

姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Elon Musk Technoking and Chief Executive Officer,Director 53 2.38万美元 71502.27 2024-04-14
Kathleen Wilson Thompson Independent Director 66 3.00万美元 77.13 2024-04-14
Hiromichi Mizuno Independent Director 58 2.75万美元 未持股 2024-04-14
Joe Gebbia Independent Director 42 未披露 0.01 2024-04-14
Ira Ehrenpreis Independent Director 55 3.75万美元 168.10 2024-04-14
Kimbal Musk Director 51 2.00万美元 195.05 2024-04-14
James Murdoch Independent Director 52 3.25万美元 142.73 2024-04-14
Robyn M. Denholm Chair of the Board, Independent Director 60 576.35万美元 149.01 2024-04-14



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Elon Musk Technoking and Chief Executive Officer,Director 53 2.38万美元 71502.27 2024-04-14
Vaibhav Taneja Chief Financial Officer 46 未披露 106.35 2024-04-14
Tom Zhu Senior Vice President, Automotive 44 未披露 199.70 2024-04-14


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Elon Musk

Elon Musk是Technoking of Tesla,自2008年10月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.首席执行官,自2004年4月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.成员。Musk先生自2002年5月起担任先进火箭和航天器制造和服务公司“SpaceX”太空探索技术公司的首席执行官、首席技术官和董事长,并担任太阳能安装公司SolarCity Corporation(“SolarCity”)的董事会主席,自2006年7月至2016年11月被Tesla, Inc.收购。Musk还是基础设施公司“The Boring Company”和专注于开发脑机接口的Neuralink Corp.的创始人。在SpaceX之前,Musk与人共同创建了电子支付系统PayPal,该系统于2002年10月被eBay收购,而互联网企业软件和服务提供商Zip2 Corporation于1999年3月被Compaq收购。自2021年4月以来,Musk先生还在Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc.董事会任职。Musk先生拥有University of Pennsylvania物理学学士学位和University of Pennsylvania沃顿商学院的工商管理学士学位。

Elon Musk is the Technoking of Tesla and has served as Tesla, Inc. Chief Executive Officer since October 2008 and as a member of the Board since April 2004. Mr. Musk has also served as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, an advanced rocket and spacecraft manufacturing and services company “SpaceX”, since May 2002 and served as Chairman of the Board of SolarCity Corporation, a solar installation company (“SolarCity”), from July 2006 until its acquisition by us in November 2016. Mr. Musk is also a founder of The Boring Company, an infrastructure company, and of Neuralink Corp., a company focused on developing brain-machine interfaces. Prior to SpaceX, Mr. Musk co-founded PayPal, an electronic payment system, which was acquired by eBay in October 2002 and Zip2 Corporation, a provider of Internet enterprise software and services, which was acquired by Compaq in March 1999. Mr. Musk has also served on the board of directors of Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc. since April 2021. Mr. Musk holds a B.A. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in business from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Elon Musk是Technoking of Tesla,自2008年10月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.首席执行官,自2004年4月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.成员。Musk先生自2002年5月起担任先进火箭和航天器制造和服务公司“SpaceX”太空探索技术公司的首席执行官、首席技术官和董事长,并担任太阳能安装公司SolarCity Corporation(“SolarCity”)的董事会主席,自2006年7月至2016年11月被Tesla, Inc.收购。Musk还是基础设施公司“The Boring Company”和专注于开发脑机接口的Neuralink Corp.的创始人。在SpaceX之前,Musk与人共同创建了电子支付系统PayPal,该系统于2002年10月被eBay收购,而互联网企业软件和服务提供商Zip2 Corporation于1999年3月被Compaq收购。自2021年4月以来,Musk先生还在Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc.董事会任职。Musk先生拥有University of Pennsylvania物理学学士学位和University of Pennsylvania沃顿商学院的工商管理学士学位。
Elon Musk is the Technoking of Tesla and has served as Tesla, Inc. Chief Executive Officer since October 2008 and as a member of the Board since April 2004. Mr. Musk has also served as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, an advanced rocket and spacecraft manufacturing and services company “SpaceX”, since May 2002 and served as Chairman of the Board of SolarCity Corporation, a solar installation company (“SolarCity”), from July 2006 until its acquisition by us in November 2016. Mr. Musk is also a founder of The Boring Company, an infrastructure company, and of Neuralink Corp., a company focused on developing brain-machine interfaces. Prior to SpaceX, Mr. Musk co-founded PayPal, an electronic payment system, which was acquired by eBay in October 2002 and Zip2 Corporation, a provider of Internet enterprise software and services, which was acquired by Compaq in March 1999. Mr. Musk has also served on the board of directors of Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc. since April 2021. Mr. Musk holds a B.A. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in business from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Kathleen Wilson Thompson

