太阳能、存储和现场供电提供集成的能源系统。任职Current公司之前,她曾担任GE Lighting(General Electric Company GE的子公司)的总裁兼首席执行官(2011年至2015年)。GE Lighting制造、销售和销售各种节能照明解决方案。1988年以来,她一直任职于GE公司。任职GE期间,她曾任职公司部门,并不断被提拔,包括GE Lighting Systems的总裁兼首席执行官(2000年至2002年)、GE Quartz的总裁(2002年至2006年),以及GE Intelligent Platforms的首席执行官(2006年至2011年)。她持有Bowling Green State University的采购和生产管理本科学位,以及Cleveland State University的工商管理硕士学位。
Maryrose T. Sylvester,Retired U.S. Managing Director and U.S. Head of Electrification—ABB Ltd. (global technology company focused on electrification, robotics, power and automation), served from August 2019 to August 2020. Former President and Chief Executive Officer—Current, powered by GE (energy services and information technology subsidiary of General Electric subsequently acquired by private equity investors), served from 2015 to June 2019. Director of Harley-Davidson, Inc. since 2016. Director of Vontier Corporation since March 2021. Director of Flex Ltd. since September 2022. As U.S. Managing Director and U.S. Head of Electrification for ABB Ltd., Maryrose Sylvester was responsible for ABB's largest geographical market and the implementation of operational innovations. Ms. Sylvester also championed the company's diversity and inclusion efforts and accelerated ABB's Encompass Diversity program. She holds a bachelor's degree in procurement and production management from Bowling Green State University and a master's degree in business administration from Cleveland State University.
Patrick J. Ward

Patrick J. Ward自2008年5月起担任康明斯公司的首席财务官,康明斯公司是一家设计,制造,分销和服务发动机及相关技术的全球电力领导者。自加入康明斯以来,他一直担任各种财务领导职位。1987年,包括担任副总裁,发动机业务总监,执行董事,发电业务总监。Ward先生之前曾担任杜邦公司的董事,从2013年起担任合并交易生效日期,当时他还是DowDuPont的董事。

Patrick J. Ward,served as chief financial officer of Cummins Inc., a global power leader that designs, manufactures, distributes and services engines and related technologies, from May 2008 until March 2019. He held a broad range of financial leadership positions after joining Cummins in 1987, including serving as vice president, engine business controller, and executive director, power generation business controller. Mr. Ward has served a director of Flex, Ltd., a global contract manufacturing services provider, since January 2022. Mr. Ward served as a director of DowDuPont, Inc. from September 2017 until June 2019 when he joined Corteva's Board.
Patrick J. Ward自2008年5月起担任康明斯公司的首席财务官,康明斯公司是一家设计,制造,分销和服务发动机及相关技术的全球电力领导者。自加入康明斯以来,他一直担任各种财务领导职位。1987年,包括担任副总裁,发动机业务总监,执行董事,发电业务总监。Ward先生之前曾担任杜邦公司的董事,从2013年起担任合并交易生效日期,当时他还是DowDuPont的董事。
Patrick J. Ward,served as chief financial officer of Cummins Inc., a global power leader that designs, manufactures, distributes and services engines and related technologies, from May 2008 until March 2019. He held a broad range of financial leadership positions after joining Cummins in 1987, including serving as vice president, engine business controller, and executive director, power generation business controller. Mr. Ward has served a director of Flex, Ltd., a global contract manufacturing services provider, since January 2022. Mr. Ward served as a director of DowDuPont, Inc. from September 2017 until June 2019 when he joined Corteva's Board.
Revathi Advaithi

Revathi Advaithi,担任Eaton Corporation的电气部门的首席运营官(2005年9月1日至今)、Americas of Eaton Corporation的电气部门总裁(2012年4月1日至2015年8月31日)、Eaton Corporation的亚太地区电气部门总裁(2009年7月1日至2012年3月31日)。

Revathi Advaithi,has served on Uber Technologies, Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Ms. Advaithi has been Chief Executive Officer and a director of Flex Ltd., a manufacturer that delivers technology innovation, supply chain, and manufacturing solutions to diverse industries and end markets, since 2019. Prior to joining Flex, Ms. Advaithi was President and Chief Operating Officer, Electrical Sector, of Eaton Corporation plc, a power management company, a position she held from 2015. Prior to that role, she was President of Electrical Sector, Americas of Eaton from 2012 through 2015. She joined Eaton in 1995 and led the Electrical Sector in the Americas and Asia-Pacific, with a three-year assignment in Shanghai. Between 2002 and 2008, Ms. Advaithi worked at Honeywell, where she held several senior roles within the sourcing and supply chain functions of the aerospace sector before being named vice president and general manager of Honeywell's Field Solutions business in 2006. Ms. Advaithi returned to Eaton in 2008 as vice president and general manager of the Electrical Components Division.
Revathi Advaithi,担任Eaton Corporation的电气部门的首席运营官(2005年9月1日至今)、Americas of Eaton Corporation的电气部门总裁(2012年4月1日至2015年8月31日)、Eaton Corporation的亚太地区电气部门总裁(2009年7月1日至2012年3月31日)。
Revathi Advaithi,has served on Uber Technologies, Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Ms. Advaithi has been Chief Executive Officer and a director of Flex Ltd., a manufacturer that delivers technology innovation, supply chain, and manufacturing solutions to diverse industries and end markets, since 2019. Prior to joining Flex, Ms. Advaithi was President and Chief Operating Officer, Electrical Sector, of Eaton Corporation plc, a power management company, a position she held from 2015. Prior to that role, she was President of Electrical Sector, Americas of Eaton from 2012 through 2015. She joined Eaton in 1995 and led the Electrical Sector in the Americas and Asia-Pacific, with a three-year assignment in Shanghai. Between 2002 and 2008, Ms. Advaithi worked at Honeywell, where she held several senior roles within the sourcing and supply chain functions of the aerospace sector before being named vice president and general manager of Honeywell's Field Solutions business in 2006. Ms. Advaithi returned to Eaton in 2008 as vice president and general manager of the Electrical Components Division.
Charles K. Stevens, III

