

截至2024-09-20,6个月以内共有 4 家机构对裕太微的2024年度业绩作出预测;
预测2024年每股收益 -2.73 元,较去年同比下降 39.29%, 预测2024年净利润 -2.18 亿元,较去年同比下降 45.28%

年度 预测机构数 最小值 均值 最大值 行业平均数
2024 4 -3.24 -2.73 -1.69 1.38
2025 4 -2.95 -2.13 -1.02 1.88
2026 4 -1.40 -0.50 0.54 2.39
年度 预测机构数 最小值 均值 最大值 行业平均数
2024 4 -2.59 -2.18 -1.35 15.94
2025 4 -2.36 -1.70 -0.82 20.61
2026 4 -1.12 -0.40 0.43 25.17



机构名称 研究员 预测年报每股收益(元) 预测年报净利润(元) 报告日期
2024预测 2025预测 2026预测 2024预测 2025预测 2026预测
中邮证券 吴文吉 -2.78 -1.60 0.26 -2.23亿 -1.28亿 2100.00万 2024-08-30
华泰证券 谢春生 -3.24 -2.95 -1.40 -2.59亿 -2.36亿 -1.12亿 2024-08-29
华泰金融(HK) 黄乐平 -3.20 -2.94 -1.40 -2.56亿 -2.36亿 -1.12亿 2024-06-16
预测指标 2021(实际值) 2022(实际值) 2023(实际值) 预测2024(平均) 预测2025(平均) 预测2026(平均)
营业收入(元) 2.54亿 4.03亿 2.74亿
营业收入增长率 1861.93% 58.61% -32.13%
利润总额(元) -46.25万 -40.85万 -1.50亿
净利润(元) -46.25万 -40.85万 -1.50亿
净利润增长率 98.85% 11.68% -36647.47%
每股现金流(元) - -1.14 -1.80
每股净资产(元) 4.62 4.83 22.84
净资产收益率 -0.36% -0.14% -9.29%
市盈率(动态) -5290.00 -5290.00 -26.99


买      入 中邮证券:吹尽去年愁,解放丁香结 2024-08-30
摘要:我们预计公司2024-2026年归母净利润-2.2/-1.3/0.2亿元,维持“买入”评级。 查看全文>>
买      入 华泰金融(HK):Destocking to End, New Arrival Sales to Ramp up 2024-06-16
摘要:Motorcomm’s 2023 revenue fell 32.1% yoy to RMB274mn, the attributable net loss was RMB150mn (2022: RMB0.41mn). For 4Q23, revenue rose 5% yoy to RMB110mn but the attributable net loss widened by 28.2% yoy to RMB10.29mn. For 1Q24, revenue rose 35.8% yoy to RMB72.53mn while the attributable NP fel l 101.1% yoy to RMB-54.15mn. We project attributable NP for 2024/2025/2026 at RMB-256/-236/-112mn. Given the scarcity of Ethernet PHY among domestic listed players and growth potential in the switch chip/auto-grade chip segments, we value the stock at 18.0x 2024E PS, above its peers’average of 11.4x on Wind consensus. Our target price is RMB90.73 (previous: RMB134.00). BUY. 查看全文>>
买      入 华泰金融(HK):Soft Downstream Demand Weighed on 3Q23 Revenue 2024-06-13
摘要:The earnings decline was mainly due to client destocking amid soft demand. However, we expect revenue to recover gradually with sales ramping up for new products and the end of destocking in 2024. Our 2023E-2025E revenue estimates are unchanged. We lift our R&D expense ratio forecasts due to the company’s focus on R&D. Given the scarcity of Motorcomm’s Ethernet PHY layer/switch chip businesses and its growth potential in switch/automotive Ethernet chips, we value the stock at 21.4x 2024E PS, above its peers’average of 11.8x on Wind consensus. Our unchanged target price is RMB134. BUY. 查看全文>>
买      入 华泰金融(HK):Rare Ethernet PHY Chip Manufacturer in China 2024-06-12
摘要:We are optimistic about the development of Motorcomm Electronic Technology (MET), a rare Ethernet physical layer (PHY) chip manufacturer in China. 1) PHY chips: driven by a chip shortage, sales of its 1,000M PHY chips have rapidly increased, with sales of multi-port/2.5G chips poised to rise in the future, in our view. 2) Switch chips: we expect sales of its 5-port/4+2-port & 8-port switch chips to ramp up in 2023/2024. 3) Automotive PHY chips: the company focuses on R&D of automotive PHY chips, automotive TSN switch chips, and gateway chips. Given the scarcity of MET’s Ethernet PHY/switch chip businesses among listed peers in China, as well as its strong revenue growth potential, we value the stock at 21.4x 2024E PS, above its peers’average of 11.5x on Wind consensus. Our target price is RMB134. Initiate at BUY. 查看全文>>
买      入 民生证券:2023年年报及2024年一季报点评:业绩阶段性承压,持续研发筑基成长 2024-04-30
摘要:投资建议:公司作为国内以太网物理层芯片稀缺标的,横向拓展交换芯片、网关芯片等,纵向推进5G以上更高速率PHY芯片研发。目前行业景气度迎来复苏,新品有望逐渐放量贡献成长动能。预计2024-2026年公司营收4.21/7.44/11.35亿元,当前市值对应PS为13/7/5倍,维持“推荐”评级。 查看全文>>


评级 说明
公司评级 报告发布日后的12个月内,公司的涨跌幅度相对同期沪深300指数的涨跌幅为基准
买 入/推 荐 相对大盘涨幅大于10%
增 持/谨慎推荐 相对大盘涨幅在5%~10%之间
中 性/持 有 相对大盘涨幅在-5%~5%之间
减 持/卖 出 相对大盘涨幅小于-5%