Kathleen Wilson Thompson自2018年12月起担任董事会成员。Wilson Thompson女士自2014年12月起担任全球制药和福利公司Walgreens Boots Alliance,Inc.的执行副总裁兼全球首席人力资源官,并曾于2010年1月至2014年12月期间担任高级副总裁兼首席人力资源官。在加入Walgreens之前,Wilson Thompson女士于2005年7月至2009年12月在Kellogg Company(一家食品制造公司)担任各种法律和运营职务,最近一次担任其全球人力资源高级副总裁。Wilson Thompson女士还担任Ashland Global Holdings Inc.的董事会成员,并在2009年至2018年期间担任Vulcan Materials Company的董事会成员。Wilson Thompson女士拥有密歇根大学的英国文学学士学位和韦恩州立大学的法学博士和法学硕士学位。她从1992年到2009年担任过凯洛格数个职位,离开时任该公司全球人力资源高级副总裁。1986年到1991年,她还在为密歇根州法明顿山国家公司担任副总裁以及员工诉讼和银行法律顾问。她于1979年在安阿伯市密歇根大学获得文学学士学位,于1982年在底特律的韦恩州立大学获得法学博士学位,于1996年在韦恩州立大学获得企业和金融法律硕士。她是NAACP特别贡献基金董事会的受托人。她也被黑带企业评为“美国企业界高管100强”。

Kathleen Wilson Thompson,most recently served as executive vice president and global chief human resources officer of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., a healthcare and retail pharmacy company, from December 2014 to January 2021, after serving as senior vice president and chief human resources officer from January 2010 to December 2014.Previously, she served as senior vice president, global human resources and chief labor and employment counsel at Kellanova (formerly Kellogg Company).Ms. Wilson-Thompson earned an A.B. degree from the University of Michigan, and J.D. and LL.M. (Corporate and Finance Law) degrees from Wayne State University.Ms. Wilson-Thompson is also the immediate past chair of the board of directors of the University of Michigan Alumni Association.
Kathleen Wilson Thompson自2018年12月起担任董事会成员。Wilson Thompson女士自2014年12月起担任全球制药和福利公司Walgreens Boots Alliance,Inc.的执行副总裁兼全球首席人力资源官,并曾于2010年1月至2014年12月期间担任高级副总裁兼首席人力资源官。在加入Walgreens之前,Wilson Thompson女士于2005年7月至2009年12月在Kellogg Company(一家食品制造公司)担任各种法律和运营职务,最近一次担任其全球人力资源高级副总裁。Wilson Thompson女士还担任Ashland Global Holdings Inc.的董事会成员,并在2009年至2018年期间担任Vulcan Materials Company的董事会成员。Wilson Thompson女士拥有密歇根大学的英国文学学士学位和韦恩州立大学的法学博士和法学硕士学位。她从1992年到2009年担任过凯洛格数个职位,离开时任该公司全球人力资源高级副总裁。1986年到1991年,她还在为密歇根州法明顿山国家公司担任副总裁以及员工诉讼和银行法律顾问。她于1979年在安阿伯市密歇根大学获得文学学士学位,于1982年在底特律的韦恩州立大学获得法学博士学位,于1996年在韦恩州立大学获得企业和金融法律硕士。她是NAACP特别贡献基金董事会的受托人。她也被黑带企业评为“美国企业界高管100强”。
Kathleen Wilson Thompson,most recently served as executive vice president and global chief human resources officer of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., a healthcare and retail pharmacy company, from December 2014 to January 2021, after serving as senior vice president and chief human resources officer from January 2010 to December 2014.Previously, she served as senior vice president, global human resources and chief labor and employment counsel at Kellanova (formerly Kellogg Company).Ms. Wilson-Thompson earned an A.B. degree from the University of Michigan, and J.D. and LL.M. (Corporate and Finance Law) degrees from Wayne State University.Ms. Wilson-Thompson is also the immediate past chair of the board of directors of the University of Michigan Alumni Association.
Hiromichi Mizuno

Hiromichi Mizuno自2020年4月起担任董事会成员。2015年1月至2020年3月,Mizuno先生担任世界上最大的养老基金日本政府养老投资基金的执行董事总经理和首席投资官。此前,Mizuno从2003年开始担任私人股本公司Coller Capital的合伙人。除了长期从事金融和投资专业人士外,Mizuno先生还是众多企业和政府咨询委员会的成员,包括PRI董事会,这是一个与联合国(世界经济论坛的全球未来理事会)合作促进负责任投资的投资者倡议以及日本政府的战略基金综合咨询委员会。Mizuno先生拥有大阪城市大学法律学士学位和西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院的工商管理硕士学位。