Charles K. Stevens, III,通用汽车公司顾问,2018年9月至2019年3月。2014年1月至2018年9月,担任General Motors Company的首席财务官和执行副总裁,负责领导全球的财务和会计业务。2010年1月至2014年1月,担任General Motors North America, Inc.的北美首席财务官。领导通用汽车美国销售、服务和市场营销、通用汽车加拿大(2006年至2008年)、通用汽车墨西哥(2008年至2010年)、北美制造、客户服务和售后以及全球联网消费者的财务业务。通用汽车南美公司临时首席财务官(2011年12月至2013年1月)。通用汽车在中国、新加坡、印度尼西亚和泰国的多个领导职位。

Charles K. Stevens, III,Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, General Motors Company.Business Operation and Leadership: Significant experience gained in his more than 30 years with General Motors serving in leadership roles with oversight of financial and accounting operations, through which he developed and executed business strategies to drive profitable growth.Risk Management: Strong analytic, strategic and financial skills and expertise developed through his extensive career at GM, which provides valuable perspectives and experience in performing risk evaluation, management and mitigation.Finance and Accounting: Extensive expertise developed over his time at GM serving in senior leadership roles with responsibility for overseeing all financial and accounting functions, resulting in a valuable understanding of finance, financial operations, international financial matters and investor relations.International Business: In-depth knowledge gained while serving for over 15 years in leadership positions in South America, Mexico and the Asia Pacific region, including China, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.General Motors Company, a global automotive company (1983-2018):Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (2014-2018);Chief Financial Officer, GM North America (2010-2014);Interim Chief Financial Officer, GM South America (2011-2013);Chief Financial Officer, GM de Mexico (2008-2010);Chief Financial Officer, GM Canada (2006-2008).
Charles K. Stevens, III,通用汽车公司顾问,2018年9月至2019年3月。2014年1月至2018年9月,担任General Motors Company的首席财务官和执行副总裁,负责领导全球的财务和会计业务。2010年1月至2014年1月,担任General Motors North America, Inc.的北美首席财务官。领导通用汽车美国销售、服务和市场营销、通用汽车加拿大(2006年至2008年)、通用汽车墨西哥(2008年至2010年)、北美制造、客户服务和售后以及全球联网消费者的财务业务。通用汽车南美公司临时首席财务官(2011年12月至2013年1月)。通用汽车在中国、新加坡、印度尼西亚和泰国的多个领导职位。
Charles K. Stevens, III,Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, General Motors Company.Business Operation and Leadership: Significant experience gained in his more than 30 years with General Motors serving in leadership roles with oversight of financial and accounting operations, through which he developed and executed business strategies to drive profitable growth.Risk Management: Strong analytic, strategic and financial skills and expertise developed through his extensive career at GM, which provides valuable perspectives and experience in performing risk evaluation, management and mitigation.Finance and Accounting: Extensive expertise developed over his time at GM serving in senior leadership roles with responsibility for overseeing all financial and accounting functions, resulting in a valuable understanding of finance, financial operations, international financial matters and investor relations.International Business: In-depth knowledge gained while serving for over 15 years in leadership positions in South America, Mexico and the Asia Pacific region, including China, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.General Motors Company, a global automotive company (1983-2018):Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (2014-2018);Chief Financial Officer, GM North America (2010-2014);Interim Chief Financial Officer, GM South America (2011-2013);Chief Financial Officer, GM de Mexico (2008-2010);Chief Financial Officer, GM Canada (2006-2008).
Erin L. McSweeney

Erin L.McSweeney,担任Optum公司(UnitedHealth Group的健康服务平台)的执行Vice President、首席人力资源官(2017年以来)。执行Vice President兼首席人力资源官(2015-2017年);EMC(现为戴尔EMC)高级副总裁,人力资源、产品和营销(2013-2015年);首席人力资源官兼虚拟计算环境Vice President(2009-2012年)。

Erin L. McSweeney,Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, responsible for developing and implementing the company's enterprise people and culture strategy (March 2022 to present);Executive Vice President, Chief of Staff for CEO, UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (February 2021 to February 2022);Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of Optum, Inc., the global health services platform of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated with 180,000 employees worldwide (January 2017 to February 2021);Several positions of increasing responsibility during her 11-year career at EMC (now Dell EMC), including Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer (2015 to 2016); Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Products and Marketing (2013 to 2015); and Chief Human Resources Officer and Vice President, Virtual Computing Environment (2009 to 2012);Held several other CHRO roles across various industries.
Erin L.McSweeney,担任Optum公司(UnitedHealth Group的健康服务平台)的执行Vice President、首席人力资源官(2017年以来)。执行Vice President兼首席人力资源官(2015-2017年);EMC(现为戴尔EMC)高级副总裁,人力资源、产品和营销(2013-2015年);首席人力资源官兼虚拟计算环境Vice President(2009-2012年)。
Erin L. McSweeney,Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, responsible for developing and implementing the company's enterprise people and culture strategy (March 2022 to present);Executive Vice President, Chief of Staff for CEO, UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (February 2021 to February 2022);Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of Optum, Inc., the global health services platform of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated with 180,000 employees worldwide (January 2017 to February 2021);Several positions of increasing responsibility during her 11-year career at EMC (now Dell EMC), including Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer (2015 to 2016); Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Products and Marketing (2013 to 2015); and Chief Human Resources Officer and Vice President, Virtual Computing Environment (2009 to 2012);Held several other CHRO roles across various industries.
John D. Harris II

John D. Harris II,2010年3月起,担任Raytheon Company的副总裁、技术服务部总裁;2005年5月至2010年5月,担任合同与供应链副总裁;2003年6月至2005年5月,担任合同副总裁;2002年9月至2003年6月,担任政府与防务业务合同副总裁;2001年4月至2002年9月,担任原电子系统业务部运营副总裁。