Hiromichi Mizuno has been a member of the Board since April 2020. Since January 2021 Mr. Mizuno has served as the United Nations Special Envoy on Innovative Finance and Sustainable Investments. Mr. Mizuno has also served as the representative partner and Chief Executive Officer of Good Steward Partners, LLC, a consulting firm, since March 2021. From January 2015 to March 2020 Mr. Mizuno was Executive Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund, the largest pension fund in the world. Previously, Mr. Mizuno was a partner at Coller Capital, a private equity firm, from 2003. In addition to being a career-long finance and investment professional, Mr. Mizuno has served as a board member of numerous business, government and other organizations, currently including the Mission Committee of Danone S.A., a global food products company, and the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council. Mr. Mizuno is also involved in academia and thought leadership, having been named to leadership or advisory roles at Harvard University, University of Cambridge, Northwestern University and the Milken Institute. Mr. Mizuno holds a B.A. in Law from Osaka City University and an M.B.A. from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.
Hiromichi Mizuno自2020年4月起担任董事会成员。2015年1月至2020年3月,Mizuno先生担任世界上最大的养老基金日本政府养老投资基金的执行董事总经理和首席投资官。此前,Mizuno从2003年开始担任私人股本公司Coller Capital的合伙人。除了长期从事金融和投资专业人士外,Mizuno先生还是众多企业和政府咨询委员会的成员,包括PRI董事会,这是一个与联合国(世界经济论坛的全球未来理事会)合作促进负责任投资的投资者倡议以及日本政府的战略基金综合咨询委员会。Mizuno先生拥有大阪城市大学法律学士学位和西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院的工商管理硕士学位。
Hiromichi Mizuno has been a member of the Board since April 2020. Since January 2021 Mr. Mizuno has served as the United Nations Special Envoy on Innovative Finance and Sustainable Investments. Mr. Mizuno has also served as the representative partner and Chief Executive Officer of Good Steward Partners, LLC, a consulting firm, since March 2021. From January 2015 to March 2020 Mr. Mizuno was Executive Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund, the largest pension fund in the world. Previously, Mr. Mizuno was a partner at Coller Capital, a private equity firm, from 2003. In addition to being a career-long finance and investment professional, Mr. Mizuno has served as a board member of numerous business, government and other organizations, currently including the Mission Committee of Danone S.A., a global food products company, and the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council. Mr. Mizuno is also involved in academia and thought leadership, having been named to leadership or advisory roles at Harvard University, University of Cambridge, Northwestern University and the Milken Institute. Mr. Mizuno holds a B.A. in Law from Osaka City University and an M.B.A. from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.
Joe Gebbia

Joe Gebbia于2008年与他人共同创立了Airbnb,Inc.,自2009年以来一直担任Airbnb,Inc.董事会成员。2022年,Gebbia先生推出了Samara,它生产完全定制的工厂制造房屋,旨在创造租金收入、住房家庭、在家支持工作,或捆绑在一起,形成新型住房社区。Gebbia先生在罗德岛设计学院获得了平面设计和工业设计双学位,他目前在该学院董事会任职。Gebbia先生是Airbnb.org的主席,也是奥林匹克避难基金会和难民署、Tent.org和Malala基金领导委员会的成员。Gebbia先生是设计和创业方面广受欢迎的演讲者,他曾被《商业周刊》评为20大最佳年轻科技企业家,《30岁以下》杂志、《财富》杂志评为40岁以下,以及《快公司》最具创造力的人物之一。

Joe Gebbia,co-founded Airbnb,Inc. in 2008 and has served on Airbnb's board of directors since 2009. In 2022,Mr. Gebbia launched Samara,which produces fully customized,factory-made homes designed to create rental income,house family,support work from home,or bundled together,to form new types of housing communities. Mr. Gebbia received dual degrees in Graphic Design and Industrial Design from the Rhode Island School of Design,where he currently serves on the institution's Board of Trustees. Mr. Gebbia is the Chairman of Airbnb.org,and also serves on the Olympic Refuge Foundation and leadership councils for UNHCR,Tent.org and Malala Fund. Mr. Gebbia is a sought-after speaker on design and entrepreneurship,and has been named in BusinessWeek's Top 20 Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs,Inc. Magazine's Thirty-under-Thirty,Fortune's Forty-under-Forty,and one of Fast Company's Most Creative People.
Joe Gebbia于2008年与他人共同创立了Airbnb,Inc.,自2009年以来一直担任Airbnb,Inc.董事会成员。2022年,Gebbia先生推出了Samara,它生产完全定制的工厂制造房屋,旨在创造租金收入、住房家庭、在家支持工作,或捆绑在一起,形成新型住房社区。Gebbia先生在罗德岛设计学院获得了平面设计和工业设计双学位,他目前在该学院董事会任职。Gebbia先生是Airbnb.org的主席,也是奥林匹克避难基金会和难民署、Tent.org和Malala基金领导委员会的成员。Gebbia先生是设计和创业方面广受欢迎的演讲者,他曾被《商业周刊》评为20大最佳年轻科技企业家,《30岁以下》杂志、《财富》杂志评为40岁以下,以及《快公司》最具创造力的人物之一。
Joe Gebbia,co-founded Airbnb,Inc. in 2008 and has served on Airbnb's board of directors since 2009. In 2022,Mr. Gebbia launched Samara,which produces fully customized,factory-made homes designed to create rental income,house family,support work from home,or bundled together,to form new types of housing communities. Mr. Gebbia received dual degrees in Graphic Design and Industrial Design from the Rhode Island School of Design,where he currently serves on the institution's Board of Trustees. Mr. Gebbia is the Chairman of Airbnb.org,and also serves on the Olympic Refuge Foundation and leadership councils for UNHCR,Tent.org and Malala Fund. Mr. Gebbia is a sought-after speaker on design and entrepreneurship,and has been named in BusinessWeek's Top 20 Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs,Inc. Magazine's Thirty-under-Thirty,Fortune's Forty-under-Forty,and one of Fast Company's Most Creative People.
Ira Ehrenpreis

Ira Ehrenpreis自2007年5月一直是公司董事会成员。Ehrenpreis先生自1996年以来一直在一家风险投资公司Technology Partners任职,他目前是该公司的管理成员,并领导Technology Partners前行。在风险投资界,Ehrenpreis先生曾服务于美国国家风险投资协会(National Venture Capital Association)的董事会和执行委员会及风险资本家的西部协会(Western Association of Venture Capitalists)董事会。他也是VCNetwork的联合主席,这是一个囊括了1000名风险投资专家的组织。在清洁技术领域,他于2005年、2006年、2007年、2008年、2009年、2010年、2011、 2012年和2013年曾任职几个行业委员会,其中包括美国议会可再生能源部门(American Council on Renewable Energy)和清洁技术创业网(Cleantech Venture Network)顾问委员会的前主席,并一直是清洁技术投资峰会(Clean-Tech Investor Summit)的主席,Ehrenpreis先生持有加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)学士学位和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的法学博士和硕士学位。

Ira Ehrenpreis has been a member of the Board since May 2007. Mr. Ehrenpreis has been a venture capitalist since 1996. He is founder and managing member of DBL Partners, a leading impact investing venture capital firm formed in 2015 and previously led the Energy Innovation practice at Technology Partners. In the venture capital industry, Mr. Ehrenpreis has served on the board, Executive Committee, and as Annual Meeting Chairman of the National Venture Capital Association NVCA. Mr. Ehrenpreis currently serves as the President of the Western Association of Venture Capitalists (WAVC) and as the Chairman of the VCNetwork, the largest and most active California venture capital organization. In the cleantech sector, he has served on several industry boards, including the American Council on Renewable Energy and the Cleantech Venture Network (Past Chairman of Advisory Board), as the Chairman of the Clean-Tech Investor Summit for nine years, and on the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy (PIE) Advisory Council. Mr. Ehrenpreis also serves as Chairman of the World Energy Innovation Forum. Mr. Ehrenpreis was awarded the 2018 NACD Directorship 100 for his influential leadership in the boardroom and corporate governance community. Mr. Ehrenpreis holds a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles and a J.D. and M.B.A. from Stanford University.
Ira Ehrenpreis自2007年5月一直是公司董事会成员。Ehrenpreis先生自1996年以来一直在一家风险投资公司Technology Partners任职,他目前是该公司的管理成员,并领导Technology Partners前行。在风险投资界,Ehrenpreis先生曾服务于美国国家风险投资协会(National Venture Capital Association)的董事会和执行委员会及风险资本家的西部协会(Western Association of Venture Capitalists)董事会。他也是VCNetwork的联合主席,这是一个囊括了1000名风险投资专家的组织。在清洁技术领域,他于2005年、2006年、2007年、2008年、2009年、2010年、2011、 2012年和2013年曾任职几个行业委员会,其中包括美国议会可再生能源部门(American Council on Renewable Energy)和清洁技术创业网(Cleantech Venture Network)顾问委员会的前主席,并一直是清洁技术投资峰会(Clean-Tech Investor Summit)的主席,Ehrenpreis先生持有加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)学士学位和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的法学博士和硕士学位。
Ira Ehrenpreis has been a member of the Board since May 2007. Mr. Ehrenpreis has been a venture capitalist since 1996. He is founder and managing member of DBL Partners, a leading impact investing venture capital firm formed in 2015 and previously led the Energy Innovation practice at Technology Partners. In the venture capital industry, Mr. Ehrenpreis has served on the board, Executive Committee, and as Annual Meeting Chairman of the National Venture Capital Association NVCA. Mr. Ehrenpreis currently serves as the President of the Western Association of Venture Capitalists (WAVC) and as the Chairman of the VCNetwork, the largest and most active California venture capital organization. In the cleantech sector, he has served on several industry boards, including the American Council on Renewable Energy and the Cleantech Venture Network (Past Chairman of Advisory Board), as the Chairman of the Clean-Tech Investor Summit for nine years, and on the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy (PIE) Advisory Council. Mr. Ehrenpreis also serves as Chairman of the World Energy Innovation Forum. Mr. Ehrenpreis was awarded the 2018 NACD Directorship 100 for his influential leadership in the boardroom and corporate governance community. Mr. Ehrenpreis holds a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles and a J.D. and M.B.A. from Stanford University.
Kimbal Musk