John D. Harris II,Vice President of Business Development for Raytheon Company and Chief Executive Officer of Raytheon International, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Raytheon Company, a global engineering and technology company focused on aviation, space and defense. In this role, he was responsible for worldwide sales and marketing, international business and government relations operations, as well as leading the execution of the company's global business strategy (September 2013 to April 2020);Joined Raytheon in 1983 and held several leadership positions including Vice President and General Manager of Raytheon's Intelligence, Information and Services business (2012 to 2013); President, Raytheon Technical Services Company (2010 to 2012); Vice President, Contracts and Supply Chain for Raytheon (2005 to 2010); Vice President, Contracts for Raytheon's government and defense businesses; and Vice President of Operations and Contracts for Raytheon's former electronic systems business; Served on the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) NextGen Advisory Committee, the National Advisory Council on Minority Business Enterprise with the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the Association of the United States Army's Council of Trustees.
John D. Harris II,2010年3月起,担任Raytheon Company的副总裁、技术服务部总裁;2005年5月至2010年5月,担任合同与供应链副总裁;2003年6月至2005年5月,担任合同副总裁;2002年9月至2003年6月,担任政府与防务业务合同副总裁;2001年4月至2002年9月,担任原电子系统业务部运营副总裁。
John D. Harris II,Vice President of Business Development for Raytheon Company and Chief Executive Officer of Raytheon International, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Raytheon Company, a global engineering and technology company focused on aviation, space and defense. In this role, he was responsible for worldwide sales and marketing, international business and government relations operations, as well as leading the execution of the company's global business strategy (September 2013 to April 2020);Joined Raytheon in 1983 and held several leadership positions including Vice President and General Manager of Raytheon's Intelligence, Information and Services business (2012 to 2013); President, Raytheon Technical Services Company (2010 to 2012); Vice President, Contracts and Supply Chain for Raytheon (2005 to 2010); Vice President, Contracts for Raytheon's government and defense businesses; and Vice President of Operations and Contracts for Raytheon's former electronic systems business; Served on the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) NextGen Advisory Committee, the National Advisory Council on Minority Business Enterprise with the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the Association of the United States Army's Council of Trustees.
Maryrose T. Sylvester

Maryrose T. Sylvester,ABB有限公司美国董事总经理兼电气化美国主管,该公司是一家在电气化、机器人、电力和自动化领域开展业务的全球科技公司(2019年6月至2020年8月);在GE工作30多年期间担任过广泛的领导职务,包括提供综合能源系统的数字电力服务公司Current的总裁兼首席执行官(2015年至2019年6月);全球领先照明供应商GE Lighting的总裁兼首席执行官(2011年至2015年);GE Intelligent Platforms的总裁兼首席执行官,工业自动化供应商(2006年至2011年);在GE任职期间拥有全球供应链经验,包括担任匈牙利布达佩斯GE Lighting采购总监和GE Lighting全球采购总监。

Maryrose T. Sylvester,U.S. Managing Director and U.S. Head of Electrification of ABB Ltd, a global technology company operating in the areas of electrification, robotics, power, and automation (June 2019 to August 2020);Held a broad range of leadership roles during more than 30 years at GE, including President and CEO of Current, a digital power service business delivering integrated energy systems (2015 to June 2019); President and CEO of GE Lighting, a leading global lighting provider (2011 to 2015); and President and CEO of GE Intelligent Platforms, an industrial automation provider (2006 to 2011);Global supply chain experience during tenure at GE including as Director of Sourcing for GE Lighting in Budapest, Hungary, and Global Sourcing Director for GE Lighting.
Maryrose T. Sylvester,ABB有限公司美国董事总经理兼电气化美国主管,该公司是一家在电气化、机器人、电力和自动化领域开展业务的全球科技公司(2019年6月至2020年8月);在GE工作30多年期间担任过广泛的领导职务,包括提供综合能源系统的数字电力服务公司Current的总裁兼首席执行官(2015年至2019年6月);全球领先照明供应商GE Lighting的总裁兼首席执行官(2011年至2015年);GE Intelligent Platforms的总裁兼首席执行官,工业自动化供应商(2006年至2011年);在GE任职期间拥有全球供应链经验,包括担任匈牙利布达佩斯GE Lighting采购总监和GE Lighting全球采购总监。
Maryrose T. Sylvester,U.S. Managing Director and U.S. Head of Electrification of ABB Ltd, a global technology company operating in the areas of electrification, robotics, power, and automation (June 2019 to August 2020);Held a broad range of leadership roles during more than 30 years at GE, including President and CEO of Current, a digital power service business delivering integrated energy systems (2015 to June 2019); President and CEO of GE Lighting, a leading global lighting provider (2011 to 2015); and President and CEO of GE Intelligent Platforms, an industrial automation provider (2006 to 2011);Global supply chain experience during tenure at GE including as Director of Sourcing for GE Lighting in Budapest, Hungary, and Global Sourcing Director for GE Lighting.
Patrick J. Ward

Patrick J. Ward,康明斯公司副总裁兼首席财务官,该公司是一家设计、制造、分销和服务发动机及相关技术的全球电力领导者(2008年至2019年3月);1987年加入康明斯后担任过广泛的财务领导职务,包括担任副总裁、发动机业务总监和执行董事、发电业务总监;在加入Corteva, Inc.董事会之前,沃德先生曾担任E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company,Inc.的董事,并在该公司与陶氏杜邦公司合并后继续担任董事会成员。

Patrick J. Ward,Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Cummins Inc., a global power leader that designs, manufactures, distributes and services engines and related technologies (2008 to March 2019);Held a broad range of financial leadership positions after joining Cummins in 1987, including serving as vice president, engine business controller, and executive director, power generation business controller;Prior to joining the Board of Corteva, Inc., Mr. Ward served as a director of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. and remained a board member through its merger with DowDuPont Inc.
Patrick J. Ward,康明斯公司副总裁兼首席财务官,该公司是一家设计、制造、分销和服务发动机及相关技术的全球电力领导者(2008年至2019年3月);1987年加入康明斯后担任过广泛的财务领导职务,包括担任副总裁、发动机业务总监和执行董事、发电业务总监;在加入Corteva, Inc.董事会之前,沃德先生曾担任E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company,Inc.的董事,并在该公司与陶氏杜邦公司合并后继续担任董事会成员。
Patrick J. Ward,Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Cummins Inc., a global power leader that designs, manufactures, distributes and services engines and related technologies (2008 to March 2019);Held a broad range of financial leadership positions after joining Cummins in 1987, including serving as vice president, engine business controller, and executive director, power generation business controller;Prior to joining the Board of Corteva, Inc., Mr. Ward served as a director of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. and remained a board member through its merger with DowDuPont Inc.
Michael D. Capellas