Kimbal Musk自2004年4月担任公司董事会成员,自2004年1月Musk先生成为餐饮集团的老板,该餐饮集团为今日美国十大餐厅之一,并于2004年4月担任它的首席执行官。他也是SpaceX和多墨西哥餐厅公司(SpaceX and Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc)的董事,这是一家国际连锁墨西哥主题餐厅。在2010年11月Musk先生成为肯基社区(Kitchen Community)的执行董事,这是一个非盈利组织,在美国各地区创建了学习园林学校。自2012年2月Musk先生一直是洛杉矶基金(Los Angeles Fund)的董事,该基金从事公共教育,慈善组织,致力于推动洛杉矶联合学区积极变化。自2012年7月Musk先生一直是安舒茨卫生和健康中心(Anschutz Health and Wellness Center)的董事,一个位于科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado School)的医学院的基地,以提供研究,教育和健康服务,实现健康的生活方式为目标。在1995年11月Musk先生合作创办了ZIP2公司,这是企业软件和服务的提供商,它于1999年3月被康柏公司收购。Musk先生持有皇后大学(Queen's University)商业的学士学位,并毕业于纽约的法国烹饪学院(The French Culinary Institute)。

Kimbal Musk has been a member of the Board since April 2004. Mr. Musk is co-founder and Executive Chairman of The Kitchen Restaurant Group, a growing family of businesses with the goal of providing all Americans with access to real food that was founded in 2004. In 2010 Mr. Musk became the Executive Director of Big Green formerly The Kitchen Community, a non-profit organization that creates learning gardens in schools across the United States. Mr. Musk also co-founded Square Roots, an urban farming incubator program, in 2016 and serves as its Chairman. Previously, Mr. Musk was a co-founder of Zip2 Corporation, a provider of enterprise software and services, which was acquired by Compaq in March 1999. Mr. Musk was a director of SpaceX from 2002 until January 2022 and a director of Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. from 2013 to 2019. Mr. Musk holds a B. Comm. in Business from Queen's University and is a graduate of The French Culinary Institute in New York City.
Kimbal Musk自2004年4月担任公司董事会成员,自2004年1月Musk先生成为餐饮集团的老板,该餐饮集团为今日美国十大餐厅之一,并于2004年4月担任它的首席执行官。他也是SpaceX和多墨西哥餐厅公司(SpaceX and Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc)的董事,这是一家国际连锁墨西哥主题餐厅。在2010年11月Musk先生成为肯基社区(Kitchen Community)的执行董事,这是一个非盈利组织,在美国各地区创建了学习园林学校。自2012年2月Musk先生一直是洛杉矶基金(Los Angeles Fund)的董事,该基金从事公共教育,慈善组织,致力于推动洛杉矶联合学区积极变化。自2012年7月Musk先生一直是安舒茨卫生和健康中心(Anschutz Health and Wellness Center)的董事,一个位于科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado School)的医学院的基地,以提供研究,教育和健康服务,实现健康的生活方式为目标。在1995年11月Musk先生合作创办了ZIP2公司,这是企业软件和服务的提供商,它于1999年3月被康柏公司收购。Musk先生持有皇后大学(Queen's University)商业的学士学位,并毕业于纽约的法国烹饪学院(The French Culinary Institute)。
Kimbal Musk has been a member of the Board since April 2004. Mr. Musk is co-founder and Executive Chairman of The Kitchen Restaurant Group, a growing family of businesses with the goal of providing all Americans with access to real food that was founded in 2004. In 2010 Mr. Musk became the Executive Director of Big Green formerly The Kitchen Community, a non-profit organization that creates learning gardens in schools across the United States. Mr. Musk also co-founded Square Roots, an urban farming incubator program, in 2016 and serves as its Chairman. Previously, Mr. Musk was a co-founder of Zip2 Corporation, a provider of enterprise software and services, which was acquired by Compaq in March 1999. Mr. Musk was a director of SpaceX from 2002 until January 2022 and a director of Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. from 2013 to 2019. Mr. Musk holds a B. Comm. in Business from Queen's University and is a graduate of The French Culinary Institute in New York City.
James Murdoch