Michael D. Capellas,是Capellas Strategic Partners(战略技术咨询公司)的创始人兼首席执行官(2012年11月以来),VCE Company, LLC (EMC Corporation和Cisco的合资企业,由VMware, Inc.和Intel Corporation投资,开发并商业化了一个创新的云计算平台)的董事会主席(2011年至2012年)和首席执行官(2010年至2011年),First Data Corporation的董事长兼首席执行官。支付和电子商务的全球领导者(2007年至2010年),MCI, Inc.(之前的WorldCom, Inc.)的首席执行官(2002年至2006年);2002年至2004年,担任WorldCom董事会主席;2006年1月,MCI被Verizon Communications Inc.收购;2002年5月至2002年11月,担任惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard Company)和Compaq Computer Corporation合并后的总裁;2000年至2002年5月,担任Compaq(计算机服务器领域的全球领导者)的董事会主席和总裁兼首席执行官(1999年至2002年5月);在Compaq担任其他职责日益增加的职位,包括首席信息官和首席运营官。

Michael D. Capellas,Founder and CEO of Capellas Strategic Partners, a strategic technology advisory firm, since November 2012,Chairman of the Board (2011 to 2012) and Chief Executive Officer (2010 to 2011) of VCE Company, LLC, a joint venture between EMC Corporation and Cisco, with investments from VMware, Inc. and Intel Corporation which developed and commercialized an innovative platform for cloud computing,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of First Data Corporation, a global leader in payments and electronic commerce (2007 to 2010),Chief Executive Officer of MCI, Inc., previously WorldCom, Inc. (2002 to 2006); Chair of the Board of WorldCom (2002 to 2004), and a member of the board of directors of MCI until January 2006 upon its acquisition by Verizon Communications Inc.,President of Hewlett-Packard Company following the merger between Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Computer Corporation (May 2002 to November 2002); Chairman of the Board (2000 to May 2002) and President and Chief Executive Officer (1999 to May 2002) of Compaq, a global leader in computer servers; other positions of increasing responsibility at Compaq, including Chief Information Officer and Chief Operating Officer.
Michael D. Capellas,是Capellas Strategic Partners(战略技术咨询公司)的创始人兼首席执行官(2012年11月以来),VCE Company, LLC (EMC Corporation和Cisco的合资企业,由VMware, Inc.和Intel Corporation投资,开发并商业化了一个创新的云计算平台)的董事会主席(2011年至2012年)和首席执行官(2010年至2011年),First Data Corporation的董事长兼首席执行官。支付和电子商务的全球领导者(2007年至2010年),MCI, Inc.(之前的WorldCom, Inc.)的首席执行官(2002年至2006年);2002年至2004年,担任WorldCom董事会主席;2006年1月,MCI被Verizon Communications Inc.收购;2002年5月至2002年11月,担任惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard Company)和Compaq Computer Corporation合并后的总裁;2000年至2002年5月,担任Compaq(计算机服务器领域的全球领导者)的董事会主席和总裁兼首席执行官(1999年至2002年5月);在Compaq担任其他职责日益增加的职位,包括首席信息官和首席运营官。
Michael D. Capellas,Founder and CEO of Capellas Strategic Partners, a strategic technology advisory firm, since November 2012,Chairman of the Board (2011 to 2012) and Chief Executive Officer (2010 to 2011) of VCE Company, LLC, a joint venture between EMC Corporation and Cisco, with investments from VMware, Inc. and Intel Corporation which developed and commercialized an innovative platform for cloud computing,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of First Data Corporation, a global leader in payments and electronic commerce (2007 to 2010),Chief Executive Officer of MCI, Inc., previously WorldCom, Inc. (2002 to 2006); Chair of the Board of WorldCom (2002 to 2004), and a member of the board of directors of MCI until January 2006 upon its acquisition by Verizon Communications Inc.,President of Hewlett-Packard Company following the merger between Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Computer Corporation (May 2002 to November 2002); Chairman of the Board (2000 to May 2002) and President and Chief Executive Officer (1999 to May 2002) of Compaq, a global leader in computer servers; other positions of increasing responsibility at Compaq, including Chief Information Officer and Chief Operating Officer.
William D. Watkins

William D. Watkins, 2013年9月至2016年8月,担任Imergy Power Systems, Inc.的首席执行官(2013年9月至2016年8月)和董事会主席(2015年1月至2016年8月),Imergy Power Systems, Inc.是一家具有成本效益的能源存储解决方案的领先创新者;Seagate Technology(电子数据存储解决方案和系统的供应商)的首席执行官(2004年至2009年)和总裁兼首席运营官(2000年至2004年),负责Seagate的硬盘驱动器业务,包括记录磁头,媒体和其他组件,以及相关的研发和产品开发组织;Seagate Technology的各种其他职位(1996年至2000年)。

William D. Watkins,Chief Executive Officer (September 2013 to August 2016) and Chairman of the Board (January 2015 to August 2016) of Imergy Power Systems, Inc., a leading innovator in cost-effective energy storage solutions;Chairman of the Board (February 2013 to December 2013) and Chief Executive Officer (2010 to February 2013) of Bridgelux, Inc., a leading light emitting diode (LED) developer;Chief Executive Officer (2004 to 2009) and President and Chief Operating Officer (2000 to 2004) of Seagate Technology, a provider of electronic data storage solutions and systems, responsible for Seagate's hard disc drive operations, including recording heads, media, and other components, and related R&D and product development organizations;Various other positions with Seagate Technology (1996 to 2000).
William D. Watkins, 2013年9月至2016年8月,担任Imergy Power Systems, Inc.的首席执行官(2013年9月至2016年8月)和董事会主席(2015年1月至2016年8月),Imergy Power Systems, Inc.是一家具有成本效益的能源存储解决方案的领先创新者;Seagate Technology(电子数据存储解决方案和系统的供应商)的首席执行官(2004年至2009年)和总裁兼首席运营官(2000年至2004年),负责Seagate的硬盘驱动器业务,包括记录磁头,媒体和其他组件,以及相关的研发和产品开发组织;Seagate Technology的各种其他职位(1996年至2000年)。
William D. Watkins,Chief Executive Officer (September 2013 to August 2016) and Chairman of the Board (January 2015 to August 2016) of Imergy Power Systems, Inc., a leading innovator in cost-effective energy storage solutions;Chairman of the Board (February 2013 to December 2013) and Chief Executive Officer (2010 to February 2013) of Bridgelux, Inc., a leading light emitting diode (LED) developer;Chief Executive Officer (2004 to 2009) and President and Chief Operating Officer (2000 to 2004) of Seagate Technology, a provider of electronic data storage solutions and systems, responsible for Seagate's hard disc drive operations, including recording heads, media, and other components, and related R&D and product development organizations;Various other positions with Seagate Technology (1996 to 2000).
Lay Koon Tan

Lay Koon Tan,他曾担任Flextronics公司的董事会成员(2012年3月以来)。曾一直担任STATS ChipPAC公司(2004年8月以来)以及其前身公司(ST Assembly Test Services公司)(2002年6月以来)的总裁、首席执行官和董事会成员。他于2000年5月加入ST Assembly Test Services公司,担任其首席财务官,并于2004年8月领导STATS ChipPAC公司的创立和ChipPAC公司的收购,还成为合并后的公司的创始主席和首席执行官。加入ST Assembly Test Services公司之前,他曾担任Salomon Smith Barney(花旗集团(Citigroup)的全球投资银行部门)的投资银行家。此前,他曾担任新加坡政府和金融机构的多种高级职务。他持有澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(the University of Adelaide)的工程学士学位(一级荣誉),是科伦坡计划的学者。他持有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院( the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)的荣誉工商管理硕士学位,是帕默学者。

Lay Koon Tan,Founding President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of STATS ChipPAC Ltd., a leading service provider of semiconductor packaging design, bump, probe, assembly, test and distribution solutions (2004 to 2015), after leading the formation of the company, and its predecessor, ST Assembly Test Services Ltd. (2002 to 2004). Mr. Tan joined ST Assembly Test Services Ltd. in 2000 as its Chief Financial Officer.Investment banker with Salomon Smith Barney, the global investment banking unit of Citigroup Inc.Various senior positions in government and financial institutions in Singapore, including the United Overseas Bank Limited;Holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Adelaide, Australia where he was a Colombo Plan Scholar, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, where he was a Palmer Scholar.
Lay Koon Tan,他曾担任Flextronics公司的董事会成员(2012年3月以来)。曾一直担任STATS ChipPAC公司(2004年8月以来)以及其前身公司(ST Assembly Test Services公司)(2002年6月以来)的总裁、首席执行官和董事会成员。他于2000年5月加入ST Assembly Test Services公司,担任其首席财务官,并于2004年8月领导STATS ChipPAC公司的创立和ChipPAC公司的收购,还成为合并后的公司的创始主席和首席执行官。加入ST Assembly Test Services公司之前,他曾担任Salomon Smith Barney(花旗集团(Citigroup)的全球投资银行部门)的投资银行家。此前,他曾担任新加坡政府和金融机构的多种高级职务。他持有澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(the University of Adelaide)的工程学士学位(一级荣誉),是科伦坡计划的学者。他持有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院( the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)的荣誉工商管理硕士学位,是帕默学者。
Lay Koon Tan,Founding President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of STATS ChipPAC Ltd., a leading service provider of semiconductor packaging design, bump, probe, assembly, test and distribution solutions (2004 to 2015), after leading the formation of the company, and its predecessor, ST Assembly Test Services Ltd. (2002 to 2004). Mr. Tan joined ST Assembly Test Services Ltd. in 2000 as its Chief Financial Officer.Investment banker with Salomon Smith Barney, the global investment banking unit of Citigroup Inc.Various senior positions in government and financial institutions in Singapore, including the United Overseas Bank Limited;Holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Adelaide, Australia where he was a Colombo Plan Scholar, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, where he was a Palmer Scholar.
Michael E. Hurlston

Michael E. Hurlston,于2001年10月加盟博通,担任无线业务发展部总监。2005年5月,他被任命为副总裁兼总经理,负责无线局域网;2010年4月,晋升为高级副总裁兼总经理,负责无线局域网;2012年4月,成为高级副总裁兼总经理,负责无线连接组合;2013年4月,再次晋升为执行副总裁,负责全球销售。他还担任部分博通附属公司的主管兼高级职员。在加入博通前,他曾在在的Radia通信公司和奥伦半导体公司担任高级营销职位约四年。他获得了美国加州大学戴维斯分校的电机工程学学士、电机工程学硕士和工商管理硕士学位。

Michael E. Hurlston,President and Chief Executive Officer of Synaptics Incorporated, a global leader in IoT semiconductor solutions and human interface solutions combining IoT and AI (August 2019 to present);Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of Finisar Corporation, a leader in optical communications (January 2018 to August 2019); From 2001 to 2017, held various senior leadership positions in sales, marketing and general management at Broadcom Limited, a leading developer and supplier of a broad range of semiconductor solutions, and its predecessor corporation, including Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Mobile Connectivity Products / Wireless Communications and Connectivity Division;Held senior marketing and engineering leadership positions at Oren Semiconductor, Inc., Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc., MicroPower Systems Inc., Exar Corporation and IC Works Inc. from 1991 to 2001;Serves on the Board of Executive Trustees of the UC Davis Foundation.
Michael E. Hurlston,于2001年10月加盟博通,担任无线业务发展部总监。2005年5月,他被任命为副总裁兼总经理,负责无线局域网;2010年4月,晋升为高级副总裁兼总经理,负责无线局域网;2012年4月,成为高级副总裁兼总经理,负责无线连接组合;2013年4月,再次晋升为执行副总裁,负责全球销售。他还担任部分博通附属公司的主管兼高级职员。在加入博通前,他曾在在的Radia通信公司和奥伦半导体公司担任高级营销职位约四年。他获得了美国加州大学戴维斯分校的电机工程学学士、电机工程学硕士和工商管理硕士学位。
Michael E. Hurlston,President and Chief Executive Officer of Synaptics Incorporated, a global leader in IoT semiconductor solutions and human interface solutions combining IoT and AI (August 2019 to present);Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of Finisar Corporation, a leader in optical communications (January 2018 to August 2019); From 2001 to 2017, held various senior leadership positions in sales, marketing and general management at Broadcom Limited, a leading developer and supplier of a broad range of semiconductor solutions, and its predecessor corporation, including Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Mobile Connectivity Products / Wireless Communications and Connectivity Division;Held senior marketing and engineering leadership positions at Oren Semiconductor, Inc., Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc., MicroPower Systems Inc., Exar Corporation and IC Works Inc. from 1991 to 2001;Serves on the Board of Executive Trustees of the UC Davis Foundation.