James Murdoch于2009年5月20日接受任命。James是国际新闻集团(International of News Corporation)的副首席运营官和董事会主席兼首席执行官。他还是英国天空广播公司(BSkyB plc)的非执行主席和苏富比(Sotheby’s)非执行董事。在这之前,他从2003年到2007年担任英国天空广播公司的首席执行官,从2000年到2003年担任星空传媒(Star TV)的首席执行官。

James Murdoch has been a member of the Board since July 2017. Mr. Murdoch has been the Chief Executive Officer of Lupa Systems, a private investment company that he founded, since March 2019. Previously, Mr. Murdoch held a number of leadership roles at Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., a media company “21CF”, over two decades, including its Chief Executive Officer from 2015 to March 2019 its Co-Chief Operating Officer from 2014 to 2015 its Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, International from 2011 to 2014 and its Chairman and Chief Executive, Europe and Asia from 2007 to 2011. Previously, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Sky plc from 2003 to 2007 and as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of STAR Group Limited, a subsidiary of 21CF, from 2000 to 2003. Mr. Murdoch also formerly served on the boards of News Corporation from 2013 to 2020 of 21CF from 2007 to 2019 and of Sky plc from 2003 to 2018.
James Murdoch于2009年5月20日接受任命。James是国际新闻集团(International of News Corporation)的副首席运营官和董事会主席兼首席执行官。他还是英国天空广播公司(BSkyB plc)的非执行主席和苏富比(Sotheby’s)非执行董事。在这之前,他从2003年到2007年担任英国天空广播公司的首席执行官,从2000年到2003年担任星空传媒(Star TV)的首席执行官。
James Murdoch has been a member of the Board since July 2017. Mr. Murdoch has been the Chief Executive Officer of Lupa Systems, a private investment company that he founded, since March 2019. Previously, Mr. Murdoch held a number of leadership roles at Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., a media company “21CF”, over two decades, including its Chief Executive Officer from 2015 to March 2019 its Co-Chief Operating Officer from 2014 to 2015 its Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, International from 2011 to 2014 and its Chairman and Chief Executive, Europe and Asia from 2007 to 2011. Previously, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Sky plc from 2003 to 2007 and as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of STAR Group Limited, a subsidiary of 21CF, from 2000 to 2003. Mr. Murdoch also formerly served on the boards of News Corporation from 2013 to 2020 of 21CF from 2007 to 2019 and of Sky plc from 2003 to 2018.
Robyn M. Denholm

Robyn M. Denholm于2007年8月加入Juniper任执行副总裁和首席财务官。她于2013年7月晋升为执行副总裁和首席财务和运营官。加入Juniper之前,从1996年1月至2007年8月Denholm女士在Sun Microsystems公司被委派担任包括公司战略规划高级副总裁、财务高级副总裁、副总裁和公司管理者(首席财务官)、财务副总裁、董事等诸多部门的各种职务,以及从事澳大利亚/新西兰的亚太金融服务共享和管理。Denholm女士加入Sun Microsystems之前,曾在澳大利亚丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corporation Australia)和Arthur Andersen & Company 从事各种财经工作分别长达从事七年和五年。Denholm女士是澳大利亚会计师协会(the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia)特许会员,拥有悉尼大学(University of Sydney)授予的的经济学学士学位和新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales)授予的商务硕士学位。