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Scott Offer

Scott Offer自2016年9月以来一直担任我们的执行Vice President and General Counsel。此前,他曾于2016年1月至2016年8月担任联想高级副总裁and General Counsel,并自2014年10月起担任联想移动业务集团首席法律顾问。在此之前,他从2010年8月起担任谷歌公司摩托罗拉移动高级副总裁and General Counsel,从2010年7月起担任摩托罗拉移动公司高级副总裁and General Counsel。此前,他曾担任Motorola公司的多种高级职务。加入Motorola公司之前,他曾任职Boodle Hatfield公司的律师事务所。他在伦敦经济和政治学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)获得法律学位,并在英国和美国获得律师资格。

Scott Offer,has served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Flex, Nextracker Inc. majority shareholder, since September 2016. Previously, Mr. Offer served as Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Lenovo Group Limited from January 2016 until August 2016 and as Chief Counsel for the Lenovo Mobile Business Group from 2014 to 2016. Prior to that, he served as Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Motorola Mobility, Inc., a Google company, from August 2012 to October 2014 and Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Motorola Mobility, Inc. from July 2010 to July 2012. Prior to that, he worked for the law firm of Boodle Hatfield. He received his law degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is qualified as a lawyer in both the United Kingdom and the United States.
Scott Offer自2016年9月以来一直担任我们的执行Vice President and General Counsel。此前,他曾于2016年1月至2016年8月担任联想高级副总裁and General Counsel,并自2014年10月起担任联想移动业务集团首席法律顾问。在此之前,他从2010年8月起担任谷歌公司摩托罗拉移动高级副总裁and General Counsel,从2010年7月起担任摩托罗拉移动公司高级副总裁and General Counsel。此前,他曾担任Motorola公司的多种高级职务。加入Motorola公司之前,他曾任职Boodle Hatfield公司的律师事务所。他在伦敦经济和政治学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)获得法律学位,并在英国和美国获得律师资格。
Scott Offer,has served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Flex, Nextracker Inc. majority shareholder, since September 2016. Previously, Mr. Offer served as Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Lenovo Group Limited from January 2016 until August 2016 and as Chief Counsel for the Lenovo Mobile Business Group from 2014 to 2016. Prior to that, he served as Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Motorola Mobility, Inc., a Google company, from August 2012 to October 2014 and Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Motorola Mobility, Inc. from July 2010 to July 2012. Prior to that, he worked for the law firm of Boodle Hatfield. He received his law degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is qualified as a lawyer in both the United Kingdom and the United States.
Revathi Advaithi

Revathi Advaithi,担任Eaton Corporation的电气部门的首席运营官(2005年9月1日至今)、Americas of Eaton Corporation的电气部门总裁(2012年4月1日至2015年8月31日)、Eaton Corporation的亚太地区电气部门总裁(2009年7月1日至2012年3月31日)。

Revathi Advaithi,has served on Uber Technologies, Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Ms. Advaithi has been Chief Executive Officer and a director of Flex Ltd., a manufacturer that delivers technology innovation, supply chain, and manufacturing solutions to diverse industries and end markets, since 2019. Prior to joining Flex, Ms. Advaithi was President and Chief Operating Officer, Electrical Sector, of Eaton Corporation plc, a power management company, a position she held from 2015. Prior to that role, she was President of Electrical Sector, Americas of Eaton from 2012 through 2015. She joined Eaton in 1995 and led the Electrical Sector in the Americas and Asia-Pacific, with a three-year assignment in Shanghai. Between 2002 and 2008, Ms. Advaithi worked at Honeywell, where she held several senior roles within the sourcing and supply chain functions of the aerospace sector before being named vice president and general manager of Honeywell's Field Solutions business in 2006. Ms. Advaithi returned to Eaton in 2008 as vice president and general manager of the Electrical Components Division.
Revathi Advaithi,担任Eaton Corporation的电气部门的首席运营官(2005年9月1日至今)、Americas of Eaton Corporation的电气部门总裁(2012年4月1日至2015年8月31日)、Eaton Corporation的亚太地区电气部门总裁(2009年7月1日至2012年3月31日)。
Revathi Advaithi,has served on Uber Technologies, Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Ms. Advaithi has been Chief Executive Officer and a director of Flex Ltd., a manufacturer that delivers technology innovation, supply chain, and manufacturing solutions to diverse industries and end markets, since 2019. Prior to joining Flex, Ms. Advaithi was President and Chief Operating Officer, Electrical Sector, of Eaton Corporation plc, a power management company, a position she held from 2015. Prior to that role, she was President of Electrical Sector, Americas of Eaton from 2012 through 2015. She joined Eaton in 1995 and led the Electrical Sector in the Americas and Asia-Pacific, with a three-year assignment in Shanghai. Between 2002 and 2008, Ms. Advaithi worked at Honeywell, where she held several senior roles within the sourcing and supply chain functions of the aerospace sector before being named vice president and general manager of Honeywell's Field Solutions business in 2006. Ms. Advaithi returned to Eaton in 2008 as vice president and general manager of the Electrical Components Division.
Paul R. Lundstrom

Paul R. Lundstrom自2020年8月起担任首席财务官。此前,他曾担任Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc.(火箭、导弹和能量推进制造商)的副总裁兼首席财务官(2016年11月以来)。1997年至2016年,他曾任职United Technologies Corporation(现为Raytheon Technologies Corporation),在那里他曾担任多种高级职务,包括投资者关系副总裁;副总裁兼首席财务官,负责北亚的建筑和工业系统;副总裁和首席财务官,负责气候,控制与安全-亚洲;和副总裁和首席财务官,运营商建设系统和服务。他拥有杜鲁门州立大学的金融理学学士学位和哥伦比亚大学的工商管理硕士学位。他是伊利诺伊州的注册注册会计师。

Paul R. Lundstrom,has served as Chief Financial Officer since September 2020. Prior to that, Mr. Lundstrom was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc., a rocket, missile and energetics propulsion manufacturer, a position he had held since November 2016. Between 1997 and 2016, Mr. Lundstrom worked at United Technologies Corporation (now Raytheon Technologies Corporation), where he held several senior roles including Vice President of Investor Relations; Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Building & Industrial Systems – North Asia; Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Climate, Control & Security – Asia; and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Carrier Building Systems and Services. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Truman State University and an MBA from Columbia University. He is a registered Certified Public Accountant in the State of Illinois. Mr. Lundstrom serves on the Board of Directors of Nextracker Inc.
Paul R. Lundstrom自2020年8月起担任首席财务官。此前,他曾担任Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc.(火箭、导弹和能量推进制造商)的副总裁兼首席财务官(2016年11月以来)。1997年至2016年,他曾任职United Technologies Corporation(现为Raytheon Technologies Corporation),在那里他曾担任多种高级职务,包括投资者关系副总裁;副总裁兼首席财务官,负责北亚的建筑和工业系统;副总裁和首席财务官,负责气候,控制与安全-亚洲;和副总裁和首席财务官,运营商建设系统和服务。他拥有杜鲁门州立大学的金融理学学士学位和哥伦比亚大学的工商管理硕士学位。他是伊利诺伊州的注册注册会计师。
Paul R. Lundstrom,has served as Chief Financial Officer since September 2020. Prior to that, Mr. Lundstrom was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc., a rocket, missile and energetics propulsion manufacturer, a position he had held since November 2016. Between 1997 and 2016, Mr. Lundstrom worked at United Technologies Corporation (now Raytheon Technologies Corporation), where he held several senior roles including Vice President of Investor Relations; Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Building & Industrial Systems – North Asia; Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Climate, Control & Security – Asia; and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Carrier Building Systems and Services. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Truman State University and an MBA from Columbia University. He is a registered Certified Public Accountant in the State of Illinois. Mr. Lundstrom serves on the Board of Directors of Nextracker Inc.
Michael Hartung

Michael Hartung自2020年4月起担任我们的Flex Agility Solutions总裁。在担任该职位之前,Hartung先生从2013年7月开始担任我们Lifestyle的高级副总裁,从2007年10月到2013年7月担任我们资本设备市场部门的副总裁。在2007年加入我们之前,Hartung先生在Solectron Corporation担任越来越重要的职位,在那里他的职业生涯达到顶峰,担任计算和存储业务单元的副总裁,在那里他直接负责销售、营销和帐户管理功能。他拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校的经济学学士学位,并参加过各种高管教育课程,最著名的是斯坦福大学。

Michael Hartung,has served as President, Agility Solutions of Flex, Nextracker Inc. majority shareholder, since April 2020. Prior to holding this position, Mr. Hartung served as Senior Vice President of Lifestyle at Flex since July 2013 and Vice President of Flex's Capital Equipment market segment from October 2007 to July 2013. Before joining Flex in 2007, Mr. Hartung held positions of increasing responsibility at Solectron Corporation, an electronics manufacturing company for original equipment manufacturers, including his role as Vice President of the Computing & Storage business unit where he was directly responsible for sales, marketing and account management functions. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Michael Hartung自2020年4月起担任我们的Flex Agility Solutions总裁。在担任该职位之前,Hartung先生从2013年7月开始担任我们Lifestyle的高级副总裁,从2007年10月到2013年7月担任我们资本设备市场部门的副总裁。在2007年加入我们之前,Hartung先生在Solectron Corporation担任越来越重要的职位,在那里他的职业生涯达到顶峰,担任计算和存储业务单元的副总裁,在那里他直接负责销售、营销和帐户管理功能。他拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校的经济学学士学位,并参加过各种高管教育课程,最著名的是斯坦福大学。
Michael Hartung,has served as President, Agility Solutions of Flex, Nextracker Inc. majority shareholder, since April 2020. Prior to holding this position, Mr. Hartung served as Senior Vice President of Lifestyle at Flex since July 2013 and Vice President of Flex's Capital Equipment market segment from October 2007 to July 2013. Before joining Flex in 2007, Mr. Hartung held positions of increasing responsibility at Solectron Corporation, an electronics manufacturing company for original equipment manufacturers, including his role as Vice President of the Computing & Storage business unit where he was directly responsible for sales, marketing and account management functions. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Rebecca S. Sidelinger

Rebecca S. Sidelinger,自2022年2月起担任Flex Ltd.可靠性解决方案总裁。在此之前,Sidelinger女士从2011年起在霍尼韦尔公司旗下的霍尼韦尔航空航天公司工作,直到2022年加入该公司,她最近在该公司担任机械系统和部件战略业务部总裁,从2019年10月至2022年担任该职务。在此之前,她曾于2017年至2019年担任安全系统副总裁兼总经理,之前曾在霍尼韦尔航空航天公司担任多个高级职务。在加入霍尼韦尔之前,Sidelinger女士在通用电气运输系统公司和通用汽车公司担任了25年的领导职务。在通用汽车任职期间,她经营机车现代化、客运机车、船舶推进和钻头电机业务。Sidelinger女士拥有甘农大学电气工程学士学位和宾夕法尼亚州立大学工商管理硕士学位。Sidelinger女士是Nextracker Inc.的董事会成员。

Rebecca S. Sidelinger,has served as Flex Ltd. President, Reliability Solutions since February 2022. Previously, Ms. Sidelinger was with Honeywell Aerospace, a division of Honeywell International Inc. from 2011 until joining the Company in 2022, where she was most recently President, Mechanical Systems & Components Strategic Business Unit, a position she held from October 2019 until 2022. Prior to that, she served as Vice President/General Manager, Safety Systems from 2017 to 2019 and previously held several senior roles within Honeywell Aerospace. Prior to Honeywell, Ms. Sidelinger spent 25 years in leadership positions with GE Transportation Systems and GE Motors. During her time with GE Motors, she ran locomotive modernization, passenger locomotive, marine propulsion and drill motor businesses. Ms. Sidelinger holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Gannon University and a master of business administration from Penn State University. Ms. Sidelinger serves on the Board of Directors of Nextracker Inc.
Rebecca S. Sidelinger,自2022年2月起担任Flex Ltd.可靠性解决方案总裁。在此之前,Sidelinger女士从2011年起在霍尼韦尔公司旗下的霍尼韦尔航空航天公司工作,直到2022年加入该公司,她最近在该公司担任机械系统和部件战略业务部总裁,从2019年10月至2022年担任该职务。在此之前,她曾于2017年至2019年担任安全系统副总裁兼总经理,之前曾在霍尼韦尔航空航天公司担任多个高级职务。在加入霍尼韦尔之前,Sidelinger女士在通用电气运输系统公司和通用汽车公司担任了25年的领导职务。在通用汽车任职期间,她经营机车现代化、客运机车、船舶推进和钻头电机业务。Sidelinger女士拥有甘农大学电气工程学士学位和宾夕法尼亚州立大学工商管理硕士学位。Sidelinger女士是Nextracker Inc.的董事会成员。
Rebecca S. Sidelinger,has served as Flex Ltd. President, Reliability Solutions since February 2022. Previously, Ms. Sidelinger was with Honeywell Aerospace, a division of Honeywell International Inc. from 2011 until joining the Company in 2022, where she was most recently President, Mechanical Systems & Components Strategic Business Unit, a position she held from October 2019 until 2022. Prior to that, she served as Vice President/General Manager, Safety Systems from 2017 to 2019 and previously held several senior roles within Honeywell Aerospace. Prior to Honeywell, Ms. Sidelinger spent 25 years in leadership positions with GE Transportation Systems and GE Motors. During her time with GE Motors, she ran locomotive modernization, passenger locomotive, marine propulsion and drill motor businesses. Ms. Sidelinger holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Gannon University and a master of business administration from Penn State University. Ms. Sidelinger serves on the Board of Directors of Nextracker Inc.
Hooi Tan