Robyn M. Denholm has been a member of the Board since August 2014 and its Chair since November 2018. Since January 2021 Ms. Denholm has been an operating partner of Blackbird Ventures, a venture capital firm. From January 2017 through June 2019 Ms. Denholm was with Telstra Corporation Limited, a telecommunications company "Telstra", where she served as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategy from October 2018 through June 2019 and Chief Operations Officer from January 2017 to October 2018. Prior to Telstra, from August 2007 to July 2016 Ms. Denholm was with Juniper Networks, Inc., a manufacturer of networking equipment, serving in executive roles including Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer. Prior to joining Juniper Networks, Ms. Denholm served in various executive roles at Sun Microsystems, Inc. from January 1996 to August 2007. Ms. Denholm also served at Toyota Motor Corporation Australia for seven years and at Arthur Andersen & Company for five years in various finance assignments. Ms. Denholm previously served as a director of ABB Ltd. from 2016 to 2017. Ms. Denholm is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia/New Zealand, a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Sydney, and a Master's degree in Commerce and a Doctor of Business Administration (honoris causa) from the University of New South Wales.
Robyn M. Denholm于2007年8月加入Juniper任执行副总裁和首席财务官。她于2013年7月晋升为执行副总裁和首席财务和运营官。加入Juniper之前,从1996年1月至2007年8月Denholm女士在Sun Microsystems公司被委派担任包括公司战略规划高级副总裁、财务高级副总裁、副总裁和公司管理者(首席财务官)、财务副总裁、董事等诸多部门的各种职务,以及从事澳大利亚/新西兰的亚太金融服务共享和管理。Denholm女士加入Sun Microsystems之前,曾在澳大利亚丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corporation Australia)和Arthur Andersen & Company 从事各种财经工作分别长达从事七年和五年。Denholm女士是澳大利亚会计师协会(the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia)特许会员,拥有悉尼大学(University of Sydney)授予的的经济学学士学位和新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales)授予的商务硕士学位。
Robyn M. Denholm has been a member of the Board since August 2014 and its Chair since November 2018. Since January 2021 Ms. Denholm has been an operating partner of Blackbird Ventures, a venture capital firm. From January 2017 through June 2019 Ms. Denholm was with Telstra Corporation Limited, a telecommunications company "Telstra", where she served as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategy from October 2018 through June 2019 and Chief Operations Officer from January 2017 to October 2018. Prior to Telstra, from August 2007 to July 2016 Ms. Denholm was with Juniper Networks, Inc., a manufacturer of networking equipment, serving in executive roles including Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer. Prior to joining Juniper Networks, Ms. Denholm served in various executive roles at Sun Microsystems, Inc. from January 1996 to August 2007. Ms. Denholm also served at Toyota Motor Corporation Australia for seven years and at Arthur Andersen & Company for five years in various finance assignments. Ms. Denholm previously served as a director of ABB Ltd. from 2016 to 2017. Ms. Denholm is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia/New Zealand, a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Sydney, and a Master's degree in Commerce and a Doctor of Business Administration (honoris causa) from the University of New South Wales.


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Elon Musk

Elon Musk是Technoking of Tesla,自2008年10月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.首席执行官,自2004年4月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.成员。Musk先生自2002年5月起担任先进火箭和航天器制造和服务公司“SpaceX”太空探索技术公司的首席执行官、首席技术官和董事长,并担任太阳能安装公司SolarCity Corporation(“SolarCity”)的董事会主席,自2006年7月至2016年11月被Tesla, Inc.收购。Musk还是基础设施公司“The Boring Company”和专注于开发脑机接口的Neuralink Corp.的创始人。在SpaceX之前,Musk与人共同创建了电子支付系统PayPal,该系统于2002年10月被eBay收购,而互联网企业软件和服务提供商Zip2 Corporation于1999年3月被Compaq收购。自2021年4月以来,Musk先生还在Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc.董事会任职。Musk先生拥有University of Pennsylvania物理学学士学位和University of Pennsylvania沃顿商学院的工商管理学士学位。