Hooi Tan,自2022年4月起担任Flex Ltd.全球运营和组件总裁。陈先生在公司工作了20多年,最近担任全球运营高级副总裁,管理着30个国家的130多家工厂。他曾领导该公司亚洲地区的业务,负责该地区的生产力和效率项目以及损益改善。在加入Flex之前,Tan曾在Solectron工作,在运营、项目管理、业务发展和政府事务方面担任过各种领导职务。Tan先生拥有普渡大学电气工程学士学位。

Hooi Tan,has served as Flex Ltd. President, Global Operations and Components since April 2022. Mr. Tan has been with the Company for more than twenty years, most recently serving as Senior Vice President, Global Operations, managing more than 130 facilities across 30 countries. He previously led operations for the Company's Asia region, where he oversaw productivity and efficiency programs and P&L improvements in the region. Prior to Flex, Mr. Tan worked at Solectron where he held a variety of leadership roles in operations, program management, business development and government affairs. Mr. Tan holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University.
Hooi Tan,自2022年4月起担任Flex Ltd.全球运营和组件总裁。陈先生在公司工作了20多年,最近担任全球运营高级副总裁,管理着30个国家的130多家工厂。他曾领导该公司亚洲地区的业务,负责该地区的生产力和效率项目以及损益改善。在加入Flex之前,Tan曾在Solectron工作,在运营、项目管理、业务发展和政府事务方面担任过各种领导职务。Tan先生拥有普渡大学电气工程学士学位。
Hooi Tan,has served as Flex Ltd. President, Global Operations and Components since April 2022. Mr. Tan has been with the Company for more than twenty years, most recently serving as Senior Vice President, Global Operations, managing more than 130 facilities across 30 countries. He previously led operations for the Company's Asia region, where he oversaw productivity and efficiency programs and P&L improvements in the region. Prior to Flex, Mr. Tan worked at Solectron where he held a variety of leadership roles in operations, program management, business development and government affairs. Mr. Tan holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University.
Daniel J. Wendler

Daniel J. Wendler,自2022年2月28日起担任Flex Ltd.首席会计官。此前,温德勒先生自2021年11月起担任全球消费品制造商和分销商Keter Group公司(“Keter”)的首席会计官。在加入Keter之前,Wendler先生曾在Carrier Global Corporation工作,从2000年2月至2021年3月,他在该公司担任各种职务,职责日益增加。最近,温德勒先生在2020年至2021年期间担任开利副总裁兼助理财务总监,在此之前,他在2015年至2020年期间担任开利副总裁兼财务总监,而该公司是联合技术公司的一个部门。此前,温德勒是普华永道会计师事务所的审计经理。Wendler先生是纽约州的注册会计师,拥有纽约州立大学奥斯威戈学院会计学学士学位和罗切斯特大学西蒙学院工商管理硕士学位。

Daniel J. Wendler,has served as Flex Ltd. Chief Accounting Officer since February 28, 2022. Previously, Mr. Wendler served as Chief Accounting Officer of Keter Group SA ("Keter"), a global manufacturer and distributor of consumer goods, since November 2021. Prior to Keter, Mr. Wendler worked at Carrier Global Corporation where he held various roles of increasing responsibility from February 2000 to March 2021. Most recently, Mr. Wendler served as the Vice President and Assistant Controller of Carrier from 2020 until 2021 and, prior to that, was the Vice President and Controller of Carrier from 2015 until 2020, while it was a segment of United Technologies Corporation. Previously, Mr. Wendler was an Audit Manager at Price Waterhouse LLP. Mr. Wendler is a certified public accountant in the State of New York and holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the State University of New York, College of Oswego and a master of business administration from the University of Rochester – Simon School.
Daniel J. Wendler,自2022年2月28日起担任Flex Ltd.首席会计官。此前,温德勒先生自2021年11月起担任全球消费品制造商和分销商Keter Group公司(“Keter”)的首席会计官。在加入Keter之前,Wendler先生曾在Carrier Global Corporation工作,从2000年2月至2021年3月,他在该公司担任各种职务,职责日益增加。最近,温德勒先生在2020年至2021年期间担任开利副总裁兼助理财务总监,在此之前,他在2015年至2020年期间担任开利副总裁兼财务总监,而该公司是联合技术公司的一个部门。此前,温德勒是普华永道会计师事务所的审计经理。Wendler先生是纽约州的注册会计师,拥有纽约州立大学奥斯威戈学院会计学学士学位和罗切斯特大学西蒙学院工商管理硕士学位。
Daniel J. Wendler,has served as Flex Ltd. Chief Accounting Officer since February 28, 2022. Previously, Mr. Wendler served as Chief Accounting Officer of Keter Group SA ("Keter"), a global manufacturer and distributor of consumer goods, since November 2021. Prior to Keter, Mr. Wendler worked at Carrier Global Corporation where he held various roles of increasing responsibility from February 2000 to March 2021. Most recently, Mr. Wendler served as the Vice President and Assistant Controller of Carrier from 2020 until 2021 and, prior to that, was the Vice President and Controller of Carrier from 2015 until 2020, while it was a segment of United Technologies Corporation. Previously, Mr. Wendler was an Audit Manager at Price Waterhouse LLP. Mr. Wendler is a certified public accountant in the State of New York and holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the State University of New York, College of Oswego and a master of business administration from the University of Rochester – Simon School.