Elon Musk is the Technoking of Tesla and has served as Tesla, Inc. Chief Executive Officer since October 2008 and as a member of the Board since April 2004. Mr. Musk has also served as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, an advanced rocket and spacecraft manufacturing and services company “SpaceX”, since May 2002 and served as Chairman of the Board of SolarCity Corporation, a solar installation company (“SolarCity”), from July 2006 until its acquisition by us in November 2016. Mr. Musk is also a founder of The Boring Company, an infrastructure company, and of Neuralink Corp., a company focused on developing brain-machine interfaces. Prior to SpaceX, Mr. Musk co-founded PayPal, an electronic payment system, which was acquired by eBay in October 2002 and Zip2 Corporation, a provider of Internet enterprise software and services, which was acquired by Compaq in March 1999. Mr. Musk has also served on the board of directors of Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc. since April 2021. Mr. Musk holds a B.A. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in business from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Elon Musk是Technoking of Tesla,自2008年10月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.首席执行官,自2004年4月起担任Tesla Motors, Inc.成员。Musk先生自2002年5月起担任先进火箭和航天器制造和服务公司“SpaceX”太空探索技术公司的首席执行官、首席技术官和董事长,并担任太阳能安装公司SolarCity Corporation(“SolarCity”)的董事会主席,自2006年7月至2016年11月被Tesla, Inc.收购。Musk还是基础设施公司“The Boring Company”和专注于开发脑机接口的Neuralink Corp.的创始人。在SpaceX之前,Musk与人共同创建了电子支付系统PayPal,该系统于2002年10月被eBay收购,而互联网企业软件和服务提供商Zip2 Corporation于1999年3月被Compaq收购。自2021年4月以来,Musk先生还在Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc.董事会任职。Musk先生拥有University of Pennsylvania物理学学士学位和University of Pennsylvania沃顿商学院的工商管理学士学位。
Elon Musk is the Technoking of Tesla and has served as Tesla, Inc. Chief Executive Officer since October 2008 and as a member of the Board since April 2004. Mr. Musk has also served as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, an advanced rocket and spacecraft manufacturing and services company “SpaceX”, since May 2002 and served as Chairman of the Board of SolarCity Corporation, a solar installation company (“SolarCity”), from July 2006 until its acquisition by us in November 2016. Mr. Musk is also a founder of The Boring Company, an infrastructure company, and of Neuralink Corp., a company focused on developing brain-machine interfaces. Prior to SpaceX, Mr. Musk co-founded PayPal, an electronic payment system, which was acquired by eBay in October 2002 and Zip2 Corporation, a provider of Internet enterprise software and services, which was acquired by Compaq in March 1999. Mr. Musk has also served on the board of directors of Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc. since April 2021. Mr. Musk holds a B.A. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in business from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Vaibhav Taneja

Vaibhav Taneja,自2019年3月起担任特斯拉首席会计官,自2018年5月起担任公司财务总监,并于2017年2月至2018年5月期间担任助理公司财务总监。Taneja先生从2016年3月起担任SolarCity Corporation的各种财务和会计职务。在此之前,他于1999年7月至2016年3月受雇于PricewaterhouseCoopers在印度和美国。

Vaibhav Taneja,served as Tesla's Chief Accounting Officer since March 2019, as Corporate Controller from May 2018, and as Assistant Corporate Controller between February 2017 and May 2018. Mr. Taneja served in various finance and accounting roles at SolarCity Corporation from March 2016. Prior to that, Mr. Taneja was employed at PricewaterhouseCoopers in both India and the U.S. between July 1999 and March 2016.
Vaibhav Taneja,自2019年3月起担任特斯拉首席会计官,自2018年5月起担任公司财务总监,并于2017年2月至2018年5月期间担任助理公司财务总监。Taneja先生从2016年3月起担任SolarCity Corporation的各种财务和会计职务。在此之前,他于1999年7月至2016年3月受雇于PricewaterhouseCoopers在印度和美国。
Vaibhav Taneja,served as Tesla's Chief Accounting Officer since March 2019, as Corporate Controller from May 2018, and as Assistant Corporate Controller between February 2017 and May 2018. Mr. Taneja served in various finance and accounting roles at SolarCity Corporation from March 2016. Prior to that, Mr. Taneja was employed at PricewaterhouseCoopers in both India and the U.S. between July 1999 and March 2016.
Tom Zhu

Tom Zhu,自2023年4月起担任Tesla, Inc.汽车业务高级副总裁。Zhu先生于2014年4月加入Tesla, Inc.,在被任命为大中华区副总裁之前担任过多个运营职务,负责上海超级工厂的建设和运营。Zhu先生拥有奥克兰理工大学信息技术商业学士学位和杜克大学工商管理硕士学位。

Tom Zhu,has served as Tesla, Inc. Senior Vice President,Automotive since April 2023. Mr. Zhu joined Tesla in April 2014,and served in various operational roles before being appointed as Vice President,Greater China,where he led the construction and operations of Gigafactory Shanghai. Mr. Zhu holds a bachelor's degree of commerce in information technology from the Auckland University of Technology and an M.B.A. from Duke University.
Tom Zhu,自2023年4月起担任Tesla, Inc.汽车业务高级副总裁。Zhu先生于2014年4月加入Tesla, Inc.,在被任命为大中华区副总裁之前担任过多个运营职务,负责上海超级工厂的建设和运营。Zhu先生拥有奥克兰理工大学信息技术商业学士学位和杜克大学工商管理硕士学位。
Tom Zhu,has served as Tesla, Inc. Senior Vice President,Automotive since April 2023. Mr. Zhu joined Tesla in April 2014,and served in various operational roles before being appointed as Vice President,Greater China,where he led the construction and operations of Gigafactory Shanghai. Mr. Zhu holds a bachelor's degree of commerce in information technology from the Auckland University of Technology and an M.B.A. from Duke University.